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Loser Marvels

Naoki Gekou
Altar Shinkou
Kozue Senju
9 posters
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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:03 pm
[Was told to skip Altar, probs because he's so slow.]

He had turned, following the pair as they two were heading in the direction he was going. Takeo wondered if perhaps they thought he was following them on purpose, not that he cared for what they thought. Another swig from the bottle, down to about a quarter, damn it all. From the corner of his vision he spotted something interesting. About five meters away from him three beings appeared from seemingly nowhere. Normally he would have taken the time to try and figure out what was going on, but he spotted a familiar face. Denkiteki, the man who betrayed and abandoned him. Words, right he should probably say something. With his Byakugan he saw movement from the Tenkage's chambers. He recognised Xyxer, charging his way towards their location. Takeo barely registered it. He wondered what his expression looked like, surprised he supposed. Finally he found the words, when was the last time he had spoken to Den? He didn't remember, "So, the traitor makes his grand return. You aren't welcome here anymore, former Tenkage." Xyxer was getting closer it seemed, perhaps it was time to 'leap' into action. From the reaction of Xyxer Takeo didn't doubt what this little group was, an invasion force. The boy whom had been let into the village by Altar, a scout sent in advance. Takeo felt rather foolish for letting the scout get into the village so easily. He would make up for it however, with his defence of the village. Xyxer was about two rooftops away when Takeo acted. No warning given, no questioning why they were here. Takeo was done with niceties, that was reserved for friends. It would be just as he finished his sentence that a loud screech resounded. Perhaps familiar to some of the villagers in Tengakure, definitely to the researchers whom where in the nearby bakery on their break, the sound that emanated from his choker would reach the ears of the invaders around the time that Xyxer would have just released the shuriken aimed towards the one who had introduced himself as the leader of Shimagakure. The name sounded familiar actually.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:37 am
Naoki, pretty much as soon as speaking, would detect two other strong chakra signatures nearby, both of the same caliber as he and Den. Even Vigil would realize something was wrong, as he heard the one with white hair speak. With a shook of his hand, the Uchiha would signal for his exemplar to get aside from them. This seemed to spiral out of control very fast, his rather peaceful opening being completely ignored. No doubt they would have a fight on their hands. As the white haired man did not do anything provoking other than speaking yet, Naoki would turn to face the building over which the other one would be emerging at any moment. This second man, or woman, posed greater threat at the moment, the first indicator of it being that he was moving at speed way beyond Naoki's own and heading straight for them. Knowing full well his physical disadvantage against most, the Shimagakure's leader's skin would darken, as he prepared for the fight, in fear that he may be overwhelmed.

The second native standing behind them would only confirm Naoki's fears as he finished his sentence. Rather grim about how this turned out as well as sorry for dragging both Vigil and Den into this, Naoki would remember the medical ninja's gift and think to himself that it would be a decent time to try it out, as his primary shell of defense, because Earth Spear may very well prove ineffective against these people. The ring that was on his right hand would lose shape and then expand to cover his body with a black suit, a fitting attire for a diplomatic mission, the Uchiha would joke for himself, with the irony of the situation he was in. Finally, his sharingan hidden under the illusion of gray eyes would spot the man known to others as Xyxer, as he made a leap off the building. The very same eyes would predict the path of the shuriken an instant before they were thrown, god gotta love the sharingan. Naturally, Naoki would step to the side, to his right actually, 1 meter from Den, to avoid the ones flying for his feet. However, rather unexpected, before the spinning blades got to reach him, a strong screeching sound would hit Naoki from behind, leaving an unpleasant ringing in his ears and reducing his concentration slightly. Because of this, he would thank the lord that he used the manipulated fabric to cover himself, as the third shuriken sent for his gut would instead hit his side, harmlessly bouncing off the strong-as-steel material.

This moment would obviously be the opportunity to launch a counter attack, but Naoki would restrain himself in hopes that this could still be settled peacefully. Instead he would shout out "We have not come here to fight you!" while still training to maintain a non-hostile stance. By that time Vigil would hopefully have already retreated some distance from them.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:55 pm
Den felt another powerful chakra signature approaching, this was starting to look bad. Den didn’t want to make any sort of attack in case Tengakure didn’t want to be hostile, but at the same time he didn’t want them to be in a position where they were in control. That was when Takeo began talking, saying that the traitor had made his grand return. It was in that moment that Den realized that things would turn hostile, and he knew he had to make a move now if he hoped to stand a chance.

A simple one handed seal was performed first, at 130 speed as Den activated his sharingan, however his other hand was held in front of him as well so that he could simply move it a few centimeters to perform two handed seals. A 5 meter by 5 meter section of the ground, with Takeo at the center, would then begin to move downward at 80 speed, hopefully it would be enough. As the surface moved downwards, Den crouched and performed the rat seal before touching the ground beneath his own feet, and the hole in the ground where Takeo once stood was covered by chunks of earth growing from the sides at 85 speed. Takeo would be trapped about 10 meters underground as the earth around him hardened, having a health of 110. Two of the walls would then press in at 85 speed, attempting to crush Takeo with a force of 55. Being a lightning user Den had figured that Takeo would survive the technique, he just wanted this technique to slow down his former student. Den would only form the rock prison if Takeo didn’t manage to avoid escaping the moving core.

The other signature, Xyxer, was fast approaching as well, his attack followed shortly after Takeo had hopefully been buried, “Move back.” Den would say to Vigil, Naoki, and the boy who had been Naoki’s embassy. The shruriken were launched at Naoki, and as they were Den performed 3 hand seals, only needing to do half as many for this technique. He was also back stepping at 55 speed as he did the seals seeing as he was on the flat road there wasn’t anything for him to trip on, and would be roughly 3 meters from his original position as he launched his jutsu at Xyxer, who was jumping through the air towards him. Xyxer would have jumped a meter by the time Den finished his hand seals at 130 speed, and from his mouth he let loose a snake made not of water, but of steam. His opponent was wearing armor, so most of Den’s techniques wouldn’t work against the man. But if he could burn him in his armor than perhaps Den could injure him enough to not wish to continue the fight.

The snake mouth was roughly a meter in radius after reaching a meter from Den’s mouth, and would continue straight forwards towards Xyxer at 50 speed. Den would be continuing to back pedal at 55 speed even after he launched the jutsu, as he was attempting to get some distance between him and his opponents. If the snake mouth hit xyxer, it would cook his body and armor at 85 speed, however if that was enough to beat Xyxer Den didn’t know. The steam would then crash down on to the ground and carry Xyxer 20 meters down the road before dissipating if he was unable to dodge or destroy the attack.

TWC: 586

Moving Earth Core:
Health: 20 base + 20 due to scaling + 25 due to Fortification stone = 65 health
Speed: 20 base + 20 due to scaling + 40 due to Master of ninjutsu = 80 speed
AP cost: 10 + 20 due to ninjutsu master = 30 AP

Bedrock Prison:
Health: 50 base + 35 due to scaling + 25 due to fortification stone
Speed: 50 + 35 due to scaling = 85 speed
Power: 50 + 35 due to scaling = 85 power (however damage is -30) = 55
AP cost: 40 AP

Snake Mouth:
Burning Property: 30 base + 30 due to scaling + 25 due to amplification stone = 85 burning power
Speed: 20 base + 20 due to scaling + 10 due to steam conversation = 50
Health: 20 base +20 due to scaling - 10 due to steam conversion + 25 due to Fortification stone = 55 health
AP cost: 20 + 15 due to steam conversion= 35 AP

-1 AP from sharingan
+10 ap from juugo DNA

96 AP lost net

1154-96=1058 AP remaining
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Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:52 pm
Having jumped through the air and now being a meter away from the building, he noticed.. Denkiteki had been performing hand seals the entire time. What a cunning little man. Little, was the keyword in this fight. Throwing his sword up momentarily, approximately three feet above his body, he rapidly formed a flurry of handseals in succession before spewing out a wall of water which covered the entirety of his body, catching the sword when it came back down due to the little movement it was away from him with the wall reaching up high enough to defend from any jutsu attempting to strike it from his grasp. With the steamonic conversion now subdued momentarily, Xyxer would reach the floor after the wall collided with the gaseous monstrosity, approximately two meters further back than what he had previously intended but protected by his fortress-like walls of suiton, he felt safe, aside for, well, you know, the top. However.. His safety was not what infuriated him.. This male.. this brother of Kirigakure.. He wasn't using all of the strength that he could muster. That, in Xyxer's mind, was the greatest venom that could be spat out at him. This little runt believed he was better than the male that was inducted into the seven swordsmen of the mist before him?

With that fury in mind, Xyxer instead shouted out, Atlas now retreating into another cavern of his mind and the pride of the demon itself being struck by the weakness that Denkiteki had thrown at them. "Denkiteki! Minorin's lover! You dare insult Xyxer Gyojin with your pitiful jutsus and your inability to do anything else, as well as bringing a plus one?!" He frowned as he was speaking, shielded by the cover of the water he felt comfortable to talk, his shouting, however, still quite noticable, "I don't wish to destroy Tengakure before your eyes, now come, dissipate your creature and let us continue to fight, but not here, in the plains, where nobody will know where the body of Denkiteki, Son of Kirigakure, lays eternally!"

Assuming Takeo would deal with Naoki however he wished, and if Denkiteki obliged with the following wishes, Xyxer would move out towards the borders alongside Denkiteki, his honour being enough to not maim the shinobi from behind like a coward would feel the need to, no.. This was a demon. He would show his sheer strength upfront.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 2:28 pm
They retaliated simply because of his words, how amusing. Or maybe it was because they sensed Xyxer rushing towards them like a dog chasing a stick. His eyes were focused on Den, as he did not care for the strangers he had brought with him, so he noticed all of his actions. The ground he stood on began to move after the man had performed some hand seals, how annoying. Somewhat irritated that he would have to actually move so soon he hopped off from the ground. Hop once, hop twice, skip, back on solid ground. And all before the ground had even managed to lower itself two meters. The actions had happened around the time of him basically telling him to fuck off, how rude. One of the strangers yelled something about not coming here to fight them, yet the actions of Den directly contradicted what he had said. It amused Takeo somewhat, how disorganised they were. No co-ordination at all. "Are you mentally handicapped or something?" He spoke over towards the one he didn't know. He took a swig from his bottle, which had remained in his grip for the entirety of this. "You randomly appear in our village, no permission, no warning, and with a traitor to the village of all things!" Takeo chuckled at the idiocy of it all, "Honestly you've ruined any chance of whatever you came here for." He downed the rest of the bottle, waving his hand towards the gates while Xyxer began shouting about something completely irrelevant. "Shoo, piss off, begone, au revoir, sayōnara, this is the part where you fuck off by the way, e haere rā, tem cuidado, adiós, hwyl fawr, auf wiedersehen!"
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 3:07 pm
Apparently Denkiteki took a preemptive action and tried to cast white haired man underground, only for him to emerge again. Though Naoki could not know what the man was intending to do, but apparently he was not hit with high pitched sound wave and therefore successfully avoided all three kunai. After a short exchange between the armored person and the medical nin, the fight would be halted as Denkiteki was called to a duel, so to speak, in the plains outside the village. Naoki could not help but notice that his companion was called Minorin's lover. The name he recalled being spoken before, when Denkiteki explained the reason for being branded a missing ninja. He said that he, along with another Tenkage at the time, went to investigate rumors in another village and on their way encountered Denkiteki's friend called Minorin, who was mortally wounded. Now the puzzle would be complete, as it would seem this Minorin person was the medical ninja's lover as well as a Jinchuuriki. Only one unknown remaining - that being where was the Bijuu put, when the two Tenkages defeated it. Changing the flow of his thoughts, the Uchiha would realize that being the reason they had come here, Naoki would feel responsible if Den was slain. And because of this, the leader of Shimagakure would first raise a question, in form of his expression, to Denkiteki. Obviously, the soundless question was: do you want to go through with it?

Naoki was prepared to continue the fight if need be, but if Denkiteki wanted to fight the man alone, then the Uchiha would move to Vigil and Kozata, keeping them next to him if he needed to teleport them out. Then, unless he was stopped he would go to the gates where he could observe the fight between two.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:34 pm
Haru would sense the disturbance, spotting with his byakugan a rather troubling scene. A large cluster of ninja were at the gates, namely Takeo, Altar, and… Den? He began his approach, watching a new figure arrive to the scene, one he vaguely recognized as the Tenkage. Haru crossed the streets at high speed, reaching the gates quickly. As he moved, he wondered what exactly Den’s motive for coming back like this was. If he had deserted the village, why had he come back now with force? If he had simply never left, he would still have his power over Tengakure… Politics, Haru decided, were not his area of expertise.

Arriving late to the fight, Haru saw that nearly everyone, including Xyxer’s ANBU, were just… watching. One of the ANBU looked to Haru, gesturing for him to hold position. The message was clear. This was not their fight. Watching from the shadows, Haru saw Denkiteki, the former Tenkage, and the man whom he received the rank of ANBU from, as well as his earth style training, and the transfusion of Rin’s blood… Rin… He wondered if he still had the man’s body hidden away in Sanctuary…
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:23 pm
Takeo simply hopped out of the hole, it seemed that his jutsu had not been sufficient. He couldn’t do anything about it at the time though, as he was too busy back pedaling and firing the snake mouth at Xyxer. The assailant was to skilled to be defeated by such a simple move however, making a simple water wall that withstood the force of Den’s jutsu. Den’s sharingan swirled a she took in the hand seals of the technique Xyxer used, as well as the ratio of the water chakra he was using. In mere moments he had the jutsu memorized, and could replicate it should the need arise. And perhaps it would, if this situation was not resolved soon. Overall Den had merely accomplished pushing back Xyxer, and he had used a bit of chakra to accomplish that. This wasn’t good.

Then Xyxer spoke, throwing insults at first. Den was thankful for the banter, it gave him a moment to draw in nature chakra around him to increase his chakra reserves, further dampening the hit his chakra pool had taken from the two jutsu he had just used. Then Xyxer said he wanted to fight Den in the plains, and it was implied that only they would fight. What other option was there, besides taking on the whole village? Haru showed up, and the odds of Den and Naoki being able to win this encounter further decreased as Den believed he would fight Den alongside Xyxer and Takeo if Naoki and he managed to gain an advantage against the two. This is exactly what he wanted to avoid, but he had followed Naoki here and now they were in this situation. And in Den’s mind, he only had one choice.

“Fine, let’s go then.” Den would then turn to head towards the plains, but not before saying to Naoki, “You should get your people out of here.” The two genin wouldn’t stand a chance if a fight broke out, they’d be slaughtered in moments. Then, if Xyxer made a move to follow, Den and he would leave to the plains to fight. Den’s chakra senses still kept track of the chakra around him, and his sharingan remained active.

Let me fight him. The Gobi’s voice, angry, reaching into Den’s thoughts to communicate with him.


He spoke of Min, none of you filth should utter her name. Let me fight him. Let me kill him. Den could feel the malice of the beats emanating within him, but he wasn’t going to let it out. He didn’t plan on letting the beasts power influence him during the fight, he believed the fight would most likely be to the death but if he couldn’t control the beasts chakra he might go on a rampage, and kill innocent people.

TWC: 1241

[Exit with Xyxer if he comes with]
All to Gobi tails
Water Wall sharingan copied, can learn for half words later
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Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:27 am
Xyxer was somewhat upset.. It appeared that his words of Minorin did not provoke any response from Denkiteki, no verbal back and forth.. These were exactly the type of shinobi he did not like in Kirigakure, ones too smart to jest with his own pride. Regardless, Xyxer would move with the man towards the plains, his recording of the male performing moving earth core engraved into his eye, and now, into his skill set.


822 WC
+4 AP
[500/500] Moving Earth Core
[322/3000] Rupture
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Loser Marvels - Page 2 Empty Re: Loser Marvels

Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:18 am
Takeo watched as the two moved to the plains. He considered following to watch, but then again he honestly didn't care for the outcome. If Xyxer died then he'd just come back and kill the one who betrayed him himself, if not well then that saved him the effort. Regardless the betrayer would die, and until then he would go check something back at the research centres. Of course he kept an eye on things, the Byakugan is quite handy for that kind of stuff. He flicked his wrist to the left as he walked, the bottle leaving his hand to sail through the air and into an alleyway. The sound of shattering glass and an exclamation from a random passer-by signalled that his aim had been spot on, joy.

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