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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Preparing For The Endless Mile

Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:42 am
The hooded man dressed in ordinary village clothing,walks along a loaded cart; the horse pulling by the harness, is commanded by a driver who was clearly in a hurry. The short amount of time Ganki had walked along side the cart, he formulated a plan to leave this village. He sought no ill content towards anyone here, however, he no longer wanted to be here. Ganki, still walking along the cart, covered by a enclosed canvas that wrapped the back of the wagon, tapped the back of the wagon nonchalantly. He brands it with his FTG seal on the inside of the wagon, and strides off. He still keeps the wagon in view. Ganki had a feeling that wagon was going to leave the village soon, it had way to much digging supplies and wrapped produce. Staying within the shadows of the crowd, the cart finally makes its way towards the gates. He halts his movements, and leans against one of the buildings. He takes a good look towards the outer walls of the village, that nearly eclipsed the entire village. Ganki remembered when he and his work crew built those walls, and had to rebuild them again after some mishap he had no clue of. Sakura Corp, Ganki had so much plans for this village back then, but now, all of that was over.

Queuing in, back on the wagon near the gates. Ganki views the wagon being allowed to leave the village, after inspection. This, was now the moment. after the wagon reached a good amount of distance away from the gates, disappearing into to sands of the deserts to travel else where, Ganki too would disappear, transferring himself to the back of the covered wagon, where he would suppress his chakra. The winds were doable, and no sand storm was in sight. Now, Ganki would figure out on what to do next. Life as a wanderer, from riches to rags. He would of never guessed that this was his future.

Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:50 am
With the guards searching through the wagon they would very easily happen upon the seal, as it was never hidden, just placed anywhere on the inside that the man could reach at that moment, while it was loading up. Due to this, and the fact that they can sense a chakra signature near the gate, as Ganki is watching it from afar to teleport inside once it has passed the check point. However it would seem that it would be a while, as they have the wagon stay as they send word for the Kazekage to investigate this further, as there is a seal random placed, and it was done so within the village as it was checked when the wagon first came to Suna for trade, and it had no such marks. Due to this and the strangeness of the situation Koroshi after being given word about it, dashes toward the front gate using body flicker to get here as fast as he can. Once he is, and should the man not make any other movements in the short time it takes the Kaze kage to appear before him, he would begin sensing for chakra, locating Ganki, should he remain where he is.

If Koroshi is allowed to find him without trouble with sensing his chakra then he would begin to make his way toward him, if however he does seal his chakra upon the guards doing a longer investigation of the wagon, Koroshi would begin sensing through the earth, trying to track for any movements at his maximum range, while making his way toward where they sensed him.
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:27 pm
“Great”, Ganki muttered, it had seemed his carelessness had made matters worse for him. His plan had gone from leaving the village without bothering anyone one, to something of a possible altercation with the kage, Koroshi Uchiha. He views the giant from afar, talking with the guards. Of course, Ganki could suppress his chakra, and slip by, or just teleport away from the village once again. But, due to his mental state now, and everything he had gone through in just these past hours, Ganki was just, tired of it all. And so, he decided to just go along with it, he was caught, plain and simple.

Exhaling out, he removed the hood from his head, revealing his face for the kage to see, and possible recognize if he should remember. He should, the walls surrounding this place would serve as a good reminder to the kage. If anything, Ganki’s interest to this village matched the kage’s when it came to safety, among other things. Well, it used too. Was he going get arrested? Who knows, maybe he might get a friendly greeting. It all didn’t matter, he simply didn’t care anymore.

He now looks onward towards Koroshi, being wary of his movements. But oddly, felt as if he seemed to not care. It was strange. His brown bladed hair blows back with the wind current hitting him, as he waited for Koroshi to track him down.
Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:12 am
Sensing a friendly and known Chakra signal coming from some buildings near the gate Koroshi smiles as he begins to walk forward toward Ganki, this man was a respected friend within the Sand, and had helped them greatly by rebuilding, and reinforcing the walls before and after the attack by the one tails. Should Ganki not move or try to get away when Koroshi approaches him, Koroshi would extend his right arm outward toward Ganki, greeting him after not speaking for awhile, as Koroshi never really got a chance to thank him "It has been awhile Ganki, how have you been?" Koroshi says as he waits for the man to return his hand shake.

Should the man shake it Koroshi would continue to speak "I never got to thank you for rebuilding the walls after the attack, it helped us out a lot."
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:08 pm
A brief moment of silence occurred just as Koroshi greeted Ganki, he simply stood their stargazed. Normally, it wasn’t too far from the norm if a giant simply walks up towards you, with each step creating giant crater like footsteps in the sand. The man was simply huge; Ganki’s eyes scanned his whole figure. He still wasn’t used to shaking hands with a giant muscular man like Koroshi.

He finally nods his head towards him, extending his own hand to shake Koroshi’s hand. He nods quickly before replying, “Yeah, sorry about that. I can’t really stay in one place for too long, time is money, Kazekage.” Saying Kazakage left a sour taste in his mouth, but nevertheless, he had to show some mutual respect if he wanted to leave. Even though Ganki was in a hurry to leave, hearing the Kazekage speak about the helpfulness of the defensive walls did force a small smirk to appear on his face. Of course it did, If anyone wanted quality, Sakura Corp product is A1. Well, was.
He then releases his grip, returning it to his side, and would talk if Koroshi did the same. “Im really glad it did, honestly. Just try not to piss off whoever ruined it again, ok?” looking upwards towards the walls, he then returned his gaze back to Koroshi. “Well, I’m off. Cya”, Ganki said, as he walked off, this time towards the gates like he should of the first time.

He wasn’t sure how he felt about not telling him about the cloud village. No, actually he did. Good riddance.

Koroshi Uchiha
Koroshi Uchiha
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:35 am
Koroshi chuckles at Gankis words, as it is impossible for the one tails to attack the village again, as he has it mind controlled and in his brothers world for save keeping "Don't worry, the one tails will actually be spending its days protecting this village from now on" Koroshi says with a grin, although should Ganki still say his goodbyes, Koroshi would return his own "Leaving so soon? Well have a save journey and good luck in future trades" Koroshi says with a smile as he saves his friend off.
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:30 pm
Koroshi’s words piqued the interest of Ganki, grabbing his attention immediately. He quickly snapped his eyes back towards the Kazekage, his head following suit after. A Bijuu? Ganki had not heard about Bijuu In so long. The last time Ganki heard about them, was when he fought a Jinchuriki, who happened to be a leaf ninja, the host of the seven tailed bijuu , Raito Yamaki. Ganki however didn’t know that the host he met was the host of the seven tails, but the host was a Jinchuriki nonetheless. This was all back when Ganki was a mere chuunin. But what could have Koroshi done to cause a bijuu to attack the village? Or maybe, his village was unfortunate to come into contact with a rogue bijuu.

“Wow, that’s impossible! How did that happen? I mean, I haven’t heard about them in a while, I thought they were all captured, sealed away. Hell, I’ve only met one Jinchuriki, and that was a long time ago! There basically myths, how rare they are…”

Ganki was finding this hard to believe, though, him seeing a Jinchuriki did force him to give it more extra thought into it. Ganki looks back at the walls as he waited for the Kazekage to respond. They were built to withstand powerful attacks, yet when he came back the last time he had to rebuild them. This didn’t make any sense. The One tails? Ganki could barely remember the different types of bijuu, he only learned this subject in class in the academy. He never gave much thought afterwards, even with meeting with Raito.
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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:33 am
((After talking with Koroshi, I'm just gonna end it right here. So I'm just going to disregard my last post.))

Continuing towards the village gates, unhindered by the kage who gives Ganki his farewell, Ganki returns it with a simple hand gestures. He bids farewell to the Sand village, and continues his directionless journey to where ever he would end up. He lifts up his hood over his head once again, and raising his lower face mask over his face, covering his nose and mouth from the sand. He leaves the village, disappearing into the sandy winds of the desert.

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Preparing For The Endless Mile Empty Re: Preparing For The Endless Mile

Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:32 pm
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