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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:18 am
The boy blocked Tatsuo sword sheath attack instead of dodging it like what was expected. It was a clever move to switch up strategies now and again to keep ones opponent with getting to knowledgeable and comfortable. "Impressive block. So he hasn't just been carelessly allowing himself to take damage, he's been studying me this whole time and learning how I move." Tatsuo thought to himself just milliseconds before the incoming kick. With their near equal speed Tatsuo wasn't prepared to dodge and was forced to block. He folded his arms down to his side so the kick hit his forearm and not his ribs or soft flesh. After the kick had been blocked it was now time for Tatsuo to kick things up a notch. He backflipped away gaining a few meters distance from his opponent. As he did so a quick thought raced through his mind. He figured he would reveal something to Monarch that may peak the boys already peaked interest in Tatsuo himself.

If his moves weren't stopped or interrupted til this point he was ready to begin the real battle. "Prepare yourself my friend, I'm going to show you something that might surprise you." he said in a calm voice to,his opponent as he knelt down. A single second later a huge dark, and ominous aura would surround him. Large wings and a tail would sprout from his backside. A bone like helmet would appear on his head as his eyes turned a deep green and his skin a bright white color. His clothes would also change to a pure white robe with the finishing touches being green "tear" like tattoos forming down each side of his face. His demon form now revealed he was ready to spring into action. 

"Get ready." he said to the lad. Though his personality was practically the same his voice would sound much more sinister than it did moments ago. With his increased speed and strength he rocketed towards his opponent, attempting to smash the boy with his wing. Should his attack land he would have easily knocked the boy to the ground and caused some damage. Should his attack miss he would attempt to pull the boys legs from underneath him using his tail. Not many people got to see such a form and Tatsuo didn't really need it to fight this specific opponent but he wanted to show his opponent something special about him and this was the way he thought of to do it.

AP: 109 - 25 (Cambion Transformation) = 84
+10 strength 
+10 speed

WC: 428
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:40 am
Monarch's face got a lot darker suddenly as the black aura flowed around the man "No more playing around with this man...Time to fuck his world up" Monarch thought to himself throwing his right arm out and cracking his neck while the man was speaking, Monarch batted his eyes, he was tensing all of his muscles ready for the demon "If he touches me...I'm a dead man, and I refuse to die here" Monarch thought to himself batting his eyes in a cold blooded killer way the rain started pouring around the spot when the man started his charge.

Monarch didn't have much time retrieving his arm back to him as the demon man charged at him, Monarch tightening his muscles as the man came at speeds uncommon to him, he was faster obviously due to his opponents new wings and dark aura, unlike the last time monarch didn't block or really dodge, instead Monarch dropped on his back when the mans attack was about to land, Monarch would kick off on the mans chest with all his force, safely dodging the wings burdening hit, unknowingly he would be hit with the tail if the man would be able to hit him while being smashed with two feet.
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:13 am
Tatsuo's wing attack missed as the boy simply dropped to ground, a clever yet simple move. "He's got some skill I must admit and he's proving to be quite the sparring partner. In the next instant the boy would attempt a double kick to Tatsuo's chest. Using this to his advantage and since his dark aura provided a small amount of protection, Tatsuo place had planned to place his arms in an X shape quickly. . However a sharp pain went through his body at that moment. "Damn, I'm still not completely in control of my dark chakra and demon form. My body is having trouble with it already and it's so soon into the transformation." saying as the attack approached. With not enough time to block it now he tried jumping into the air. He did so just in time to avoid the brunth of the attack but it did connect. As his opponents feet connected sending him into the air a couple of feet, the damage dealt wasn't major due to his thick aura and chakra lessening the blow he would most likely only suffer light bruising. Although he was unable, at this point, to perform flight with his wings, he could use them as boosters to an extent. Flapping both his wings back to create a gust and propel himself forward he would attempt to grab the lads shoulders and front flip landing on the ground and throwing his opponent threw the air. 

If the throw was successful it wouldn't launch him very far but would put him on his back and knock his balance out of wack, or so Tatsuo planned. After the throw, if it connected, he would would stand his ground and await his opponents next move. If the throne did not connect, Tatsuo would, as he is now on the ground, out stretch his wings and spin in a 360 degree motion quickly. The spinning wings becoming weapons of his not only offensively but defensively. The outstretched wings if hitting their mark on the boys stomach, would hopefully wind the boy and knock him to the ground. He couldn't keep up his demon form too much longer so he would need to either power down soon or finish this battle soon. The latter could be an option but he kind of wanted to drag this thing out and train with his new partner a little while longer if at all possible. The boy was peaking his interest more and more with each passing moment.

WC: 425
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:38 pm
Monarch smiled as he sent the demon man into the air, Monarch had a second to breath "Arial attacks...This could get really bad" Monarch thought to himself with a sigh "I'm out of  ninja tools..." Monarch though to himself in a desperate thought "OKAY BRO!" Monarch said getting up quickly as the Demon planned his attack, but unlucky for the demon Monarch had his own plan jumping back 5 meters getting ready in a physical countering stance.

When the demon man came down as expected with the plot of a aerial attack attempting to grasp onto Monarchs' shoulders and throwing him in the air, instead Monarch grabbed onto the Demon's hands as hard as possible avoiding the harsh plummet that Monarch expected, however the demons grasp did bruise Monarch's skin Monarch was able to hold on stopping his plot to complete his aerial based move, Monarch wouldn't really be much of a chance clinging to the man's arms for dear life trying not to fall, so instead Monarch started swaying his body moving around the balance of the demon, this Monarch assumed would be a good idea for him as he knew the worst thing that would happen to him may be a brutal lashing with the Demon's tail.

Monarch would smile at the man and start joking "Hey dude this is one hell of a ride" Monarch would say with a grin and a nod "My Name's Monarch" Monarch would say with a grin most likely 5-ish meters in the air to the point he'd take a little bit of damage from the fall and most likely would be attacked by the man again due to the ever wearing fatigue they both seemed to be going threw.
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:17 pm
The throw had ultimately failed as Monarch latched on to Tatsuo. This boy was good no doubt about it but at the same time, Tatsuo had no intentions of losing this match either. Slamming on the ground with a rough landing just as the boy, even though the timing sucked, finally introduced himself. Using his tail Tatsuo detached the boy from himself and attempted to slam him onto the ground. Afterwards the aura would fade from his body as he prepared to change back. His wings would seemingly just morph into his back his tail following. His hair would change from white to black and the bone like helmet would simply fall to the ground. His clothes would also change back to how they once were as well. With a sigh and couple deep breaths he faced the lad, now back in his human form.  "Tatsuo, Tatsuo Kyuuketsuki, pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said with a bow taking advantage of the momentary pause.

After another second however, he allowed the boy to come back onto his feet. "Now that we have both been properly introduced I think we should get the last round of this match started don't you?" Tatsuo spoke as he dropped into a combat stance. His form was excellent as he drew a single kunai from his pouch. He held it reverse style and he did not intent to throw this one but use it as a short range melee weapon against Monarch. A moment later he would charge full speed ahead at the lad attempting a sweeping kick for the boys legs, followed by a shallow slash of the kunai for his shoulder. While using the kunai, he would keep each cut he might inflict as shallow and non-fatal as possible. His intentions were the same as before, he wanted to win but did not intend to kill this boy or seriously harm him. 

If the leg sweep was dodged he would continue with the shallow slashes. If any of the slashes were blocked Tatsuo would be prepared for a counter move. At any point that the lad would break out of the combo, Tatsuo at this point thought he would be able to anticipate the moves of the boy enough to not only avoid damage but cause enough to possibly end the fight soon. All he needed to do was stay focused. Now that his demon form had faded, his increased speed and strength had also faded, however, he would still be able to read and react to Monarchs moves this far into the fight. That's one of Tatsuo's biggest tools, his insight. He is always watching, always studying, always learning. He wants to be at least two moves ahead in the very least and he felt that even if an opponent was stronger or faster, Tatsuo could win if be was just smarter and more tactical. Nothing is perfect and everything has a weakness, once you figure out said weakness you can eliminate the threat.

WC: 508
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:30 pm
Monarch got up and shook his head "No sorry, i have to go, you win" Monarch said standing up as he began to walk away "Hey, lets do this again Tatsuo" Monarch would say walking off into this mist holding his ribs.Of course he would also pick up his kunais and shurikens from the battle.

WC:3224 = 16 stat points
And 5 kunais as well as 5 shurikens]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:33 pm
Approved @ Monarch
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Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:58 pm
Tatsuo appeared to have won the battle as his opponent seemingly ran off, perhaps some matters to attend to. He hollered after him as he left telling him once again that he was grateful for the training he had received  for the time being. Honestly Tatsuo was a bit winded from the fight and he felt as though he had matured a great deal over the course of it. Moments later Tatsuo decided it was time for him to leave as well and as he began his exit he hoped he would meet Monarch again some time soon.


WC: 3218 (claiming 16 stats)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Beauty (open/nk) - Page 3 Empty Re: Beauty (open/nk)

Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:01 pm
Approved @ Tatsuo <3
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