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Taini Hyuga
Taini Hyuga
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:03 pm
Taini awoke as he had every morning lazily stretching and loosening his muscles as he went. He raised his arms above his head and flexed the joints of his elbows and held the pose for a brief moment. When he at last decided to lower his arms from the stretch a feeling rose through him, building from within the sound rose through the trunk of his body and escaped in the form of an echoing inharmonious yawn. The yawn came with a sound of a medium sized animal’s life leaving it but after a second it passed and the unsettling sound was gone. Taini feeling much better after his strange morning ritual of stretching began to go about his normal routine he would gather some water from his pump and washed himself accordingly. After this it was time for some coffee to start his early morning. It was still dark outside but within the hour the sun began its never ending climb into the sky above the fire country so Taini had some time to prepare for his plans today. After a few sips of the wonderfully brewed beverage Taini set to working on his breakfast and packing his lunch for the day. Breakfast would consist of a simple bowl of warm rice and milk to fill his stomach and to jump start his metabolism for the day and his lunch would again be the sandwiches made with tuna. Ever since Taini’s encounter with the strange boy known as Travis Kaguya’s in the woods several weeks ago he always packed more than one sandwich today he made three and tucked them safely into his bag. Reaching up to the self in his small cupboard Taini still felt the phantom pain of the bone from Travis’s last attack but lightly his parents had taken good care of the wound and If Taini ever bumped into Travis again he would like to sit and discuss the match in detail. But today was a different note today Taini was meeting his friend Cole in the forest outside of the village so that he and Cole could train together. Through all of his rummaging and packing though Taini had lost track of time and he could see through his small window that the sun rise was going to start any minute.
Grabbing his coffee and his bag Taini climbed through the small window to sit on the edge of the roof where he had sat almost every morning since he lived in the flat to watch the sunrise before he started his days. The first orange hued rays of sunrise kissed the still dew laden building and trees of the leaf village with the same loving care as a mother would her sweetest young child. These soft rays that should have brought warmth to a new day only acted to rejuvenate a freshly awoken Taini as he closed his eyes and soaked in the radiant feeling of them. The tint of the sky was slowly increasing its new bright light was refreshing the same as it was every morning. Taini would sit and watch every morning as that beautiful sun made its greeting to his amazingly gorgeous land, Taini never wanted to take his home or any of its beauty for granted so this had become one of his morning rituals. After finishing his coffee it was time to set out to where he was going to meet Cole for today’s training.
Taini walked out if his flat checking to make sure he had everything he was going to need for the day, taking a final look through his backpack and taking inventory. Three sandwiches “check”, two bottles of water “check”, assorted ninja tools “check”, Basic first aid supplies “Check”, and one stick of hard Candy “Check”. Taini finally feeling as if he was ready to start his jovial trip to the small clearing past the gate. The sun’s top was almost a thumbs width above the horizon and it was time to begin his day. As always Taini would set out on his complicated route through the village around turns and bends to extend his jog to the gate everyday Taini changed the route slightly and every day Taini became more familiar with his village. He would wave at people as he passed smiling happily and starting their days in the village he would race as some of the children would chase him just to appease the younger kids. Eventually after a good jog he would begin his sprinting and counting to keep his scores and to help him always improve. Taini ran up to the massive gates of the city and scaled the wall almost effortlessly this time when he breached the top of the wall he set his course in the direction of his small clearing and fired his body forward sprinting feeling the freedom of the wind and the forest he would climb trees here and there and jump from limb to limb as he made his way to his destination Taini began to think about his objective for the day the perfection of the revolving heaven technique. (WC-859)
Travin Iburi
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:30 pm
Cole had set his alarm clock the night before to wake him up. He knew that if he didnt' then he would not get up in time to meet Taini in the clearing of the forest, as his alarm went off cole slapped the alarm clock to shut it up. Probably harder then was needed, but he felt like they alarm clock got they point cause it shut up. He threw his blanket off of him sluggishly, and set up in his bed balling his toes up in the floor rug. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and stood up reaching for the ceiling in a huge stretch. He then walked over to his chair were his pants was at, and grabbed them and put them on. Walking out of his bedroom door with them still unbutton and stopping by the bathroom. To take a leak before he walked down stairs. He would set at the table as his mom was making breakfast. “naw mom im just going to have a bowl of ceral this morning. I got to head out to the forest and help some genin with his training this morning” he would say as he held his head up with his hands still trying to wake up. His mom would grab him a bowl and pour some cereal in it with some milk and hand it lay on the table. Cole would slowly eat the cereal and drink some orange juice that his mom put on the table. This helped to wake him up a bit, but he looked at the clock and it was already almost nine, and he was suppose to meet taini at nine thirty. It was an hour walk from his house to the clearing, so he knew that he wouldn't make it on time.

Cole set their and thought for a minute about how he would get their, as fast as he possible could. Then he remembered that jutsu his father was telling him about. It was called the body flicker jutsu, and it made you way faster for a good bit of a while. He figured that with his chakra he would be able to get their in no time with that jutsu, and his father said it was only a D rank jutsu. Which meant that it would be pretty easy to learn given what all cole had already got the hang of. He would set their for a bit longer finishing his food and drink, and then start to head back up to his room. He would open his closet and grab one of his white tee shirts and slip it on loosely tucking it in his pants. After that he would set down in his chair and put his shoes on. Then he would set their and stair at the ceiling for a while. For some reason when you had to leave soon when you set down it was the most comfortable place you could ever get. Plus it kind of helped if you was still half asleep as well. He would get up and grab his jacket as he walked out of his room, and throw it on leaving it unzipped.

When he made it to the bottom of the stairs he saw that the clock read that it was nine twenty five. Dam he thought to himself I spent to much time getting ready, but in reality he spent to much time sitting in his chair staring at the ceiling. He would walk out side and see that the sun was trying to break free from behind the mountains around the village, and that people was already out and moving through the street. He didn't know how they did this, this early but he was not one of them that liked it. He would look around to find a direction were no one was at, but their was people all over the place. He had no choice he would just use the roof tops of the building. He made the hand signs and with that he took off at a speed of 130. To the untrained eye it would appear as thought he just disappeared into thin air. However it would not make it to the spot in time. He would be a few minutes late, and if Taini was on time cole would run past him and stop behind.

He would say “i hate you for making me get up this early I want you to know that” with a smile on his face saying he was only joking.

Taini Hyuga
Taini Hyuga
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:14 am
Taini waited for almost two hours on Cole’s arrival but in that amount of time Taini grew restless and extremely bored so while he was waiting Taini felt that he could not waste any more time so he began practicing his spin. The key to performing the revolving heaven technique was in the spin or rotation it had to be timed just right so that when Taini began to expend his chakra it would be an even spread the shell being formed of his chakra would need to be the same thickness in every direction for the jutsu to be effective at all. So Taini began with his footwork his feet weaving and taking place and his body pivoting around the planted foot. This was complicated enough because of the uneven ground in the clearing but Taini had practiced his spin many times over the course of the past few months. Taini would run across the clearing at full speed and suddenly stop using the force of his run to propel himself into his spin this was a good exercise because if he had to move away from a target to get away he could sprint and start the rotation if needed in combat.
Next while waiting Taini would begin to focus his chakra the next main step in his training for this jutsu was to expend his chakra from his palms letting it seep out of him so that when he was spinning it would flow around him forming a shell. Taini would practicing letting his chakra seep out of him by first Taking deep breaths and focusing his chakra flow into his hands letting his tenketsu network force the flow of his chakra to his palms. Next he would rotate his hands in front of him drawing small circles with his palms in the air while focusing on maintaining his link to the chakra as it left his body. At the end of his hands while rotating them he would find small disks of chakra that would dissipate when he stopped the circling motion.
For weeks now Taini had been coming here to the forest and at the training grounds in the village to practice these techniques, spinning and forcing his chakra away out of his body he had developed these training techniques on his own. First by understanding what he need to do in order to perform the eight trigrams revolving heaven and then breaking the full technique into smaller more practical movements after practicing the movements over and over again Taini began stack them together. Slowly building his way to trying the full technique. Taini finished his rotations with his hand and thought of trying to perform his new technique before Cole arrive to the clearing.
Walking to the center of the clearing Taini began to focus himself taking his stance with his right arm extended in front of him and his left arm extending in the same way to his rear. He had to not tense the muscles in his arms so that they could rotate freely when he began his spin. Stepping his right foot forward slightly Taini also lowered his torso forward as well to help him maintain a balanced position when beginning the techniques. Focusing his chakra to his palms Taini propelled his arms around him coiling his body tightly straining the muscles of his core to a tension only rivaled by that of a large spring. At the moment he felt he could no longer hold the stance he began to swing his arms together toward his right. Keeping his arms in line with each other he spun with all of his might and began to expel the chakra from his body directing through his palms. The result was the form of a half shell of purplish energy surrounding him in a spinning wall. The wall extended outwards about two meters from his body and then Taini released the spin stopping himself suddenly retaining the same stance he had taken before. Smiling Taini looked around the at the circle that had been blown into the grass of the clearing around him. The circle was only a little misshapen in one spot which means that either the spin had faltered slightly or that he had not proportionally expelled his chakra in every direction. For now that was enough Taini decided that it would be a good time to rest and finish his wait on his oh so late sparring partner thinking that he would have a chance to use this maneuver when Cole arrived.
After waiting another twenty minutes Taini felt a slight breeze pass him closely and then a voice that was extremely familiar came from behind him unexpectedly. “I hate you for making me get up this early I want you to know that” Cole would say with a touch of jolliness in his voice. Taini would turn suddenly no longer surprised at the voice and reply “ Well I was hoping it would be a little earlier than this but since the whole village beat you to waking up this morning I can look over your tardiness” Taini would smile wholeheartedly at his friend letting him know that he meant no offense by the statement.
“Well since you finally decide to show up what did you have in mind for training today?” Taini would ask this while assuming his defensive fighting stance already predicting what Coles response to his question would be. (WC-914)
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:29 am
Cole made it their he was late though. By his mean he was five minutes late, but taini had already been here for a couple hours it looked like, and he had been training as well.  "Well I was hoping it would be a little earlier than this but since the whole village beat you to waking up this morning I can look over your tardiness” cole listened as taini said this with a smile. cole would return the smile back to Taini, and then Taini would continue. “Well since you finally decide to show up what did you have in mind for training today?”

cole would look at taini in the eyes “well I figured that we would do a short spar so I could see how far you have gotten, and then I would get you to help me with a new jutsu” cole would tell Taini. He would take a step back as Taini got into a fight position cole would also get into his own. He would would stand with one leg behind him putting his weight on it, and with one hand in front of him with his palm facing out. He would have they other hand under that one with its palm facing out. He figured that he didn't need to go all out yet. The last time he and Taini spared Cole won easily and he figured that this time wouldn't be no different. He had gotten a lot stronger since then, and had even done an A rank mission.

Cole figured that he would let Taini have they first attack.

Taini Hyuga
Taini Hyuga
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:49 am
Taini knew that Cole was much stronger than he was and that he was at a severe disadvantage for right now in the now miniscule amount of time in took Taini to activate his Byakugan he would focus himself as he had done so many times before and feel the rise in his chakra directing it to his ever growing eyes. Taini felt the pressure in his veins as they began to protrude from the area directly around his eyes. Byakugan (+10, speed and chakra) Taini’s forehead was slightly damp because his simple training earlier in the day. Also the heat in the clearing was beginning to increase rapidly as the sun was now able to make its way through the upper portions of the forest’s canopy. Thinking quickly Taini knew that he would need to act fast in order to be able to perform anything thing that would help him in this match. Taini’s first move would be to throw a kunai at Cole Throwing speed 19. The kunai would be aimed at Cole’s left leg. If the Kunai makes contact then Taini would initiate the hand seals to summon a clone and then begin his next phase of attack. (202)
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:00 am
Cole watched as Taini thought up his attack. He wondered just what he was thinking. Then he saw Taini pulled a kunai, and threw it at cole. He wasn't sure what Taini was planing to do about this, and he had looked into a few hyuuga jutsu to help taini learn some, but he had not seen anything like this. Taini threw the Kunai at coles leg, and cole could have easily dodged it, but that would be to easy. He wanted to see what Taini could do, so instead he pulled his own kunai and threw it aiming to hit Tainis kunai speed 35 if would hit the kunai they would probably bounce off in separate directions. Not harming either one of them. If this happened cole would look at Taini “i said we was going to spar not play games. I want to know what you can do” he would tell taini. He would let his guard down, as he knew that any he was much faster and could easily get back into it or dodge before Taini could cover the distance.

Taini Hyuga
Taini Hyuga
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:19 am
Taini Saw his moment as the kunai flew through the air at Cole’s left leg and he saw the simple fluid movement as Cole picked a Kunai of his own and launched it at his own speeding projectile. That was all the Time Taini needed form the hand seals to create his clone and send it sprinting in the direction straight at Cole. After two steps Taini would charge right behind the clone keeping himself lower than the height of his clone and keeping his body directly behind his sprinting clone in order to obscure Cole’s sight of him. Taini had already been running through a slight strategy in his mind he had been observing Cole’s stance and the position at which his chakra points were at by the way he was standing.
If the clone made contact with Cole then Taini would start to initiate his newly learned technique using the gentle fist style. Taini in preparation for his next attack started to focus his chakra into his limbs funneling his energy through the meridians of his body to pool into his palms waiting for the chance to unleash either an attack or his new defensive maneuver. Taini was not sure if his plan would go according to plan in anyway but his hopes and his two sided preparation gave him a vote of confidence in his ability. He might not win but hopefully he could earn a little more respect from his friend. (WC-246)
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:46 am
Cole watched as Taini ran at him. He was unable to see the real Taini behind the clone but their was four pairs of legs running at him, so either Taini learned a new speed enhancing jutsu by growing more legs or he was behind his clone cole thought to himself, as Taini closed the distance between them. Cole figured that this was a good time to try out his new jutsu he was working on. His father said it was a stepping stone to the demonic mirror jutsu. This jutsu would allow him to make one mirror and he could walk into and out of it.

Cole made the needed hand signs. Then a block of Ice started to rise up from the ground in front of him. Then it thickened to a solid six feet thick block of Ice, but cole was not able to fully create the block of Ice, so it was just that a thick block of Ice. He wasn't able to catch any thing in yet, and he wasn't able to make it tall enough. At this point it was only partially formed, and one side all the way built up. While they other side sloped over to it creating a messed up point. What made it worse is that Coles face was reveled as well, but either way what ever Taini had planed Cole figured that this jutsu even not complete would be able to withstand it.


Last edited by Cole Yuki on Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Taini Hyuga
Taini Hyuga
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:01 pm
Taini was running directly behind his clone (speed 28) he was preparing he saw the small reflective surface appear in front of his clone Taini’s eyes just saw the chakra in the object light up into a solid object. Taini’s mind was raising Cole’s object would not allow his clone to make contact with Cole himself but he could still initiate the maneuver he had planned out. At the same time as his clone would make contact with the floating form of solid chakra protecting Cole from his clone’s distraction. At that instance Taini would try to surprise Cole by appearing to his side and reaching at him to begin the first strikes of his eight tri grams sixty four palms. Taini in his inner thoughts highly respected Cole and was always grateful that Cole would take time to train with him. The only thing that bothered Taini is that he felt like he needed to show Cole how strong he was becoming. Taini would not back down even though he knew he was outmatched but his Tai jutsu style could help him close into Cole and at least score a few hits on his friend.
The flash of thought was banished as quickly as it came to Taini’s mind he had to focus on the match at hand. At that moment Taini’s simple incorporeal clone crashed into the form of chakra hanging directly in front of Cole. Taini used this moment to spring forward to the left of the clone and the mirrors crash zone where he was within an arm’s reach of Cole. Now was his time Taini extended his arm with all of his speed and his chakra charging up to fuel the palm strike. If this attack hit its definitive mark Taini would continue into the rapid burst of strikes that make up the eight tri grams sixty four palm. In the back of his mind Taini thought that if he could just land a few hits to Cole tenketsu then he would have accomplished something worth celebrating. (WC- 344)
8 trigrams 64 Palms
Travin Iburi
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Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P) Empty Re: Taini Hyuga training with his gentle fist (P)

Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:23 pm
Cole watched as he saw taini run at his block of ice that was suppose to be a mirror. Even though he had not made it completely made the mirror right it would be enough to stop taini from getting to him. When taini's clone was close to the mirror it would phase threw the ice black. This told cole that the clone was a fake, and that it was to be used as a distraction. Knowing this cole figured that Taini would come from the side but he didn't know which one he would come from, so cole got down into a fighting stance. He would slide his right foot to the back in a wide sweeping motion. The print of his foot sliding across the grass could be seen for a few moments. He would rise his left hand up putting his palm facing the ice block. While rising his other hand up next to the bottom of his chin. He would watch both sides of the mirror to see which side taini would come from. He would make sure that he was able to jump to one side of they other by keeping his center of body directly to the middle of the ice block. Knowing that if taini did come from one side or they other he would have to take at least a step behind the ice block to get cole. Meaning that cole would have time to dodge and counter attack.

When taini came around the left corner. He would dodge to taini's left with him attacking with his right hand first. He would make a hand sign as he passed by tainis side to get behind him. He would try and touch taini on the left shoulder using the water prison jutsu. If that hit he would then use the clone jutsu. To create two clones one on both sides of taini. They both would pull out kunai and push the kunai into the water. “give up Taini or the clones will stab you while you cant defend you self and ill win one way or they other” cole would tell Taini. He would have a straight face telling Taini that he meant what he said. He didn't know if taini would have they strength to break free of the water prison jutsu or not. If he couldn't he would not drown in it as the water formed around a pocket of air so that the prisoner could breath.

Taini would however feel an strong pressure pushing him. Trying to keep him from moving as they water keeps pushing on him. Cole remembered how it felt to be put in that jutsu, and he knew that it wasn't a easy jutsu to get out of.

water prison jutsu -20 AP)
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