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Learning Transformation Technique Empty Learning Transformation Technique

Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:22 pm
Oturan was late to class that morning. He had slept in, his mother had forgotten to get up herself so there had been no one to wake him up.Oturan’s father had been away on a mission for a few days, so he wasn’t able to wake him up either. So when Oturan had awoken, already an hour late for class, he had rushed to get ready. His hair was even messier then usual, and his breath smelled terrible from a rushed breakfast and noting having brushed his teeth that morning. This is so gross, I hate this feeling. he thought, wishing he could run back home and brush his teeth. But then he would be even later. Reaching the Academy, Oturan stopped at the door, he knew that there would be people looking at him funny when he entered. There would be laughter, he knew that. It bothered him a lot to be laughed at, it was something he hadn’t really gotten used to in his short time at the academy. Other kids liked to make others feel stupid so that they could feel better. I’ll fix that one day though, when I become the Sage. Then I will teach them how they should act. He thought, smiling cheerfully. Even though he doubted he would ever possess the Rinnegan, or maybe even the Sharingan, he had decided that it didn’t matter. One day he would become just like the Sage, and he would bring peace to the world. Just like the original one, and just like Uzumaki Naruto! I wonder if he was a Sage too? Now that he didn’t feel as bad, Oturan opened the door into his classroom. A number of kids were in their seats taking notes, with his teacher up front in his usual spot. His teacher looked at him distastefully, obviously upset that he wasn’t at school on time. Oturan attempted to ignore him, as well as the few giggles he heard from some of his classmates. Even more embarrassed, Oturan made his way over to his seat, which was near the back and between two of his friends. As he sat down, one of his friends leaned over and whispered to him, “dude, what happened? Sensei was pissed when he saw that you didn’t show up. Even that loser that skips every day is here, teach thought he would have perfect attendance for once.” The teacher heard him, and his eyes snapped on to Oturan and his friend, “You two be quiet! Oturan, you have already disrupted class once today, are you really trying to do so again so quickly?” Oturan wished he could turn invisible, as all eyes were on him once again. He normally enjoyed that, but the past few times it had been because he had done something stupid. That wasn’t good at all. “No! No, Sir! I just sat down, and… uh… he just started talking to me.” Oturan responded, still not enjoying all of the negative attention. “Is that so? Well fine, I suppose you are off of the hook this time. But don’t let me catch you again! Now, let’s get back to the lesson.” He smiled at that, and Oturan knew he would be in for another terribly boring session. He listened as his teacher explained to him and the rest of the class how Ninjutsu worked, such as the easily learned transformation jutsu and substitution jutsu. Oturan listened as best as he could, but his teacher delved too far into the mechanics behind each technique. How the hell were they supposed to understand chakra from a mathematical and biological stand point? Most of the students were 11 or 12. And Hasashi himself was 10. My teacher is an idiot…. he thought, as he looked towards the clock, wishing the lesson would end sooner. Hasashi left his classroom brimming with excitement. That class had been terribly boring, but fortunately they got a break that day. And it was to go sparring, of all things! Oturan had always been good at sparring, he would enjoy fighting some of the other kids. As he walked through the halls towards the small sparring grounds, he walked alongside his friends, who were wondering who would be in that days match up. “I hope it is me! I haven’t fought in a few days. I need to find that one kid that kicked me in the face, I’ll show him some moves this time! No doubt about it!” it was the friend who had talked to him before, being as boastful as usual.Oturan only laughed. The kid his friend was referring to was a monster in the sparring ring, and had only been defeated once. That boy let out a chuckle at the remark, Oturan always found it funny that everyone else though they could take that kid on. Oturan had trained for hours every day so that he could beat him. Even then, the kid had nearly beaten him. Oturan hated kids like that, he knew that the kid rarely trained, yet he was so skilled at Taijutsu. Oturan had some talent, but he needed more than that to be good. He couldn’t just sit there during class and not care, and then when it came time to train shine above everyone else. After class was over he left and went to the training field hoping to finish learning the transformation jutsu. Last time he tried it was good but he still had the same color gair when he transformed after hearing his sensei talk about how you do the jutsu he attempted it this one last time. He did the seals while molding a medium size ammount of chakra he thought about transforing into the famous sage naruto. He puffed in smoke and brought out his mirror he looked exactly how the pictures looked blonde spikey hair blue eyes and whiskers. He did a pose for perfecting the jutsu then went home.

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Learning Transformation Technique Empty Re: Learning Transformation Technique

Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:26 pm
Transformation jutsu
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