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Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:40 am
As she swatted at him from out of nowhere, he raised an eyebrow. At this point, he decided that it was to much work to apply logic to this person. Child? He would think so, but she looked older. He simply sighed as she went on through a babble of how she knew that someone couldn't use one clans eyes, but another element that was only usable with their blood should be teachable. And by all rights, she wasn't wrong. It just wasn't possible.

In any case, when she jumped up in a blast of water, he was impressed. Not something you see every day. The monkey- Hiru, was it?- started to play the guitar, and suddenly she had some glasses. The moment she declared them rivals, he was about to say something like 'No. No! I will NOT deal with your shit anymore.' but then he paused. The two things he could think of that stopped him was the fact that he didn't want to deal with another temper tantrum, and maybe having a rival would be a good thing. In any case, he let out a sigh, and replied "You know what? Fine. We're rivals."
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:24 am
"Yeeeah we are!" Ling announced punching the air. There was a wicked guitar rift from her main man hiru. She threw her shades off into the distance for a raving fan to catch. Awesome. Now ling had a some poor shlup to totally crush into the dirt under her awesome ninja might! She hoped that she choose wisely. A unworthy opponent would do her no good. She needed someone who could really stand up to her. Her awesome might. She was an amazing Rentei not some second class shmuck. He was at least from the same clan as their hokage so there was a good sign. "Now to start off our rivalry we must have a competition! An event in which we challenge one another to feat of strength, speed, and mind to decide who is the winner. Because I was the one to declare us Rivals I'll allow you to choose the first event. Unless of course.... you're chicken!"
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:36 pm
Zennal smirked at the little display his newly-made-rival had preformed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad? He had someone he could spar against when he needed to, at least. For now though, he needed to think of a competition that the both of them could do. She was easily better than him right now in Strength and Speed... Mind was something that could be tricked. And what better mind game was there than good-ol' Rock-Paper-Scissors!

"Rock Paper Scissors." He began "It's a simple mind game that involves predicting what your opponent will do. A good skill any Shinobi and Kunoichi needs." He held out his hand ready to play, and said "We don't have to though. Unless you're...chicken?" Zennel's smirk turned into a grin as he used her own words against him. 'That should goad her in...'
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:37 pm
Lingqi slowly descended from her pillar of water. She crossed her arms and looked to hiru, who had his armscrossed as well. They both gave each other a knowing look. Rock paper scissors? They were the world champs of rock paper scissors. They won at least one in every three games. Who else can boast those numbers? You want to know her secret? She picked rock. She always picked rock. Not only did it break scissors, but it totally destroyed paper too. This guy was toast. She did agree that it was a good practice to predict a persons move so that was a good. Very good. Ling needed that type of thing if she was going to hit her enemies from afar. Her arch rival on the other hand was going to have a hard time keeping up with her. How was anyone suppose to predict how ling was going to move when she herself didn't even know until she did it? hahaha it was the perfect defense, and he was toast.

She took on a wide stance, centered her balance and took a deep breath as she held her shooting hand out. "Are ya ready?" When she was she'd begin the ritualized combat that was rock paper scissors. "One, two, three Shoot!" With a spectacular flourish ling laid her hand down, her fist firmly clenched in the rock position.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 4:49 pm
Zennal grinned as she stuck her hand out, ready to play the game. Now, what to pick? Well, he'd have to guess at this point, so he would have to just try. With their hands now in the starting placement, he would nod and say "Yeah, ready to play." before he would say along with her "One, two, three Shoot!" and stick his hand out, completely flat in the hand sign of paper. He smiled at her rock, and said "Well well, my eternal rival, it looks like I won this round." He paused mentally for a second, and thought 'Good lord she's rubbing off on me...' He didn't notice it, but he played the game with his right, pinkie-less hand.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:43 pm
HOW DID HE KNOOOOOOOW? Magically and in true anime form ling flew backwards smoldering with shame and defeat. Rock always won! He must have cheated some how. He must have known wha she was going to pick before she did it. That's aright. She didn't mind being the under dog. That just made her eventual triumph over him that much more impressive. Next time it would something skilled based and he would know the taste of dirt. "Very well, it's zero to one in your favor for now. But keep in mind my dear Rival when next our horns clash I will, WOAH!" Her hand shot over Zennals out stretched hand and clenched his wrist. She yanked his hand around and held it to his own face. "Your haaaaand! Look at it! Look. Oh eem gee. Your pinky is like gone! Gone! That's the best finger too. what happened to it?" Here we go.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:50 pm
When she shot off, Zennal could only smile at this. This girl was pretty funny, and he was glad that he found a rival. Hell, she could even be considered a friend at this point, though not a best friend. Just enough to be a friend. He grinned, this time paying attention to her over-the-top speech, smiling all the way. Until she noticed his lack of pinkie, when paled a little bit. He chuckled a little bit, and said "Oh, that? Uh... Don't worry about it, hehe. It's been like this for awhile." He then paused for a moment, and continued "If you beat me in our competitions three times in a row, then I shall tell you. Until then, it shall be my own little secret." He could only hope that this would keep her at bay for a bit.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:14 pm
Aww what a cop out. Whatever that just meant that she had more reason to defeat him now. Which she would obviously. "Cool." She announced with a nod of her head. "So that's like three more trials before you have to tell me the truth." she stroked her chin. "I can't challenge you right after I just lost one. That would be tacky wouldn't it?" She shrugged. "Tomorrow then." She snapped her fingers. "Wait I'm going on a mission tomorrow. Guess we would have to reschedule, unlesssssssss." She leered at Zen trying to see what she could see about the boy she was seeing. Senju might be handy. "Alright you talked me into it. I'll let you go on a mission with me tomorrow if you're good." This guy was kind of a dorker, but he seemed nice enough. Even though he was stupid and wouldn't teach her wood, but she was so over that, it wasn't even funny. Still more friends were better than less friends, and ling always liked better. She already had Jun, and Drac, so Zan would make four, and that was a pretty good number for a squad. Of course there was also Hiru, but that went without saying. He was beyond friend status.
Zennal <3
Zennal <3
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:29 pm
Zennal almost let out a sigh of relief when she excepted the excuse. He didn't actually sigh though. He was exceedingly happy when she decided not to challenge him again. He needed to train so he could get on par with her. Then she mentioned a mission. As she leered at him, he let out a weak chuckle. At the mention of bringing him along, he frowned and said "Next time. I have a mission of my own tomorow, but I'll gladly join you next time, guaranteed, ok?" he explained. He didn't like denying his new-found friend a mission, but he didn't really have a choice in the manner. He felt bad, and the look on his face was proof enough.
Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Monkey and a Forest (Private Lingqi Rentai, NK)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:54 pm
Lingqi's face made a -_-.


Ling looked to Hiru who held a similar facial expression. Because Hiru was the ultimate wing man and was behind her twenty four seven. Whenever she needed him he was there, unlike this useless waste of skin. Ling was so out. All the niceness offered to this guy, and this is how she gets treated? like trash? Pa-Shaw she was too good for this. Too much class.

She made a few hand signs, and allowed her chakra to well up in her. "Good bye!" She announced as another torrent of water lifted her up into the sky. It's waves went crashing through the forest. They lifted ling high into the sky and into the trees, from where she made her exit. Jumping from tree to tree like a ninja. Hiru followed her out, but threw a banana peel at Zen's face. 

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