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Assimilation PT1 (P,NK) Empty Assimilation PT1 (P,NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:09 pm
Sitting on his bed hands clamped together as his chin rested upon his vertical fist. In front of him was a small table that upon it sat a heart, a human heart that the leader Denkiteki had given him. No one but the forgotten owner of this heart knew the nature affinity that it held. That was why Kyofu was thinking so hard on the subject. This was the first heart he had ever obtained and sitting there staring at it he had absolutely no idea what to do. He did not know where exactly to place the heart nor how to assimilate the heart within his body. Staring at it as it floated in the greenish liquid he would lean forward and stare at it.

What if when he took in the heart it had the same affinity as himself, the earth element. If it did what would happen, would the heart just be a empty canvas that was structured within his body, or would it be like the doctors said the more hearts he had the longer he could live. Kyofu knew that everything the dreaded doctors had said was true no matter how hard he did not want to believe their words. Raising his hand he would hold it over the jar and slowly bring his left arm down onto it as he clamped his hand around the lid and pulling the jar towards him. Twisting the jar open with his right hand a puff of air that seemed unnatural would come out of it.

He smelled the air which still had the smell of flowers. He had expected that upon opening the jar his room would begin to fill with the smell of rotten flesh, however it seems his prediction was wrong indeed. Holding the lid in his left hand he would put it on the small table that the heart previously sat on, he held his right hand above the jar only a few inches and let his thoughts drift away as threads slowly made there way into the sockets of the heart as if they were blood vessels and arteries. Almost instantly he felt more alive he  would see the heart beat within the water making ripple effect as it sat in the water.

Amazing he thought, it had happened that quick. He felt more alive as he could feel two hearts now beating. But he knew this process was not over just yet. He needed a place for the heart to go somewhere where people would not even think about attack him at. But unfortunately this was the ninja world, people would attack you in any spot. He would just put the heart to the opposite side where his original heart sat. The heart still in the water he would maneuver the threads so as they acted as blood vessels would slowly raise the heart out of the water and bring it up as it dripped water off of it. He opened his mouth wide more than a normal human could as his threads were his jaw instead of his bones.

With his mouth wide open he would navigate the threads so they pushed the heart down his throat and through his esophagus as they went down his back towards his right lung. Upon arriving at the lung they would slowly push his heart into place directly up under it making a almost perfect fit that Kyofu was surprised about. It was as if a heart was meant to be there. As the heart was placed the threads I'm his body would move into the sockets of the heart so as the threads that was in his hand were being taking out new ones were being out in. As the threads from his hand were taken out they quickly exited his body and returning back to his hand.

He would put the jar back onto the counter then put his left hand above his heart, his new heart as he felt steady beat as new way opened as blood flowed more throughout his body. He guessed the operation was a sucess. Now it was time to figure out the next step, what affinity the heart was. He would stand up off the bed and almost instantly as both of his feet touched the ground he lost his balance and fell onto the table in his front the jar that was sitting on it being crushed to glass pieces as they punctured his leg thankfully not hitting a artery or anything that would cause his death. As he hit the floor he seemed to black out the world of reality slowly drifting away from him as he tried to keep his conscious. While trying to jeep conscious he had his mind focused on one subject, did this have something to do with the heart or was it something else entirely. And if it was something else he would only hope it was nothing bad.

Waking up Kyofu found himself still on the ground only small drops of blood on the floor as glass was stilled impaled into his legs. Putting his hands into a pushup position he tried to rise but found that he had no control of any of his muscles. It was as if he had just come out of a comatose stage. But he was sure he was not out long because he was still in the exact same position as he was before. Being smart he would open the palms of his hand and direct threads out of him to raise him up of the ground. Making the threads into crutches he would fall back into the cushion of his bed and breath heavily. What exactly happened to him he thought. Did the Leader give him a bad heart that was causing him sone kind of bone cancer. Wait no he could not get bone cancer because he does not even have bones.

He tried to move his legs again and saw them jump a little." That's it " he screamed so loud that it would surely gather the attention of the guests and other people within the castle. But the liquid that was in the jar had some kind of numbing effect that was why when he woke up he could not move his legs. But that still does not explain why he fell in the first place. It could have began because of the new rush of blood cells traveling through the new hearts he just gained. Maybe his brain could not take the process that quickly and went into an auto protect mode of some sort. The human brain was a mystery indeed, if only he had someone to unlock the full potential as regular humans only used like ten percent of their brains and ninja probably 10 or 20 percent more. Maybe even 30,  he tried to move his leg again and saw it quickly shoot towards the sky.

He guessed the side effects of Tue liquid had wore off, now again to find out what element he had obtained from the heart. Getting up he began to search his room for the piece of chakra paper he had bought I'm his days of finding a new home. He found it up under his bed with dust crawling all over it. Grabbing the paper he would bring it to his hand and get up from up under the bed and hold it to his face. He remembered the process the man had told him when he had bought it. Pour your chakra into it and your element would be revealed. Pouring his chakra into the paper he waited a minute before the paper began to cut itself into many small pieces.

Shocked Kyofu let the paper go as the pieces drifted to the ground. Right before hitting the ground they slowly began to turn into dust. What the hell was that Kyofu had thought as he stared at the small pile of dust. OK he knew the dust must have had something to do with Earth Release as that was the element he currently has. But the cutting had to be dealing with a whole mother element entirely. He begun to think, if he had water the paper would probably turn wet or something, it would probably get hot if it was fire, he didn't know about Lighting. But wind if used correctly could be really sharp like the famous ninjutsu Rasenshuriken. So could the heart have had the wind element? Hrm it could be so he thought to himself as a slow breeze hit the room carrying the dust through the air and into the beyond.

He would leave the room leaving the broken table on the floor as he exited the castle and walked onto the streets to the water gardens well now training grounds. He needed to train and see if Wind was really the second element he currently have. Upon walking the streets of Hoshigakure he saw some ninja and large amounts of civilians that waved at him as they remembered the party he had hosted only a day or two ago. Being polite he would smile back at them and bow as he made his way to the training grounds. Arriving at the oval like gates he would see many ninja training in the area walking in he would greet them and then go to a secluded area that no one else was for About ten meters." Now to start with this training " said Kyofu out aloud as he picked up a single star life.

He heard that back in the day they did not have chaka paper and they had to do multiple dort of practices to see what nature affinity they harm. For wind they had to focus on the chakra all around them that was in the air and try to cut a single leaf five times. Holding the leaf at the stem with his left hand his eyes would focus onto the tip of the leaf as he imagined a hardened blade of wing quickly cutting through it. Of course like always nothing happened on the first try unless you were really talented or unpredictable lucky. But Kyofu were neither of those unfortunately. Still holding the leaf by the stem Kyofu would focus his undirected attention to the leaf forcing the chakra around him to the tip as if the wind itself was alive and ready to attack at any moments notice. A powerful air blast would come pass Kyo from all directions knocking the leaf out of his hand and him almost to the ground if he did not pour his chakra to the soles of his feet to keep his balance.

He knew defiantly now that the element he had gotten from the heart was the wind affinity element." Damn Wind and Earth the most bad upon combos for a ninja. Unless you are the Jinchuriki of the One Tails " said Kyofu out aloud as he jumped to the trees racing the sun on it's way down to the castle all awhile keeping himself hidden from the outside world that did not like ninjas which were the people of Hoshigakure before ninja came and their followers. He would see the castle in the distance as he ran down a single tree towards it, night had fallen uponnhim as he slowly walked towards the front gates of the castle. Arriving at the castle hebwould walked through the gates and the doors and down the twists and turns of the hallways as well as down multiple sets of stairs to get to his large room that was clean. Wait clean Kyofu thought that was not right. Who came into his took while he was gone? He saw that the table that had been broken was replaced with a new one. The liquid and blood that was on the floor was also gone.

In the shadows stood a single figure that Kyofu saw that said " Hello Kyofu Ishi the Dread Doctor ".


Claiming Hyuuha Heart up under my right Lung

Claiming Wind Element

Last edited by Kyofu on Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Assimilation PT1 (P,NK) Empty Re: Assimilation PT1 (P,NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:56 pm

1000 wc??
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Assimilation PT1 (P,NK) Empty Re: Assimilation PT1 (P,NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 8:15 pm
Lol sorry I meant 10 stats but Youka said I can't so you can ignore that lol
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Assimilation PT1 (P,NK) Empty Re: Assimilation PT1 (P,NK)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:19 pm
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