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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
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The Lost Empty The Lost

Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:38 pm
Yurei swallowed, turning to face Esu behind him. He wiped away the water from his visibly red eyes and stroked the panting dog’s head. “Come on, Esu,” the boy said, his voice soft. Extending his hand, the alabaster Uchiha knocked on the Hogokage’s door, unsure if there was to be an answer. 

The Chuunin had never met the leader of the village for a number of reasons, but most of them spawned from a busy lifestyle. Yurei was often too busy training or trying to figure out ways to improve the tensions between villager and shinobi. As such, the ninja was admittedly nervous, not only because this could be his first meeting with the Hogokage, but also because of his reasons for being there in the first place.

Akio Inuzuka - his best friend, was missing. Perhaps it was misguided rational, but the village leader was the only thing he could think of. Yurei sighed in frustration. He felt so helpless, but he needed guidance or answers. Something. He needed his friend back, and right now the Lord Hogokage was his best shot.

WC: 182
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:02 am
Valen Akari, Jonin level shinobi of the great village of Hoshigakure, and leader of the Survey Corps. A group of Hoshi loyal wanderers that tracked and handled missing ninja in and around the village. One didn’t necessarily have to be a missing ninja from the great village to get his group’s attention though. Any missing shinobi sighted in and around the village from now on would be handled with extreme prejudice. He was actually looking at the missing ninja file for one ‘Akio Inuzuka’ that was on his desk when he heard the knocking on the door across the hall. See, Kyousuke had granted him an office to store and organize the missing ninja records so that his group could have easy access to their files should they be required. Valen kept the door locked at almost all times unless he was actually in the room, which is where he could usually be found writing reports on his missions, and killing time with organizing the files based on threat level and recent sightings. Now, Valen knew that Kyousuke was not in the office at the moment. As he had gone out to move around the village a bit, stretch his legs as it were. After giving it a bit of thought, the crimson garbed jonin would decide to see what was going on.

He would close the file, which had been given to him a week prior by Kyousuke, and set it in the drawer of his desk before closing and locking the drawer with an infusion of chakra. He would then proceed to stand up and move toward the open door. As he stepped up  to see in the hallway he would turn to see a young extremely pale boy with a small dog following. The smell of cleaning products was heavy in the air. As the monthly deep cleaning would have finished just a few hours ago. Leaving a thick smell of bleach and disinfectant throughout the building, most notably the Hogokage’s office itself. This would have the after effect of eliminating all possible scents in the area. So if one was to try to find Kyousuke by scent it wouldn’t work very well. As it stands the cleaning and smell was probably the reason for Kyousuke deciding to ‘stretch his legs’.

Valen would lean on the frame of his doorway, not really caring about being particularly professional at the moment before calling out to the boy. “You won’t find him there, and if it’s important I doubt you’ll be able to find Kyousuke with the dog. The scent of bleach and cleaning products would have eliminated the scent. I can possibly help you though, I’m Valen Akari, Jonin and leader of the Survey Corps. Is there something I can help you with?” He’d say, giving the boy a raised eyebrow in curiosity. If they boy turned toward him he would note the red eyes from crying, or great sadness and wonder what in the world had happened.

WC: 500
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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Wed Dec 27, 2017 11:47 pm
Yurei cleared his throat upon the call behind him. Seeing a man standing before him, Yurei perked up, now more attentive. The Uchiha did not recognize him, albeit Yurei knew few shinobi in Hoshigakure despite acting as a ninja for many years. The confusion was quickly dissipated when Valen explained himself, and, somewhat disappointingly, the Hogokage was absent. Of course, he’s gone. And in a time like this…
The alabaster chuunin gave a wipe of the eyes and cleared his throat. “Hello, Valen,” he said, his voice somewhat hoarse. “I, uh, I’m not really sure you can help me, but I’m looking for someone.” How much help can this guy be? He said he was a jounin. Can’t hurt to try, I guess. “His name is Akio Inuzuka. I don’t know if anything’s come up, but, well, I can’t find him.”
Yurei sighed, glancing at Esu. “This is his dog. He left Esu behind, and, well, I’m worried. Really worried. I think something’s happened to him.”
With a soft whimper, Esu scratched at the door behind Yurei – the Hogokage’s Office. Despite the cleaning products, no mere bleach could mask the scents from a ninken, especially one attuned to Akio’s scent.
The Uchiha pursed his lips, turning to face the Hogokage’s door once more. “He smells something inside this room. May I open it?”

WC: 405
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:27 am
Valen would raise an eyebrow in confusion at the small boy. Surely the dog couldn’t have smelled something in the room through the overpowering smell of bleach. When the corpse that said scent would reach to would have been on the floor moments before it was sealed away into the scroll it was obtained from again. Which occurred a WEEK prior to this meeting in the hallway. When it clearly showed that rain was enough to eliminate a scent from a ninken within hours. But Valen would humor him. Because as it stood there was no way in hell anyone was getting into that office without Kyousuke inside of it. Valen had to repress a sigh and the rolling of his eyes at what he saw was a blatant, and not even very good attempt to rob the village. Because you know asking a jonin to let you into the leaders office when said leader wasn’t around was smart right? “You realize you just asked me to let you into the Hogokage’s office when the man isn’t there? With the money for the village inside of it? The answer to that is no. Even if I’m with you we have no right to be in there. Especially when I have the file for your friend having deserted the village and becoming a missing ninja sitting in my desk. I was looking at it when I heard you knocking on the man’s door.” He would say with a shrug and pointing back towards his office.

“It was signed by Kyousuke-Sama himself merely a few days ago when it confirmed by one of our Jonin, Kenshin Uzumaki. He was sighted leaving the village with a merchant caravan and never returned.” He would say with a sigh. “I can show you the file if you want, there’s no classified information in it. But he’s my target now, with his file in my room that means my group has been authorized to find him. At that point where he lives or dies is subject to him. If he comes quietly and returns he’ll be punished, but not killed. But if he resists we’ll have to use force.” He would explain the albino boy. At this point he’d stand ready to move at a moments notice. If the boy tried to go for the office after he had just explicitly told him no he would be duty bound to use force. No one would be getting into that office without the actual village leaders consent.  

WC: 420
TWC: 920
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:40 am
Yurei watched intently as Valen explained the situation, nodding his head as he did so. Each explanation was followed by another. With each phrase Valen uttered, Yurei watched, showing no emotion on his face. By the time the Jounin had finished, Yurei took in a great breath of air. “I see. Well then, be careful with Akio. Try not to hurt him if you can. He’s only a genin. That should be within your ability considering your rank,” Yurei remarked, his voice dripping with genuine hope.

Yurei sighed, giving a polite bow. “Come on, Esu,” he said, the dog whining as he followed the alabaster boy out of the Kage’s chambers. “Good luck, Valen,” he would say as he left.

WC: 526

Claiming 526 WC toward earning Kogarashi

Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:18 pm
Exit approved
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:41 am
Valen would take notice that the boy seemed to have a good control over his emotions as he explained the situation to the teenager. That was good, it would come in handy for the field later on when he moved through the ranks. Could he scout him into the survey corps? It was possible, he’d have to keep a close eye on the boy certainly. See if he was up to snuff in his shinobi skills. He briefly wondered if he would be able to convince Kyousuke to let him see his file. Of course that would just be to see if he thought the boy might be a decent fit of course. For all he knew the kage had other plans in mind  for the next few members of the group. Either way Valen would listen to the boys request, resisting the urge to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Asking for mercy? For a boy who abandoned his village? That was an odd sentiment, maybe the pale skinned boy wasn’t cut out for the corps at all. Valen would resist the urge to sigh before shrugging “I’ll of course give him the option. But if he resists you’ll have to understand that I have a job to do. Making sure none of Hoshigakure’s secrets get out is one of them. If he doesn’t come back willingly, I’ll have to cut him down.” He would say with a mildly regretful look, he wasn’t entirely comfortable in situations like this. Granted he knew he would need to be, but he simply wasn’t used to them yet. “Tell you what, when I find him I’ll take a keepsake from him to bring it to you. At least you’ll have a physical object to remember him by.” He would say, figuring the boy might want an object or something besides just the kid’s dog.

He would have to ask Kenshin for one from the corpse if he still had it of course. But the boy didn’t need to know that. At this point Valen would nod his head in farewell at the, unknown to him, chunin of the village. The raven haired shinobi would turn toward his office once more, moving into it and sitting down at his desk before pulling out the file from the desk. He would stare down at the identification photo on it, seeing the boys shinobi I.D. picture staring back at him as he did so. ‘Why do I have a feeling this whole situation is going to be FAR more trouble than it’s worth.’ He would think to himself with a sigh before putting the file in the appropriate shelf and moving on with his paperwork. The sun would be rising higher into the sky at this point, showing it was about mid afternoon. He had spent quite long enough in his office. So he would move throughout it, making sure everything was locked up properly and sealed shut, before moving out of his deal, closing it and locking it tight as well.

At this point Valen would turn and head out of the building, Kyousuke still not back, but that wasn’t really his problem. The man had a secretary for crying out loud. It was time for The Dark Prince of Hoshigakure to start training again. It wouldn’t be good to let his skills rust after all, besides he wanted to try to learn a third element, and brush up on some ninjutsu. The things you could do with it were simply astounding.

WC: 587
TWC: 1507

Claiming: This due to this thread saying he left ALL of his skills.

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The Lost Empty Re: The Lost

Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:44 am
The Lost Approved
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