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Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Gotta get well Haruto!

Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:14 am
Arriving to the hospital, he would sigh, with the boy in his arms, zen would step in the hospital the cool air that went by, he would look around for some help. Rushing over to the desk, he would turn to the lady. " Hey, I was training with this kid, and thing's got out of hand as you can see!" Zen stated, he would wait for some help to come get the kid, once the doctors came, he would release the boy to them. " Hey haruto don't worry about nothing I'll be early in the morning!" Zen stated, his injuries might have required surgery, the boy wasn't indeed going home tonight perhaps early in the morning. But zen would be watching over him every step of the way.

After leaving the hospital, he would head over to the store, perhaps pick up a few snacks for the kid some to drink as well. he wanted to show him that he was sorry for doing this to him.
Haruto Hikari
Haruto Hikari
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Re: Gotta get well Haruto!

Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:20 am
Groggily Haruto heard the man say he would be back in the morning. He sure hoped not. This was ridiculous. You don't punch a person you just met in the head repeatably. He was moved to a room where presumably they would preform some sort of surgery on his face. He didn't realize the scope of the damage, and decided sleeping would probably be a better use of his time. His nap earlier had of course been rudely interrupted, so he needed to catch up.
Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Re: Gotta get well Haruto!

Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:34 am
Arriving to the store, zen would rush and grab some candy, and some water. Once he purchased the few items, he would rush back over to the hospital still running full speed, he wanted to get there by the boy side fast. Once arriving, he would get the boy room number, and make it over to him, noticing the doctors working on him, he would step in. " hey doc, is he gonna make it?" Zen asked, he wanted to see if he screwed the kid over for life. " Well, indeed, he is going to make it, just have to snap his nose back in place, and clean up his wounds, then after that, you can consider him brand new." Zen would sigh, walking over to the chair, he would put the boy candy down and his water. Closing his eyes, zen would take a nap for time being.

Waking up, he noticed the doctors was gone from the room, it was indeed just him and haruto. Standing up zen would look at the sleeping boy. " Guess I'll let him catch up with his sleep.." As if the boy woke up from the long night, he probably wanted some fresh air, who knows?
Haruto Hikari
Haruto Hikari
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Re: Gotta get well Haruto!

Thu May 01, 2014 12:16 am
Haruto woke up slowly, but in a better mood. Mainly because this room was nice and cool, and no psychopath was beating him up. His stomach turned when he noticed the man sitting there. "Oh. Its you. Anything I can help you with?"
He tried to keep the edge out of his tone, because getting murdered in the hospital wasn't really something he was looking forward to.

Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Re: Gotta get well Haruto!

Thu May 01, 2014 1:38 am
Zen would only laugh. " Nothing kid, but you almost had me though, here, I got you some candy!" Zen would toss the bag on top of the boy stomach just before pulling a chair up. With a smile on his face, he would sigh. " Dude, I'm sorry for beating the crap out of you, as if that makes you feel better. But, I'm still indeed pissed, you got blood on my clothing, my brand new clothing, so it's going to cost ya 400 ryo! or you can just pay me three hundred of it, up to you!" Zen would say, he was indeed serious, but he hated to take the boy cash, from even though he might need it for his medical bill. " Well, come to think of it, I'll let you slide for now! anyways, imam see you tomorrow, but this time. it's going to be a little nicer. I want be smashing your face in again ahahaah trust me." Walking away, zen would still be smiling, he enjoyed the boy time indeed, though they was going to meet up once again, sooner or later, he didn't really know. Leaving the hospital, zen would head off for home.

Haruto Hikari
Haruto Hikari
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Gotta get well Haruto! Empty Re: Gotta get well Haruto!

Thu May 01, 2014 2:38 am
Haruto appreciated the candy and the agy. It gave him a better impression of the man. He went from crazy lunatic, to candy giving lunatic. That was only slightly better, but it would at least give the man another chance. After the man, left, Haruto was released from the hospital. His face would heal up eventually they said, not that it bothered him too much. Making good on his throughts yesterday, he headed to the academy.

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