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Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:40 pm
Ryuu's stomach instantly churned and churned. He could see that this was obviously going to be the hardest spar he had ever been in. "What in the world would I even do against this guy. Screw it." Ryuu thought to himself as he addressed the statement he had made before the command to come at him. "A dangerous game indeed, but if a shinobe's life is not at least a little dangerous, what's the point in living it?" Ryuu then formulated somewhat of a battle plan to go against such an opponent. Ryuu reached into his pouch, grabbed two of his kunai, had one in each hand. He ran toward Salzem, grabbing one of his kunai and threw it to where it landed directly behind him, then just as he reached withing striking distance, he flicked to the kunai behind him and thrusted toward him with the kunai.

Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:49 pm
The ground beneath him was so soft. It shifted and sided beneath his feet as he shifted his weight. It was so aggravating. Why can't the ground be stone or earth? He barely noticed Ryuu coming at him with a kunai dagger until he was within a few feet. As soon as he got within striking range, Salzem shifted to the right at speeds of 15, easily dodging Ryuu's thrust. Salzem would follow up by throwing a light straight punch at Ryuu's right cheek with his left hand (speed 10, strength 8), which would cause him to stumble back a foot or two. Salzem wouldn't go full force of course. He didn't want to kill the kid, nor horribly maim him. He just wanted to see what he had before he trained him. It would make it easier on the both of them that way.  If his punch connected, Salzem would grasp for Ryuu's knife, attempting to jerk it out of his grasp.
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 6:58 pm
Ryuu jumps back with speed of 20, dodging Salzem's attempt to grab his kunai. Ryuu then, being around 10 feet away and throws his kunai directly at Salzem. Realizing that if he tried to go fist to fist with this guy, it would end up getting him hurt a whole lot more than it would even scratch him, so he realized that long range might be his best bet, he also realized that he really didn't have anything but the Body Flicker Technique that would even become of help at this moment. He was realizing that he was going to need to react and try and keep him on his toes. Not the best situation, but this is one of the few options he had. Being sure that Salzem was going to dodge this direct attack, Ryuu also threw two more kunai at two different areas of the area that they were fighting in.

Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:02 pm
Salzem snatched the kunai out of the air as it came sailing towards him. Not a bad idea... He took the knife and tossed it back at Ryuu at speeds of 30, aiming for it to lodge in his shoulder. This would immobilize him, and if it did so, Salzem would call off the fight. Seeing as he threw two more kunai n other directions, he felt that he didn't really need to move. He's going to need to be a lot more subtle than that if he's going to be Salzem.

(Sorry for the short post)
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 7:17 pm
Ryuu was hit by the kunai knife, but he used the substitution jutsu and while Salzem believed that he had actually hit him, Ryuu threw two of his shuriken from his position just behind a wall of sand that was just on the border of the fighting area they had created. While Salzem was dealing with the shuriken coming at him from the left side, Ryuu flickered to the kunai on the opposite side and threw another shuriken toward him as hard as he possibly could. "Come on, come on!" Ryuu said to himself, hoping that his more complex attack was a little more effective. "I still can't believe this guy grabbed a kunai out of the damn sky."

Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:01 pm
Salzem tracked the boy's movements as he substituted in for a log as the Kunai hit him. Where he got the log from in this environment is beyond him, however. In response to Ryuu's shuriken, Salzem simply raised one of his hands, covered in the steel of his Gauntlets, and backhanded both of them, sending them into the sand at his feet. Ryuu, having the good sense to attack from behind, body-flickered behind him and sent another shuriken at his back. In response, Salzem simply turned around (yes he can do this) flicked the shuriken with his steel-encased fingers. A sharp PWAAAANG rang out as meta connected with metal, causing it to fly off it's intended course and out of harm's way. Again, he moved behind him and threw another star at him and Salzem responded the same way with the other hand. Before this fight could go on any longer, Salzem would hold up a hand, signaling the end of the fight.

"Alright. that's enough. Well done." Salzem would wipe his forehead again, clearly uncomfortable in the heat.

"Is there anything specific you wish to learn from me? I'll teach you what I can."
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:13 pm
Ryuu, both angry at the fact that he thwarted all of his attacks with such ease, but yet excited that this man, clearly a skilled shinobe, was going to teach him some techniques and help him become a better shinobe, even though Salzem obviously saw that Ryuu had absolutely minimal skill and knowledge of becoming a full blown shinobe he was STILL willing to help him! Ryuu then walked toward Salzem and thought of what he would like to learn, he thought of maybe Taijutsu, but then he also thought of ninjutsu, but he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to help because they might have been different elements, but after all of the thinking, he still simply replied with a "Whatever it is you feel you can teach me in the time that you are in this village, I want to learn all that I possibly can." Ryuu couldn't choose a single thing, knowing that this certain person could teach him many things that Ryuu didn't even know where to start.

Word Count: 175

O.O.C (out of character) - If you could teach how to ACTUALLY RP fight that would be amazing. I know I am not doing this correctly, there is no way. Thank you also, for being patient.

Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:19 am
(I'm not really the best at explaining such things so I'd recommend asking Akihana or Draconis/Hysterio)

It seemed Ryuu would be willing to learn just about anything Salzem felt like teaching him. This made his job a tad easier. Salzem pulled out a pair of scrolls from his pack. One black, the other green.

"I'll be teaching you two jutsu today." Salzem said. "Genjutsu Release and the Generic Sealing technique. Which one would you like to learn first?"
Ryuu H
Ryuu H
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Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:34 pm
Ryuu was fairly confused, he had no idea what a "Sealing Technique" was, but he did know what Genjutsu was, and being able to release himself from the effects of it would be very beneficial. But he couldn't help but to wonder what a sealing technique was. He couldn't remember any lessons from the days back in the academy talking about them, so he just decided that he would ask, "What is a sealing technique?" Ryuu hoped that Salzem would not think less of Ryuu, due to the fact that he had no idea what the technique had been.

Ryuu honing his skills - Page 2 Empty Re: Ryuu honing his skills

Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:47 pm
(yer word count to learn this one is 250)

Salzem sat down where he was and placed the green scroll in front of him. He then proceeded to unroll the scroll, showing the insides covered in multiple different symbols, all forming to make some kind of circle with various tendrils coming off or it. Salzem would look up at Ryuu, expecting him to sit on the opposite side of the scroll.

"The Sealing technique is all about using chakra to place an object within this scroll. Mainly used for storage, this technique allows for easy access and carrying of up to 22 items per scroll." Salzem would have used a kunai dagger for his example, but since all his weapons had been taken up at the gates, he decided he'd use his mask. He took it from his belt and placed it in the middle of the circle.

"This technique requires no handsigns, though it does require a different medium: Blood." Salzem bit down on his thumb, just hard enough to cause the tip to bleed. He then pressed his bloodied thumb against the palm of his other hand.

"Chakra acts as the lock of this jutsu, and blood, the key. Focusing your chakra through the object, then into the seals on the scroll allows it to be placed within the parchment." Salzem placed his hand on his mask, focusing his energy into his mask, then through that, into the scroll. A puff of smoke later, and the mask was gone.

"See?" Salzem asked. "Perhaps you can try bringing it back. The whole place it, summon it is basically the same."
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