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Aki Eden <3
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Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:20 pm
The Village, in ruins. Or at least, the possible chance that it is in ruins. Though honestly, the last time Aki set eyes on his loving village, it was being brought down to the sweet soil which held up this suffering Village. The image of his once standing village was etched inside of his head whilst he trudged through the jungle. Though it was a difficult time throughout the life span of his Village, Akihiko still shared the fondness and nostalgia that any other villager would have. The vast, open meadow filled with flowers and grass, with a background featuring an incoming army of trees and mountains. The aroma of the surrounding forest’s bark mixed in with the smell of recent rain which covered the village’s soil. The most memorable waterfall ever imagined, found a few ways back from the village. When walking up to it, it stands high sprinkling water onto the peak of grass that enters the lake. Around the waterfall you could see the stone slabs which have began to grow flowers inside of it, further showcasing it’s beauty. Aki reminisced just sitting by the waterfall’s residue, his feet sulking inside the water, while admiring all which was around him. Yeah, it was a great Village, though mainly the breathtaking sights was what swayed him. The economic standards weren’t as wondrous, and proved to be quite troubling at times. Including the many attacks from people who just wished to create chaos and got a kick from it. While walking through this jungle, Aki wondered if everyone was this way.

From a little boy, he went through many trials and battles in order to prepare against those people, and protect his village. Over the time, he was taught that power was everything. In a way, wasn’t what he did to those pillagers, killing them without no hesitation, another form of causing chaos? What was the path Akihiko was walking, leaving his family and new home, in search for power in order to protect himself. Would he have to delve into those same antics of pillaging and assault in order to gain what he wanted? Could this result in causing the destruction of village’s, homes, families, the same feelings he has harbored of his own home? It’s only been but three days since he left on the voyage to gain power, could this be the life Akihiko will live, and handle? Suddenly, a loud echo ran throughout the jungle, startling Aki and sending him back to reality. He realized that he was walking aimlessly, and lost in thought rather on where he was going. Looking up, Aki saw an Owl, most likely the reason of the echo. It was about a while after sunset, at least by the looks of things. The tall, green infested trees did a well good job of shielding the sky from Akihiko, however there was still some sky to be seen. The beautiful sky, beginning to become enriched with the stars, though barely visible. Aki was in a nice, cozy area. About 3 or 4 yards out were trees, giving Aki a nice settlement to make a fire, set up camp and what not. He had the basic survival means after all, that was something he was certain to learn by his parents, with the whole military training and all. Though he always had a lot on his plate from the rigorous training daily, Aki knew it was for his better good and glad they did such a thing for him. Hell, if not then he may not be here right now. The wartimes weren’t easy going

Akihiko set out for some wood. He couldn’t get a camp started without a fire. He was also running  a bit low on food, so next would be hunting. However, it wasn’t a good time to do so, or more so late. It takes awhile to hunt, therefore doing it short notice wasn’t the brightest idea, but hey better now then never. Akihiko came across a noticeable tree with some good branches about 7 meters from the camp. It was medium length, but carried some thick branches, suitable for a fire. Cutting down the branches, it made the noticeable snapping sound any branch would make. It didn’t take too long. Walking back with the fresh branches, Aki began to ponder on what he would do after setting up camp. He surely wasn’t tired, was actually pretty active and raring to do things. Wasn’t in the mood to read anything. All that was on his mind was the question of power. He didn’t have any issue with the philosophy, being taught it so many times by his shinobi bearing parents. However, what would he become with this new found power? He thought, wondered and tried to find a solution. Upon arriving back to the campsite, he was thinking of the terrors which he saw at the village. The elements which were used against him and the destruction that followed, all the bodies and building which he adored brought to the ground. They needed at least some motive, right? Or does power change you to not care, and just work for yourself and your allies? That was another thing Aki was taught, power was obtained in order to protect and fend for yourself, including your allies. He supposed that was his answer, those people’s reasons were for themselves, to survive in his cruel and hazardous world, which Aki was fully accustomed too.

Setting up the fire, it was now kindling with life. Fire was a very beautiful element to watch, on the battlefield it was used with elegance and grace, while mawing through countless people. Though sounding quite sadistic, it was true. The element was powerful, but gorgeous at the same time. Aki searched through the fire before him, while keeping it ablaze with a stick in his hand. He was covering himself up, to fight off the cold of night fall. His knees to his chest, sitting upright. The left hand latching around his legs, cuddling himself while his right hand guided the stick that kept his friend living. He took the fire to be eyes...eyes which could show the depths of the soul. Aki searched for this beautiful soul, to only stare at. He searched and searched, gazing his eyes upon each shred of the fire which would only rejuvenate and create another barrier before him, looking for that soul. It’s elegance had to have held some sort of living function, how else could a fire breath as such without a soul to guide it? As he looked, another owl began to hoot throughout the jungle, longer and symbolizing the night which he breathed. While staring at this fire, he was slowly beginning to daze himself and daydream of a fire which lit up the sky. It danced with the stars which already infiltrated the sky’s domain, and only proved to be a support to the stars, now moving throughout the sky like a circus act. This dream would only stand for a short while, soon to be the pain of his stomach wrenching his consciousness out of the dream he had in his head. Oh right! Food, he forgot about that. Akihiko stood, and began to search the opposite direction for any source of food. About a few meters out, he found himself a nice stream of fresh water, toppled off with some bushes filled with berries that were ripe and ready to be eaten. How lucky he was, to find such fortune so quickly. This adventure seemed to be a good one, though this is only a small flick towards the lifetime journey he will take. Returning to the campsite with his bundle of food and refreshments, Akihiko decided it to be time to get into some action. He had to keep up his daily workouts, or risk losing such power, knowing he would need everything he had for soon to come.

Akihiko began to do his exercises with some simple push-ups. Simplicity was the ultimate sophistication after all. He would plant his hands into the rough yet mushy soil of the jungle, and bring his head up to look straight and enter the stance he’s so in tune with after many years. Aki would then begin to descend with his elbows, to go lower to the ground, until he could feel the warmth of it casted onto his chest. Then, he would bring himself up after a moment of staying there, fully into the workout. It only took him a few push-ups before he was feeling the groove of things, and ready to aim for the high numbers. Three, four, five, six. He began to feel the sweat that would roam on the outskirts of his skin, began to build up and drip onto the ground he was attempting to stay away from. Seven, eight, nine. By this time, Akihiko was beginning to forget all which was around him, focusing more of the feeling of his muscles burning. Oh how he loved that feeling, it meant nothing but progress. It was like a drug, one which he felt to be addicted too, a drug named Progression. This Progression, he felt he would be around for the rest of his days, obtaining a taste for it each time he would get stronger. It’s scent gave the feeling of pain yet satisfaction, and it’s taste bitter yet sweet. Soon this drug was fully invading his head, and controlling his conscious entirely. Every second or two, there would be another pushup to take the previous ones place. Fifty-two, Fifty-three, Fifty-four, and then so. After a while, Akihiko’s interest in that activity began to die down, him wanting to move around and interact, feeling a slight lock in his ligaments. Looking over himself, he stood and saw his arms and chest dosed in sweat. He took the opportunity to de-cloth himself from the waist up, in order not to mess up his clothes. His glasses were also removed, in order to not deal with that annoying issue of his glasses jiggling each time he went down, and then went up. The clothes and glasses sat ontop of a nearby log, a feet or two away from the fire at hand. One drop of sweat happened to fall beside his left eye, and make a trail down to his chin, one that soon fell to the ground, where there was a visible puddle of sweat beginning to sulk into the soil. Seemed like Akihiko sweated a lot, he was somewhat lost in how many pushups he did, the burning sensation that his muscles gave made him begin to become unaware of his surroundings. After getting in a good stretch after his pushups, and taking a few seconds to make short jumps in order to get his feet a little loose, Aki still felt like he had some things to do. Or at least, he wasn’t done with his workout. While looking up to the sky which seemed to hide from Aki’s vision, he looked back to the training and words his parents and uncle presented him as a child. Before the necessary attention of Aki’s existence on the battlefield, he was suppose to be starting up on the mild jutsu’s known throughout the world. Though his family wasn’t fully aware of the Jutsu’s in the world, they had a basic grasp over the ones that could be used by Academy Student’s and such. It was a wide range of basic jutsu’s actually, ones he could learn with relative ease.

As he thought about the Jutsu’s which he could learn thanks to his parents, he had a flashback. It was the day after he was informed he was to begin learning of Jutsu’s and trying to activate his Seigan. The Seigan was a treasured Dojutsu within his clan, hailed for its Genjutsu prowess. It was a exciting day, Akihiko felt as if he was about to begin his real training. He was honestly beginning to become bored with the training he was getting as is. Though it was tough, nothing new. Physical conditioning, meditation, spars, nothing new for the last 5 or so years. The day he was suppose to begin this new training, and begin his real quest for power, it was placed on a halt so to speak, or more so nothing he expected. That day was all school work basically, just a introduction to what he would be learning, examples, and demonstrations of the likes. He sat around for hours listening to  boring lectures about his bloodline and the jutsus that followed, but was never allowed to try it. Aki was sure that at a moment, he was asleep during that gruesome day. He wondered how he got through it, but was promised the day after he would get some time to practice himself. That sparked the fire within him once again, the thought of what he wanted becoming a reality. That night he couldn’t even contain himself, it was to be a glorious day tomorrow. However, it never came. He was awoken deep into that night, to warfare. That called the night of many attacks from their enemies, ones that never stopped for days. He was to be enlisted into the defenses, to at least hold back these people for enough time for the villagers to escape. He killed many, saw many allies die, and began to see the reality of his world. One he felt somewhat glad to at least know of now, and be prepared later. Before Aki got the chance to go deeper into his daydream, he broke off the trance and realized where he was. Damn, he got carried away quite easily, he had to get a move on with his training! He was already beginning to feel the cold from just standing there, and also had a chance to see all that was around him, seeing the beauty.

The sight was marvelous, the trees he looked towards seeming to intertwine with each other, creating a deep, vast, forest trail that seemed to never end. The area was also lite up, due to the fireflies that presented themselves around the campsite. During this time of day, they would come out and frolick in the atmosphere, showing off a nice show during the time. The ground was soft, yet firm and assertive all together, and though it wasn't Aki’s ideal, it was suitable. A great place to begin his Jutsu training, what he would need for the future to come. Aki had a short remembrance of his first time using chakra paper to learn of his Element. Most Rentei, from what he learned, held the water element as their first or second element to use, and used it causally throughout their life. Though it was presumed he to be a water user as well, best to confirm it then keep it as a measly legend. Aki was handed the chakra paper when he was a kid to focus his chakra in and learn of his first element which he had. Soon, after focusing very intensely, he began to feel a shift in the paper. It felt as if it was heavy at first, with all the chakra being poured in it, showing he was doing something correctly. Next thing he knew, it started to become damp. Drip, drip, drip. Soon, the paper was full of water and extracting it from itself, showing that in fact Aki was a water user. It made Akihiko feel accomplished that he was able to do such a thing, and have what he believed to be the second most beautiful element. Water was a sight to stare at, it was so flexible and could cast off multiple different shades of colors. Sprinkling water was great too, it was little droplets of its previous form, now shining in the air while looking as if it was a army, coming at you, it just looked so soothing yet strong.

With this final thought and the confirmation of his element, Akihiko knew it was time to get started. He was just prolonging the inevitable, and it was soon to come. He had all night after all, and it wasn't too late to be sleeping. Aki began to recall the lessons and examples he was shown of the hand seals to cast the clone Jutsu. He was fully aware of the hand seals revolving the ninja world, due to the training that day. It was a tough lesson to learn about, seeming as it was all being crammed into his head, potentially due to a time factor. However, he was able to prevail thanks to his quick memory sketching, and strong mind all together thanks to its honing over many years. It took a bit, and sometimes he would get a few hand seals mixed up, however soon he learned fully and was able to remember most. With this skill, now, he was able to at least begin the training for the clone jutsu. Whilst preparing to do so, with his shirt and glasses off, body standing tall agaisnt the cold tempature, and slight breeze. He somewhat wanted to curse those bandits for halting his training that would introduce the good stuff. If they didn’t attack, for at least a week, he would of at least had some of the basic jutsus down ready to go. Sadly, life wasnt perfect, and he was forced to fight, and now he has to pay for those consequences. Oh well, he thought, it could of been worse. Maybe he would of never had learned about combat or intelligence and the need for power, due to the bandits attacking earlier when he was a child. That was actually a quick dodge to him, one he was thankful to have dodged. At the time most likely the outside world wasn’t aware of there presence, therefore didnt attack them, a very thankful gift. Time for the Clone Jutsu. As the fire began to die down and become ashes due to being neglected for too long, Aki began to unify the Jutsu. Ram, Snake, Tiger, the three hand seals to begin the jutsu known as the Clone Technique. He practiced the hand seals a few times in sync before he would of began the actual jutsu and put Chakra into his body to begin it. After some times to practice the hand signs, a sudden hoot came out of no where. It must of been the Owl again, the same one who has been sticking with Aki for the whole night. Though it was becoming a admiring companion to Aki, he wasn’t startled by the sound it made just then. He was already becoming use to the sudden noise from the Owl, and just then it only proved his defenses towards it. Aki wasn’t even taken aback by the noise, or looked up or around him, he just stopped for a moment to identify if it was the Owl, and then continued the practice. During this time, he was thinking of owls. Owls were very interesting species, they had very attractive eyes, and had a interesting face to match it. One of the most coolest parts of the Owl to Aki was the ears, they were very intriguing and had a certain look to them which just spelled out cool. Akihiko thought of the owl flying around, and soaring down into the creaking fire, before sitting on it like it was a tree branch. A very cool thing to think about and see. Alright! it’s time to actually try the jutsu.

The preparation for the jutsu was perfect. He had the hand seals down in memory for sure, one where he learned from back in his youth days. Aki decided it was time to fully do the jutsu, and get it all over with. Akihiko got himself prepped, and ready to do it in a pinch. Aki performed the corresponding hand seals for Clone Jutsu, and altered the chakra in his gut whilst doing so. He  put the right amount of effort into it as well, one thing his instructors stressed the most about attempting Jutsu, never put too much or too little, or else itll be awful. As Aki did this, the clone he was creating began to manifest itself, beside him, about a step away from Aki. It came in rather quickly actually, and presented itself high and mighty. Well damn, there was the Jutsu for you. The Clone jutsu, that’s pretty cool. As far as Aki was aware, he looked exactly like himself, and had the same tendencies. Aki would say he would of passed that test with flying colors, it felt good to have actually accomplished that however. A nice feeling indeed. Well that was about it, Akihiko shaked the Clone’s hand and felt proud of himself, then disrupted the jutsu and made the Clone disappear. After so, Aki took a deep sigh from what he just did. It felt nice to have done that, and he was still ready for more. Aki was feeling that fire within him to keep at it and train. It was about 2 hours before midnight, by the way the moon was as well as Aki could of seen. On to the next jutsu, the Transformation jutsu. It was another basic one that was more so a core type of Jutsu, learned across the globe by novice ninja to become full fledged. It was kinda silly really, after witnessing what a ninja could do, one can become said ninja by learning such basic jutsus? That's crazy, like walking into a death field. Still, it wasn't like Aki had a say in things, he was for sure not apart of any Village now, just a man searching for power and to protect himself. If he was to gain a partner? Well that would have to be decided in the future. It would be nice, but could Aki really trust such a person? A partner was a high degree to Akihiko, one needing much respect and trust to be designated one, a person who you leave your life too. If said person was to cross by Aki’s life soon, so be it, but it'll take awhile for that to be a reality, the whole partner deal. Or more so, for said person to be trusted. Akihiko’s next Jutsu on his agenda was basically one needed for mainly infiltration and the likes. It was able to make you into anything shorter than the human body, quoted by his instructors and uncle. The Jutsu required 3 hand seals, the Dog, the Boar, the Ram, in order. Akihiko decided to practice the hand seals quite quickly, in haste. This Jutsu, was probably one that he would hate the most. It seemed so abnormal to turn into like a rock or some sort of thing, and come back okay. He knows well that his parents informed him that it even felt quite weird, it was surely something he wouldn't look forward too. As the dark became darker, he trained it quicker in order to get through it quickly. After an minute or so repeating the Jutsu hand seals, Akihiko decided it was time to actually do the Jutsu, but before he would tend to the fire. Thanks to being ignored, the fire was beginning to become less powerful and dying, and Aki had to restore it in order to make it brighter and something beautiful to stare at. The dim lights the fire casted wasn't exactly beautiful, and was beginning to tick Aki off due to the constant flickering. Akihiko went for some more wood, from the area he obtained it previously. It was a quick supplement, Aki would break down the wood, and then cast it into the fire. Then, he began to create the friction, and feasted his eyes upon the upbringing of the fire, it's colors blazing wonderfully, so bright it casted off its colors from Aki’s chest. He felt the warmth of the fire more than before, and knew it would be good for a few more hours. Therefore, Aki went back to his training.

With the stage set, and the time spent here, things were seeming peaceful and like home. An area where Aki could train in tune with himself and with little worries. Aki had to get back on task, it was about time to preform the Jutsu. He began to do the hand seals for it, whilst picturing himself as a rock and the vision that came from it. Soon after, with quick precision, Akihiko was very short to the ground, and looking around himself. He seemed to have lacked hands, or anything of the sorts. Seemed like the Jutsu worked wonderfully, there was no water to see his reflection at the time, unless he would have to he suppose….Roll? The whole way there. However it seemed like it worked well enough, his prowess in training has given him a good ear for things, so no big deal. Akihiko hated this feeling in deed, his legs felt extremely small, like he was sitting on them, his arms felt as if they were rolled up or something, and his neck felt like it was being crunched down on. A very icky feeling, indeed. Akihiko wasted no time in returning to his previous form, back to his nice body. Even with the amount of time he was in that form, it felt like it was decades and he had to stretch. There, two jutsus done quickly, Akihiko thought while stretching like his life depended on it. The owl’s hoots were becoming more frequent, with about five of them every set, and it was actually pretty soothing to listen too. Akihiko, after returning to his body, thought about all that's happened. He thought about how after the attacks increasing, his parents and instructors would still try to give him bits of training whenever they could. He learned of many different jutsus existence thanks to this, and how to perform them. He had to get some sort of training in, a huge dent. If he wasn't to do that, well he wouldn't survive long. Being a ninja like how he was, he would need to learn something like the Mark seal, in order to trail people. It would at least be quite useful in the future for him, when needed since he’ll probably be doing a lot of tracking missions and the sorts.

However, for now he was gonna go take a break, at least he was going to attempt too. He also wished to take a shower, his little workout just now left him feeling a bit dirty, and he hated that feeling. He would take a soothing bath in the river along the side which he obtained water from, and so on. Aki carried himself over to the river in order to conduct his bathing. The river was no more than a shallow stream, something no one could bathe in. However, he followed the river and found the source of this water, being a medium sized pond, perfect to bathe in. It was an isolated pond, that had enchanting blue water, with stones and the like besides it, perfect to sit on and soak in. The area was surrounded by big, mossy trees, however these trees didn't hide the moon. It now shone onto the pond, it's reflection being casted upon there. It was a very nice area to be in, one place Aki wanted to consider to be his spot. A beautiful and wonderous area to be in, for sure. He undressed himself and hopped into the water, allowing its cool water to soothe his muscles. Though it wasn't hot at all, it Definitely was better than nothing. Beside, Aki could tolerate cold showers, he actually liked them quite a bit. His affinity to water definitely helped in that aspect. While bathing, Aki washed his whole body and made sure he felt clean, while allowing the water to wrap itself onto him, and submerge him deeper into the water. It felt as if the water actually entered him through his skin, and purified all of his insides and healed it all, a feeling he surely liked. He began to focus his eyes on the moon reflection on the pond. While he was doing so, he had both his arms lifted up onto the stone rocks above him, relaxing in that manner. The moon and water in sync, a good reflection for the Seigan. The Seigan being a powerful dojutsu, specific to the Rentei. It was Definitely strong, having a natural usage towards Genjutsu, and also it's side effects other than that. Akihiko loved and respected the power his eyes could possess, he really adored the Seigan. The stories about it were so great to listen too, and also seeing it up close and in person was better. His eyes would flow with the color of blue, and seem to leave a glowing effect whenever he moved his eyes. Or at least, that's what he had witnessed. The three stages to the Seigan was what it made itself up as. Akihiko had to get to the first one. Aki decided to take a little stroll from his relaxation, and decided to try a different approach. He's always wanted to unlock his Seigan, and heard the stories of its affinity towards water. Maybe this feeling he had now had to do with the Seigan? Aki began to focus more and more on this natural feeling of water in his body, reacting to the one around him. In his head, these two water sources began to seem like chakra inside his head. The chakra that was already in him, seeming to be controlled by his mind. Akihiko took advantage of this time, and began to move the chakra that was in his stomach, to his head. It took a moment, feeling as if his head was being filled to the brink with water and almost losing consciousness. Like he was drowning, the effects of this much chakra in his head. However, he was able to focus and push through it, with the help of the natural water around him, almost feeling as if it was sending it’s aid to him. It was time to unlock the Seigan, he thought. Even nature wanted him to do so, how could he try to reject this beauty's wishes? Akihiko pushed more and more, until something unlocked in his head. It felt like a lot of tension that built up, began to attack his head quickly, then reside. He opened his eyes, and looked around. Aki wasn't being attacked, the world around him was quiet. The crickets would crick, the Owls hoot, and the moon beam down onto his body now induced into the pond. Everything seemed normal. He looked back down to the moon on the pond. Whilst doing so, he saw his eyes. Oh damn, his eyes. They were blue. The excitement from this realization was real in his soul, Akihiko just unleashed the Seigan! It took so long, after so many years, his parents would be proud of him. Akihiko let out a huge laugh, and felt happy for what he had just done. Aki jumped up from the pond in a Yelp, he was so excited to see his eyes blue. He had the tools needed to be powerful, he wanted it so dearly. And now he was closer to obtaining what he wished for! Akihiko grinned and laughed a while longer, then sat down to his previous position. He looked up to the moon, and thanked it for its assistance, and giving him the means to activate it. He also thanked the water, which he felt so connected with and in tune, that he just couldn't do it without. And with that, he stood up and got dressed. This was a very nice pond to remember, one he would have to one day see again potentially, when his eyes were stronger. Hell, that may be soon, a day or so. Depending on how much he was willing to train that is. The next level of the Seigan would be tough, but he felt as if he could do it. Aki felt it in his gut, he would get stronger. Another hoot from that owl, and Aki was beginning to walk back to his campsite, with his new pairs of eyes. He decided to turn them off, needing some time to allow them to rest of course. He was quite delicate with things he just obtained, always had been. And this wasn't different, especially since it had its own beauty. Aki cherished the sight of his new, wonderous eyes he snapped a picture of from his memory. It really was a great time to be alive, training hard and being able to find them. Coming back to the campsite now, Aki wondered what else he could do. He had so much work to do, however it wasn’t too much. And besides, he had to train and get stronger first before he even dare think about too many big things. However, that didnt stop him from thinking about the future. The power he could obtain, being able to protect himself and his allies, doing something he wasnt able to do before. This sent a smile across Aki’s face, he knew damn well he was on his way. And with the prowess of his new eyes, anything would be possible.

Still the facts remained, that he had a job to do. Getting stronger was his first issue, however he was already tired and somewhat bored of the work he was doing at that moment. Aki had in mind one jutsu that he needed to learn, to better his skill for the future. The Mark Seal, a Jutsu that would make things a lot easier in life. Being able to track the people you mark, and follow there every movement would be an useful tool for any ninja planning to go somewhere with there life. For this reason, he began to embark on this task. As the cool wind whistled throughout the jungle, Aki prepared his mind after the cool bath for the training here out. It wouldnt be too difficult, that would only waste Aki’s time. He didnt like the thought of getting dirty again after taking a shower, no this jutsu didnt need any physical formula in that sense. No, it needed no hand seals either, quite frankly Aki just needed to focus his chakra to formulate the jutsu. Quite easy, after earlier manifesting another being and changing his form, this jutsu would be a piece of cake. However it would be nice to learn now for the future, rather later in a needing situation. Aki went on to conjure his mark seal, pumping a considerable amount of chakra into his hand, just enough to where a small dot was formed. That’s half of the jutsu, now for the rest. He then placed the seal on one of the nearby trees, with his right palm on the tree. He then turned around, walking aimlessly, and then used the tracking skill of the jutsu. In moments, he was able to find the same tree he had placed the seal one, and congratulated himself. It wasn’t that big of a deal to him, the jutsu was quite easy, but it would be rather essential to use in the future. And with that, it was time to rest. He learned quite the hefty amount of jutsus that night, already being on the same level as an academy student. For this reason, Aki felt proud of himself to an extent. He knew that was nothing, however it was at least something to Aki. A gateway to his soon to be immeasurable power. Aki went to his log, and began to lie beside it. He stared into the blazing fire a little more after, just to look at its components. This was also a time to make sure no passerbys would come by, much to Aki’s pleasure. After a minute or two, Aki made himself comfortable and began to close his eyes, ever so softly, while tuning into the constant hoot of the owl, outraged at the end of Aki’s show. He began to see a vision of his old village, and beside him a being that looked of white hair, white skin, and red eyes. This being had no facial features, and indicated to Aki it was no more then a dream, however this dreams essence looked quite realistic and visual. He would walk with this entity, show it around his village, and soon felt as if he befriended it. They would walk beside the waterfall together, skipping rocks and seeming as if having conversation, however the entities voice sounded like static, nothing more. It was an odd occurrence indeed, however Aki was fine with it, more so enjoying his village. Throughout the dream Aki wondered if it was already being homesick, not enjoying the thought of being alone, or some sort of action that night which set him off. However, soon he casted it behind him, delving into his passing memories of his home once more, now in ruins.

6225 Words. Claiming Level 1 Seigan, Substitution, Generic Seal Technique, Transformation, Clone Jutsu, Mark Seal, Genjutsu Release, Tree Climbing/Surface Walking, Medical Ninjutsu Level 1, 1000 Years of Death, Discipline

31 Stats

Last edited by Aki Eden <3 on Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:48 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Home, Sweet Home Empty Re: Home, Sweet Home

Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:33 am
If levels of sharingan are to be trained this way, you can't claim anything else alongside it. You can do 3k for sharingan and the rest for your techs if you'd like though. We also dob't really allow the wc saving like you're attempting at the moment. <3
Aki Eden <3
Aki Eden <3
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Home, Sweet Home Empty Re: Home, Sweet Home

Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:16 pm
Uh Akihana...I'm not training Sharingan, I don't even have the ability too. I'm a Rentei.

This says here you gotta have 750 words to learn level 1 Seigan and 20 chakra, the extra 10 which I'll put into my char stats after this is approved and I use 10 of that 31 stats. It never stated anywhere that I can only learn the Seigsn in one topic, I'm confused now lol.

Now along with that, I understand the whole holding WC. So I'll delete that part.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Home, Sweet Home Empty Re: Home, Sweet Home

Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:44 pm

Dear lord, I am so so sorry. I was half asleep when I read this as I'm sure you can tell. Life's been crazy and so has been my reading ability clearly.

Anyway, approved, again, so sorry for the mix up. <3
Aki Eden <3
Aki Eden <3
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Home, Sweet Home Empty Re: Home, Sweet Home

Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:30 pm
It's alright lol I understand. Get some rest and hope you'll feel better, and thank you
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