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Learning Transformation Technique Empty Learning Transformation Technique

Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:43 pm
    “Boar...Dog, then...Ram, right?” Kōmori told himself with his eyes squinted shut. He opened them to check the page in his textbook again, only to find out he had messed up the order for the handseals. The Transformation Technique would be the first jutsu, despite being one of the more difficult techniques, that Kōmori was trying to learn, and, despite his academy professor’s instructions, he still could not get a handle on the jutsu. “Okay. Dog. Boar. Ram. Dog. Boar. Ram..” he repeated to himself over and over again in an attempt to memorize the correct order of the handseals necessary for transformation. His textbook laid beside him on the bench towards the edge of a luscious green park with a beautiful view of mountains looming in the distance. Across the grassy field, a small group of other academy students were practicing their own jutsus. Kōmori watched as one of the children, a rather short boy with even shorter blonde hair, weaved his hands in the proper order and transformed into his friend standing next to him. “How do they make it seems so easy?” Kōmori wondered aloud to himself. The Transformation Technique was one of the hardest techniques to learn because it called for a consistent flow of chakra and utmost concentration while Kōmori seemingly possessed the same attention span as a pair of chopsticks.
    As soon as he felt confident about the order of the handseals, he began performing them in the proper order, making sure that when he used chakra for the technique that he would activate it flawlessly. The sun began to set, illuminating the world in a soft orange light. It was at this time when Kōmori’s professor, Gorami, was taking a stroll through the park when he happened across his diligent student hard at work. The professor stopped to talk to him and called out to him, “Kōmori!” Kōmori turned his head and waved to his professor, as he’s always been able to have a good relationship with his teachers. He quickly ran over and bowed before saying, “Gorami Sensei, what brings you here?” His professor laughed which left Kōmori with a confused look on his face. Gorami replied, “Contrary to popular belief, your instructors at the academy do have lives outside of teaching. What was that that you were working on, Kōmori?” The student made the dog seal with his hands before eagerly exclaiming, “The Transformation Jutsu!”
    “How about you start showing me what you have been working on, Kōmori?” Gorami responded. Kōmori visibly became nervous and rather reserved before smiling wide again, seemingly regaining his confidence. His hands moved from the dog seal to the boar seal and finally to the ram seal before he made his announcement, “Transformation Jutsu!” A cloud of smoke appeared around him before dispersing quickly. When the smoke cleared, Gorami looked on with confusion. It seemed that Kōmori had not changed at all, until he opened his eyes, revealing what appeared to be a pair of Byakugan eyes. “So, Gorami Sensei, how do you think I did?” the boy asked. Gorami merely replied, “The only thing that changed about you is your eyes, Kōmori, I thought you were going to perform a full body transformation.” Kōmori looked pleased with himself and shouted a little too loudly, “But I did, Gorami Sensei! I transformed into my twin brother, Kōmon!”
    Gorami threw his head back and laughed at the youngster, using his natural looks to get by on simply changing the looks of his eyes. With the improvement of the Village Hidden in the Cloud’s living situations due to the current Raikage’s scheduled marriage, the children did not have to suffer as much as they had for the past two years. Seeing them smile and have an eagerness to learn again made Gorami enjoy his job as an instructor even more than usual. He is usually harsher in the classroom but that is only meant to push his students further, and have them become the greatest graduates of the Cloud.
     “Alright, Kōmori, try turning into me now,” Gorami instructed him. Kōmori gave a nervous chuckle and started avoiding eye contact. “Well, Gorami Sensei, I am not sure if I am ready for THAT level just yet,” he said as he began to scratch the back of his head. Gorami reassured him, “The key to the Transformation Jutsu is concentration. Now, just focus on a single person and make sure the replicate their features as much as possible.” Kōmori nodded his head with a newly found determination inspired by Gorami. He picked up his textbook to reassure himself that he would not mess up, and then he performed the Dog, Boar, and Ram seals in a row before erupting in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, a tall man dressed in a Jounin stood in Kōmori’s stead. He had a diagonal scar running across his right cheek and a sinister smile on his face. The warm eyes of a child, replaced by cold black eyes that projected nothing but maliciousness and ill intent. He wore a ninja headband with the symbol of the Village Hidden in the Mist imprinted into it. Where his textbook had been was now a jar that contained two Byakugan eyes.
    Gorami took a step back at this unexpected turn of events. The man disappeared in another puff of smoke which left a sullen looking Kōmori. The textbook fell and came to an abrupt stop once it hit the ground, making a loud thudding noise. Gorami leaned down and put his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “That was,” Kōmori began to say before pausing, “the man who killed my mother.” He consistently thought of that tragic day. Despite any front he put up, it still consistently affected him on a day to day basis. Gorami stayed with Kōmori as the sun set, leaving the sky a soft purple haze while the tallest mountains off in the distance cast shadows across the nearly empty park. Kōmori later put on a brave face as they were walking away in the starlight before jumping and turning to his professor with a big smile on his face. “I’m fine, Gorami Sensei!” he closed his eyes and stuck out his thumb before exclaiming, “I’ll see you in class tomorrow, okay!” before darting off on his way home, leaving Gorami behind as he watched Kōmori go.

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Learning Transformation Technique Empty Re: Learning Transformation Technique

Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:04 pm

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