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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Joy in being lost.  Empty Joy in being lost.

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:31 pm
It was dark and stormy as a man lurked through the woods. There was the slight thumping of the gods above as there tears began to rain down. Pitters and patters sounded all around him. He did not mind the rain or the thunder or even the dark but more what could come out of it.Tatsuya had not yet mastered the force that rules all and so he was to admit to him self he was a little scared.
He knew that these woods were empty when it came to other shinobi but full of beast and monsters. Tatsuya had not yet gained the respect to all life of the planet and so he was vulnerable. He travailed on deeper into the woods looking for a place to spend the night.
Tatsuya had booked it from Moon country into this new land and ended up getting caught in darkness.

Soon he came to a small rock face and Tatsuya find some what of a shallow cave. It was not very large and Tatsuya would have to crouch down to get inside. It was still early in the night and Tatsuya would have to wait a long wile for the sun to rise. The rain was picking up and the cold air began to move in. Quickly Tatsuya gathers some wood of all different sizes Tatsuya begins to build a fire.
Unfortunately he did not have any flint and tinder to start the fire and Kasai was not there ether. Tatsuya takes a long straight stick and a flat piece of wood and start rubbing his hands together to create friction. He would place his hand at the top of the stick and move them down as the stick spinned. The next day Tatsuya would have to make this stick more officiant some how.

Tatsuya soon begin to see smoke and then a small flame. Adding more tinder to the flame it began to grow until he had a full fledged fire.
Tatsuya had no food on him so that would have to be one of the things he would have to look for the next day.
Thinking about it Tatsuya decides that once he finds a deep secluded aria then he would set up a base but for now he would have to live under a rock.

Crawling around in his little spot Tatsuya roots around and finds a nice rock. It was definitely sharp and was about the size of his fist.
It probably could not do much harm a human but definitely could hurt a small animal. Putting the stone in his pocket Tatsuya leans back on his elbows and looks into the fire. The sound of the rain dnd the flickering of the fire made Tatsuya become sleepy. Before falling asleep Tatsuya adds more wood to the fire and expands its radius so that it last far into the night.

That night Tatsuya had dreams about his friends, Makussu and Kasai. It was a fuzzy dream but it was just simply them hanging out together. The three were just talking about having a good time. Makussu occasionally made a paper air plain and threw it into Tatsuya's head. They both laughed wile Kasai just sat there not understanding what was funny. 

Walking up at the brake of dawn Tatsuya smiles at the dream missing his friends. It was still dim as Tatsuya walked out of his hole due to the large canopies. Stretching his tummy begins to rumble. He was not sure what type of wild life lived around here but he was sure to spot something out. Tatsuya decides that it would take a wile to find a land dwelling animal so decides that it would be better to go fishing.
Looking at the slope of the hill Tatsuya will let him self be guided by gravity by walking down the hill. In a way Tatsuya was trying to act like water and by doing this it would hopefully lead him to a source of water.
Soon he comes across a little brook. In spots were the water is deeper different reads and cattails spur up from it. Right away Tatsuya sees a fish fly by. It sure was fast and it would be a slight challenge to catch one. Tatsuya could probably stab one with his sword but he felt like being a little more creative.

To begin with Tatsuya starts a small fire on witch to cook the fish on then walks over to the water and pulls up a few cat tails.
There leaves were long and Tatsuya separated them. Once having a fair few Tatsuya weaves them into a loose net.
The brook was small so the net stretched across the brook as well as the net was nice and deep.
It did take a wile for a fish to come by but when it did, it went right into the net. Having caught one Tatsuya realizes that he was going to have to kill it. Tatsuya had not yet discovered how he thought about eating meat  but until he new more about plants this would be the way to go.
Tatsuya decides to hit it against a rock to take it out of its misery but he did have to close his eyes as he did this. Tatsuya catches a couple more before sits back and puts them over the fire. He eats as much as he can in case he does not find food for a wile.

Looking at his reflection in the water Tatsuay feels that he should disguise him self more. Finding a flat water rock Tatsuya puts some mud and clay on the rock and mixes it together. he paints his face in to an almost tribal painting. Miking some moss in it give the mud a greenish tint. Then looking at his long blond hair Tatsuya takes his Katana and cuts it to be much shorter. Tatsuys makes his hair look more dirty with some dirt and well messes it up. Tatsuay probably would not have to do this as it was hot and humid here, but why not.

Moving on Tatsuya finds a small open filed. It has tall lush grass and many ground vines that would build up on anything that was sticking out of the ground. Walking in Tatsuya begins to relies that its more of a marsh then just a plain field. Finding a dry place to stand Tatsuya will test out a new jutsu. It was a jutsu that Tatsuya had seen in a scroll and all he knew were the hand signs.
Being Horse → Dog → Bird → Ox → Snake. The idea was that Tatsuya were to create a ten meeter long dragon that could fight to Tatsuya's will.

Weaving the signs Tatsuya focuses on a hard spot on the ground were the dragon would come from. Running his chakura violently Tatsuya begins to see earth rise from the ground. It was not the most difficult jutsu to use but what was hard about it was trying to make the thing move and come alive. Eventually the dragons head and part of its body begins to form. Tatsuya relies the jutsu and the earth crumbles to the ground. Taking a deep breath in Tatsuya trys again. This time the dragon forms more quickly and more of it to. It becomes more detailed with scales running all across its body. Tatsuya was not strong enough to lift it from the ground but was able to move it across the ground. Tatsuya has the earthen dragon move to his will as it slivers across the marsh. It was quite large and Tatsuay ahd fun making a mess of the place. He started to wrap it around the trunck of a tree before it began to crumble. The jutsu did not last long but it could definitally pack a punch. Tatsuya trys the jutsu several more times before taking a brake. Time had flown by much faster then Tatsuay had thought and in only a couple of hours the sun would begin to set.

Feeling his tummy Tatsuya is quite hungry and he would have to find something to eat soon.
Tatsuya finds the tracks of some kind of rodent looking about the size of a rabbit. Tatsuya fallows the tracks until he hears rustling in the bushes. Tatsuya is able to get a glimpse of what it is. It looked like to be a very large and ugly red squirrel. Normally red squirrels were pretty cute but not this one. It must have been a branch species of the red squirrel.

It had not noticed Tatsuay yet and Tatsuay had to decided how he was going to catch it. He could just go about it in the normal fashion by using his sword but Tatsuay wonders if he could do it with his new jutsu. Preforming the signs Horse → Dog → Bird → Ox → Snake the long dragon forms. Tatsuay guides the dragon slowly to its pray. As Tatsuay noticed before he was not strong enough to fully lift the dragon but we has able to lift its head off the ground slightly. Curving it around the bush Tatsuay makes it spring forward to snare the animal.

The dragon brings the rodent to Tatsuay and then crumbles to the the ground. Tatsuay makes a fire and eats up.
Finding a large flat bolder Tatsuay decides that this is a good place to set up camp. It was surrounded by thick foliage making it hidden and the ground was nice and flat. Tatsuay decides to put his jutsu to work. Using two moving earth core he make two walls to his fort that ex to the top of the bolder witch is about 6m high. Then Tatsuay raises the ground to witch he is standing on by about 3m. This should help protect Tatsuay from any floods of other cheaters.

Then Tatsuay makes a roof out of bamboo and vines and make some what of a door as well.Leaving a hold at the opening for a fire there is a fair amount of space inside. Getting started on a fire Tatsuya quickly begins to see smoke and then a small flame. Adding more tinder to the flame it began to grow until he had a full fledged fire. Tatsuya had no food on him so that would have to be one of the things he would have to look for the next day. Looking at his base he would probably stay here fore a wile.

There was still a fair amount of light in the sky and it did not look like it was going to rain. Tatsuay jumped up to the top of the bolder to do some basic training. He lays down on the flattest part of the rock and starts doing basic strength training such as push ups, sit ups, plank, and an occasional sail boat. Tatsuay would take small brakes between sets and look at the trees around him.
Doing this Tatsuay notices a funny looking object in the tree across him. Getting a running start Tatsuya jumps from the bolder and fly into the tree. He grabs onto branch first to reduce his impact. Climbing up the tree Tatsuay makes it to the spot of interest.
It was a hole in the tree and a strange object layed inside the bark of the tree. Reaching in Tatsauy pulls out a unique rock. It was a type of quarts but had what Tatsuay thought was purple amethyst. It was quite strange looking. Putting it into his pocket Tatsuay climb to the top of the tree. Up there the sun began to set. It created wonderful oranges, reds, and yellows. It color pallet reminded Tatsuay  of his friend Kasai and the flames that game out of his figures.

After the sun had set Tatsuay jumps off the tree and does a roll into his fort. Falling asleep he thinks about his friends Kasai and Makussu as well as the rest of his lot village. 

[TWC 2012, Requesting 10 stats and 2k towards Earth Release: Earth Dragon (3k/3k)]
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Joy in being lost.  Empty Re: Joy in being lost.

Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:55 pm
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Touka Keisuke
Touka Keisuke
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Joy in being lost.  Empty Re: Joy in being lost.

Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:14 pm
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