It was less chilly than usual that day in Kirigakure, so Kozata was out in the training grounds attempting (so far, unsuccessfully) to find a partner. All the people there had been original Shima ninja, so they all already knew who he was: the Loser of Shimagakure. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Being the loser meant that he was not just friendless and alone, but that he was also among those with the not so great grades... he was even rejected by the nerds! It was a frustrating thing for him, not even having a girl to give him pity sex (he was too young for that anyway).
At any rate, there he was, looking for someone to train with. It suddenly came to him that the only person he could train with was either himself (as his only friend in life; his inner self, the mansion, didn't count), or quite possibly an outsider. Now, he had almost forgotten there that the Tengakure ninja who had assimilated themselves into the village also were potential new friends. He just had to make a really, really good first impression. Otherwise, he thought, he would be treated like that one man had in Tengakure.
However, finding no one, he went home and went to sleep. When he woke up the next day, he felt much better.
There was no doubt in Kozata's mind that he needed to get stronger. However, he felt that he was not doing enough to get up to that point. He was distinctly noticing that several people around him were already making it to levels that he could only dream of, while he stayed behind in the dirt. He felt like dirt, actually, most of the day... it wasn't a good feeling, he could have told you that much. Only his conversations with the mansion kept him going at some points in the week. One of those points, of course, being Mondays.
Kozata hated Mondays. They were the busiest day of the week, and it was the day, it so happened, on which he went wall patrolling. When all of the other guards saw him rolling, they started hating. As such, they tried to catch him riding dirty whenever he went up on duty... but they never could. Kozata was careful up on that wall to not make many mistakes. In that aspect, he was a "good boy." However, he was still a loser. So... did that make him a "good loser"? Kozata didn't know, as he often didn't, about such things.
In that case, he should cast them aside, which he did. Incidentally enough, it was a Monday, so Kozata finished some quick lasagna for lunch and went out after cleaning up to his afternoon wall shift. The weather was a little warmer than usual, that was, for Kiri. Had things become more violent here? When had that happened? At any rate, he would be late. He got to the wall, and did his rounds, flexing his chakra the whole while. As he did so, he noticed that several people closeby him shivered in clear discomfort. Well, there was the heat draining thing again. By the time he got home, Kozata had worked out, to a small extent, how to control this. Well, it was time to take a trip to a really hot place and train there. He needed to test his capacity and possibly even absorb as much heat as possible without exploding. He checked out a map... yes, this was perfect. Kozata rubbed his hands together and went home. He knew exactly where he was going. To the Land of Volcanoes!
[WC 600, that's
3 stats
600 toward Ausloschen]