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Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:28 pm
Rakka strolled through the plains, hands in the pockets of her jacket. It was a nice day in Tengakure, which was a surprisingly good place to take a vacation. The skyscrapers, the huge buildings, and the astounding amount of technology that the village possessed was amazing. Well lit buildings and streets, elevators (Something Rakka had never experienced before.) It was a rather odd feeling, riding an elevator. Speeding upwards in that small metal box felt unnatural and yet strangely exhilarating. It was a sort of childlike wonder.
The plains, on the other hand, were a stark contrast to the huge, high rising buildings and the complex streets and layouts. They were simple. Flat, open, and seemingly endless. Filled with strange, glowing flowers that catch the eye at night, they stretch on and on for miles, and one’s line of sight felt unlimited.
The sunlight shone brightly, glaring into her eyes.
”Fff… Ugh, wherever you go, there’s something. In Yuki, it’s the snow, in Shima, it’s the sand, and here, it’s the god damn sun. There’s nothing to block it from your view…” She said to herself, complaining blankly to nobody in particular.

Standing there alone, Rakka felt at peace for the first time in awhile. She had plenty of time to herself, mind you, but it was pleasant to travel like this, just to get away for work. Granted, she had traveled a lot more then she’d have liked to, she felt that Shimagakure was finally a place she could call home for good. There, in her new home, she had no ties to her past, and the leader himself seemed intelligent and experienced, compared to what she was forced to deal with before.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:06 pm
Altar was strolling through the plains, hands in his pockets, nothing really to do. It was a nice day, the sun shining brightly, strangely warm, and everything seemed to be going well. Everyone was at peace, and there were things to do all around Tengakure.

Which was why Altar was out here. He secretly hated the hustle and bustle and constant motion and noise of the grand city. He loathed it. He much preferred it where it was quiet and peaceful, and there was nobody to bump into him. Speaking of bumping into people...

Altar kept walking, no one to intrude his path. However, looking off in the distance, Altar saw a girl simply standing in the plains. Walking up to her, Altar would raise his hand in the air, a sign of greeting he couldn't remember where he had picked up, and go to greet her.

"Enjoying the view? It's strange to see someone just blankly standing out here. Sorry if I intruded anything, by the way."
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:31 pm
The peace and quiet was nice. Rakka loved having time to gather her thoughts like this, and though she spent quite a lot of her time doing this, it felt as though it had been ages since she had truly been alone. In Shimagakure, she always felt like someone was watching over her shoulder, not fully trusting her. It was a reasonable assumption, but not one she appreciated.  
Rakka sensed another presence, one she recognized. The boy she had seen at the gates, Cicero’s boyfriend or something. He made a comment on how strange it was to see someone simply staring out into the fields.

”Tch…” Muttered Rakka, barely audible. Her gaze remained on the horizon, not turning to meet the boy. ”Just collecting my thoughts.” She said blankly, not going for a long winded explanation. If one listened carefully, a small amount of irritation could be detected, laced into her words. It was a little frustrating that any time she could hope to have alone would be immediately interrupted like this.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:55 pm
Altar listened to the girl explain herself. While she did, he took more careful notice of her face. It was the girl who had just been admitted. She was eerily... cold to him. Had he irritated her? That hadn't been his desire in this, but it was certainly a possibility. She sounded irritated, perturbed, and she hadn't even looked at Altar when she had responded. Perhaps it was best to leave this one to her thoughts, then...

"Ah, sorry for interrupting you. I'll leave you to your thoughts. Enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions or anything, the people are kind. Just ask around and i'm sure they'll help you." Altar would say, before starting to walk away, muttering to himself under his breath. "I didn't mean any harm... Anywho, maybe I should go to see Youta. I wonder how she's doing. I haven't seen her in a while..."
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:16 pm
Rakka sighed as the boy gave his little speech about the people being helpful and whatnot. The usual village bullshit about making yourself at home and whatnot that attracted visitors and such. But then, as he walked away, he muttered under his breath about ‘Not meaning any harm,’ and then, going to see someone named Youta, which was a female name… Well, Rakka could put two and two together. Altar must have been cheating on Cicero!

”Tell you what, I have a question for you.” She announced, not turning to face the boy. ”Do they teach you anything about fidelity here, or is it common practice to hit on every girl in sight when you’re in a relationship?“ She asked mildly. ”You’re not exactly crafting a good image for your village, boy.” She told him.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:04 pm
Altar halted when he heard the girl speak from behind him. Fidelity? In a relationship? What? did she think he was trying to hit on her or something? Turning around, Altar would look at the girl, disbelief and a tinge of anger in his eyes, as well as in his voice.

"Do they teach you anything about respect where you come from? It's common courtesy to look at someone when you're addressing them. Secondly, I don't know what the hell you're thinking, but I wasn't hitting on you, and i'm not even in a relationship to begin with. And lastly, don't associate me with cheaters. I despise them above all." Altar would say, walking back up to the girl. Now that she had started an argument and insulted him, he didn't plan to leave until the dispute was settled.
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:06 pm
Rakka just shook her head, rolling her eyes.
”I’m not going to treat you with common courtesy if you can’t even acknowledge a fault.” She said, gritting her teeth as she spoke. ”And I wasn’t talking about me, you muff! I was talking about that Youta girl you mentioned.” She accused, turning towards him. ”I saw you and whatsisface cuddling up to each other back at the Tenkage offices. So either you’re just hopping from one to the other, which is just as bad, or you’re lying, which is even worse.” She continued, stepping towards him.

”So if you insist on staying, let me make it clear, this isn’t going to end well for you, boy.” She said, anger clear in her voice now.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:17 pm
This girl...she had fire, that was for sure. But she didn't seem to understand, and...whatshisface? Did she mean that creepy fuck molester, Jester? Ooooooh, hell no. HELL no.

"Fault? Fuck you, first of all. Hear me out before declaring me guilty. If you mean that weird fuck Jester, he's a god damn pedophile or something. He always stands uncomfortably close to people and breathes right down their necks. I didn't want him to, I personally hate him. Besides, I don't swing that way. Youta, on the other hand..." Altar would say, the anger disspating from his voice. He would let out a shaky breath and continue "her, I like. I...haven't really made a move or anything yet, but I like her. A lot." Altar's mind found peace and happiness for all of five seconds, before he realized what was happening.

"But seriously, don't just accuse me of shit without knowing what the backstory is, and without knowing my side of things. Because it seems like you're just pushing and prodding me to fight. If that's what you want, just ask. I'd be more than happy to oblige." Altar would say, his eyes igniting again. He may have been full of himself at the moment, but he felt it was a necessity to prove himself to this girl now. Perhaps once she was beaten down, she'd listen to reason.
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:42 pm
Rakka didn’t really listen to Altar explain. Something about not dating Jester and thinking he was creepy. And something about thinking Youta was hot. She honestly had had enough of this boy, and was ready to take him down a notch or two.

”Well, since you’ve asked so nicely…” Rakka muttered, walking away from Altar. There was now a good 50 Meters between them. ”Let’s see just how much of you is all bark…” She challenged, waiting for Altar to begin.
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Thunderstruck (P, NK) Empty Re: Thunderstruck (P, NK)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:18 pm
The girl muttered something before walking away from him, having accepted the fight. He could tell that the girl hadn't really listened to anything he had said, and that was what pissed him off. And so, Altar would prepare himself for the fight ahead of him.

The girl had walked a good 50 meters away from him, the turned towards him, awaiting him to start the fight. So, that was how it was gonna be. Well then. Altar would activate his Meigan and Byakugan, and keep his eyes away from hers, and start to run forward as fast as he could. He didn't want to risk looking into her eyes directly, out of fear that she was a genjutsu user. You never could be too careful. Once the distance between them had been halved, Altar would form a ram seal and touch the ground, summoning a giant wall of water behind him. The summoning would take place at a speed of 55. The water would crash down into the ground, and flow forwards at a speed of 45, spreading itself out over a large area and coming towards the girl. However, the waves would be a dark black, instead of a normal blue color. If they were to impact the girl, they would hit with 20 power.

As the demon waves summoned, Altar would already be moving out of the way of them, jumping slightly back out of the water. His hand would extend, an electric leash forming from it, and an electrical hound forming from that at a speed of 60. The dog would run, at the same speed, through the water as Altar would keep moving with it, making sure to stay out of the water. The lightning dog would electrify the water, making it a dangerous place to be. Of course, at that point, the water would have hit Rakka already. Altar would constantly guide the waves, as well as the dog, towards the girl. Given that the beast dissipated into the water, or hit the girl (50 power), then Altar would once again move. Now was the time for a close range assault.

Had none of his attacks thus far hit, then that must've meant that the girl had been avoiding the large expanse of water. So, Altar would form a ram handsign, and dissapear in a blur, now traveling at 153 speed, reappearing next to the girl with about 1 meter of distance between them, out of the water if it was anywhere nearby, and immediately form a Chidori. The Chidori would aim for her stomach, which would prove a non lethal target if the attack hit (60 power). Next, Altar would dash backwards, while forming a Tiger handseal, and blow a high pressure stream of water from his mouth at 60 speed, targeting the girl's chest, aiming for another nonlethal blow (60 power). The water would leave his mouth when the distance between them was around 2 meters.

Given that none of this hit, Altar would dash backwards to a safe distance, and prepare himself for the girl's assault, making sure to not look her in the eyes, but still keep an eye on her.

~750 AP - 197 = 553 AP Remaining~
~Consumed 6 Yuumei~
~Everything is attempted at full speed~
~Jutsu Used: Stormy Blockade (Dark Convergence), Lightning Beast Running, Body Flicker, Chidori, Suidanha~
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