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Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:25 pm
It seemed the two didn't want to really talk, Toma not really understanding that sometimes people got upset and needed counseling.

"Alright, see you around then. My name's Toma." Turning back to his food, Toma would quickly finish his meal in a very exaggerated fashion, he didn't realize that perhaps the other two were leaving soon and didn't want to sit awkwardly at the bar near them seeing as they just ended the conversation.

Standing up, Toma clapped his hands together, forming a ram seal, "Peace!" And activating the Body Flicker Technique, Toma would proceed to leave the ramen bar at 190 speed, moving away from the guys so it wasn't like they were gonna get dust thrown in their face by the speed of his moment or feel a gust of wind. Toma didn't know if either of the two guys had developed any form of chakra sensory, and honestly thought it was just a natural thing because he had had it since his 'birth', so he would end his body flicker over 100 meters away from the two guys as he left the scene, hopefully he had moved fast enough that it had seemed like he had disappeared to those guys, it would be pretty cool.


Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:36 pm
Salzem looked up from the counter as Cole signaled their exit. He got up from the bar, not before thanking the cook appropriately for the food. However, this Toma had gotten up first, and deciding a fancy exit was in order, he walked a few feet away and disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Salzem half-heartedly stepped out of the shop, not before leaving a nice tip to the cook, and waited for Cole to exit as well.

"Well..." Salzem said with a heavy sigh. "Shall we go...?"
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:04 am
Cole was standing and watched as the man disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Cole had to admit it looked pretty cool, and if he saw him again he would have to get him to show him how he did that. Cole would look back at sal which was not impressed by the man. He was also giving Ichiraku a good tip. Way better then cole ever did, and when they got out side cole would look sal in the eyes “you cant just be giving him a tip like that when I with you. If you do that then he will expect me to tip him like that, and im only a genin here man I don't make good money like you” cole would tell sal with a smile on his face. He thought that maybe that would get him to smile atleast.

“look lets do this shall we, we will head out the village gates and have a spar and you can show me some of that tiajutsu. You was talking about in their earlier” cole would add as he started to make his way to village gates. On the way to the gate cole would try and cheer sal up by telling him a few jokes. He didn't know if it would work but it was worth a try he thought.

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:55 am
(Meet my Familiar! XD)

Alright. Salzem had to admit, that was kinda funny. When Cole feigned complaining about the tip he had given to the cook, a small smile broke through on his face. suddenly, without warning, he started to laugh. It felt good to laugh. It felt like he hadn't laughed in years. Suddenly, Salzem felt a familiar tug on his legs. Suddenly multiple tugs made their way up his legs and back. Salzem stopped moving, letting them work their way to where they were supposed to be. Then, as he felt a pressure around his chest, belly, and shoulders, she faded into appearance. her camouflage ability came in handy, especially searching for small animals to prey on in this city of hairless apes, as she called them. First, her legs rippled into sight, 6 light blue spider legs wrapped around Salzem's chest and belly, the fore-legs flipped over his shoulder's. Then her body faded into existence. Her cephalothorax rippled into existence, nuzzled tightly to his back, abdomen hanging low.

I'm back, ape. I must compliment you, your birds are absolutely delectable and..... Zeefalvora stopped her telepathic communication with Salzem, as if she just noticed Cole was there.

Slave... She had taken to calling Salzem slave as he tried to make her comfortable at home, as a guest. Apparently, Zeefalvora didn't take hospitality very well. There is another monkey in front of you... She said this as if Salzem didn't notice Cole was there either. To subtly spite the "Matriarch", and to show Cole what he had been living with for a day, Salzem turned around to show Cole the colossal lightning blue tarantula that rested on his back.

"Cole, I'd like you to meet my familiar.... er.... Matriarch" Salzem recovered quickly. "Zeefalvora." Zeefalvora squeezed harder on Salzem's body in protest before giving up and turning her attention to Cole.

You would be wise to stay away from me, human! She barked telepathically at Cole. Her mental voice seemed to be that of a 30 year old woman, perhaps older. That seemed to either make her less scary or more commanding of respect.

This human... She tapped on the shoulder with one of her fore-legs. Is mine! Salzem sighed, turning back to face Cole and shrugged, smile still there on his face having gotten a rise out of his spider.

"A keeper isn't she?" Salzem said, referring to Zeefalvora.

I can hear you, you worthless... hairless.... APE! She grumbled in his head before falling silent.
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:52 am
Cole had done it he got Sal to laugh while they walked to the village gates. He figured that this was going good now next they would have a spar in the training grounds, and he knew that Sal liked to train as much as cole did. Cole thought that it would be a pretty good day from here on, and started to wander what Sal was going to teach him.

Sal stopped moving and looked like he was thinking about something. Cole didn't know what he was doing but he wasn't going to interrupt him either. Cole set and looked at Sal when Sal turned and showed cole his back. Their was a massive blue spider on his back. Coles first notion was to slap it off, but before he could Sal told him that he wanted cole to meet his familiar. Zeefalvora.

Cole would look at the spider “hello their Zeefalvora hows it going” cole would ask the spider? He then would left his hand to go and pet it, but the Zeefalvora told him not to touch him in his head. Cole thought that it was weird hearing someone in his head. He had never heard anyone but his own voice in his head.

“She is defiantly something, ive never seen a spider like that” cole would tell Sal. They was nearing the training grounds by now. “so tell me Sal what was you going to teach me today” cole would ask? He wanted to know, and he also wanted to know more about Sal's spider as well. Even though it was a bit mean it seamed pretty cool.

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:12 am
Salzem and Cole walked to the training yards. He was thinking about what exactly he would give to Cole from his "mystical Bag of tricks before he settled on something. He would turn to Cole before answering.

"Well, I can teach you a few basic Taijutsu skills such as the Leaf Whirlwind or Leaf Rising wind. Simple moves that will serve you well in a fight."  Zeefalvora shifted positions, unlocking her legs from Salzem's body and shoulders before crawling off of him and scuttled along beside him.

If you are going to be dancing around, I don't want any part of it. I'm going to find something to eat. Zeefalvora said before scuttling off into the forest. A few other genin who were training seemed completely dumbfounded by the size of spider and stared at her as she disappeared into the brush.. Salzem would shrug, sigh, and turn to Cole.  "Spiders. Am I right?" Salzem would say before getting serious. "Alright. Ready?"
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:39 am
They made it to the training grounds and their was a few people their working on getting to the next level of their training. The sun was out and shinning it was a nice day with the trees giving shade through out the training grounds. Sal told cole that he could teach him the leaf whirlwind or the lead rising wind. Cole didn't know which one Sal would teach him but he kinda wanted to learn both of them. Maybe if he was quick enough he would be able to master both of them.

At this point the spider gets down from Sal and scurried off into the woods freaking a few of the other genin out. Sal would look at cole and say “spider right” cole would agree with him not knowing much about them especially that spider. Sal would then get into fighting position. Cole would do the same trying to copy Sals position not knowing if it was part of the jutsu or not.

“lets do this” cole would tell Sal, as he got ready to spar and see just what this jutsu was all about.

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:20 pm
Salzem would lower himself into a battle stance, ready to duel Cole again. He would take the first move. He grabbed dashed over to a large stone (speed 100) snatching it up and tearing it in half as if it were a piece of paper. He would then toss one piece as Cole, then the other, (Speed 90, Strength 9) This would give Cole just enough time to protect himself and would give Salzem ample opertunity to proceed with the next stage of attack. Salzem, using the Body Flicker, Salzem would "teleport" behind Cole at speeds of 140, beyond his senses and would grab him by the back of his shirt, lift him into the air and toss him about a meter over the ground. Salzem would slip underneath him, bringing his leg up in a rising kick, more of a push than an actual attack. This would leave Cole hanging helplessly in the air, unless, of course, he picked up some new tricks as well.
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:33 pm
Sal would make the first move moving over and grabbing a rock and tearing it in two. He would throw one at cole followed by they other. They was flying faster then cole could move, and all he could do was put his arms up to block they attack. The rocks smashed into cole knocking him back a few steps, and before he could recover Sal was already on him picking him up by his neck, and throwing him into the air. Sal would then slip under cole, and would land a kick into coles rib cage. Cole would go flying in the direction that Sal kicked, but as his body went flying it would turn into a log. The log was setting a little ways off from were they was fighting someone had been practicing the substitution jutsu.

Cole would run in at sal from behind him making a few hand signs and forming a whip out of water. He would charge at him slinging the whip to try and wrap around Sal. If it was successful he would then go in for a punch. (speed 30 str 10)


Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: Happy Birthday.... I guess (Open)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:56 pm
Salzem cocked an eyebrow as the Cole he had kicked was actually a log. Salzem looked around for where Cole had gone. He couldn't have gone far. Then, he saw movement, behind him, a whip of water snaked it's way towards him. It wrapped around him, squeezing just tight enough to be noticeable. Cole charged and threw a punch at Salzem's stomach (just going to assume it's there as lack of specifics). At a strength of 10 to Salzem's 65 health, he felt nothing. He didn't even flinch as the fist collided with his stomach. He would look down at Cole, almost questioningly. Was that his punch? No... he was just playing around. He must be. He tore his arm free from the whip with his massive 85 strength and grabbed Cole's wrist, prying it away from his stomach. He then tore his other arm free and brought his arm down in a chop, severing the remaining water whip.

"Cole, here I thought you were going to try to surpass me. Holding back will only make your defeat that much quicker." Salzem taunted. If Cole were angry, he would likely be unrelenting, and if he was unrelenting, he would show his true power. This is what he wanted. He back handed Cole (Speed 41, power 10.) Salzem then would let Cole go, allow him to recover.

"Come on Cole. Show me your true power."
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