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Arthur Pendragon
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Wed Sep 09, 2015 9:11 pm
Indignant dismissals, Insults, Accusations...But no immediate explanation, all the while the Prince's eyes do not leave Lord Nedran, as the Queensman heed his words, Akihana performs her task quickly, scanning the blood, Elemental Natures which by his sight..Arashi does not have, meanwhile Nedran not only insults them, but him as well and his anger is stoked by this, though he dismisses it casually with a simple. "I am a Silver Dragon, Lord Nedran...And I side with what is Just." He tells him, young Arashi begins to speak, Arthur's eyes remain in the group, the message is clear..He is the line barring there blades from what he has decided are his subjects, which he will defend, and when the boys story begins to align with the evidence that aligns against Lord Nedran, Arthur is already beginning to plan, and when the scroll is presented to him, he grasps it and unfurls it, casting a glare towards Nedran, who's forgotten himself even as a traitor it seems..
His eyes roam down the page reading it's contents and also confirming something else, it is by fate, that he happened to receive letters from Princess Kerowyn a week or so before he left from Sunagakure, they are still fresh in his mind however and so...He quickly confirms that this is her handwriting, which aligns with the story of Arashi, his eyes raise, Lord Nedran's hand crosses the line, and the pressure increases as the Prince's voice cuts through the room like a Legendary Blade.

"I am the Bone of my Sword."

He chants as Five Blades suddenly appear above Lord Nedran, floating ominously their tips all aimed to slay the man if he inches forward another step, Sapphire eyes bore into the eyes of Nedran, his voice like brittle glass before he whispers to him softly, ominously. "You, Lord Nedran, have killed two of my Hearts greatest Treasures, you have scarred the Family of Hoshi and threatened it's way of life by conspiring with forces you do not yet understand....But you will Serve Hoshi still...Even as a Traitor Lord Nedran." He tells him, reaches up, his eyes still upon the man, and Arthur grasps the Hilt of the Blade, his palm rests against Nedran's chest and he shoves him backwards, before dispersing the Blades and aiming the tip of the Master Sword towards him. "You Lord Nedran, are hereby accused of Murder, Treason and Conspiring against the Crown! How do you plead? Before Goddess Etro, your deceased Princess, your Men and in the face of such evidence against you?" He asks, turning the tables on the man, as he hands the parchment to Akihana behind him, he expects the man to plead not guilty...If the Man draws his blade, he will be playing right into Arthur's hands.
A Drawn Blade, before a Pendragon...Especially before a Silver Dragon, with his blade also drawn, is immediate challenge to a Duel...Either Lord Nedran will forget himself in his rage at being caught, will remember Customs and stand down, or..He'll order the ever-loyal Queensman to stand with him.

The Silver Dragon's Wrath, my Son, must always be tempered with Justice in his Mind, as well as his Heart.

And to put the people before even this, yes...I remember, Father.
Akihana Akari
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:42 am
Akihana couldn't have been prouder of the young man as he told his story in the face of such fear. As Arashi spoke, the plot became clearer, leaving the blonde baffled as to why members of the council could go to such lengths to frame Shinobi. Of course there were differences among ninja and the average locals of Hoshi but did differences mean one could justify killings? It looked like Arthur agreed too given the way he was cracking down on Lord Nedran and the Queensmen. The men she could forgive, they were not a part of this, or least not as big a part as to deserve punishment. But this man had planned and executed murders just to drive shinobi out.

"I apologize My Lord," she spoke softly once Arthur had finished and the councilman paused in his rage to draw breath for more. "I apologize that we involved such a terrible, inhumane desire in you. Had you just come and told us that you didn't want us meddling at the palace..." Would she have listened. Yes, she would have but she doubted Den or Maku would have been as complying as she was. Did this mean that the death of the first princess was her fault too? "This is your country, Lord Nedran, your Queens and princesses you had killed.. how do you sleep at night?"

The man seemed stunned for a moment at her quiet tone, no accusation in her voice, simply a question. The silence lingered for but a second before he began shouting once more.

"The only thing I stand guilty of is trying to right your wrongs," Nedran screamed at the prince before turning his attention to Akihana. "Yes, I had the princess taken care of. Better she be with the stars than arrive at a Hoshi that has gone corrupt. And when i am as lucky as to join her in the heavens, I will tell her with pride that I went down fighting for our way of life. Shinobi will never make the city of the stars their home as long as I live!" Akihana could see the kind of madness gleaming into his eyes, he truly believed he was oing God's work by eradicating the royal family. And in that moment, she felt sorry for him. Sorry that he couldn't see what a precarious position he was in, sorry that he was blinded to human cruelty, sorry that his ignorance had claimed so many lives.

She was just about to offer him a please of pardon when the man made a fetal mistake. He reached for his blade.

Akihana automatically moved in front of Arashi, pocketing the scrolled message Arthur had handed her to leave her fingers free for hand seals should this turn into a fight. Of course she would help Arthur but her first priority was keeping Arashi safe.


Last edited by Akihana Akari on Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:01 pm
The more the boy listened, the more it became clear that not only was this Lord Nedran out to get the shinobi, but his voice was the one he heard that night, in the woods, with Luther.  To think that a member of the ruling council of Hoshi was so against the idea of shinobi that he would murder the royal family AND try to get rid of the ninja that have rebuilt the village, it was just unthinkable.

But not as unthinkable as what the Lord tried to do next.  Arthur was already moving, having heard enough to arrest the Lord, but Nedran still had time, and that time he was using to reach after and draw a blade on Arashi.  For a moment, just a moment, the boy stood in fear, wondering if this man would seriously do so.  He tensed, not even thinking of activating his bloodline, when his view was blocked, by none other than Akihana.  She seemed determined to protect her son at all costs, even if he really had no relation to her.  As the boy looked on, the words of his grandfather came in, the last patriarch of the Tekiatsu clan.


The young boy was still practicing, struggling to unlock his cloud element. The two elements played havoc with his body, and repeatably he found himself doubled over, sick and nauseous.  Luckily, his aunt was already on hand, checking his body and healing the internal damage.  She was concerned, and so was he.  Just because one had the right to learn the bloodline, didn't mean they would have the ability.  This was his point of strength, his final test.  and the boy felt like he was going to fail it. 


His aunt turned and walked away, as his grandfather walked behind him, supporting himself with a cane.  Despite his age, he still kept himself mostly dressed as a shinobi of Kumo, headband, and vest included, despite the formal clothes he kept over it.  Arashi quickly scrambled back up, and bowed to his sensei, as his Grandfather held up his hand.

"Grandson, I see you still struggle.  Have you accepted that you might not be able to learn it?" he asked, making Arashi stunned.  Did his grandfather lose hope too?

"N-no, of course not.  I want this, I really do.  Its the only way to prote-"

"No, no it is not.  And that is the issue." he said, walking over to the pond nearby and taking a seat.  He looked down at the koi fish swimming around.  "You see that one, the pink with the white stripes.  Did you know that we did not expect it to last long?" he said, pointing to it, causing the other fish to scatter.  Arashi walked up and looked down, it looked like the most beautiful of all the koi.

"If you look closely, its missing a fin.  Not only that, but it remained a dark fish.  It didn't look like it would survive the season.  It couldn't keep up with the others, was largely ignored by the rest, and it found itself isolated and alone, no matter how hard it tried to join the group.  If it was in the wild, it probably would have died.  But still, it tried.  It learned to adapt to its limitations.  There was one day I came out here, and one of the rock alcoves had fallen, trapping a couple of the koi.  The other fish seemed to ignore them, and they would have died, but the little black fish came in and helped release them.  After that, the little fish was a part of the group, and in time, it shed its dark scales, and became one of the most beautiful in the pond." he said, while Arashi raised an eyebrow.

"Once it stopped trying to push itself, and concentrated on others, it was accepted, and was able to grow and adapt.  The same applies here.  Your goal should never be to gain power.  Power is easily addiciting, and those who strive for it will be a victim of that power when they try to push it on others.  You, my grandson, should assess what is important.  What do you want to do.  If you truly want to protect this village, to become a defender of the Kage, then you can't focus on gaining the power to do so.  Even a little black koi fish can change the world.  So I ask you, what is more important to you?  Is it the Cloud?  The Kumonikutai?"

Arashi shook his head.  "No, I want to protect others.  I want to protect the village, and those I care for."

"You won't be able to save everyone, Arashi, but if that is what you strive for, then you already have all the power you need." he said, poking Arashi in the chest.  He then stood up, and smiled at the boy.

"The Will of Lightning.  You will hear that a lot in this village.  But its meaning is more elusive.  For us, the will of lightning is using our own strength.  Those with noble hearts and just intentions will get all the power they need.  Including the kumonikutai.  Remember that, Arashi.  Power comes when you need it."


Nedran seemed like he didn't care if he killed Arashi or Akihana, he was angry.  He was found out, and he needed to quell those truths.  He could swear his guards into silence, but not the cursed ninjas.  He pulled out his sword, and came down hard, determined to cut down Akihana if he had to, in order to get to her son.  The Prince, he too would have to die.


His sword was stopped in midstroke, a good distance from Akihana.  Within the blink of an eye, Arashi had moved in front of his mother, kunai out, and it was holding the blade back, his arm shaking slightly from the force.  It was the first time that the boy used the flicker technique, and it had come so suddenly and naturally that even he was surprised.  Arashi pushed back, and then turned his hand, causing sparks to fly as he push the sword to the side, and notched a finger to cause the lord to drop the sword. Arashi immediately brought the kunai back towards the Lord.

Nedran sneered.  "Oh really?  Another murder of a high ranking official.  Fine, show the word the true nature of the shinobi." he said, holding a cut hand up.  This little boy seemed angry enough to kill, and even if he tried, Nedran was sure that he could save himself, maybe sacrifice one of his own guards.

Arashi gritted his teeth, debating if he should plunge his weapon into the hateful man, put him out of his misery.  Everything told him he should, the taunts, the insults, the threat on his mother.  By full rights, he could kill this lord.  Instead, however, Arashi spun the kunai, bringing it from an aggressive to a defensive position, and then relaxed a bit.

"No.  I am not a killer." he said, turning towards the Prince for a moment and then turning back.

"You had a nice young woman murdered by a rogue, someone innocent to the problems that you see this village having.  You are the true killer, you might as well have killed her yourself.  You need to answer for it, to your village, your Prince, and your Queen.  I am not a murderer, and I am not your executioner.  I am a ninja of Hoshi, whether you like it or not, and I will do my best to protect this village from all threats, including those inside." he said, standing tall for the first time to these people. 

"However, if you ever draw a weapon to Lady Akihana again, you will see what happens to those who threaten MY village." he said, allowing the Prince to take over from there.
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Sun Oct 11, 2015 1:52 pm
The drawn Blade is what seals his fate, however the boy Arashi intervenes with Daggers of his own, Sharp Blue observe the brief confrontation between the Lord and the Shinobi. But the Prince's ire and wrath never leaves his face, he patiently waits before he steps forward once, twice and stands within blade distance of Nedran. His eyes gaze deeply into the traitors, whose naked blade has marked the beginning of a duel which won't even have a chance to start.
So, before a Lady of Hoshi, a Shinobi of Hoshi, the Queensman and the cooling body of his betrothed the Prince speaks clearly what will be the last words that one person in this room will ever hear.
"Lord Nedran, I accept your challenge."
He states, before the Prince and the Traitor vanish, like paper enveloped in flame, some of the Queensmen who are familiar with the ability of a Son of Avalon may recognize this from old tales of their ability, where the thousands of blades come from, why it almost began raining blades from the ceiling and what it means when a Pendragon truly means to end anothers life.
A moment passes and the pair reappear, Arthur facing away his hands empty as he now regards Lady Akihana with a grim face. "I'm sorry to place more burdens upon you, but I must ask that my earlier requests are met, I'll handle the rest of this." The slump of a body hitting the ground may prove as a distraction to his words, the form of Lord Nedran having impacted the ground...Where blades of many different shapes, sizes and types lay buried deep into his torso, a look of horror plastered over his face.
Arthur turns quickly, his eyes now laying over the Queensmen which he speaks to "Take the body away, speak of this to no one until I give the word." He states authoritatively, the blades from Nedran's corpse vanishing after a moment.
His fists are still tight, but now that the subject of his ire is gone his eyes are bleak, he gestures harshly so that his orders are met with haste and upon their completion, he noticeably sags for a moment...He turns his head and gaze to the Princess and with a sigh, he regains his composure and adjusts his clothes and hair. "Shinobi of Hoshigakure, I Arthur Pendragon would have your name and rank." He states now regarding the young Shinobi with a calm eye.

[Sorry about that, issues are fixed hopefully.]
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:00 pm
It was a complete and total relief when the Prince stepped in, but Arashi showed no sign of anything but determination.  He stood defiantly, waiting for the Lord to swing again, or try to find a way to provoke him into attacking the traitor.  He stood his ground, until the Prince accepted an unspoken duel, and the two of them vanished for a moment. 

Arashi stood stunned for a moment, turning to Akihana, before the two came back again, one noticeably not as well as the other.  Arashi was barely listening to the words of the prince, his eyes glued to the falling form of the lord, and he was only shaken out of the stupor as the Prince began to give orders. 

The young man stepped back, pushing into his mother, and stood there for a moment, feeling the warmth of comfort of her body.  That's when the Prince finally rounded on him which his demands.

"Arashi.  Arashi Tekiatsu-" he looked up at Akihana, gave a small smile.  "-Akari.  Genin ranked ninja."
Akihana Akari
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:01 pm
For a moment, panic gripped Akihana's heart as Arashi simply disappeared from behind her, her golden eyes colliding with Lord Nedran as though he had done something to her son. When he appeared in front of her though, having successfully applied the shunshin technique, the blonde let out an audible sigh of relief, her hand reaching out to grasp his shoulder surely just as Prince Arthur and the misguided councilman disappeared entirely. The hand on Arashi's shoulder, though primarily extended to reassure her also served another purpose. Should she need to disperse her son, it would come in handy. As it was, there was no need. The duo appeared but a moment later, Prince Arthur unharmed and his opponent...

Akihana closed her eyes at the sight of the many blades buried in the former councilman, only able to hear the sounds of one of the Queensmen dry heaving to one corner of the room at the gruesome sight. The kunoichi only lifted up her eyelids when addressed directly, nodding in obedience. This was no time to feel weak or mourn the many wrong decisions a simple man had made. this was the time to keep a kingdom from falling apart.

"The princes is mostly... " she began, raising her gaze to Arthur's to convey both loyalty and sincerity. "She is in the most presentable condition I could make her. I must be with the queen when she receives the news as I can't predict how she would react." With that, the kunoichi stepped back, allowing Arashi to speak to the prince next. Akihana watched proudly as her son introduced himself, no longer afraid or stuttering but a real ninja, one who had processed what was happening around him and still able to respond in kind. But above all, she watched a scared little boy transform into a young man who would do anything to protect those he loved.

She hoped she had made his parents proud.
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:23 pm
Sapphire hues brimming with the presence of royalty seem to seek something in the boy as he speaks, boldly, proudly and the approving inclination of the head of the Blonde Prince means he was not found lacking in what he sought out. So, as a the Prince he speaks once more, his presence returning along with his composure as he intends to carry out his duties. But first; "Arashi Tekiatsu-Akari, you have done well, if it were in my authority I would commend you and offer you a squire-ship, you've acted today with Courage and Nobility befitting a Knight. A Shinobi with a purpose is capable of anything, today you have proven that. Hold your head high, go rest, be merry. You have earned it for your service in the face of Treachery." He notes and with less formality involved, the Prince raises his hand and claps the Young Man on the shoulder. "And if you should ever desire to come out of the shadows...I'm sure a Dragon would be more than glad to sponsor you for a Knight's training." He informs him with a bit of a cheeky grin, first and foremost he will make sure his subjects are well. He inclines his head towards the door and removes his hand before he turns to Lady Akihana his smile dimming as he once again must catch sight of what has transpired today, "I thank you once again, I will..I will send for the Queen." He visibly steels himself, averting his gaze ever so slightly as his speech begins to be hindered. "I must ask that you and Genin Arashi remain silent on the exact cause of this..Until I can make proper use of it, I will use this." He speaks now, his face losing all light now as a plan clicks into place, the pieces wee layed out before and now he has something else to focus on. "I would like to speak to you more about this at a later time, but for now." His shoulders raise and he turns. "Please, remain here while I inform Her Majesty and bring her here." He will fetch a Priest as well, is what is left unsaid..But the Princess must have her proper last rites and it would be..beneficial to have Queen Shiera present, so she may have some of her spirit healed by her Faith.

The Pendragon themselves do not Worship Etro, they are the Son's of Avalon, who still revere what some would consider Pagan Gods, the Three Great Dragon's are held in reverence in the Pendragon Lineage, even Grima..Though the Pendragon did slay him, what would his ancestors say now? As he prepares to use this tragedy to fuel propaganda, to trick his people for the greater good and so that they suffer no longer? Would they approve that he seeks to end a rebellion before it could begin? Or curse his deceitful actions? No, Lord Nedran was a traitor..But he will be useful, he will be the Perfect Villain before this week ends.
He will serve as the most hated figure in Hoshi's history and will ignite a Fire of Patriotic Spirit in the people as they stand behind the Hero who slew such a Villain...He cannot take direct control of Arashi and a Shinobi would receive mixed reactions...So he'll have to take glory he did not earn, he will personally apologize to young Arashi later, beg forgiveness for stealing his Legend, but it must be done. A Silver Dragon, a King is a symbol...He must use his Presence to gain Support of the people before he makes his play.

And so Arthur exits the Medical Bay, his footsteps carrying him towards the castle, this time with no intent to hide his actions as he marches, his shoulders squared, his back straight and his head held high. His eyes are sharp and his face is grim as he steps forward.
His feet carry him to the Council room, the doors are opened and he steps inside, he does not walk to the center and kneel as most would to show their fealty to the Council and the Queen, no he walks a feet feet from the throne, before he kneels and crosses an arm over his chest, his head bowed. He is a Pendragon, the Prince of Silver, it is known that the Pendragon's loyalty lies solely with Haven and the Direct Line, as it was that line and the Silver Line that is forever bonded as family. He rises, before he is permitted, but this is a matter of utmost importance and before any offense can be voiced his voice cuts through the hall authoritatively. "Leave us, I must speak with her Grace alone." He states, but does not turn away from the Queen, his Aunt as he gives these orders, silently urging her that this must be done alone...He takes in the sight of her for a moment and the cracks in his heart simply thicken, he heard she was ill..But he could not imagine..Just how ill.
The urge to weep, is crushed underneath his Will, he must not show any weakness now more than ever. If his orders are met, he gestures towards one of the Queensman to wait, only that one however. The rest are urged to leave...But he has a task for that one.
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:51 pm
The Prince... the real Prince... started speaking in formalities to Arashi, saying things that the boy really didn't understand, however he was not about to ruin the moment with questions and statements.  No, it was clear that this was very difficult for the older swordsman, and he was relying on his standards like a crutch. 

One thing he did catch was the offer of being a squire.. or a dragon... or a knight?  Something like that.  It seemed like a high honor, however the boy wasn't sure if it would fit with his own family.  He did, afterall, have his own goals and dreams.  Instead, he nodded, and thanked the knight when the man finally walked off, leaving Arashi alone with the fallen Princess. 

With his mother also gone, Arashi walked over slowly to the body, as his eyes swelled up.  With the absence of anyone else, the emotions of the day were rapidly catching up to him, and he finally felt like crying.  He struggled to hold it in, instead opting to gaze upon the form of the young woman, who seemed absolutely peaceful now, and still a thing of beauty.  He reached over and placed a hand on her's, looking into her face.

"I don't care what they say... you needed me, and I failed you.  I didn't get to you fast enough, and I'm sorry.  I'll work myself harder, make myself faster, and you will forever live in my heart to remind me the cost of failure.  You didn't deserve this, and I'm sorry.  Please, may you finally find rest.  You will always find solace in the skies with my family.  They'll take care of you.  Rest in peace." he said, rubbing her hand, before letting go, turning around, and leaving.  He needed to rest.


(Total W/C: 3800)

(Claiming: Fuinjutsu spec [2000], 1800 towards Kumonikutai Master 4)
(Claiming 19 stats)

Last edited by Arashi Tekiatsu on Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:17 pm
Akihana watched the exchange between the boy and man, no, two men now. Arashi had proven in so many ways that he was no longer a boy no matter how much she wanted to hold him to her and let him cry his feelings into her. There would be time for that later. Right now there was something bigger to take care of. So he simply nodded as the prince addressed her, leaving Arashi to wonder to the fallen princess and speak his final goodbyes. The blonde dropped into a quick courtesy as the prince left, more to hide her own face than out of royal proceedings. As much as the death of an innocent girl pained her, she knew that her grief was the mildest in that room. there was no room for it now.

Arashi left slowly after Arthur, Akihana stopping him for a moment to briefly squeeze the young ninja's hand and remind him that she would be along shortly. Once she was the only one left, the kunoichi took her vigil by the princesses side, making sure the girl looked as peaceful as she could, even tracing soft fingers throught he girl's golden hair to make sure no strand fell out of place. Once the image of the girl the princess had been wspreserved, Akihana closed ehr eyes breifly, offering a prayer to Goddess Etro for the girl' safe journey to the beyond.

It was in prayer with eyes lowered and face calm that Akihana waited the prince's return, determined to follow out his orders. She couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be in his shoes, to lose two people he cared so deeply about but if he was holding himself up then the least she could do was respect him enough to do the same. She would remain on her feet as long as he did, a silent companion to his grief.

While she stood, eyes downcast and narrow frame standing upright, a warn golden glow surrounded the princess. This time not for healing, they were beyond that point. No, the glow simply served as a final tribute to the girl who had once lived and breathed and Akihana only hoped that wherever she was, she knew tha the light inside her would not fade but glow anew in the hearts of those she'd touched.
Arthur Pendragon
Arthur Pendragon
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Not Always a Rainbow - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Always a Rainbow

Fri Nov 06, 2015 10:20 am
He stares deep into the eyes of his Aunt for a long moment, his own eyes firm despite the earlier fall of his composure..He opens his mouth and begins retelling the Third Tragedy of this Kingdom.

Anguish burns a Young Arthur's eyes as he stands beside his Father and the other Pendragon as a casket is laid afloat over a lake, thick tears bursting forth, but he bites his lip and though his shoulders shake he does not let out a single sob as he watches his Mother pushed out to see...When the flames start, that's when his Father pulls him into his side, silent tears of his own running down his face as he watches his Love and the Mother of his Son burn away to ashes. "It must come, to pass.." He intones, softly, the Pendragon behind him soon repeating such..Arthur joins them as well.

He falls to one knee and wraps his Aunt in a hug when the wailing starts, his own head bowed his eyes shut solemnly as the Queen of this Proud Country finally gives into the anguish that only a Mother who has lost her child twice feels..And that no one should ever feel.
Yet still, he speaks..And this seems to soothe her as she's reminded of her duty..And is given something to focus on. The phrase is; "It must come, to pass.." Shamefully, there is a hitch in his voice when he speaks..As tears silently poor from his eyes.
He orders the Kingsman to fetch a Priest..And he himself, escorts the Queen to the medical chambers.
Rage, Anguish, Guilt and other dark thoughts war in his heart, but Steel crushes them, forces them down in the face of duty..And he appears with the Queen in the doorway..A priest will arrive shortly afterwards and he rolls her to the side of the late Princesses bedside....
Lady Akari should be praised, though a bit pale..She is perfectly presentable.
The Queen's sorrow would be better than her wrath at the moment...Manipulating others for there own good, he's always excelled at being a Knight more than a Politician..but he is not unskilled in this game.

"I thank you, Lady Akari..I owe you a debt." He says once again, he's sure he's said it, before..But right now he's a being made up of social customs..And to prevent any ideas festering in the Queen's mind about the Shinobi being to blame, he must ruthlessly squash that train of thought, honor or no honor, the Shinobi are the ones responsible for bringing in Lord Nedran, coming to the aid of the Prince of Haven even in the face of impossible odds....That is the story now, that is the Truth that will be told.

For the Good of All.
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