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Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:32 am
the twins heads were nothing but a sight as they were layed on the bed and tended to by the various kirigure nurses and medical staff. the mere fact that the twins held out against the boy shocked them as the iv fluids were placed within them as they joined together however requiring double the treatmeant. as segri held conciousness the doctors and nurses scratched their head as the twins were a rare case yet segri was reluctant to split from neku as the one with the lions share of control he held fast as the nurses attempted to reason with him for allowing them to tend to neku. "i know you tend well for us but neku isnt as strong as i hence i must be the one to keep his body finctional combined. he took alot of damage but if you heal us both we will recive the benifits equally." segris voice was weak as his head was spinning as a blood transfusion was done to replenish their lost bloood. requiring heartpounding ammount as the twins were recovering.

yet neku began to regain conciousness slowly and surely as the nurses monitered the two tending to the worst of the wounds that could be reached thus far. However as neku weakly lifted his head he noted that segri was staring at him shaking his head neku lifted his head wincing a bit as he had maintained some unseen wounds as the two were combined shifting. despite that neku soon gained full awareness as he glanced at segri who informed him on the situation. Neku groaned slightly as he seperated himself from segri and the wounds that he held sent him in slight spasims as he took a sharp intake of air. of course he would break our ribs and stab a few holes in us what was going to stop him there. the bonehead! he will pay for that neku thought to himself as he breathed in as an iv fluid was placed next to him and a blood transfusion was done for him to help him through. it took awhile but neku felt the hours go by as the doctors took note on the various cuts and gashes from the endever also with an x ray they located the broken ribs and immediatly with care proceeded to tend to the breaks on their ribs. in the meantime neku was silent a pain not emmiting from the now covered and healing cuts but the fact that there was more then the fact that the test he set up for the boy hysterio wasnt as clear.

"After a thought segri i could only destest that his path is clear to the kage and to us he seeks power. nevertheless i saw less of a leader in him then i did in the other boy. perhaps he is powerful but he never considered the conciquences of the actions or well may have but discarded the fact." neku murmered as segri had an idea of what neku meant. as he too reflected on the actions finally speaking his mind. "I am not in mind of the idea that you had neku to test him but that was a deadly gamble and test that we are lucky to be out of alive. i would suggest we tone down the risks more in that case that won't be able to hurt us as much you know"

segri cautiously spoke up as neku despite being not dominate in their body he was clear with his intent. Neku nodded at his words and smiled "true he did fall into the test and well i could lax up on the tests but clearly i would never follow him. his thoughts are absolute and yes i assume he has more of a experience .yet the display and joy he took even in his right mind or wrong mind it wont matter that is a danger that should one not realize their limits not only risk their lives but our lives as well. power sure does get to ones head but what to expect a batlle hungry fellow. the show mustve been a sight to the kage but there was little reflection in him. without that he is no more diffrent then a beast. we may be brothers but i watch and calculate observe and question. you are more direct and straightforward segri the thing that makes us more better as one and induvidually" neku spoke as he began to feel better. yes his test was not as sucessful as he thought but segri agreed it was done. the question remained though. what was the other two up to was beyond them as one was a jinchiruchi and the other a rather problematic lunatic. the joys that were ahead of the twins was a large mess of strife.

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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:44 am
oh, my. Hysterio had really done a number on the twins, huh? Hysterio stood silently, if he was going to lead them, he needed to hear what they honestly thought of him. Stepping around the corner and through the doorway to their room, he said "It seems the Kage considers you two to be a pair, since you two are put with Mitako in a squad I will work with. And yes, that was a literally bloody silly gamble, especially when your opponent was overcome by blood lust and a straightforward way of thinking."

Hysterio smiled wryly for a brief moment, his eyes scanning their bodies to track their progress towards recovery.

(sorry, rushing my post a bit herE)
Alister Yama
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:40 am
The twins looked over at hysterio and shook their head. They still didn't see him as a leader despite status of rank as for their test only confirmed the reality of the situation.  they had a psychopath as a chuninn and more so in charge of them.  "perhaps you misunderstood the reality of the gamble. Blood lust in a leader unchecked and out of control despite the reasons causes more harm then good. Rage may file the being but kills the mind and despite the outcome you still lose. The cycle of blood saiting blood never stops as is the same for your reasoning.  So Don't explain your excuses you had a choice and went through with it." Both twins took a breath and cracked their necks as they stared down hysterio as they spoke their next words.  "So now comes the main course. Are you truely what a leader is made of? Before you awnser don't look at archetypes or what you wish to follow or be.  In what way or form did you show us you are a leader before we even get to awknowledgement  of your rank. We don't care about showing of skill or fighting ability we only care about what lies in you. People are drawn to leaders wether it's a light within them or how they present themselves through fear or peace  they are seen and shown as the ones for the future. One would look to them and say they want to be like them. so while you went upon your way duringour test you only followed a script that was willingly made by us. You never went on your own bounds and way to change it in fact by the looks of it you showed more weakness then what we would've shown by groveling in the dirt. You never admitted to your limits of sanity and more so you endangered or went through endangerment of others. We  frown upon such actions as should it have been us we would've turned away in your darkest hour at that. Not in sourness but awkowledgement that in cuclusion to your guidance we turn from you and leave you for dead. If that's the case the tell us what do you see in us that we have gained from you?" 

Both segri and neku spoke simotaniously letting their words seep into hysterio all the while a grin on their faces as they looked at the boy no more then a man with a star on hisshoulder saying chuninn.
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:31 pm
While the twins had lots to say, there was little that needed to be said on Hysterio's part. "I had no team to lead. I was by myself, if you did not recall. We'll see about leadership later after you are out of the hospital, and we can work on stuff. And yes, I am aware of my own vices, I have never had the issue with bloodlust before that day though."

Hysterio waved and exited, he had other things he needed to do. He stopped outside a library, and borrowed some more books on the medical arts that he began perusing on the way back. He was starting to fill in most of the gaps in his medical knowledge now. Hopefully he would be able to make actual medical jutsu soon.

Just because, he stored a bit more of his energy in the armour.

claiming +10 ap stored in the armour
Akihana Akari
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:21 am

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Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:40 pm
Segri shook his head as he watched hysterio leave the consideration of him as a leader had dropped greatly yet as he let out a sigh neku got up and stretched as he patted him on the shoulder. "don't worry bro take our time and relax. If he can't lead us we will do it ourselves if we must. His speed is high and skilled from what I see but also we take what we can from the encounter he won't change overnight and yet his patterns might not be realistic in combat terms they are predictable as he's a killer  at heart or trying to be at least. We are neither that nor pure good we do what's necessary." segri nodded at nekus words silently as he too got up  and nodded at the nurse who headed down the hall way to another room as the twins walked out of their recovery room and out to the hospital as neku fused with segri the doctors watching taking notes behind the desk as they were still perplexed by the twins unique ability. 

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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the gashes that bleed not blood but pride Empty Re: the gashes that bleed not blood but pride

Fri Aug 21, 2015 9:23 pm
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