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Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:43 pm
In this world, there were limits to everything. One such limit was to those of which were granted power unmatchable by any mortal beings. In this world, there could only be one. Only could there be one man with the power unparalleled by any other mortal being. This man walked a dusty path through a plain of grass. a vast expanse of shin high green grass that blew in the wind that dashed by. This man was known as Itsuka Senju, brother of Aeon Senju. Itsuka was cloaked in a dark outfit. His jacket was leather and stark black, also having straps across the front much like a straight jacket in design. Down over his sleeves hung black cloth that completely concealed Itsuka's hands and were effective as whip-like cloth to distract an enemy. As Itsuka walked, he whistled. It was an abstract tune he whistled, to most it would simply sound like a jumble of notes. But to this man it was a beautiful composition of rhythm and tone mixed with different combinations. Also known as an experiment to him. On the wind a scent could be caught along with that of the fresh grass. This scent was very familiar to Itsuka, yet quite faint in amount. The scent was the scent o blood, a beautiful scent indeed to those who were used to it being created in their area. This aroma was like home to Itsuka, a dark cloaked man who slaughtered and modified his way through life and death. Itsuka was now alone, walking along this dusty road surrounded by grass, carrying a kunai knife in his hand as he twirled it in his concealed hand, an invisible tool of death.
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:13 am
Takisho walked, long tall grass on the path right next to him as the sun was blocked from view due to the clouds. The clouds filled the sky, creating shade around the area. The tall grass was tall enough to hide a human that would be bending his knee's over, or laying down. He was walking down the path in a white cloak, his white hood up and his face was covered by a gas mask. He had a black undershirt as he walked. The cloak he wore ended at his ankle's. He continued to walk down the path, soon noticing someone who seemed to be headed in the direction of Takisho. Takisho moved his hands together, making a small dance with them, when he was actually performing the hand signs for a rather simple jutsu. The dance stopped, the he held the last part of it as something that was rather common among leaf-less trees began to come out of his body. It would take form, into a human and jump over into the tall grass, rather silently. He would then decide to jump into the tall grass silently. Neither the clone nor the original Takisho had made a noise when they jumped into the tall grass.

Once Takisho got into the tall grass, he began to perform the same dance seven more times, then a different Takisho would arrive out back on the path. The Takisho on the path made his way for the shinobi that was most likely thirty feet away from the spot where the original was. While it walked up in plain sight, the clones would get around him silently, not planning to attack unless he would attack the clone. They prepared, waiting.

Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:27 am
Itsuka continued along the path until he saw a man walking his way, wearing an elegant white cloak and hood with gas mask, practically the opposite as light to Itsuka the dark. Once the man saw Itsuka, Itsuka observed him as he flashed his hands together quickly and wood would grow from his body, creating a second body. Ahh, a wood clone? Must be another Senju boy, this might be interesting, Itsuka thought as he simply watched the boy and his clone jump into the grass and get low, still visible to Itsuka in the only shin high grass and he saw the seven more clones appear, one of them coming out onto the path. And with that, the clone would begin walking towards Itsuka casually, obviously this man thinking he hadn't been noticed. Unfortunately for the opposition, this grass was not as concealing as they thought it would be. Having tracked the positions and memory of which was a clone and who was the real one as they setup what looked like an ambush position, Itsuka smacked his covered up hands together in a flash. This would cause wood to grow up beneath each of the clones silently and root into them, connecting them and keeping them to their spots as the wood controlled by Itsuka rose up through their rooted bodies. The wood would then spurt from the tops of their heads and shoot in needle sharp thick pillars towards the only one who hadn't been rooted, the real Takisho. These pillars would be controlled by Itsuka and track the motion of Takisho, following him to get a bead and hit him. The wood from the clones on the real one's side would shoot out and curve behind Takisho, coming back in to aim at his back while the wood on the other side of the path shot directly with fierce speed towards the boy's head, still connected to the clones they had shot from.

327 words

+1 Chakra, 127 words to chakra left for now leftover
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 10, 2012 3:40 pm
Takisho watched, as the man seemed to do nothing but stand there and think for a moment while at the same time his clones surrounded the man by ten meters. Takisho being tired of waiting would be behind the man at the moment, performing another dance with his hands, however this time it was a different dance, a longer dance than when he made the seven wood clones. Being directly behind the man, he finished his hand signs, and the wood clones would begin to turn into what had seemed to be a forest of flowering tree, surrounding the man. Pollen would begin to come out of the tree. By the time that he would begin to flash his hands together, the eight clones had began to change. When the small forest was made, wood had been shot out in the direction of Takisho, he jumped back attempting the dodge, seeing how all of his clones were ahead of him, some to the side however just barely in front of him. He would jump back quite a bit attempting to stay out of the way of any possible attacks.

Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:19 pm
Itsuka would watch as each of the clones had froze in their rooted spots and the wooden pillars shot from each of the clones would hit the boy, each of the ones for his back punching into his clothes and causing bruises and cuts to his skin and the ones that had aimed at his head would curl around and wrap around his entire face save the mouth and eyes and constrict quite tightly around his neck, though not necessarily restricting flow of breath. Itsuka, being an intelligent scientist, used pinpoint accuracy in his attacks with perfection so it was no surprise that the boy would have failed in his stealthy attempts. Itsuka stepped towards the boy and continued towards him, making one last concealed seal that would bring very thick pillars twisting up around the boy of the white cloak, binding him to his spot. As this occurred the wooden needle pillars from the clones would retract back into the ground away from him, their use no longer needed seeing as the boy was more efficiently bound, yet the clones would also be left bound. The man of the dark cloak, the scientist, the snake, rather, stopped with his head down and about five inches from the keeled boy in white, drew his hand back and struck it across his face. "You are a disgrace to the Senju ability, you aren't deserving of your power!" Itsuka hissed. "All you simply are is a dent in the name of the clan, you need to regain your honor, weakling!" he continued in a growl as he thought about what to do with this small ambush failure. And then an idea struck his mind. A few helping hands in his deeds and experiments wouldn't hurt. "You can redeem yourself to your opponent to begin with, you weak thing, understand?" Itsuka hissed in the masked face as he ripped the gas mask off his head, attempting to draw an answer from his defenseless face through the venom in Itsuka's voice.

337 words in Chakra:
Total stats earned so far:

+3 Chakra
+3 JP
+64 words leftover at the moment
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:25 pm
Takisho stood there, impaled by the wood which had been shot out of his own clones. He watched the man, as Takisho had wood tightly wrapped around his neck. The man began to walk forward to Takisho. It would seem like it was Takisho's time for death Meh he thought, thinking of death. Although he never had completed his goals, he really didn't care if he died here or not. Dying would mean less work for him, which he didn't mind at all. Wooden pillars would begin to wrap around Takisho, he was now sure he was going to die. But then the man would begin to speak, telling Takisho he was a disgrace to the Senju clan. And then he had mentioned something about Takisho redeeming himself, not really what he had expected. The man ripped off his mask, supposedly expecting a reply "Alright then.." He said, too lazy to come up with a reply.

Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:38 pm
Itsuka threw the boy's mask to the ground as he then turned and looked away from the boy in white, snapping his fingers. With the crack of his index and middle finger to the hand the wooden pillars from the boy's body retracted back into the earth. "Come with me, boy..." Itsuka said quietly to finish the conversation between these tree sage descendants. Tension descended back into its place and Itsuka walked the path, headed towards his destination he had set before he had been so strangely interrupted. And so it ended, yet simultaneously something even more than previously would also have began.

Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private) Empty Re: Clash of the Snake and the Monkey (Private)

Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:54 pm
Takisho watched as his mask was thrown to the ground, he had hoped it was alright, due to that being a rather large part of his plan. The man turned away, and the pillars had disappeared, Takisho walked over to pick his mask off the ground finding it un-damaged. He would then follow the man, he had not known where he was currently headed, but meh.

[Short, srry. Exit]
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