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Hozuki Murakami
Hozuki Murakami
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Wed May 28, 2014 2:30 pm
Type:Intel, Assassination
Character Requirements:Genin Team/Chuunin or Higher
Mission Location:Village
Word Count Requirements:10,000
Reward:5000 ryo

Task: There has been a report that two A-rank missing ninjas are doing illegal sells in Sunagakure No sato. Your task is to find their location, and take as much as information as possible, and you must battle both of them to the death before leaving. Be sure to report your acquired and the captured person to your kage.

Every village has its shady side of town, you know the place, the shady alleys and shifty hooded guys. Sunagakure was no different, but the one thing that set it apart from all the others was the amount that people cared about keeping the neighborhood and market clean. One day, a report had come in from an anonymous source detailing how some ninjas - missing nin no doubt had been selling some unsavory things such as weapons or illegal organs. At first it was treated as mere hearsay, but after these thing started suracing in police searches and in the hands of criminals, something had to be done. A team of Suna ninjas had been assigned the task of cleaning up the streets: Hozuki Murakami, Zen Nara, and Haruto Hikari were the guys chosen for the job. A newly formed team of Genin/Chuunin that had come to put a stop to this, it was a dangerous job and the paramters were: Kill the law breakers and find out their smuggling route.

Murakami was extremely excited about this task after reading the mission brief that he had gotten from the government. It was a high payout job: 5000 ryo apiece for getting some information and killing two guys. It would be his first time doing such a gruesome thing, but it was a mission from his village and there would be some great rewards involved. The first thing to do would be to find the kinds of things they were selling to figure out what kinds of criminals they were dealing with. Heading off to the evidence room with his teammates they found a pile of dangerous weaponry all S/A rank level contraband. Weapons that could slaughter many innocent villagers and all very unstable and dangerous and organs probably stolen from the innocents they killed. After looking over the evidence it was clear: these weren't your average criminals, but rather some high level missing nin operating. Knowing this, Murakami mentally prepared himself for the encounter. Zen, Vergil, Haruto, nobody he had ever met would fall within this category of power.

The next step would be to find the villains and this proved to be the most difficult part of the task, after all such high level missing nin would not be hiding out in some cheap motel or alleyway. They would have their own special hideout with plenty of traps and other things to discourage visitors. The only building that had popped up recently enough and was shady enough to have such a crowd in it was the latest Sandday Inn. It was respectable and had the space and transportation for such an operation to be run from. Heading to the location, Murakami and his team found some suspicious things such as the slightly dazed looking guard, indicating some sort of Genjutsu and the lack of guests in the hotel's registry. The only two people registered as staying there at the moment were: Bob Joe and Harry Williams two very obvious pseoudonyms. Heading up to the penthouse suite were they resided, it was time for action. They were in there with the loud music blaring from inside, but the fight was the most pressing part now. Kicking down the door, Murakami stood there with his teammates facing the two missing nin both with large swords on their backs and masks on their faces. Launching out three invisible chakra threads to attach to the couch, light, and one of the missing nin's faces Murakami deftly pulled the light out of its socket darkening the room with a crash of glass and launched the missing nin towards his partner and the couch towards them as well. However, it was a rudimentary distraction and the missing nin easily dodged around his partner and easily cut through the couch and his chakra thread with his large wicked looking blade. "Damn" thought Murakami "they really are on a totally different level".

[1237 WC my have written too much xD]
Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Wed May 28, 2014 3:21 pm
Zen arrived to the post to see Murakami standing there. Walking over to the boy, he would smirk. " Sup! hope you're loose for this mission homie! We're waiting on one more person then we can start up kiddo. Now, I'm going to go over some information with you since you know how to fight pretty well, you'll be better off fighting with me. Oh wait, I forgot to tell you Haruto will be joining us today, he's pretty smart, so I think he can go get the information for us. Now, continuing on with our private information about fighting these two A-ranks missing nins. We gotta play smart Murakami. From my understanding they been selling illegal stuff in the village, it's up to our Genin team to stop them. But looking at this paper, we must kill both of them, and not only that take their information and report this to our fellow kage.  This shouldn't be hard, you know, I used to be a missing ninja and I know how run wild and other crazy, and for them to make it inside this lovely village is very disrespectful, we must indeed put a end to them and make sure they don't make sunagakure look bad anymore! Now, I got word from a homie I know that the place is a few blocks down, so when haurto arrives here, we can start our go go go go plan and we can get this party going homie." Zen would only say those words, turning, he would smirk at murakmai." You know what dude, you've always been smart, I think you can handle this, but that's why I'm choosing you to go to war with me, you and haruto. Because you two always pays attention on what we have to say and all that other stuff. and now that we're a team, it's really up to us to put a stop to stuff like this. Now, just stay loose like I am and we can handle this right. oh yeah, watch those A-ranks sneaky attacks, been there done that." Zen stated out once again. Just before turning back to the post waiting for haruto arrival, it wouldn't take the boy to long to get here, hopefully, he'll come in a few minutes. The team would have to go in smooth and not to hard. catch those two a-ranks and kill them, and then grab the information and leave. This would be that hard. " Oh yeah also, we might have to sneak in murakami, I think they have guards I'm not to for sure, I should have scoped the area out just before we came, but we can go around back, it'll be much better that way homie." Zen said, he would then step over to the side and wait for haruto. The boy was almost late, and it was game time. the team was ready to go hard and go out.

Taking off his backpack that was filled with their weapons and other useful stuff. he would sigh. " Alright I'm going to put Haruto's stuff on top of this table." Zen would place a kunai on the table and a exploding tag. Turning to Murakami, he would give him two kunai and a exploding tag. " Put those away, we must approach them as if we was unarmed." Zen stated, he would then reach in his back pulling out his Ski Mask, and his silver katana which was inside his sheath. attaching it firmly on his right hip, he would place the ski mask on his face, tossing the back pack to the side, he would stand and smile. " I think we're ready homie."

Waiting for the action to begin, he would wait for things to get started, he didn't know whether where to start next, the plan wasn't going to jump off not until haruto came, he was the last piece that was missing from this apple pie. Once he arrived, Zen might as well make room in his ryo shoe box for his big mansion. As an matter of fact, it was being added onto. he was pretty sure he will be the next big thing if things jump off right, hell they better not mess up. This should be really easy. And it wasn't even hard for Zen, what's two a-ranks to him? that's like taking candy from a baby. Should be very easy, more like him and Vergil's mission hopefully. That went very smooth and well. in fact, it was one of the fastest missions ever. he wondered if they business got shut down? there have been reports on that citizens didn't hear anything anymore. Which was very well, all they had to do was make sure no one else was trying to get in and do something like this or illegal labs and other stuff.

Hopefully this will be the last clean up though, but  this was more of something crazy, who makes illegal sells in a big village like this? pretty smart, but come on, this had to be stopped very soon, but this mission might have been long, but not that long, you have to do what you got to do. And this mission was on another level. " Oh yeah one more thing Murakami, be sure not to take this fight for an joke. go all out, note these missing ninjas will kill you, but it's all on me, I must protect you both, but when you got that head band you didn't sign up to be a punk. I think you'll do great, you and haruto. You know why? because you two is smart. You can handle situations like this. and I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little nervous hahaha" Zen said. he would move around a little and watch out for haruto. the damn boy was just taking his time once again.

Though it was okay, the team would have to wait until night fall, when all the citizens is up and gone. Due to the fact, if zen had to let off a few water techniques here and there, he didn't want to startle any citizens and have them running all over the place, in fact, he wanted to make sure they was in their homes. So it was best for the team to find a spot right in front of the place, camp out there, and wait until night fall, it'll be dumb for them to just rush in and do something so crazy.


OOC: add up each other word counts.. don't just do yours..
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:24 pm
( Going to join this)

Vergil was in a rush once he got the news that three of of team members was about to go on a dangerous mission by themselves. Knowing they had Zen with them, but still, you do not do something like this without the leader, but oh well, the man knew they was smart and ready for situations like this. But he wanted to make sure everything went well and no one will get hurt during this mission. Vergil got word that the three haruto, Murakami, and Zen, was about to take on two A-rank Missing ninjas. He knew he would have to step in and assist them with all he could do. With the man being chuunin and all, it was always his duty to help people that was in trouble and other stuff. Once at the post, he would look around, noticing Zen placing weapons of for the three, but he could only spot Murakami and Zen, where was Haruto? perhaps he was late who knows? or vergil got there in time. under these speculations the boy would rush over to them and smirk.

" Now, you know you need me! It's funny though, I had to find out this type of information threw some ANBU! how could you all do such a thing? knowing this is for a Genin team, but fighting two A-rank Missing nins is just beyond crazy. let me tag along for help. it'll be much better and safer. and due to my plans being on another level of pages. I'm pretty sure we can do this guys." The man would sigh. vergil would then look at the table that had a kunai and exploding tags on it. He already came prepared with his own set of weapons. Even though his body did enough damage.

" Okay, this is how it's going down! Me and Zen would be fighting the A-ranks, Murakami, you can go grab the information and leave. I shall be coming out within seconds dragging the two a-rank missing nins bodies. Now bare with me and let's do this for sunagakure!" Vergil was in a great mood, in fact, he was ready to do this even though on a short notice. but anything for his team members that was just being old school with the situation. The man really didn't know if haruto was going to show up or not. But it really didn't matter, as long as they had Vergil, Murakami, and Zen, the village will stand for another day.

While standing there, he would wait for the two to prepare themselves for the mission. it was just like yesterday when him and Zen did a mission together, in fact it was very interesting, though he got word they did take down that lab and made sure another one didn't come which was awesome. he always wanted to go out and do missions with this boy again, he didn't think they'll be at it like this though. But who cares? as long as the job got done that's all it matters. Looking over the mission information, Vergil would make sure he was understanding them right, and indeed he was. Now all they had to do was make sure everything go well and murakami would follow the directions. it was going to be a long day and night. he didn't know how strong these two a-ranks was, but he really didn't care, who was going to step up to the plate anyways?

it was good to see those three Genin ready to defend the village though, it was always good to see ninjas ready for action at anytime even on short notice, it was what they was born for. Once prepared up. He would smirk. Waiting at night time wasn't a bad idea anyways. it'll be better to catch them in action preforming sells, more of that equals more evidence. And they could build upon this, perhaps hit the paper who knows? Walking off, the team captain would signal Murakami and Zen to follow him. he wasn't to for sure haruto was going to join or not due to his very late appearances but vergil didn't care, the boy was pretty fairly weak, and he was probably somewhere training and doing something very constructive with his life for once.  " Alright fellas, I think haruto isn't going to make it, so it's up to us to make sure this mission goes well and right! so follow me, we gonna stalk this place out first. wait till night fall, then we can rush in like we own in it and get to work. Also Murakami, I want you to sneak in behind the building, I heard that was a single window with a ladder under it, perhaps you can climb it and sneak in. That'll give you the upper hand on taking the information and getting away with it. As for me and Zen, we'll be busy breaching at the front door. Making sure they get this action."

Vergil would sigh wants he stated those few words. With his arms folded, he would turn to Zen, " why the hell are you wearing a Ski mask? we not going to rob the place!" Vergil said, he knew Zen was always the crazy one in the group, always trying to put tricks up his sleeve and do crazy stuff. but it really didn't bother him, knowing that the boy was good at what he did though, vergil could give him that. And as for murakami, he was always the type of person to handle the things the best way he could, he learned that from Zen perhaps, knowing they kick it together.

leading the team to their destination point, the man was not excited but yet excited, he was finally able to show his team something they didn't know about him though, but Vergil wondered, how shoulder he take out his opponent? perhaps a hard hit of the trigrams? if not that one hitter quitter? vergil wasn't to for sure, but anything could help for now. But he really didn't know just yet.

Hozuki Murakami
Hozuki Murakami
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:52 pm
[I already attacked the missing nin in my post, but wtv I guess I'll just follow how it’s going]

Well, the mission had taken an interesting turn. Haruto didn't show up making Murakami suspicious that he had possibly joined the enemy or betrayed the village. But a quick glance off the roof of the building informed him otherwise. He had simply severely overslept! In any case this mission couldn’t wait and Murakami was forced to call the village headquarters to check in with them about how to further proceed. They had chosen to send the Chuunin from their team, Vergil Uchiha.

It was going to be an interesting experience fighting with him. Murakami had probably only witnessed a small fraction of his power back when they were forming the team. “It’ll be a good reference for when I take the Chuunin exams” thought Murakami. Judging by Zen and Vergil’s responses they seemed to know each other fairly well. In addition their getup seemed to be for a stealth mission rather than a head on assault. Zen looked pretty ridiculous with his ski mask, it was rather bulgy since he had to stuff all of his braids inside it, but it did do well blending in with the dark surroundings.

Vergil, the new “team leader” due to his higher standing in the village gave Murakami the order to climb up the fire escape in the back. It was a sort of lame job, but admittedly he wasn’t that good at frontal assaults. Zen and Vergil were going to go in the front and Murakami would provide support from the back. Putting on a black facemask as well Murakami got ready. “Ninja supplies? Check. Shoes tied? Check. Sneaky mode? On.” Activating his chakra suppression skill he lowered his chakra level down to the level of an average civilian, someone that nobody would presume to be a ninja.

Luckily they were far away enough that if the Missing Nin had a sensory ninja it wouldn’t be noticeable that a ninja level chakra had disappeared. It was the first time that he had used this skill in a combat situation, but there always has to be a first time. Once again checking that he had all the supplies and equipment, Murakami he signaled to Zen and Vergil that he was going to get going. Walking down the alleyway he near the hotel, he turned to the back and found the fire escape just as planned.

It was a rusty old thing despite how new the hotel was. Clearly the construction had been skimped considerably. Grabbing on to the railing Murakami hoisted himself onto the steps of the fire escape. Climbing up gingerly to make sure that he made as little noise as possible Murakami made his way up. Along the way there was mostly lame things going on in the rooms that he could see into like people lying around watching TV and people eating food. Judging by that Murakami determined that the Missing nin were by themselves and didn’t have any surprise reinforcements in the rest of the hotel.

Once Murakami reached the level that the Missing nin were staying in he quickly ducked under the window so they couldn’t see him. Crawling over to the edge of the platform he got a pebble lying on it and threw it over to Vergil and Zen. Hopefully they would catch the signal that he was ready. Just to be safe, Murakami decided h would send a more noticeable message as well. He took out a bottle of spray paint and sprayed a nice large red square. The vandalism didn’t really matter anyways, the building would probably be torn down when it was discovered that criminal activities went on here regularly.

After completing his work of art Murakami climbed back to his position under the window sill. Looking over he saw another window that was open. Peeking over slightly he saw where the missing in were. Shooting out three chakra threads to attach to the three lightbulbs on the ceiling of the room Murakami was ready to put the lights out when the ambush started. He also made sure to suppress the chakra of the threads so as to make them invisible.

Just for fun, Murakami also attached a thread to one of the plates of food in the room. Maybe later after the mission he could have some dinner! Crouching back down out of sight Murakami was more than ready. The only thing he could hope for was that Zen and Vergil were ready. Glancing down towards the street he made sure they were going and judging by their speed, Murakami got ready to pull the lighbulbs from their sockets and plunge the room into darkness giving Vergil and Zen the advantage of surprise and darkness to hide in if things got hairy.

It never hurt to be extra prepared, so Murakami also got his Mist Technique ready for further distraction when the fight started. Sitting back and relaxing slightly he was absolutely sure that he had done everything within his power to support his teammates. Unfortunately he would have to leave a lot of the straightforward fighting with his teammates since he wasn’t very skilled at Ninjutsu or Taijutsu and his first puppet was still in the workshop being built. Hopefully after that was finished he would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of his team.

Shaking himself out of his daydreams, Murakami thought “What am I doing? I should be focused on the mission at hand, not the future. People could die because of my carelessness!” Reaffirming his will Murakami once again steeled himself for the upcoming conflict. As soon as that door opened the Missing Nin would have a nasty surprise from front and back with low visibility preventing them from countering and hopefully netting some useful information, a big bag of ryo, and two missing nin heads to mount on their list of achievements.

Zen Nara
Zen Nara
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:33 pm
Zen saw Vergil approaching the area, and he smirked, he knew the leader wasn't going to let them down! Though, he wondered what happened to Haruto? it was sad that he couldn't make it, and better yet, he was missing out on so much fun! though if Haruto did come, he could have made this much easier for them, but two against three gave them the higher hand, not to mention they had vergil with them. Once the plan was on, he would tighten up his ski mask, standing by the building door, Murakami would already be at the back of the building sneaking in.  So far so good! While at the front door, he would pull out his katana, their mission was simple, kill the two  A-ranks grab their information, clear the scene and report this to their kage or higher ranker. Zen knew Vergil would take them down fast, but Zen wanted in on one. Gripping his katana, he would sigh. " Alright Vergil, let's do this!" stpeping back, he would look at the wooden door, it wouldn't be nothing to knock it down, but it'll take full strength, but Zen didn't know how they was planning on the inside, perhaps they already had a hands up on this bust? but they wasn't getting away today,both of them was leaving out in a body bag. Once ready, Zen would pull back and reach forward with his leg, with full strength, he would knock down the wooden door and bust in. quickly roll on the ground, he would stand, Turning to both A-ranks, they would stand and turn towards the door from their project. Murakami should be already upstairs gathering up all of the information, while Vergil and Zen was at the 1st floor kicking ass. Zen wouldn't waste no time, due to the sun shining in the window, this was a real simple manipulation, their shadows grew against the wall, with Zen shadow growing as well, it'll attach itself to their shadows which costed Zen to have full on control, this was funny, it happens when people tries to play chicken with a boss!

Once in his stance, and the manipulation was on, the boy would attempt to preform shadow sewing technique. Due to the two A-ranks apposing to have no weapons on them, this bust indeed caught them off guard, but who to say they couldn't just pull one out? while manipulating their shadows, that's what exactly took place, Zen couldn't even really finish due to the a-rank missing ninja to the left pulling out that kunai and aiming it at his stomach. due to that attack, Zen would quickly leap over behind some old dusty boxes, the kunai would hit the wall that was behind him, with the two a-ranks now on the loose, he knew they was tring to find some type of weapon and fight back! these guys was no joke, they was about their business and only business, but sadly, they business was about to be shut down. Once Zen stood up, he would spot one of the guys going up the stairs to get something, dashing from over the boxes, he would grab him by his leg, pulling the man down from the stairs, he would aim a punch for his face, but with the second a-rank missing ninja that was still looking for a weapon, Vergil should already be in the building ready for action, but Zen would have to act for his own for now. While dragging the man down the stairs, the two would already start tussling, rolling around on the ground fighting each other, but the second a-rank would probably already be busy with Vergil. due to the fact, he was standing right behind Zen, and the fight was already starting, but the boy couldn't see anything, he was busy fighting with the first a-rank, but this guy hands felt like rubber, it was awkward, in fact, this was Zen first fight ever with a missing ninja indeed.  But this will be over soon. Once the man rolled them over by more boxes, Zen's katana that already fell on the floor, he would try to reach for it, though this guy was putting up a fight, reaching down to his left boot, he would pull out a simple kunai and aim it for the a-rank leg. if that was successful, zen would smack him in the mouth and quickly stand and preform Water Release: Water Prison Technique (Suiton: Suirō no Jutsu) " Snake → Ram → Horse → Hare → Ram → Horse → Hare → Snake → Ox → Clap Hands" If that was successful the first a-rank would be trapped inside a water bubble only for a few moments, which was more than enough time for him to gather himself together. But he wondered on how the other two was doing? 

But Murakami was the lucky one, he got the easy job, take the information and bounce, and Vergil and zen would be at the 1st floor taking care the big business, but zen was hoping the boy wouldn't jump in cause he seemed like the fighting type of person, but due to how weak Murakami was compared to these a-ranks, it would have been hard for him. But as long as Vergil was with them, they was going to handle this real nice and fast. but the fight was going pretty well for now, but Zen was still thinking about Murakami, hopefully he already got the information and bounced, perhaps he was already waiting out front? but it was probably not that easy, gathering information you have to be smart with it, evidence is always over powered and you really need that. Now back to Zen, he wondered what he was going to do about this guy whenever he gets out of this water prison, but either way, Zen knew he was going to have to kill him, he couldn't leave the place until then, but the water prison was sent out to buy him some time to catch up. once the prison was done, it'll be a clean win for Zen, due to the release, the zen would already be all over him.

Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
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Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:34 pm
Vergil would smirk, the plan was going well, Murakmai was going around back to sneak in, and Vergil and Zen was getting ready to breach the door and enter. Once Zen kicked open the Door, the two A-ranks took action, with one Zen was already fighting and look likes he was doing great, Vergil would laugh at his opponent, he was busy searching for a weapon, but he obviously didn't know Zen had a second player with him, a very strong second player. Activating his byakugan, now with these circumstances, the man would waste no time, charging over to his opponent, he would preform the Eight Trigrams: Sixty Four Palms, due to Vergil's strength stat, this attack would crush and kill the A-rank missing ninja, his fight was already over, as if this was successful, Vergil would crush the man's chest and cost both lungs to collapse, this will kill the A-rank easily. As if this was done correctly, which Vergil knew it was going to be, the man would begin to help out Zen a bit, due to him struggling with his opponent. With his byakugan still activated, the man would turn forward and feel Murakami's chakra signature, he was already indeed upstairs working on his project. Turning down to Zen, he would see he placed his opponent in some type of water prison technique. Stepping to the left side, the man would make a fist. 

" Hey, Zen! You need some help there or what? looks to me your struggling, look at how fast I took down my opponent, it pays off for having such wondering gift. But yeah if you need some help please let me know, I'll be over here searching for some type of information." 

Vergil stated, in fact, he would be joking with Zen, he was actually calling him weak, but the man wasn't to for sure how their fight was going to end, hopefully Zen didn't need his help, in fact, he loved a strong genin that can stand for his own, but Vergil didn't want to take any chances, turning back to the fight he would focus on it, making sure everything we according to plan. Now under these circumstances, the man was ready for anything his byakugan was activated and he was ready for some type of action, though his opponent was dying slowly from every deep breath he took. Vergil was now happy indeed that he got his job done, but now it was Zen's and murakami turn to handle business. Though, it was only better if Vergil would begin to find information, perhaps something Murakami could be missing? quickly making his way over to the file cabinet, he would pop it open, looking threw some files, the man would pull out ever single one, it was obviously their connections. This was a huge step right here, Vergil had all their Connections in his hands. Placing that on the table, he would look at what they was doing, it appears they was already mixing some type of drug together, and it had a few stolen goods stashed out. Illegal sells huh? they was pretty good at what they was doing, but the ANBU'S of sunagakure must block people like this, though nowadays they be  hiding their appearance, and comes to find out the next day they then let missing ninjas in the village. But it's not a stop and go type of thing, you is welcome here anytime, only the out standing ones get stopped, but Vergil wasn't to for sure up to now, though the mission was almost done, the bust was fine and everything was well, all he had to do was wait for wait for Murakami and Zen.

Once he threw the files in the backpack, he would rush up the stairs wher ehe would find Murakami searching threw their paperwork. " Any luck yet? I was able to get their connect names and other useful stuff, but from the looks of it, it appears this is one of their desks, so I'm for sure there is some type of information. wait see that?" Vergil would point to the cabinet, it looked like it held something very useful in it. " Hey lets pop that sucker open and see what we get!" Vergil stated, he would wait for Murakami to make his way over tot he cabinet to see what was up.

While standing back Vergil would let him lead the way towards the cabinet. Still hearing Zen making noise with his opponent, it appears he was preparing himself for a kill shot on his next attack! But the man wasn't to for sure just yet. But the team would have to wait and see, instead of him helping Zen, he would attempt to help Murakami with the information searching, he knew for sure Zen could handle himself, but his fight wouldn't be to long, he already had the man in a water prison, all he had to do was capitalize, and end his fight very cleanly. But it was awkwardly funny on how vergil wrecked his opponent so fast and dropped him, with 32 kill shots of over powered strength to the lungs. While still waiting for Murakmai to handle his business, he would sigh. This mission was pretty awkward to take upon, but it was nothing like helping out the village, but the man had better stuff to be doing, like cleaning out his cave, and perhaps hanging around waiting for trouble, he shouldn't have been here knocking lungs down and laughing, but it was his title as a leader of this team to handle business like this. 

But why was they wearing ski masks like a bunch of clowns? the men was dead, it wasn't like they was going in to rob them and burn the building down. i guess the two like to have fun with their work? but the ski masks was just spice things up a bit? Vergil wasn't to for sure, but he'll love to get down to the bottom of this after their done with such mission.


-1 AP for activating Byakugan.
Hozuki Murakami
Hozuki Murakami
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:52 am
Murakami carefully observed Vergil and Zen entering the building. He waited a few more minutes to confirm that their battle had already started. He was much weaker than A rank Missing Nin and didn’t want to be caught up here with them by surprise. It would be best to get the information they needed and get out. Looking inside the room again he was surprised by the lack of obvious sources of information. There were no inconspicuous filing cabinets and no books lying around. It seemed that those Missing nin had taken all the precautions to make sure they didn’t give away any information.
“Damn” thought Murakami, he was no expert with information or where people hid things. However his experience with puppets had taught him something about hidden mechanisms and traps. The first thing he noticed when he went into the room was the glimmering. “What?” thought Murakami before realizing the room was filled with trip wires. Probably attached to explosive tags to destroy the evidence and the guy who went in there.  Glancing down the length of the wire in the room he confirmed that they were indeed attached to explosive tags. This meant he couldn’t simply set off the traps and walk in. He would have to carefully disable them.
Taking a kunai out from his pocket, Murakami attached a chakra thread to it so he could manipulate it more easily. Carefully easing it into the room he got to work. It was difficult to see due to the darkness but his eyes quickly adjusted and he found that he could work more efficiently. The way to disable the wires was to carefully saw through them. With too much vibration they would detonate, but if you were careful enough you could cut through them without setting them off.
After he had gone through about 20-30 wires, Murakami was getting frustrated. There seemed to be no end to the number of wires in the room. Considering the Missing nin were so thorough it was likely that they had placed other traps around the room as well. “I don’t have time for this!” Murakami thought angrily “I don’t know when the Missing nin might come back!” In order to expedite the process Murakami used 10 chakra threads attached to 10 kunai to cut ten times as many wires at once. However, it was much more exhausting and difficult to do so. Paying attention to 10 blades that could blow up the room was pretty pressuring as well.
After Murakami finished he was exhausted, his fingers twitched with pangs of pain. However, it still wasn’t time to rest. Walking into the room Murakami noticed a slight depression as he came in and the whoosh of kunai. Turning himself into water they passed through him and let it continue until all the traps were out of ammo. “Damn that was close” thought Murakami as he reformed himself. It was lucky that I was able to notice the pressure pad and the sound of the kunai.
Turning finally to the task at hand Murakami began to think about where he would hide the information. “Under the bed?” Nope, it wasn’t there. He would have to think more like a pro, like it was something that could mean the death of him. First he would have to consider where the traps were placed. It was very likely that they would be placed to stop intruders from getting to the information cache. Remembering the layout of the wires Murakami recalled there was a larger cluster of them around the bathroom door. Walking over to the bathroom, Murakami tried the doorknob, but it was locked.
“That’s suspicious” thought Murakami, there was obviously no one in there since the Missing nin were downstairs battling Vergil and Zen. Very likely they had locked it to prevent someone from coming in and there was probably a trap on the other side of the door as well. It was a difficult situation he was in. If he couldn’t open the door then what could he do? He would have to break in from the side. Picking up one of the explosive tags on the wall and one of the kunai Murakami began his plan.
Using the kunai Murakami made four holes in the floor down to the room below him Marking the four corners of the bathroom. Hurrying down to the room below him Murakami noted where the holes were and attached explosive tags to each of the corners. Sending his chakra to them they exploded causing the bathroom above to come crashing down. It was a rather crude way of doing this business, but he had no time. Judging by the loud noise it was only a matter of time before the Missing nin came up to investigate.
Rummaging through the debris Murakami came up pretty empty. There were what seemed to be a few pieces of paper, but those were just toilet paper, not anything illegal or suspicious. Moving the plaster, wood planks, and porcelain out of the way there was nothing of interest. That was pretty frustrating; it appeared he had done all that for nothing! However, there was still a place he hadn’t checked, the walls of the bathroom itself. Jumping up he emitted chakra from the soles of his feet which allowed him to stick to the bathroom walls. Walking up he began his investigation once again.
The first thing that Murakami noticed was how it wasn’t really a bathroom at all. The walls were made out of some sort of metal and all the utilities had been stripped off of the walls and filled in. It was an enigma of a room. There were no handles or locks or anything of that sort. It was just a room with smooth impenetrable walls. However, there was one thing that was pretty conspicuous. The light bulb was the only thing left that hadn’t been gotten rid of. “Was it for light” thought Murakami, but no it was more than that.
Reach up to the light bulb Murakami gingerly unscrewed it and discovered that there was a button inside. Reaching in he pressed the button and the walls had little trays open up filled with scrolls and plans. Murakami had no time to investigate the all, he would have to grab and look for questions later. Piling them into his weapon pouch, in his shirt, in his pants, Murakami was ready and he jumped out of the room hit the ground and ran to the rendezvous point at the Kazekage’s office. “We’ll see what the scrolls reveal there.”

[7476/10,000 my 3300 is done.]
Zen Nara
Zen Nara
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 4110

Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:20 pm
Zen gathered himself together and he stood up, noticing Vergil already killing his opponent, Zen would sigh. Pulling out a simple kunai, once the buble released the a-rank, he would rush over to him and begin to stab him none stop. Once the guy hit the ground, Zen would aim the kunai for his head, the first stab would already kill the guy, but after at least thirty stabs to the face, Zen would hop back and laugh, blood that was all over him, he would turn up the stairs where Vergil and Murakami was, " Okay guys, let's get this area cleaned up and closed off!" Zen would quickly drag both dead bodies together, he would grab some scene blocks, and head straight out the front door, with Murakami already going to report the information he got, Zen could only smirk, the boy did his job very good, and this mission was completed, all they had to do was clean up the area. Once Zen blocked off the area, he would notice ANBU'S approaching to assist them. " Yo, I heard you guys call?" Zen would sigh, pointing to the building, he noticed all three of them entering. They was indeed going to help them with this clean up as well. " Yeah, there are two a-rank dead bodies on the ground, one got his lungs dropped, and another one got his face messed up, so try your best not to barf homies!" Zen stated, making his way over to the worried Citizens, but he thought that wouldn't be a good diea, knowing he had blood all over him and such. Removing his ski mask from his face, he would toss it in his backpack, pulling out a white t-shirt, he would remove the bloody one, and clean the blood from his face. Placing the white t-shirt on, he would sigh. Making his way over to the crowd, he would place both hands in the air. " Listen up people, go back to your homes, I can for surely tell you that being here is not a good thing. this is now a crime scene area, so please go back to your homes." Zen noticed them listening and they indeed turned around and headed back inside their homes. Turning to scene, he would watch as the ANBU'S drag both bodies out, placing a long black blanket over them, Zen would begin to walk back inside. Looking around, he would make his way back to Vergil, he was indeed still upstairs taking care of business.

Once Zen made it up, he would walk over to Vergil, placing his hand on his shoulder, he would smile. " Yo fool! the squad is here, mission completed, aren't you excited? we finally was able to take care of business and do this brother, another bad team off the streets of sunagakure. Now all we got to do is make sure this never happens again, but their going to most likely turn this into another market or something. Once He got in front of Vergil, he would sigh. " man, you know you're strong right? I'm glad to have you as a captain!" Zen stated, though, he didn't really know how to ask, but he knew Vergil didn't care. standing there, zen would pull out a cigar and place it on his lips. " At least we got this out of the way, I'm puzzled, what's next now?" Zen stated, but he noticed the man wasn't replying, perhaps he was busy thinking? 

Taking out a lighter, he would light the cigar, puffing from it, he would sigh once again, he wondered if Murakami knew that he didn't have to go to the kage, but he'll know when he find out later after he'll run a couple more blocks, but this mission was pretty cool and not only that it was fun, perhaps they could get at it once again?  well another mission, something more easier, because he saw how neverous Murakami was, perhaps he'll calm down now. But Zen was still mad at Haruto for not showing up, but zen probably knew why, but then again, that boy was a sour apple. So Zen thought it'll be best for him to stay back anyways.

Zen would only smoke his cigar, and wait for Vergil's reply, hopefully he had something smart to say and none of that crazy non-sense. However, the man was just getting started, in fact, he wanted something more out of Vergil, but he didn't know how to come out and ask, due to the fact the male knew how Vergil could be at times, though his forehead looked pretty cool, but From the way vergil looks,it looked like he been in sunagakure for a very long time, but it was something of a legacy talk. But Zen had no time for all of that, he was too busy enjoying his victory and this mission that they just completed, this was a fact for sure a hard mission. But with a master plan, you can get anything done with a hard swing and a team with you.

The man was just too excited, now when he collected his pay, he wondered if he was going to add on to his mansion, or just keep it like that, but it was something else he wanted to with his ryo. Perhaps fix up his Lab? this is so him and Murakami had something more to do and their life, and he thought this lab would top things off. But it was more of a master plan than anything. But just thinking about how Vergil would have to reply was pretty funny, he probably didn't know what to say and how to say it. 

But Zen knew the kid was smart in all kinds of ways, I mean he was able to come up with this brilliant plan to stop complete this mission. But Zen had to do more cleaning up around the village, therefore he really didn't have much time to talk and play around with Vergil. Walking over to the empty cabinet, he would search it, zen wanted to make sure it was cleaned out well, and it appears Murakami did a great job with that. Making his way over to the downstairs area again, he would notice how the area was being cleaned up well, and it appears the bodies was already taken away. All he had to do was make sure everything else was done right. Once the whole entire building was sweep down very well, Zen would call it quits, this mission had him worn out and tired, and he never really killed someone like he just did, but it was worth it, crazy missing ninjas think they could do anything they want too, but that was about to end, a few stabs to the face messed them up and had both of them on the ground dead, he wondered where did they go? but Zen didn't care all the male wanted to do was make his ryo and handle business, he wasn't the lazy type to play about with business and joke about, instead he was about his business and other useful things.

Smoking from his cigar, he  noticed that they had a lab and everything in here, they was pretty smart indeed, but why they choose this place out of all things, how obvious? well this world nowadays, people just don't think about stuff, instead of acting they just go off the dome and go right at it, but Zen wasn't just to for sure about this other stuff, instead he was just trying to focus on this mission more, the job might have been completed, but there was just to much more of stuff they had to do around the building, perhaps burn it down? no! that'll be crazy to do, instead of burning something down, it can be put to use, perhaps a market or something?

Smoking from his cigar the man would continue to walk around the area, with everyone placed in their homes nicely and comfy, this mission was cleaned up well and not only that, the people here could go back to their homes nice and safe. While walking around, Zen noticed a ANBU approaching him. Standing right in front of them the man would speak. 

" Hello young fella! You did a great job here stopping these guys, you and your team, and your Captain is just amazing!" Zen would sigh in agreement with the man, bowing down to him, he would speak back with the guy. " Yeah you all wasn't so bad yourself, coming here when we called and cleaning up the area very well, we got the citizens under control and everything was just right. I'm proud! we all did a good job, sunagakure is by far the most funnest place to be. and the most polite village ever! we just got to keep clowns like them out of the village, so I'm going to ask you guys to check more, well not go crazy with it, but just look out more be more careful who you let in the village. but I must say, we can not control that, they just let them self in at times, they could barely even stop that, but oh well things will get better! trust me." Zen stated to the anbu as he shook his hand and continued to handle his business around the area.  

With his cigar that he was still smoking, he would quickly remove it from his lips. He sighed, he couldn't wait to tell how good murakami did, the boy played this out smart, and he indeed did very well! this was something that Zen couldn't forget, hopefully they could do something like this again, probably something even better. Zen wouldn't bother to go back inside the building instead, he would wait outside for Vergil to come, he had to seal in some stuff with the ANBU and some other stuff with the team, well actually young Zen, due to the fact Murakami left to go give out some type of information which was cool and smart, all they had to do was play this smart and hang. While they cleaned up this area and have it back open in no time.

Rubbing his hands threw his afro, and he would kick some sand over the blood spot he spotted on the ground, peeking inside the building, he would still see Vergil standing there as if he was in shock or something, perhaps he was still in deep thinking mood, either that or he was going crazy at the wrong point of time. but Zen knew it wasn't even that type of party. The man just wanted to get his ryo and split. but he would indeed have to chat with Vergil, zen already got his words in so it wasn't even that important anymore. but Zen indeed had to share some stuff with Murakami, but he already completed his part during the mission, this was something so easy. 

Turning back to the ANBU'S, he noticed them still working with the area, but Zen would remain with his back against the wall and smoking his cigar, he wondered how amegakure was going again, but he couldn't get that final piece out of his head for some type of reason, instead he wondered how this was going down, though it was pretty much nothing. Amegakure was a huge set back in his life. But that feeling was still on him, but Zen already was a clean person and indeed he was excited about it. the bounce back was exactly what he needed. 

But this was one of those type of missions he would never ever ever try to do again, it was something so hard, but it was simple once they threw the plan together, and vergil couldn't have make it in the perfect time! but it was time to wrap this stuff up for once and for all! This mission took so much work, hopefully there wasn't anymore crazy people running around in the village! this will probably be their last clean up. Zen couldn't wish for anything better.


( I did 2k) 3300/ Vergil be the last post mission will be completed.
Vergil Hyuuga
Vergil Hyuuga
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 16500

Busted [mission haruto, zen] Empty Re: Busted [mission haruto, zen]

Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:56 pm
The man could only sigh at the good work, watching as murakami exited the building, he noticed how fast zen got help to clean up the area, he would only smirk to Zen, he could honestly admit that the boy did do a very great job, all he had to do was make sure everything else went well. Walking own the stairs, he would wrap this up, noticing Zen chilling right there outside by the door, he would pat him on the shoulder. " Good job! I think you will become a very good ninja young Zen! Just stay clean and keep your head up boy, I can honestly say you came in long ways!" Vergil said to Zen, walking over to the ANBU'S, he would report himself in as captain, waiting for the anbu's to approach him, he would bow to them, " I'm vergil Hyuuga, the captain of this team, we did do a very great job with this mission, our plan was smart, we caught them when it was least expected, now since we're done here, I was thinking about taking the team out for dinner or something, but I might catch up with rest, this mission got me bout to faint from all that work i did!" Vergil would say, turning off his byakugan, he would would walk, " Good job Zen and Murakami! hope to see you guys again." The man stated, walking away he would head for the caves, perhaps get some rest until he called out for another one these mission, they was indeed interesting and fun, and they all did a great job with cleaning up the area, and perhaps turning this building into something else? the man wasn't to for sur eyet, but it'll make a nice market. 

Turning back to Zen, the man would be still smirking, this was indeed their second mission together and the boy never let them down not once. He was pretty smart for a Genin, in fact strong that is. Patting the Anbu's on the back as well, Vergil was just too excited himself, the joy hit their faces, they was finally able to bring those tow down and trash them. perhaps there was more they could do around the area? but Vergil wasn't up for anything anytime soon, all he wanted to was rest, thinking back on his ninja life and history, he knew it was about that time he catch up with rest, the caves wasn't to far from here, in fact, just a few hills over. but vergil just couldn't still help the fact on how proud he was of Zen, this mission was a success, and everyone went home safely. Noticing the ANBU'S leaving the area, Vergil would wink, it was now cleaned up and opened, now all they could do was hope that nobody else would return back to that building and start up something new. and the missing ninjas has got to stay out of sunagakure.

Vergil was just to out done with them, but he doubt there will be more in there, in fact, the message probably already got out. Placing his hands inside his jacket pockets, the man would walk away. looking down at the sand, heading straight for the caves where his home was. Perhaps a little song on the way? after this crazy long day! he wondered how the citizens was when they came outside, but at least zen was able to calm them down and help them find them self. Oh well, just another one of those things that was going down in the life of Sunagakure. But with these circumstances, speculations, the man was getting ready to rest up and see what tomorrow brought him, perhaps something more interesting than this day. he could have been at a cookout or something, instead of hanging around with them clowns killing missing ninjas and joking around while doing it. this was something some what of crazy, but at least they got their rewards from doing this mission. 

Though he thought about Zen for a second, he wondered where was he going for tonight, he know the boy barely sleeps, and all he do is train and work hard for the ryo and power! but Vergil wasn't probably even in the mood for more training, but his days was done, he would probably catch up with rest for about a day or two. hopefully zen would keep the village out of harms way. but everything would go perfectly fine. But indeed Vergil wanted to get to know this Murakami guy more, he seemed to do things very well and smart about it too. 

Walking away from the sandy area, he would continue to go with the wind. hopefully he'll get to his cave fast enough just to catch his favorite show, but the tv down there runs pretty badly, but at least he could enjoy himself while he can. Because he had some busy days coming before him. 

But he was still excited on how the did the mission very nicely and clean, this was the best thing that could ever indeed happen! and vergil was there to watch over them, and make sure they did their jobs right! though he only had to take down one person, but he wondered why haruto wouldn't even show up? Vergil barely knew the kid though, but he knew that the boy would have to show up on important mission days like this! letting a team member down without notice is very bad, vergil would have to have a talk with him very soon. but as up to now Vergil only knew one word, and that was sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep!!!! thats all he wanted, and hos feet was swore, it'll take a bucket of ice, the walking over threw hills was going to hurt even more. Perhaps run there with his blitz of speed? but that was going to be a waste of time. He'll have to take his time and try walk at a fast pace, this is so he'll be able to get there faster and handle his business with sleeping. hopefully he wouldn't be needed in anything else.


twc:10540/10,000 (mission completed)
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