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Jin and Juice Empty Jin and Juice

Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:29 pm
Jin found himself sitting on a stool in a deplorable bar - The Soggy Noodle. He had sent a letter to Kotsuzui to meet him there. The place was probably the cheapest, dirtiest bar in Konoha. It was the type of place that didn't even card, and all the homeless people went there to drink. It was also situated in the poorest part of the village. A fat bar maid wearing clothes way too small and tight for her walked up to Jin and said, "Hey sweetie, what can I get you?" Jin looked up at her and cleared his throat, "One pumpkin soda, please." She leaned over the bar, smiling, and Jin refrained from pulling away out of kindness, but it showed on his face. "Coming right up, sugar lips." she said before walking away, and there was something about the way she pronounced the word 'coming' that made Jin want to take five showers and a molly to forget the entire night. Looking around, the Yamanaka was hoping his Kaguya teammate would show up soon - he didn't think this place would be as bad as it actually was, and he was pretty sure he could feel the lung cancer growing inside of him. 

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:18 pm
The Kaguya pushed open the rusted, nearly broken down doors to the bar of Jin's choice. The bar was a straight up dump, the cheapest thing Kotsuzui has ever seen. He wondered why Jin chose this location, was it because he was broke and could not afford anything else, or did he like this kind of environment. Kotsuzui doubted it was the latter. Just the stench of this place made Kotsuzui want to get out. But his teammate wanted to meet here and it would look bad on Kotsuzui if he just left before even stepping in. Taking one more deep breath of fresh air, the Kaguya made his way over to the stool beside Jin over at the bar. "You managed to find the one bar that an alcoholic like myself has never been to" Kotsuzui began, greeting the Yamanaka with a tap on his shoulder. "I mean, what kind of name is..." he started but cut himself short when he noticed the over sized bar maid making her way over. He did not want to offend anyone or start something after only being in the dump for a few seconds. When she made her way over to Jin with his glass, Kotsuzui quickly asked for the strongest thing they had on the menu, hoping it would drown out this horrible environment.

"What are you, five?" referring to the soda in front of Jin, "make that two" having ordered the second shot for Jin. "So, why bring me out to this dump? Is this your usual hang out? Is Kisuke coming too, I'm sure he'd love this place" as his lips formed into a slight grin at his own remark. 

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Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:25 am
When Jin heard Kotsuzui's familiar voice, he swivelled on the stool to turn and greet his ally. He matched the Kaguya's tap with a tap on the arm and short chuckle, "I found the one bar I could afford a drink, is more like it." the Yamanaka answered. Jin beckoned his ally to take a seat, and soon noticed that Kotsuzui had become aware of the bar maid, for he had the same expression Jin probably had on his face when the women had made her advances. Not surprisingly, the drunk went on to order the strongest thing on the menu, and called Jin out for drinking such a laughable beverage.  

"I'm keeping my wits about me because I asked you to meet me here for a special reason. I want to train. Specifically, learn some hand to hand moves. I know you said that's what you wanted to specialize in, so I'm sure there's a thing or two you can teach me. I didn't invite Kisuke because he probably would have said no anyway, and I want something I can surprise him with since he probably thinks all I know how to do is swing a wooden sword around." With that, Jin took a sip from his pale orange, bubbly drink. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad, but probably only because it was a canned soft drink, and you need to be doing something seriously wrong for that to go bad. Although there did seem to be a tiny insect frozen in one of the ice cubes, and the glass was clouded with dirt. He would not be taking many more sips from his drink.  

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:11 pm
Turns out Jin ask Kotsuzui to meet him at this bar because he wanted the Kaguya to train him, teach him some hand to hand combat moves. "I'm flattered, at least someone recognizes my strength around here" Kotsuzui said with a somewhat cocky tone. But then he turned to a more serious tone, as Jin seemed pretty serious about learning how to fight. He then explained why Kisuke wasn't invited, and that he wanted to surprise him if it came down to a sparring session. "It's good that we don't let Kisuke know what we can do. With that Sharingan of his, it's going to be hard to get a beat on him. We're going to need the element of surprise. But yeah, I have a couple of taijutsu skills I can teach you. They're pretty basic, nothing to hard or fancy."

The bartender finally came back with Kotsuzui's two shots, the liquor inside was a light brown color. Kotsuzui glanced over to Jin to see if he wanted his shot, but it seemed as though he was going to stick with his soda. "Suit yourself" as he grabbed the two glasses and shot them down his throat one after the other. After one hard gulp, the Kaguya slammed the shot glasses onto the counter. "Ahhhhh, that was good. So, besides swinging a wooden sword around what do you know how to do? I mean, you don't have to answer that. We can go train now if you like."

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Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:45 pm
Jin frowned at his teammate's comment about recognizing the Kaguya's strength, and muttered back, "That's not what I said... I'm only assuming you've got something useful to teach me." Kotsuzui then went on to say that it was good to learn some tricks in secret, in order to catch their Uchiha teammate off guard. "Right. But on that note, it would also be good to know what we can each do. That way we'll be more in sync during combat." Jin took a sip from his pumpkin soda before continuing, "Basic is good, as long as they're useful."
Around the same time, the barmaid reappeared (to Jin's dismay), producing the shots Kotsuzui ordered. The liquid seemed discolored and Jin wondered how that was possible considering alcohol couldn't go bad. The young blonde haired Yamanaka watched his alcoholic ally take both the shots in a row, and was somewhat impressed that the crimson haired Kaguya didn't even flinch.

Taking a last gulp from his delicious orange colored soda, Jin crushed it in his hand even though it was still about half full, causing the liquid to gush out and fizz everywhere. He looked at Koysuzui as if he had just performed an impressive feat and said, "Let's get out of here so I can show you..." with a confident smirk on his lips.

Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:51 pm
What Jin said about it being useful to know what one another could do was true. It would allow for better team work and when it came time to fighting as a team, they would know when to strike and when to let a teammate make a move. With the Kotsuzui nodded in agreement. His Yamanaka teammate crushed his can as the remains of his drink shot out and began fizzing. Kotsuzui looked at his partner with a curious expression for the Yamanaka had paid with his own ryo. And now he had wasted half of it for what, to show he could crash a can of soda? After Jin spoke, Kotsuzui could not help but return the smirk that Jin was currently doing as well. "Lets head over to the training grounds" Kotsuzui said while sliding off of his stole and headed out of the grimy ass bar.

Shortly after Kotsuzui and Jin would find themselves standing at one of the open training fields. It was relatively isolated from the others, though other Konoha shinobi could be seen training off in the distance. "Alright" Kotsuzui began, standing out in front of Jin, "for the remainder of this session you will refer to me as Senpai Kaguya, understood? Now let's begin. The first move I'll show you is called Lead Rising Wind. To do this move you have to bring your back almost parallel to the ground, and get low. You have to imagine your body as a spring. Once you get low, you convert all the energy into your leg and kick up. With all the force powered up, it'll knock your enemy right into the air. It can even be used to disarm your enemies. Then you can use a follow up technique known as Dancing Leaf Shadow, though I have not learned that one yet. Here let me show you."

With that Kotsuzui bent his right leg till he was nearly sitting on the floor and brought his upper body back nearly making it parallel to the ground. He placed his right hand down onto the ground for both balance and give himself more strength to push up. Then his left foot kicked as high as it could reaching above his own head had he been standing. After showing Jin the posture and form of the taijutsu, he got back to his feet. "Aim right under the chin, best spot to hit someone. Give it a go."


ooc: it'll only take you 1025 words to learn the taijutsu
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Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:53 am
"OK." Jin agreed as he then also debarked from the rotten wooden stool. The two would then exit the bar, and as they passed through the batwing doors, Jin could hear the hideous barmaid cursing at the top of her lungs. "Don't know what her problem is..." Jin muttered, despite being very much aware that it was his fault for having left no tip and a disaster all over the bar counter and floor.
Fast forward a bit and the duo found themselves in one of the hidden leaf's many training grounds. Everyone there had four shadows because of the towering training field lights. The sky above the tall lamps was pitch black - the moon nowhere to be seen. A perfect night for some ass whoopin'. The Kaguya began speaking, telling Jin that he had to refer to him as his formal teacher. "What!? Hell no!" the young Yamanaka replied, outraged. Kotsuzui then began explaining how the technique was executed, and Jin actually paid attention closely, his furrowing as an outward expression of his focus. The name of the technique sounded pretty bad ass, so Jin hoped it was as effective as it sounded cool. Judging from the explanation the Kaguya gave, it was a kick used to launch opponents into the air for a follow up attack while they were in a vulnerable position. It was a little more versatile than just that, however, for it could also be used to disarm opponents by kicking their weapon (or whatever they might be holding) right out of their hands and up into the air. Apparently, there was another technique actually meant to be used right after the leaf rising wind, but Kotsuzui had not learned it yet.

As expected, the drunk then gave a demonstration of how the technique was to be performed correctly. Jin nodded silently as he observed each movement. "Alright, here we go..." Jin said as he readied himself, making it look as though he was going practice on the air. He flashed a glance at Kotsuzui as a smile suddenly spread on his lips. With a sharp exhale, the blonde haired boy slid forward, coming to a crouch in front of the Kaguya. "A!" Jin cried as he thrust his leg up, aiming the sole of his foot at the Kaguya's chin. The technique was imperfectly executed, and didn't carry the weight or speed it normally should.


AP: 143/143
Health: 12
Chakra: 40
Stamina: 14
Speed: 30
Strength: 12

Learned it.
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:23 pm
Jin objected to referring to Kotsuzui as Senpai, which he obviously knew he would do. He was just amused by Jin's character and wanted to get a reaction out of him. Jin spoke signifying that he was about to try the taijutsu and even got down into a readied stance. Kotsuzui was observing his teammate pretty closely as he was watching for any missed steps or anything that he could correct him on. But he was caught off guard when he noticed Jin smile right at him. "What's he smiling ab..." he thought to himself but was quickly cut short when Jin slid right in front of the Kaguya and got low, about to preform Lead Rising Wind on him. Kotsuzui simply moved his head back just enough to evade the Yamanaka's foot. Without second thought, all in one motion Kotsuzui bent low to the ground while spinning around and extending his right leg out sweeping Jin's leg that was holding him up. He had just performed the Leaf Gale taijutsu, which was strong enough to both sweep Jin onto the ground and send him rolling a few paces back.

Kotsuzui quickly got back to an upright position as he would wait for Jin to get back up to his feet. "Good form on the Leaf Rising Wind, though it could have used a little more speed and power. Now what I just used on you was Leaf Gale. All it is is a sweeping low kick to knock your opponent onto their ass, fairly easy." Kotsuzui then stretched out both his arms to the side and as far back as he could pushing his chest out a bit. Coming back to full stance, the Kaguya would grin as he continued. "It seems like you want to spar. Your choice." With no hesitation, Kotsuzui dashed forward performing a perfect flying kick aimed right for the center of Jin's chest.


10 action points for Leaf Gale with speed of 64

10 action points for Dynamic Entry with speed 64 & strength 40

AP: 306 - 20 = 286
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Kaguya Kotsuzui
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 21650

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:59 pm
Before jumping into the air to perform his flying kick, Kotsuzui came to a sudden halt. After a brief moment Kotsuzui tapped his forehead with his right hand as he looked over to Jin. "Ahh, sorry man I forgot. I had an event planned with my mom around this time. I'm already late. How about we postpone this to tomorrow yea? Thanks pal" Kotsuzui said before Jin could answer as he was off.



6 stat points
1336 towards Intersection Method
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Jin and Juice Empty Re: Jin and Juice

Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:56 pm

Approved <3
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