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Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:56 pm
Ling 'Monkey Girl' Rentei for once in her life was sitting still in the middle of a park. She was meditating. Any one who'd even witnessed ling would know that this was a strange site because normally she couldn't even stand still for a single moment. Beside her was a little read monkey who was passed out and snoring next to her. He clearly didn't have the mind site for mediation. Neither did ling really, but it was in her blood so she had to. Up above her in the sky was a large translucent moon that shimmered in the sky. Which was really strange because it was the middle of the day in the land of fire. But there it was the moon three times larger than it ever was hanging over head like it's always been there. Of course people could only see the moon when they got within thirty meters of Ling then it would suddenly ripple into existence like a mirage. 

Her normally Bright blue eyes were closed, and she was dressed up in her normal Monkey themed outfit. Brown Stockings, yellow hoodie, brown baggy shorts, and furry arm warmers for good measure. IT was an outfit like no other. One that Made Ling one of the most distinctive ninjas in all on the leaf village. That and the fact that she walked around with a monkey.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:36 pm
Mako walked out the door of his small studio apartment, he had recently begun a new change, he wears his headband around his thigh holding his tanto on.  The headband didn't seen very fitting around his head and occasionally fell down into his eyes and this was not something he wished to constantly deal with in the heat of battle.  He had a long day of training planned for the next day so he had decided today he was going to take things easy.  He would walk around town and see the sights maybe meet a few friendly ninja.  He needed to learn how to summon a different monkey but until then he had decided that he could spend the day with Sushma, the chain smoking monkey sage who had a deep love for any vice available to him.   Mako stood about 6 and a half feet tall with a beard and sunglasses with a black v neck tee and khaki pants with some pouches on a belt,    He went through the hand seals and bit his thumb pressing the palm of his hand flat against the ground.  In a puff of smoke a little red furred spider monkey appeared with a white karate kid headband where the tails trail back in the wind about 2 feet.  The little monkey sage scurried over and grabbed Mako's pant leg and moved up his leg, grabbing the pack of cigarettes and matches out of his belt pouch and made its way up to his shoulder laying down nonchalantly against his neck and wrapping his tail around Mako;s arm and asks "Whats up kiddo, got big plans today?  Gonna learn some new jutsu or something?  Or did ya just miss me?" 

"No, no work today.  Just a social call, but i need you to behave,"  Mako responded sternly as they walked across town, both smoking a cigarette on their way. Until they came across a very strange sight,  a monkey, sleeping on a person dressed as a monkey on a bench.  The scene was enough to make the both of them stop in their tracks and turn their heads, and even though it was clearly day the moon was out.  Mako and Sushma both stared with their heads cocked with their cigarettes falling out of their mouths stuck in amazement.

Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:09 pm
Serenity serenity serenity. Ling just had to focus on that and force out whever other emotions she was feeling. She just had to focus on the no mind that was peace. There is no emotion there is peace. There is no ignorance there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serinity. There is no Chaos there is order. yeah, that sounded like a wise thing to think when she was trying to focus on how absolutely calm she was!

So the moon was up there, she knew this to be true. Her clans special Jutsu was working. Part of it at least, it was time to go into phase two. If she was ever going to really work this thing out she needed to work this thing out she couldn't pull any punches when it came to training. And because it was a non lethal jutsu she didn't really mind if she caught other people in it. Actually they would probably thank her because it was such a cool jutsu! omg she was going to be a celebraty. They were going to have her throw shows where she used her super cool tehcniques. This was going to be awesome. 

Time to begin!

The moon would pulse with a pale white light and anyone looking upon it woudl be caught up in Lings Genjutsu. They would loose themselves as they would find themselves looking out upon a infinite ocean. A pale blue moon would be hanging in the sky and reflecting off the calm water of the ocean. They would just be overcome with an intense of calmness. Hopefully!

Ling peeked her eye open and looked to see if there was anyone standing around like a bleary eyed zombie. If there was then she knew that her Combo had worked and she was the greatest ninja in all the world!!!
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:13 am
Mako drifted off seeing all of the cool and calm serenity there was to be had, then in his mind he drifted thinking about the dreams he had to become a great ninja,  standing atop the Hokage building holding a flame lit carbon blade, the Anbu captain in the monkey mask.  He the inhaled and blew ash all over his dream filling up the hidden leaf with a choking cloud that was so opaque that you couldnt see a foot in front of you.  He was snapped out of the dream because while he was breathing the smoke in his lungs caused him to hack and cough, he fell to his knees choking on the ashes, it seemed he had started the elemental change accidentally inspired by the strange genjutsu he was held by,  genjutsu was his weakness, rarely could he tell if he was being held by it.  He thought back to all the times he had been caught in them and how lousy he was at seeing through them, Mako had great perceptive skills on par with some of the greatest ninja in the village but it seemed that most genjutsu caused him an issue with using his perceptiveness.  However he could sometimes find a hole in the genjutsu forced reality, but in this case his dormant ash chakra nature knocked him back to his senses.  He stood and knew not to look at the monkey girl who was radiating chakra energy, he didn't fear getting caught in it again though it wasn't a bad genjutsu, but Mako wasnt a huge fan of losing control of his mind so he avoided it. 
Sushma had climbed off of Mako's shoulder and made his way over to the strange girls lap, hugging her very tightly seemingly in a strange state of euphoria.  The genjutsu was hitting him hard, at least he hoped it was the genjutsu, causing the monkey to rub his head up and down against the girls breasts.  Mako panicked a bit hoping he didn't break her concentration and cause her to hit him, he tried to sneak over to the monkey and break the jutsu holding him, but knowing Sushma he wasnt even locked in the genjutsu he was just being pervy.  Mako approached taking great care to not look at the moon or anything that might trigger the genjutsu.  He took one step at a time eyes focusing on the ground, after about 5 steps he had made it, there was Sushma in a realm if pure happiness, Mako reached out and grabbed the nape of the monkeys neck and yanked attempting to pull the monkey off.

Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:41 am
He was met with the cutest Brown Mary Jane Shoe directly to his face. Ling used his face as a foot hold to properly stand up to her foot height. One foot was on Mako's face for support and the other was placed on the bench. In her hands was the monkey who had been groping her, she held the thing high above her head despite it probably weighing more than she did. "AAAAAAAAAH!" She screamed in a high pitched tone breaking anyone who wasn't already out of the genjutsu out of it.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Using's Mako's face as a spring Board Ling jumped high into the air and pulled her new monkey friend tightly to her chest like he was a teddy bear. As they floated through mid air she throttled the little thing with hugs, and kisses, and adoring hugs, until she finally fell on the ground. "Oh eem Gee! Hiru wake up wake up! I totally found another monkey! It's like I have a gift! Oh you're so cute, yes you are! Yes you are!" She sprung to her feet and spun the monkey around in a circle. "cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!"

Suddenly she stopped and held the monkey out an arm's length away. "Eww you smell like smoke." She paused and looked at the monkey. "Oh eem Gee, are you a cigarette smoking monkey?" The eyes rolled back in her head and she fell backwards seemingly unconscious. The only words she uttered were "So cute."
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:33 pm
Mako was pushed back by the girls foot shoving his head back, crumpling the cigarette in his mouth.  He watched the girl hug the little 5 pound spider monkey as the monkey grinned larger than Mako had ever seen him grin.  Sushma with the sudden movement opened his eyes and made brief eye contact with Mako, letting Mako know that Sushma had either broken or was never affected by the genjutsu to begin with.   He witnessed sushma close his eyes again with the hug and continued his perverse groping of the poor girl.  At this point Mako just wanted to unsummon the monkey and save this poor girl from the monkey who was full well taking advantage of her obvious love of monkeys.  After the foot came off of his face Mako sighed knowing that there was no talking sense to this girl, she would keep hugging the crap out of the monkey and he just continued to eat it up like a kid on his birthday.

"Hi, miss my name is Mako Sarutobi of the Sarutobi clan and that is Sushma, and he is a very bad monkey," while he was saying that the girl seemed to pass out after screaming to her other monkey.  Mako stepped back terribly concerned with the situation but afraid to get close to not take a foot to the face again.  He had an idea, he reached into his pack and pulled out two cigarettes and struck the matches loudly to see if Sushma would hear and come running back he lit both of them and held one out waiting to see what the monkey would do.  Mako unfortunately was still choking on some residual chakra ash so he highly hoped the idea would work.

Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:02 pm
Hiru rushed over to Lings side with a paper fan and began to furiously cool her off. "Monkey, Monkey, Monkey." She whispered deliriously. Hiru looked over at the chump monkey hoarding in on his territory and gave him a -_- look. If that didn't drive the enemy monkey or the cigarettes didn't Hiru would drag the opposing monkey away from his best friend. 

"Whaaa?" Ling sputtered looking around in confusion. Well that tranquility thing that she'd been working on didn't really last very long for her. "Sarutobi? Like Hiruzen? Like Hiruzen Sarutobi? like the guy I named my monkey after?" Hiru gave her a disaproving looking. " I mean the guy I named my best friend after. And you're. He's your. You guys are. That means." Her eyes rolled back into her head and she started to fall back, but caught herself just before she hit the ground. "Can this day get any better? I mean, how many cute things can I meet in one day? Geez." And here she'd thought that today was just going to be a boring day full of nothing but meditation, and here she was meeting Monkey's and Sarutobis. Crazy

"My Name is Lingqi Rentei. This is Hiru, he's a good monkey."
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:02 am
Mako held his hands together in front of his chest palms flat against palms and bowed slightly accepting the compliment of his clans many accomplishments.  He always felt great pride for his surname though they haven't been highly involved in the ninja world since the collapse, he personally wished to change that and allow the Sarutobi name to be spoken again in great reverence.  "Yes he is an ancestor of mine, and from him i was granted the Contract Scroll of the Monkey Sages of Naya,"  Mako said head still bowed.  "However this is Sushma, he is the youngest of the sages and has not yet received the sage title due to his inability to control himself,"  As he said this the small monkey Hiru had finally managed to succeed in yanking Sushma from his tight grasp on Ling.  Sushma held on to the pocket of her hoodie with all of his strength and was disconnected in a ripping noise and Sushma landed on the ground in front of Mako, where Mako quickly grabbed him and placed him his perching spot on his shoulder, giving him the cigarette. 

"I am Sushma strongest and most Powerful outta da Sages, dont listen to dis brat, e donno what hes talkin bout,"  Sushma said bowing a large over exaggerated bow from Mako's shoulder.  Mako shook his head and looked at the ground he was embarrassed by the way Sushma was behaving, but also was attempting to hold back the laugh he was hiding because the tear on her shirt had a mark on it that read "Property of Sushma".

MAko laughed aloud a short bursted laugh and said "Its nice to meet you Lingqi and you too Hiru, all of this monkey business makes me want a banana milkshake would you all want to join me? My treat?"

Lingqi Rentei
Lingqi Rentei
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:58 am
"The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk. The Monkey can talk." Linqi just sputtered with spirals in her eyes. A talking monkey, now she'd seen everything. "I've seen a peanut stand, I've heard a Rubber Band. I've seen a front porch swing, I've heard a diamond ring. I've seen a needle wink it's eyes. But I'd done seen just about everything when I seen an elephant fly. Monkey talk I mean." Oh he was a summon of course. That made sense. Ling knew all about summons. She was like a total summoning master. They used to call her ling the summoner back at Uni. Yup, yup, yup. Good old summons.

What the heck was a summon? Well Mako had never actually said that the lil' monkey was a summon, but close enough. The joke was too good not to put in there, so there.

This guy seemed alright. A lot of people seemed alright to Ling, but this guy seemed extra alright. He wasn't like one of those men senju who refused to show her how to grow a tree. Those meanies. He seemed pretty forthcoming about himself, and Ling liked that. And he had an awesome monkey, and ling liked that much more. Plus he was talking about having more monkeys! Ling could just about die. "A banana milkshake sounds Fan-Freaking-Tastic right now. All the meditating really made me low energy, I've got to build myself back up.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako) Empty Re: Monkey See, Monkey Do (io,nk Mako)

Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:23 pm
Mako turned and began concentrating on his ash chakra that had swollen up in his throat and caused him to hack and gag.  He happened to get lucky in this instance because it helped but he worried it might hinder him in the future in a ppossible very close fight and he wanted to avoid that at all costs, he decided that he would get the ash under control at some point i the near future, but for now he needed to get something to drink and to get the awful taste out of his mouth. 

Mako waited for Lingqi to get closer to him so they could walk side by side toward the shop, but when she did Sushma already exited his shoulder and had made his way over to her  and had climbed up her back latching on just above the waist hoping to bother her for a ride.  As much as Mako pleaded for him to stop he would not listen, and on Lingqis shoulder now Sushma began looking for bugs in her hair and fur, and if he found one he would eat it.

Mako scolded him telling the small spider monkey to cease his incredibly rude behavior, but Sushma continued and told Mako to leave him be, and that he was being a good monkey,  Mako did not like possibly upsetting his new friend and although she seemed to get along Sushma still continued to be pervy almost to the point where Mako thought about unsummoning him several times. MAko decided that starting up conversation may be the best thing for him to do to get this ridiculous monkey whose tail now hung down Lingqis back and the end of it wrapped around her butt, out of his mind.

"So what rank are you? Any exciting missions recently?" MAko asked bringing his hand up and rubbing the back of his neck giving her an awkward smile and trying not to seem like a bad person despite his monkey sages attitude

335(we can still turn this in for stats and i can work in a element unlock cant I?)
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