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Aya Hiyashi
Aya Hiyashi
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An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Mon May 26, 2014 8:39 am
Aya glared at her mother, her mother glared right back. An argument that had long since become old was now, once again, the subject of their disagreement. What was this argument? Oh, that's easy. It's about Aya Hiyashi's social life.

"I have a social life!"

"Oh really? How many friends can you name?"

"There's Yuki, and Ran and-"

"Who are not related!"

Or... lack of social life.

The teen hung her head, giving an unhappy pout at being stumped by her mother. While she knew that her lack of out-of-family relations was lacking, and that was not exactly healthy, she had been so focused on gaining strength so her village could be proud of her, that she might have, completely unconsciously, shoved her already dismal social life to the side.

"So...?" she ventured carefully, unsure if her mother was still upset.

"So, you are to go out and have fun. Go to the market, or that teashop you like. Hell, even take a walk through the mountains if you have to! Just don't go to the training grounds, and meet some people. Spread those wings of yours and become a social butterfly" her mother said, her impassioned speech almost made Aya forget about that little thing her mother had said.

"But... I might meet people at the-"

"Don't even try it. We both know what will happen" her mother cut in, her blonde hair momentarily obscuring her eyes. A hair cut could not be far off. Sighing, the redhead nodded and turned to leave.

"Alright, I'll head to the teashop, I guess. Do we need anything from the market?" at the negative answer, the redhead quickly hugged her mother before walking out of the door and off down the road. It took her a good ten minutes to reach the tea house, and despite herself she sent in her chakra, trying to count how many people were inside. Unfortunately she could only tell there were people in there, her skill wasn't -as of yet- at the level it needed to be to count individual chakra signatures.

Entering the building, she was immediately hit with the warmth that flood from the kitchen, the various scents from both food and tea -or alcohol- alike, people milling about even though there were only about five patrons. A slow day, it seems. Odd.

Still, she couldn't stop the sigh of relief that escaped her, a reprieve from the cold was always welcomed. A few staff members waved at her, and Aya waved back. Taking her usual seat by the window in the corner, she ordered her usual -large anman dumplings and some sweet tea- before settling down and enjoying the view. It didn't take long for her to grow bored, and idly she wondered how she was supposed to meet people when, really, no one really seemed interesting to her. She knew that meeting some ninja would probably do the job, but surprisingly enough she didn't meet many.

A breeze filtered through the open window, and upon instinct regulated her chakra towards the effected area's, keeping her body warm. She should really change her seat when the weather is cold, which is unfortunately often here.
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Mon May 26, 2014 8:57 am
The sun began to rose for the day, the wind gently blowing against the window, a slight leak made it so the wind whistled through into the room, and between that and the sun touching his skin, Fen woke up, with a yawn and a stretch, his right arm up and his left arm bend back behind his head, he straights his back out aswell by arching it, then he reverses it, streatching his left arm out bending his right arm behind his head as he arched his back, he then swung his legs out of bed and let them touch the warm floor where the sun had touched, and he walked in the sun for about five steps then turned to his left and reached out for a door handle, this was his morning ritual he knew where everything was in this room at this point.

He turned the handle and stepped into the bathroom, taking a step in, and turned to the left and reached out for the sink that always sat there, he would turn on the water and splash his face with the luke warm water, he then turned it off stepped two steps and turned on his shower, at the same temperature of the sink water a moment ago, he would take off his cloths and would take his shower, letting the water run down his skin and hair, as he then lathered up with his soap and washed his hair with shampoo, he would step out of the shower and then dry everything wet off.

He would take the five steps it took across from his bathroom to his closet, he would then turn to the right and there was his dresser, he reached for and opened up his top drawer, he pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a grey tank top to match, he would pull them on, and he would then close the dresser, and reach on top of it for his comb, and he would then comb out his hair making it straight today, and he would then slip on a pair of shoes he used for training, normal running shoes, and he would guide himself down the familiur hallway towards his kitchen.

Once he reached his kitchen he would take the three steps he needed to reach his fridge and he would open it and pull out the breakfast he prepaired the other day just for his training today, everything in it would give him energy and strength to use for the day, Sasuage and potatoes with scrambled eggs, even though they were cold, it as better then nothing, he would eat it at a decent pace, and then would head out his house, and into the nice day for a stroll in the village, the sun had moved into a postion to tell him he took an hour today to get ready and head out.

Fenik would feel his way down through the village, and then a odd smell hit his nose as he walked pass the open window of the tea shop and he stopped, sniffing and turning to face the window, if the girl on the inside was looking outside at the moment, she would easily see the marks on his face and body, as well as his faded eyes that gave away his blindness when they were looked at, and then he would turn and feel is way inside, he felt his way to the first open chair he found and sat down, he looked around for a moment as if wondering what that smell was, he could tell he was close, but still so many smells it was hard to pinpoint, he then would use his ears, and he could hear breathing close to him, he turned to face the direction, and seemed he had accidentally sat at her table, just then a waitress asked him if he wanted anything and he ordered a cup of warm tea and honey, he still look at where the girl was, but just slightly off when a close inspection was done, and he tilted his head and then it dawned on him and he spoke to her with a soft shy voice "oo..Oh my I am sorry, I didnt know this table was taken" he would then begin to lift himself off the seat to move to another table.
Aya Hiyashi
Aya Hiyashi
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An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Mon May 26, 2014 9:20 am
The redhead smiled happily when her order was brought to her, humming gratefully she took a bite out of her dumpling when movement caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Turning, she blinked a few times. A boy, no older than herself, with strange markings on his skin was standing near the window. Obviously he was attracted to the smells wafting out from said window. But her eyes stayed on his markings, were they tattoos? She had never seen anything so intricate in her life. Was someone his age even allowed to have tattoos? Was he part of a clan? That would explain it.

So lost in her thoughts she was, she didn't even notice it when the boy entered. Only coming from her thoughts when he ordered his food. She jumped a little and her anman nearly fell out of her mouth. Now, at this angle, she could study the boy better. His eyes were pale, grey and unseeing. Blind. Obvious sings, she knew, but from the way he moved his body and the lack of movement of his eyes her medical mind deduced he had been this way for a long time. Probably since birth or early childhood.

How very odd. 

Again, she was pulled from her thoughts when he spoke. It was so soft, and she didn't expect it that she did drop her anman, though luckily not the piece she had bitten off. Swallowing quickly -her medic side  admonished her for not chewing properly, she could choke!- and swiftly moved to reassure the boy.

"No!" she said perhaps a little too loudly. Wincing, she cleared her throat "Sorry. No, it's perfectly fine. In fact I would like the company, if you wouldn't mind" she said kindly, her tone softer and more welcoming. She smiled despite herself, and took a sip of her sweet tea. A red haired boy with intricate tattoos, blind but obviously able-bodied. It made him look very fierce. Yet his voice was soft and quiet, and his personality seemed much the same.

"Well, proper manners would dictate I introduce myself" she said amiably "My name is Aya Hiyashi" she said, taking another polite sip of her tea. Idly, she continued to study him -as creepy as that sounds, it's not, more curiosity and medic-based- and found that she could see the lean muscles that his shirt revealed. Ninja maybe? Well, if that was the case then he just became a lot more interesting in her mind. Not that she had anything against civilians but... the ones she had met were more or less the same and had very limited views on the world. She grabbed her bitten anman and took another bite, waiting politely for the boy to reply. If he so wishes.
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Mon May 26, 2014 2:28 pm
As he would hear the voice, he would be able to hear all the subtle tell tale signs of the voice belonging to a female, and as her words sunk in he sat back down with a blush on his face, he never really gotten this close to a female before, after she told him her name, he would reply in his soft voice "Nice to meet you Aya Hiyashi, My name is Fenikkusu Fushichou, Most just call me Fenik, but you may call me whatever you would like" after he finished his sentance he heard himself talking to himself in his head saying 'Smooth there slick, whats next?' All Fenik could think about was telling himself 'Shut up' over and over in his head, so he would continue with some questions. "So Umm What...What eh what do you do, you know for fun and what not" he would gulp from the nervousness and he would get his tea and he would nod a thanks to the woman that dropped off the tea and he gave her a nice little tip and then he sipped his tea.
Aya Hiyashi
Aya Hiyashi
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An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Tue May 27, 2014 10:44 am
The redhead smiled happily as he sat back down, glad to have some company. As much as she had tried to ignore it, loneliness had gnawed at the back of her mind and in a little corner of her heart. It was a loneliness that couldn't be banished by family, unfortunately. The teen blinked when he spoke his name, and laughed a little when he offered to allow her to calm him anything she liked.

"Nice to meet you Fenikkusu Fushichou. While I am not 'Most' I wouldn't mind calling you Fenik. At least until I figure out my own nickname for you" she said in a friendly, if slightly teasing way, and took another bite of her dumpling. Tilting her head at the question, she leant back on her seat as she thought.

With a wince, she realised that her idea of 'fun' and many alternatives were centred mostly around training. Her mother was right, she needed to get out more. She waited until he had taken a sip of his tea before rubbing the back of her neck -nervous habit- and looked out the window -another habit- before answering.

"Fun... um, well learning jutsu is kind of fun. And while I have little experience with training with others, that's sort of fun. Um... Oh!" she jolted into sitting up straight "I really like going to places with a great view, though it normally freezing up there so I can't go up without, like, thirty layers on. But it's really quiet and peaceful, which is a blessing when my family is extra rambunctious" she giggled at that, remembering all the times her relatives had driven her up the mountain peaks. Literally.

"I guess, I don't really do much outside of being a ninja. Like training and researching and the like. Maybe I should get a hobby..." she blushed when she realised she had been babbling a bit, coughing awkwardly she addressed the boy again "Sorry, I was rambling" she took a large gulp of her tea.

"And yourself? What's your idea of fun?" she asked pleasantly, an embarrassed blush still on her cheeks, but it was fading. Luckily she could always fall back on the manners that were drilled into her by her mother.
Kenta Hoshimura
Kenta Hoshimura
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Kenta
Mission Record : [url=-]Mission log[/url]
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Clan Focus : Space/Time
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:23 am
He smiled and nodded to her and said "Well I dont know about the view, but I know a building with an Amazing Breeze, I would like to see what you thought of the view maybe?" He smiled at her, as much training sounded fun, he enjoyed just some normal company, even if he wasnt, he would sip at his tea as he waited to hear her answer
Aya Hiyashi
Aya Hiyashi
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An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:09 am
(Um... Are you in the right thread?)
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:52 pm
((Yes Sorry that is my other Account))
Aya Hiyashi
Aya Hiyashi
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An Odd Meeting (P, NK) Empty Re: An Odd Meeting (P, NK)

Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:03 am
(ah, okay. This is going to be a bit short...)

Aya smiled and sipped her tea "The view is... well, it invokes a sense of awe, excitement and... and reminds me of my duty. Reminds me why I became a ninja, and it strengthens my resolve. It's a lot like my family's saying: A weapon must be tempered many times before it is strong" she grinned "Which brings another saying to mind: Calm the mind, temper the soul, lighten the heart, attain harmony"

The teen cleared her throat, a blush forming on her cheeks "sorry, I sort of completely changed subjects there" she shoved some more of her food in her mouth. After chewing and swallowing, she gave a small smile despite knowing he couldn't see it "And you? Any places you like to be?" she asked, leaning forward a little to get comfortable. She was enjoying the company and conversation.
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