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Akiko Hyuuga
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Akiko's Byakugan Training (Solo) Empty Akiko's Byakugan Training (Solo)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:41 am
Akiko looked around the training field. It was a clearing surrounded by trees. There was a small pond and a few logs shoved into the ground sticking up like posts. Akiko was wearing her usual yellow hooded jacket and blue jeans as well as her sandals. Her pouch for carrying ninja tools was hanging off of the top of the right side of her pants. Her hair was mid back length with a few strands falling across her face. "I might as well get started with my training." She sat down and closed her pale lavender eyes. She then weaved several hand signs. She ended after interlocking all of her fingers on both of her hands except her right index finger, which was pointed straight up almost touching the tip of her nose. "Byakugan!" Her eyes shot open, but nothing else happened. "Another failure..." She sighed as she laid back down on the ground looking up at the clouds. "What could I be doing wrong?" She sat there like this for a while lost in thought. "I know all of the hand signs are correct and my dad activates his Byakugan without any problems. Why can't I do it? What am I missing?" She sighed as she got back up and looked around the clearing and closed her eyes again. "Hopefully, It'll work this time." She repeated the process of the weaving the hand signs once again. "Byakugan!" She sighed when it was another failure. "I have to get this down if I'm going to be a strong Kunoichi and protect the village. At my current rate, I'm just a failure as a Hyuuga. If I'm going to have stories told about me to my ancestors then I have to get this done today!" She nec again closed her eyes and began weaving the hand signs. "Byakugan!" She yelled the name of her bloodline trait as loud as she could. She opened her eyes apprehensively prepared to be disappointed. The expected disappointment rushed in like a tsunami against the wall that was the young girl's hope of a successful attempt. "Am I not destined to activate my Byakugan? What's wrong with me?" She laid back down on the ground her long brown hair going everywhere. Tears were starting to come out of the large pale lavender pupils of her eyes as she lay there looking at the clouds. "Why won't my Byakugan activate? What am I over looking?" Through the tears she managed to catch a glimpse of how that the countless clouds in the sky above her were seeming to collide with each other and become a bigger one. "Wait a minute!" She wiped her tears on her jacket sleeve. She then got a better view of the clouds and how that the wind was focusing them into a section of the sky and making them into an even bigger cloud. "Focus, huh? Is that what you're trying to tell me, Mother Nature?" She grinned slightly at her joke before slowly getting back up and closing her eyes. "Alright, Akiko! Focus." She put her whole attention into focusing on her closed eyes. However, because of this she made a mistake when weaving the hand signs without realizing this. "Byakugan!" She eye lids shot open to reveal that her eyes were slightly red from her tears earlier. "No good... I've got to try again though!" She closed her eyes again and weaved the hand signs again. However, she forgot to focus and as such the attempt was doomed to fail from the start. She opened her eyes and nothing happened. "I'm an idiot! I forgot to focus!" She closed her eyes again and started focusing heavily on the area behind her eye lids. She weaved the hand signs once again and then opened her eyes. They were no longer red from her previous crying, but other than that nothing had changed. "I have to try again!" She closed her eyes and focused as she weaved the hand signs. However, a wasp flew over and bumped into her right arm. In a fit of anger at her for not getting out of its way, it stung her on her arm breaking her concentration. "Ow!" Her eyes burst open and she noticed the angry buzzing insect as it prepared to sting her again. She instinctively focused on the palm of her left hand and swatted at it with said hand. She had expected the wasp to just get knocked back, but to come at her again, but instead a small amount of her chakra had been sticking out of the palm of her hand in the exact spot where she hit the wasp. Because of this, instead of getting knocked towards the ground the wasp splattered in mid air. "What was that? Was that Gentle Fist? It can't be, I haven't even activated my Byakugan..." She then walked over to the little posts and sat on top of one as she pulled out her journal from her pouch. She flipped through the pages of the small hand sized notebook until she reached a blank page. She then pulled out a pencil and started writing. "August 1: The Byakugan is harder to activate than I originally anticipated, but I feel as though I'm getting close. I feel as if I need to start focusing my chakra in my eyes before I close them. The idea came to me when I swatted at a wasp. I realized that I focused my chakra in the palm of me hand before I hit it. The bug was killed instantly." She closed the journal and put it back into her pouch with the pencil. She jumped off of the post and landed on the ground and focused on her eyes. After a few seconads of focusing, she closed her eyes and weaved the hand signs again. "Byakugan!" The veins around Akiko's eyes became enlarged and stressed. From Akiko's point of view she could she the entire training field in a black and white color scheme. She could even see through the posts. "It worked? I can't believe it! I activated my Byakugan!" She quickly pulled out her journal and wrote down that it was a success. After she put the journal up, she started heading towards her house in the Hyuuga Compound.

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Akiko's Byakugan Training (Solo) Empty Re: Akiko's Byakugan Training (Solo)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:31 am

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