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Chasing a Frog?   Empty Chasing a Frog?

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:07 pm
Kyofu was wandering outside of the village looking for something to do, he had told the guard ninjas that he was going to go explore the desert and they told him it would be ok as long as he was back by nightfall. It was dawn, the sun just beginning it's race with the moon. Now walking in the hot desert with a Black V-Neck, leather pants, and combat boots on he thought he was going to die from thirst. He had forgot to bring a canteen of water seeing he was not use to being dehydrated, of course he was still only getting accustomed to the weather and temperature of the wind country. Even though he was a human and was built to be meant for extreme climate changes he seemed not be able to handle the excruciating heat unlike the other ninja of Suna.

In the distance he saw a small opening to a cave, thinking it would not hurt to go explore it for fresh water Kyofu began to walk towards the cave hoping it wasn't as hot in there as it was outside of it, as he walked the treach towards the cave he began to look around for any sign of life. The only person around was himself and he was quite some way away from the village, it was really stupid of him. He was smarter than this it seemed that the heat had fried some of his brain cells. The one thing he did not forget to do was to leave his jar of soil back within the village so it could stay moist, he did not want to bring it with him as he did not want to waste his chakra on it trying to awaken the dormant Senju DNA within him.

He figured out that the DNA of clansmen was different from the DNA if the clanless. If one was to implant the DNA of a clan member with a bloodline within themselves their body would become a living volcano minus the hot molten rock. By that he meant that the DNA he transplanted was dormant and needed something to activate releasing all of the pint of energy he got from the DNA out of his body. That was something Kozai the ninja who had implanted the senju kidney within him has failed to explain. He smirked as he walked towards the cave, science and medical knowledge never failed to amaze him. 

Everyday he learned a handful of information that would surely be deemed beyond useful in the future like the kid Kuro Hozuki he had met in Hoshigakure. If it were not for the kid Kyofu probably would not know the weakness of the Hozuki bloodline nor how it works. He thanked the boy's stupidity for revealing a secret as such. He was sure whoever the clan head of the Hozuki was would be mad if how the ability as well as it's weakness worked. But of course Kyofu himself could not obtain the bloodline as he would have to been born with the Water nature affinity. He had the water element however he had not gotten it from birth, it was from the heart of a body that Kozai had within storage.

However it seemed that all of Kyofu's thinking had bypassed time because he saw that he was only a few meters away from the cave. Quickly walking away those meters Kyo would arrive at the dark cave. He peeped inside of it and saw that it was quite dark inside and would be hard to navigate within if you did not have a keen eye. However the whole of Kyofu's life he was trained to hone in on his senses in case he were to be trapped in the while. Being a experiment heightened those senses exceptionally as he had to become the first experiment to succeed in becoming a Earth Grudge Fear user if he wanted to live out the rest of his life. Producing a Kunai from the weapon pouch on his left thigh holding it with the palm of his right hand Kyo would walk into the cave Kunai at the ready in case their was some kind of foe in the cave that had the ability to kill Kyo.

As he walked inside of the cave he heard no sort of noise but saw that their were three directions he could go, damn caves and their twisted paths he thought as he went down the oath that went towards the left. Going down the path he heard the sound of something wet being jumped on, like the sound of mud being hit by rain! Could it be that the cave held fresh water and this was the way to it, taking his chances Kyofu broke into a sprint towards the direction if the sound hoping to come by some sign that water was nearby. As he ran he began to feel that the cave got cooler the father he ran within it. It was as if he was in some kind if Ice tunnel because pretty soon it felt as a wind from the north was blowing at him.

But he figured that it was only his momentum pushing against the cold air which made him feel as if he was freezing. Quickly, his eyes caught onto a blue thing hop onto the wall's surface and disapeer. He would stop as he began to breath hard, a toad had just jumped on the wall and then disappeared. Where the hell could it have gone. Walking up to the spot where the toad had disappeared Kyofu began to run his hand over the wall hoping to find some kind of crevice. However as he ran his hand over the wall his hand was cut off, no not cut off it went through some kind of hole in the space time continuum. He took his hand out of the hole and saw that it was wet, he looked around the area of the cave once again. Could the sound have been toads jumping in and out of the hole.

It had to be of course since their was no sign of water anywhere else." I have to make my way inside of the hole " said Kyofu out aloud as he trusted his head through the hole while simultaneously inhaling air not knowing how deep the water was on the other side. He opened his eyes as he appeared in the other side of the home pulling the rest of his body with him to the other side. He looked up and saw that whereever he was it was really bright out. He began to swim up quickly as he was beginning to lose air, he did not want to loose consciousness as he was already on the brink of dehydration. Reaching the top of the lake or sea or wherever the fuck he had come he looked around enhaling a lot of air make his lungs thrust out. He looked around his eyes darting in every direction, to his left was water, behind him was water, in front of him was water. But to his right was a humongous mountain that had a hers of birds flying above of it.

Land? He swam quickly to land quickly covering the 10 meters which he had counted that was between him and the land. He had figured out that he was near a peninsula. He had quickly gotten to the small dirt beach climbing out the water soaked. He looked around for a sign a life and again saw that no one was around to help. However he saw yet another cave but this one in particular was in the mountain's wall. Running towards the opening he prayed that whoever or whatever was hear could help him. He got inside the cave and walked around it Kunai still in his hand. However he saw a giant beetle thing screech at him and run towards him. He quickly thruster his arm out letting go the Kunai as it went straight through the fave of the Beatle and out the other side of it hitting the wall making a spark as it fell to the ground.

Kyofu picked up the Kunai again with his left hand as he saw a strand of light coming out of a crevice. He saw that it was a boulder. He raised his hands as his body turned a darker color, he pushed the boulder out of the way with his new boost in strength. The boulder rolled out of the way revealing amazing scenery, he saw birds of multiple races flying in the air as well as small hugs crawling over huge plants. He saw a giant Venus fly trap that ate a Beatle that looked quite similar to the one he had killed only moments ago. He took one step and the plant line moved revealing toads of all different colors. He froze where he stood not letting his feet hit the ground." Uhhh hi " he said out aloud.

He saw that the toads were in some kind of formation with the small ones being in the front and giant ones that were taller than the walls of Suna point weapons at him." How did you get here " said a small little green toad with a tuff of white hair and beard. Kyofu figured that he must be important for he was the only one who spoke " I saw a blue toad appear in a cav within Wind Country, I followed it and came through a hole within the space time and swam to this peninsula. I can upon a cave with a boulder blocking the entrance to this place " as he caught sight of a toad trying to hide behind one of the bugger toads.

He recognized the toad as the one he had seen in the cave. He figured that it did not want to be put on the spot in front of all his people. Looking back at the grandaddy toad Kyofu would say " Could you tell me where I am, I am truly lost and am on the point of dehydration ". The old toad seemed to think about what he said jumping off of the large toad and onto the ground in front of Kyofu. He turned towards the other toads and waved them off " It seems that this one is truly not in mind of where he is, everyone prepare a feast for our visitor " said the toad. The mass if roads took off within the direction they came leaving only Kyofu and the green toad by themselves." You are within the Mountain Myoboku, Legendary Home of the Toad Summons. I am Fukasaku " said the toad who revealed himself by the name of Fukasaku. 

Kyo eyes opened wide the toads were a race of powerful summons who power rivaled very powerful ninja. Was it luck that Kyo had wandered upon the place." You are the first ninja in centuries to find this place and I would like to offer you the signing of the toad contract. But know that this will be the first and last time we offer this gift to you " said Fukasaku. Kyofu thought about it, he was not a stranger to summons and he knew that acquiring them would deem helpful. The toad produced a piece of clear paper and said " If you want to sign the contract just put a inch of your blood on the paper and your name will appear ". Kyofu nodded and bit the tip of his middle finger on his left hand and wiped it on the paper. 

Almost instant letters begin to form into his name as the paper began to roll up into a scroll that Fukasaku swallowed." Now Kyofu Ishi let us attend the feast " said the toad as it went in the direction that the other toads went leaving g Kyofu dumbfounded in what he just discovered.


Claiming Toad Summons and 10 stats
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Chasing a Frog?   Empty Re: Chasing a Frog?

Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:39 pm
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