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Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:02 pm

Rikaro stood in the waiting hall where many many other Genin stood. Today was the start of the Chuunin exams July 25th to be exact. And the first mission to complete on our path to Chuunin was to infiltrate a secret base and steal a scroll. However no one knew what was within the scroll. Rikaro mentally sighed today was the day he had been training for for many year . He was nervous to say the least. But not as nervous as the other Genin. He looked around several kids smaller than himself stood biting there nails,  twitching there feet, or simply sweating and not sweating from the heat. Hrm when will it be his turn to start the exam. Across Kumo there were exactly a hundred compounds for each Genin to infiltrate. None of the three Chuunin in each compound did not know what they were doing there other than to guard the building until further notice. Rikaro saw a girl walk up hands on her face with tears seeping through the cracks between her fingers. Rikaro knew that look it was the face of failure." Rikaro Shinkou your up next " said a loud blooming voice of a Jounin. Rikaro nodded and went to the yellow tape on the ground which was the starting line. Rikaro looked up to the Jounin as the Jounij said  " Rikaro there is one compound 30 meters at your 10 o'clock there you will infiltrate it to get a scroll if you fail to get the scroll you will remain a Genin until you are able to retry the mission. Now ninja of Kumogakure go and complete your mission " said the purple hairs jounin. Rikaro nodded and took off almost instantly jumping in the trees. He was 20 meters away from the compound so he could see it. A good thing was he was out of the range of the Chuunin inside the compound so they could not see or senzlse his chakra. His crimson First Stage Meigan activated in both of his eyes as he stared at the compound.  It was a perfect square compound with on opening g right in front of him. However nonninja stood gaurd at the door. There was a ninja walking around the hallways which were like a maze. A ninja in a room of some sort sitting down and a ninja lying on the roof of the compound sleeping? Rikaro frowned he will show those Chuunin how to complete a mission.  He deactivated his First Stage Meigan and lowered his cjakra beyond sensing. He had took off his shoes at home so as he moved he would not make any noise. Rikaro glided through the trees of the forest landing on delicate but strong branches they could bear his weight and not crack. It was a good thing the ninja on the roof was facing away from Rikaro. Well it did not matter because a whole forest surrounded the compound. The sun had went down and the New Moon rose. Rikaro stood in the tree his han clinging on the bark of the tree as he stared at the opening. From his minor enhanced memory he remembered the gaurd should be almost at the top of the compound. Rikaro smirked this would be easy. But then he remembered the Chuunin that was sitting down. Hrm could he be using cameras. Rikaro looked around and saw one single device with a lens pointing to the ground in front of the door. However it was in the corner of the threes hold so if one used there surface walking abilities they could easily bypass the camera.

Rikaro jumped out of the tree thanking it for not making any sound as his feet attached faintly to the metal of the wall on side of the camera that pointed to the other direction m his hands and feet were connected to the wall as he quietly crawled over the doorway and onto the ceiling within the compound. Hanging upside down on the ceiling he crawled like a lizard finding food as he moved quickly and quietly through the compound using his memory to see when the gaurd would circle back his way. He was going to turn a corner when he saw a shadiw  on the ground. The shadow was massive. He slowly crawled into a took where another opening was. As he went into the took he saw the shadow disappear as it walked the hallways. Rikaro with his chakra suppression still activated went out of the other opening of the room. Hrm the compound had a single large pillar in the middle so could the scroll be in the middle. It was exactly like a maze a area in the middle that as surrounded by hundreds of passive ways. Luckily for Rikaro he found out that there was only one cameara and it was at the doorway from before. He found that out by looking at the small map of the compound he had found. Well not a map exactly it was A bl piece of paper with stripes on it. So a blueprint for a architect. Rikaro stared at the paper in his hand as he traced his finger over it he was one more hall away from the pillar where the scroll may or Kay not be." Mei do you mind giving me some help here right about now " Rikaro said within his head waiting for the Yuumei to to reply. Seconds later Mei said " No Rikaro this is your mission to success I am not going to help you ". Rikaro frowned why did he even ask he knew what he answer was going to be already. Like before with his suppression still on he glided through the hallways. Of course the gaurd was only on the first hallway not expecting for someone together this far. Then he wondered about the gaurd on the rood where a faint light was. He was actually lying on the middle of the roof. Could it be a opening where the scroll was. Rikaro smirked maybe those guards were smart after all. They had a gaurd at each entrance so it will be harder and harder. But then he remembered the snoring from the gaurd on the roof an the way the man breath so he knew he was asleep Rikaro had to act fast or else he would end up failing the mission.

Rikaro continued to walk on the ceiling of the hallway looking for what h . Remembered on the blueprint as a massive pillar. As he crawled on the ceiling he finally saw the pillar in all of it's glory. But something seemed odds about the pillar because as he circled it there was no opening. Hrm thought Rikaro as he grabbed the blueprint out of his pocket there was a arrow pointing to a place on the pillar with the number 6'5 on it. Could that Kean that that I'd a secret passage way and you need to be at the most 6'5 to walkthrough. Rikaro smirked his prize was here. He walked to where the arrow was pointing and walked through the wall. Good it was a space time techniques someone used on the wall. He saw the scroll 5 ft away from.him his arm alone was 3 ft so only two steps and he could touch the scroll. He took to silent steps his chakra suppression still activated then stretched his right arm and touched the scroll picking it up with his fingers. He released the suppression saying " Game Over a Genin won " instantly lights came on and sirens blaring. A joining jumped through the ceiling and said " Good Job Rikaro you completed the mission successfully. Noe here is your Ryo tomorrow be up bright and early for the second part of your exams " said the jounin who Rikaro realised was the one who escorted him to the compound. Rikaro nodded sweat coming off his face and grabbed the bag of Ryo. And jumping out of the ceiling the compound and landing in the roo . He jumped on a single tree branch and began his streak home. He was smiling a little as he finally had completed the mission. He did not know it would be that hard.

It was so intense having to watch your back at all times to make sure not to get spotted. So that was what it meant to be a true ninja. Not that you needed power but that in the ninja world you are never truly safe you needed to watch your back at all times or it would come back and bite you in the ass. He was happy the scroll was not up under the hole of the ceiling so the Chuunin could not see him." So Mei how did I do " said Rikaro within his mind. She replied with " You did very well however you could have done a lot better. Rikaro nodded and continued to jump from tree branch to tree branch.

1500 words

Claiming 2k Ryo and ability to move to next mission
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:07 pm
You also get 7 AP for a B rank mission. <3
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:08 pm
Thanx for telling me does it mean it is approved? I thought Youka had to approve these
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:11 pm
I'd feel better if Youka looked at these. <3
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:14 pm
Chuunin Mission Part 1 Khorne+approves+of+this+message+_eceb6e6954847bdea73c022b9bae95a8
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:30 pm
Forgot to claim my 3 stast
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Chuunin Mission Part 1 Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part 1

Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:32 pm
Reapproved <3
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