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Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:57 pm
In the Uchiha's mind he thought whether he should get a little fancy with his next move or if it would be more beneficial for him to just be straightforward. Who was he kidding, Kaze enjoyed the art of being fancy too much to pass up an opportunity to get creative with a move when it suited him. Coming to this conclusion he watched as two shurinken flew towards him each once arcing inwards towards the middle of his chest. Kaze simply sidestepped the two projectiles, bending his knees slightly and raising his arms in front of him, he slipped into a fighting stance as he saw Kaneki charging towards him. In the few seconds it took the opposing genin to reach Kaze he had already come up with something a little bit on the flashy side as he had hoped, but first he had to deal with the incoming attacks coming from his sparring partner.

At first Kaze was about to move to avoid a kick that was aimed for his shoulder until his sharingan picked up on the subtle motion of it slowing and Kaneki left fist rocketing toward his face. Instead of his original plan to move away from the kick instead he moved towards it which would move his head out of Kaneki's punch. Now out of harm's way Kaze went on the offensive, but much to his disappointment the current position he was in wouldn't allow flamboyant moves unless he sold out for it. Seeing that this was only a spar and no true harm should come to him, the boy took the chance. Due to his position however he would have to settle for something on the simpler side of flashy something that he considered rather plan. To start he would simply pivoting on his right foot rotating his body in a circular motion to the left so that for a second his back would be facing Kaneki before he planted his left foot down and pushed upward with it. Now up in the air Kaze swung his right leg downward from the position it was currently in by his side, it would take a forty-five degree angle down towards Kaneki's head which was now below Kaze because of gravity pushing the Uchiha's opponent downward after his initial jump. (I believe this a 540 roundhouse I'm attempting to describe, but I don't really know and kinda confused myself trying to explain it lol)

Whether the hit was blocked or not as long as it connected and he was still in the air Kaze would follow this move with his left leg, which would now be snapping downwards as his body was rotated in the air so that the left side of his body was the highest up after his first kick. As his right leg slid off of its target, his left heel would be driven toward the Kaneki's head just like his previous attack. If this landed Kaze would land afterward and eye his opponent waiting for the next course of action.
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:01 am
Kaneki had come entangled with a sharingan user and paid the price. Unlike most other opponents, trickery and fake outs were not going to win against this opponent, after missing his punch he took a step back to center himself but the Uchiha had already began his counter attack. What started off in a series of pivots ended with his enemy in the air above him. He felt the hard press of a foot land on his head, but rather than attempt to block or resist the blow Kaneki allowed the momentum of the attack to swing his torso to the ground, after planting both hands on the ground Kaneki would lift his lower body up, bringing his own hell forward towards the Uchiha who was still suspended in the air. While Kaneki would have liked to outstretch his arms and aim for the boys face he could not because of the force from the first kick, he was however able to spring himself up to aim his right foot for the Uchiha's chest.

Instantly Kaneki wasted no time in movements, he let his right hand move to the left side of his opposite hand, crossing his arms only inches from each other. After doing such he presses onto the ground, spinning in a pinwheel motion, allowing his left foot to whip forward, once more aiming for the torso of his opponent. For one such as Kaneki this type of movement was fairly advanced for him, while he was not an expert in taijutsu he was capable of thinking on his feet, or in this case his head.

{WC: 1233 btw sorry if my writing for this is somewhat sketchy, first time with an actual combat thread.}
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:19 am
His foot met the top of Kaneki's head soundly and the young Uchiha wasted no time following through and finishing the blow; although he had the help of gravity Kaze doubted he was strong enough to make his opponent crumple to the ground as he had. With this in mind he knew that some sort of counter attack was on its way, a punch or kick of some sorts would be the most plausible choices considering the close proximity the two were in. As Kaneki's leg was thrust forward to collide with Kaze's chest he sped up his spin, which was parallel to the ground. The boy continued on with the set of moves he had thought out in his head only with a slight modification, instead of aiming for his opponent's head again he would shift his target to be the incoming leg aimed for his body. 

The heel of Kaze would collide with Kaneki's right foot effectively cancelling it out and freezing either boy's movements as the momentum each had built up had just been erased by the force of the kicks. As the two blows connected they would seem to be evenly matched in strength creating a stalemate, due to not being able to over power his partner Kaze would give way only slightly so that he could position his body in a way that would allow him to land safely. Once he had gotten himself situated he reapplied the pressure to his outstretched leg pushing off of Kaneki's effectively creating a gap between the two as Kaze flew back a few meters before his feet hit the ground and he slid to a halt.

Now a safe distance away he eyed his opponent curiously, up to this point in their session Kaze had only been matching the intensity and speed of his opponent, despite wanting to know Kaneki's full abilities. With his thirst to find out how far his sparring partner could be pushed he could no longer hold his words, "What do you think? Do you want to continue, and if so would you like me to push you further." Not only was Kaze curious about what the boy thought about him so far, but his second question would answer, what kind of person he was when it came to pride and competitiveness. While he awaited an answer the Uchiha would deactivate his Sharingan allowing his eyes to rest for the moment, lately he was using his kekkai genka a lot more so he could get used to the strain it put on him. It had been working pretty well seeing that he wasn't struggling to keep it active at all.

195 AP (For this post and my last two)
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:50 am
Kaneki felt his opponent push on his leg and he did the same, the two pushed back from each other and while Kaneki dug his hands into the ground to slow his skid back he smiled softly. The Genin tightened his headband around his forehead before smiling at his opponents words. "I want you to come at me with everything you've got. Don't hold back, even if you'll beat me to a bloody pulp." Kaneki spoke with a tone of seriousness but the small hint of a smile traced his lips. 

Kaneki drew his last kunai before smiling and sprining towards Kaze, as he ran forward he reversed his grip so the blade of the knife was aimed towards his back. After he closed the few meters of distance between the two he dug his blade into the ground, ducking low as he did. When he was less than a meter away from Kaze he pulled the blade from the ground, flinging the dirt towards the boy's face. Rather than attack Kaneki spun, counter-clockwise towards the boy's right shoulder, as he stopped he brought his foot up, latching it to Kaze's left shoulder, trying to pull him down with his momentum.
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:31 am
Kaze internally smiled to himself, Kaneki truly reminded the Uchiha a lot of himself; although he would never tell someone to beat him to a pulp he would never give up. While Kaze did not really want to beat his fellow genin down, he new that a good ass whipping could go a long way. All of his time in the academy he had been exceptional in everything he did and his first sparring match outside of the academy had gone a lot differently from what he had expected. Even though he to a beating the boy awakened the second tomoe if his sharingan in that fight and after he lost his motivation to train was sky high. At first your pride might hurt along with your face after you've been roughed up, but in the end whoever was on the receiving would find something in it that improves them.

Blinking he reactivated his shraingan preparing to nearly beat the life out of Kaneki, no he wouldn't do that just enough to push to the point where he learns from it. As he opponent charged the Uchiha lowered himself bending his knees in preparation for his counter attack. Right when the opposing genin went to dig the kunai he had drawn into the ground Kaze exploded forward violently thrusting his knee towards the boy's gut. The hit would cause his opponent to double over from the sudden force of the blow as well as pain but the Uchiha wasn't done there, while his opponent was bent over he would drive his elbow down into the boy's spine while he stood beside him. To finish the attack he pivoted on his heel to gain momentum before driving his right foot into the side of Kaniki knocking him off of his feet and onto the ground where he should slide to a halt a few meters away from Kaze.

(Sorry this post sucks IMO, I'll do better next time)
-10 AP for Sharingan
185 AP
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:47 pm
Kaneki had once again rushed into a fight he could not win, when he came closer to the Genin he met only a knee in his gut, causing him to reel over. Following the blow he felt the man's elbow land on his back, instantly causing a hot pain to shoot through his spine. When the boy tried to sweep Kaneki off his feet the boy instantly lifted his feet from the ground, barely dodging the kick. Holding himself up by his hands he aimed his feet towards his enemy's face, hoping to land a solid blow.

Kaneki had faced a superior opponent and was paying the price for it, when he outstretched his legs towards the Genin's face he felt his back pop, the pain only increasing as he did such.
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:13 am
Two of the boy's three attacks had landed solidly, the third being avoided by a handstand, not the best position to be in when you're so close to your opponent but Kaneki would have to learn the hard way. Kaze ducked as a kicked was aimed towards his face lining up a kick that would knock his opponent a few meters away. Sticking one leg out an rotating on the other in a one-legged crouched position he targeted the exposed stomach of his sparring partner using all the momentum from his spin to drive his foot deep into the boy's stomach. As he did this Kaze could have sworn he heard Kaneki's back pop before he had been nailed in the midsection, plus it looked as if he was in pain when he had tried to kick the Uchiha.

Standing up he looked at his opponent who hopefully would be getting to his feet after the blow he received to the gut. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his head the boy Kaze asked, "Are you okay, I'm pretty sure I heard your back pop and that probably isn't a good thing considering it's most likely due to me hitting you there." Deactivating his sharingan assuming the fight ould possibly be over the genin calmly awaited a reply
Fukuro Uchiha
Fukuro Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:26 am
Kaneki had not survived the fight happily, while he had been beat severely he was still alive and kicking. As he groaned and pushed himself to his feet once more he coughed out a slob of blood. Glancing over to the boy he nodded before rolling his neck. "Thanks for the spar...I think I should go...and....get" His back had popped which was horribly painful and what was even worse was that he couldn't exactly feel his back.

As he stumbled away from his opponent he realized he had quite a bit to learn when it came to fighting fellow shinobi. Rule number one, don't leave your back open so much. The Genin had a long night of sleep to look forward to, he had trained to excess this day and felt he deserved a bit of rest.

((WC: 1708))
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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:16 am

Approved @ Kaneki <3
Kaze Uchiha
Kaze Uchiha
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Striving for Greatness - Page 2 Empty Re: Striving for Greatness

Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:24 pm
Kaze nervously scratched his head as he heard Kaneki speak, which sounded like he was struggling to do. It was best if they ended there fight and the Uchiha was glad it was over seeing how much pain it appeared his opponent was in. Waving at the back of Kaneki in farewell the boy went to retrieve his jacket before he headed home. 'He did ask for it.'

WC: 1534
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