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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:46 pm
Ling passed by the scene on complete chance, accompanied by her monkey Hiru. Seeing the boy completely trash the blonde, ling would clap her hands. She'd then hold out her hand and Hiru would place a sheathed sword in it. "Finish her off with this!" Ling would toss the sword to the young boy and continue strolling off. Of course she considered the possibility that the boy wouldn't be able to catch it and the girl might use it on him instead. Wouldn't that be something?

(-1 Heaven's Sorrow)
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:10 pm
Queen moved quickly, but not quick enough, as the boy managed to squeeze his arm through her grip before she had enough time to lock him tightly. Just from this one moment, the blonde martial arts fighter could see that the boy was a lot quicker than he looked. Most would have failed to block this counter, or to even try to even counter her counter. She wouldn’t be able to count the amount of times her masterful footwork and movements had subdued her opponents in the same exact technique. I guess they did teach kids at the ninja academy more than just how to hide behind a fireball. Jace’s hand grabbed the girl’s forearm while his other did her upper arm right below her shoulder. Based off his hand placements, the girl had a pretty good idea of what came next. While it didn’t seem she had her opponent beat in terms of speed, she knew she had strength to her advantage, but she needed more, she needed something else, something only a very reasonable flashback would explain.

“hiya! hiya! hiya!” Little six year old queen worked hard, hitting the dummy that stood before her. Fist after fist struck the wooden structure at it’s centre as small beads of sweat bounced off the girl’s face and onto the muddy ground below her. The butler that watched over her to this present day keeping a short distance of five meters as she trained hard in the public training grounds of the village. Most of those training there tripled her age, but it didn’t matter, she wanted to work hard and become a ninja! she wanted to be a master fighter and an expert jutsu user, she wanted to be the best. One day, she wouldn’t just be a Kage, but a Queen.

Her father arrived in a carriage pull by horses and took careful steps towards his daughter as to not dirty his expensive suit. “Rei…” He called to her once he was just a meter away. The girl simply ignored him and kept striking the wooden figure. “REI!” He shouted this time around. The girl paused, but did not bother to look at her father. “I told you, I am not Rei. My name is Queen.” She finally responded, her eyes piercing her target. She could sense the footsteps that came closer and closer until a hand rested on her shoulder, forcing her to turn around. Her father was crouched down in front of her, a stern look on his face. “And I told you to quit this foolish dream of becoming a ninja! Our family were never meant to be shinobi!” His voice was low yet firm, as to not draw attention from the others training on that warm afternoon day. “No you’re lying…” the words left her mouth in a soft whisper as her shoulders began to shake, queen holding back the inevitable tears that tried to force their way through. “Rei, our family can’t even use jutsu. You know that. Our family was only ever meant to specialize in physical combat in order to protect ourselves, but never to be shinobi. For this reason is why we have Mr. Shu (the butler), to protect you so you don’t have to go through the pains of being a ninja.” His voice was warm and gentle this time around. He tried to understand his daughter’s desire, but he knew it was for the best that she didn’t pursue it.

The tears finally dropped from the girl’s cheeks as she fought her way out of her father’s grip. “No! You just want me to be the heir of your stupid company! I will become a ninja, just you watch!” With that, the girl ran off, her father just stood there with a feeling of helplessness. Mr. Shu didn’t have to be given orders to know to pursue Rei. The girl just keep running and running without stopping. She felt a undesirable sense of defeat because deep down, she knew her father was right. She may have only been six, but she couldn’t form any base of chakra no matter how hard she tried. The medical ninja that she had seen told her that her chakra passage ways were dormant, unable to be awaken and form any sort of jutsu. How could she ever achieve her dream without being able to do the basic jutsu that all ninja know? She would forever be a laughing stock.

Queen continued running until she came across a dojo, a place that would become her sanctuary for the many years to come. She opened the door that creaked open and was greeted by two fighters going at it in the dojo, one of them that would eventually become her teacher. The two went at it, showing off masterful martial arts skills. The round seemed to last forever as the two just went on and on, exchanging blows. Rei slowly approached the ring until she was just a meter away from the ropes and just watched, her faith slowly being refilled. The two had finally called it quits as they failed to take each other out. It had been two hours of non stop fighting, but one mentioned a class that was about to start. The man that would soon become her sensei noticed Queen and approached her. “Why hello there, what is your name?” He asked, kneeling near her. “Queen.” She responded, not missing a beat. He giggled a bit. “Hello Queen, are you here for today’s lesson?” She hadn’t intended on it, but the girl shook her head yes. She was ready to prove not only her father wrong, but the rest of the world wrong. She would become a great ninja, even if she was restricted to just taijutsu and weapons. She would be Queen, one way or another.

The cheers of the crowd zoned Queen back into the match. Many shouted her name as things look like they were taking a slight turn. “Come on Queen you can do it!” “Kick his butt Queen!” “Queen!!” "Queen!!!!” “QUEEEEEEEEN!” All the voices began to blend together as the boy’s following move was about to take place. Jace leaned forward with a firm grip on the girl’s arms. The girl’s eyes widened slightly as she felt something surge from her inner self. Could this be it? Had the girl finally been able to awaken her bloodline? To be able to use the Spiritual Energy created by her great ancestors. She had meditated for many months trying to surge this power, to awaken it and become an even more capable fighter than she already was, and it looks like she was finally able to achieve that. Jace may have thought he had the girl within the palm of his hand, but Queen had always been in control.

With the leaning in of the boy’s body, Queen let herself be carried forward over the boy, but controlled herself while in the air in order to land on her two feet. As as was beginning to land, the girl broke off the boy’s grip using a strength of 19 and grabbed herself, one hand grabbing his shoulder while the other grabbed his lower body at around his waist. (hard figuring this part out since I still have a hard time picturing how you grabbed me xD). Once grabbed right after breaking free from his grip, Queen would perform the reversal and launch the boy with a similar strength towards the other end of the arena, smashing onto the white flooring of the stage. The crowd would go wild with excitement, blowing the roof of the place with the first move finally being successful. The girl would recompose herself after the throw. feeling the spiritual energy surge through her. She felt more powerful than before. She would wait for the boy to get out rather than just quickly pin him. Queen wanted to see what else the boy could do before she decided to finish this match. Either way, she had been somewhat impressed up to this point. Jace was no hand to hand fighter, but he had skill. That much was clear. “Not bad Jace, but you’re going to have to do a lot more than that if you want to beat me.” The girl would take a moment to grab the sword that was thrown into the arena and toss it out, Moonyoung grabbing onto the blade for further inspection after the match was over. After all, there were no weapons permitted in a match (damn you Coco for interrupting!)
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:07 pm
It seemed like Jace's counter was working. Beautiful. He felt the blonde being lifted into the air by his throw. She was actually a lot lighter than he had expected. His face broke into a confident smile as the girl began to be flung over his head. He wouldn't let himself get caught that easily. He had to do better though. That was way too close for comfort. How did he expect to protect anyone if he lost so easily like that? He would have brought shame to the Uchiha name. He couldn't bear facing his parents if that was all it took to take him down. 

His confidence, however, didn't last long. Just when he thought he had out maneuvered the girl, she turned the tables once more. It caught him off guard. Like, really off guard. That confident smile on his face was wiped clean off, replaced by one of pure shock. The girl seemed to be maneuvering herself in mid air with grace. He was starting to think she really did deserve her title of 'Queen'. He felt her grip around his own body now. She somehow managed to grab his shoulder with one hand while wrapping her other arm around his waist. As she landed gracefully on her feet, her momentum and pure strength had torn Jace from his spot.


That was the last thought he had before he went flying over the girl's head just as he had tried to do to her. He could hear the crowd roaring at their Queen's brilliant recovery and counter throw. It was all done so quickly. He suddenly felt his back hit the white floor of the ring hard, knocking the wind out of him. He tried to scramble back up to his feet, but being out of breath made it difficult. It was a few moments before he had managed to get onto his feet and turn to face his opponent again. "Not bad Jace, but you're going to have to do a lot more than that if you want to beat me." she had said to him.

He could feel beads of sweat beginning to drip down his face from his forehead. He had never been very good at taijutsu. He preferred genjutsu over everything else. He cursed himself mentally for having done this. The girl was actually a lot better than he had expected. Of course, that was probably a good thing since he planned on recruiting her. He wondered why she hadn't become a ninja on her own yet. She was certainly talented. "I-I'm just getting started." he managed to say with a lot less confidence than he had started with. If this fight was showing him anything, it was that 1. he definitely wanted this girl on his team and 2. he still had a long way to go with his training. 

He took a stance with his left foot forward and his right leg slightly back. He held his hands, palm open, facing his opponent with his right palm parallel to his right shoulder and his left hand was stretched out in front of him with his elbow slightly bent. Instead of blindly rushing the girl like he had the first time, he slowly inched himself forward step by step. When he was within arms reach of the girl he would strike. He aimed a quick jab with his left palm at the girl's right shoulder followed by a flurry of strikes to her chest with both hands at his maximum speed. He kept his eyes on her the entire time. If she moved to block, dodge, or counter him he would respond accordingly.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:57 am
The boy took a moment to stand, but finally go to his feet. Light sweat painted his face as he stood once more facing Queen, whose conditioning left her drier than a lesbian woman’s genitals in a men’s club (too much?) The boy’s words were dabbed with a bit of uncertainty as he managed to reposition himself in a battle stance unfamiliar to Queen, though she was ready for whatever it was that he threw at her. Her clan’s bloodline was quite unique to the ninja world, formed by her ancestor’s in order to keep up with that of ninja who weren’t disabled when it came to forming chakra. Not only were her physical traits improved, but she was able to form an aura around her immediate area to detect those within it, and react accordingly to the threats. It was still only the first time that Rei was using it, but she expanded her aura to not just a ten meter radius, but a twenty meter one, covering  a large portion of the Dojo. She could begin to sense not only Jace, but all of those who surrounded the ring and were cheering her on.

The girl managed a smirk as the words left Jace’s lips. His actions mirrored his confidence, as he now merely inched his way to Queen rather than charge at her like he did previously. On the other hand for the blonde fighter, a newfound burst of confidence was shooting through her veins like a druggy doing meth. Just like the boy, Queen put her guard up just like a boxer would and inched her way forward towards Jace with a steady beat. When the boy was close, the arm that stood closest to her sent a strike to her right shoulder. Due to her heightened reaction, and improved speed as well as the fact that her arms were already place in front of her fact, Queen blocked the punched with ease, barely doing any damage. The flurry of strikes that came next struck her forearms as they covered her body. Queen’s eyes remained opened the whole time, watching the boy throwing countless weak strike that barely hurt to block. The kid was fast, but he lacked strength.

Without moving her guard, Queen threw a low kick at Jace’s leg, hitting the side of his knew. She threw it in such a manner that if unexpected, would have bent his leg forward causing the boy to lose his balance. If the attack worked, Rei would take that moment to throw a jab of her own straight to the boy’s face with a newfound speed of 30 and a strength of 14. If the boy had tried to get another punch in, she would have caught his first with the palm of her hand, and performed the same action with her other fist, though the slight imbalance would have sure to catch the boy off guard. Following up with the punch, if the boy was still standing, Queen would do a backwards roundhouse kick aimed at the boy’s chest in order to knock him down, and potentially out ending the match at last.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:20 pm
Jace's flurry of punches was made completely irrelevant by the blonde girl's stance. Just as Jace had chosen his own stance to use, Queen had taken up one of her own. She looked to be taking a stance that of a boxer. Her arms covered her face, blocking it from assault. Just as Jace launched his flurry of strikes, she moved her arms down to block all of them. It didn't seem like they were causing her much damage at all. Jace wasn't really surprised since his physical strength wasn't his best attribute. He was about to change up his tactic when it happened.

He saw it coming before it actually made contact. If it weren't for his clumsy ass nature and the fact that this topic needed to move forward to help Snow's plot he probably could have dodged it. But alas, he could not. Queen had aimed a kick at the side of Jace's knee causing him to fall off balance since he managed to trip over a ghost hole at the same exact time. Plot OP. The blonde's movements were fluid and well versed. Seeing Jace off balance, she immediately landed a quick jab to his face which sent him stumbling backward slightly. Somehow she had become a lot quicker than she had been earlier in the fight. Following the punch, a backwards roundhouse kick thrown from the blonde would land in it's intended target, knocking Jace to the floor completely winded. 

He decided that being winded twice in a matter of maybe 2 minutes or less was as far as he wanted to go with this fight. He tapped the floor of the ring with his left hand three times to signify that he had given up. The fight was over. He stood up slowly, making his way towards Queen and holding out his hand for the girl to shake or whatever happened after fights like this. "You're as good as I've heard. Better even. We should talk. Follow me." He would then turn and make his way out of the ring, heading toward that booger picker girl who had been holding onto the sword his friend Ling had randomly shown up to throw at him. "Er..can I have my sword now?" The girl would reluctantly give over the sword which Jace took gratefully. He would then make his way over to that comfy couch and sit down, waiting for Queen to sit next to him since she was obviously following him for plot reasons.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:42 pm
Her attack hit and the boy was sent through the air after her kick, causing him to crash land to the ground. Her body stood in a combat ready stance until she saw it, his hand as it made three taps onto the boxing ring floor. thump. thump. thump. The room went quite momentarily before the cheers erupted. “And that’s the round folks! Queen wins one again, remaining undefeated to even a ninja of the hidden leave village! Ain’t she impressive! There’s going to be a quick intermission before the next fight. Takeri Ling, and Cho Tuki, prepare for you match.” After the announcement, Queen dropped her guard slowly, keeping her eyes on the boy as he stood up. The boy placed is hand outwards, Rei hesitating momentarily before placing out her own and shaking his. She wasn’t one for formalities but challenging her to a fight, that was something she could respect.

The respect didn’t last long as the boy simply seemed to think he could tell Queen what to do. He was lucky he was cute, or Rei would have most likely put him onto the ground again. Without saying a word, she followed closely behind him back towards the comforts of her couch. Asking for the sword caused Queen to give Moonyoung another one of her death glares. She caught on rather quickly as instead of handing the weapon to the boy, she tossed it towards Queen who caught it with her right hand with a firm grip. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to use a weapon like this.” Rei spoke rather slow, unsheathing the blade and letting it gleam on the spotlight that radiated over the couch’s immediate area. Weaponry was the only other type of skill that she could find useful. Her main goal was to master Taijutsu, but one day weaponry would spark her interest. She res-heathed the blade and tossed it to Jace. “Tell your friend if she ever interrupts one of my matches again, I’ll put a blade just like that through her throat.” The girl’s voice was firm, a sense of nonchalantness that didn’t seem to match up with her haunting words. Queen didn’t make threats, only promises. The girl took a seat on the left side of the couch and untied the ponytail, letting her hair run loose. Her golden locks ran perfectly down her body causing her admirers to practically nosebleed. She placed the hair tie around her right wrist before placing her hand on lap while the other extended on the couch’s arm. “So, what did you want to talk about? did you need another autograph? maybe a photo?” The girl obviously teased, waiting to hear what it was that he wanted to speak to her about.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:45 am
Instead of giving Jace the sword like he asked, the booger picker tossed it past him to the blonde who was following him. A frown covered his face as he sat down on the couch, his eyes activating on instinct. That brilliant sea of green swirling to become a beautiful crimson with a lone black tomoe surrounding his iris. He watched as the blonde unsheathed the sword and admired it's gleam, saying something about always wanting to learn how to wield a weapon like that. After only a moment she re-sheathed the sword and tossed it to Jace, who caught it and set it down to lean against the couch next to him. 

"Tell your friend if she ever interrupts one of my matches again, I'll put a blade just like that through her throat."

Well, that escalated quickly. The way she said it it was like she made violent threats against people's lives on a daily basis. It was all too nonchalant for Jace's liking. He watched her as she sat down next to him, untying her ponytail and putting the hair tie onto her right wrist. Her beautiful golden hair flowed brilliantly down her body. She was actually quite pretty. The frown on Jace's face lessened quite a bit as he looked at her. He could feel the warmth of his blood rushing to flood his cheeks. His eyes darted down and away from her. His awkwardness coming back with such force he almost missed her next questions. 

"So, what did you want to talk about? Did you need another autograph? Maybe a photo?"

She said it teasingly of course, but at the mention of a photo the red in his cheeks deepened and it was a struggle for him to look at her. "Um...well you're really talented. I was wondering why you haven't become a ninja yet. Actually, the whole reason I came here today was to see if you lived up to your reputation. I...uh...was wondering if you'd be willing to join my team?" he finally managed to get out. He had managed to look at her during that little speal. Now his eyes were looking down and away from her again. "You....You're very pretty.." he added on with his entire face becoming redder than a raddish.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:38 am
Rei remained eye contact with the boy as she teased him, witnessing everything that came next. He avoided eye contact, looking everywhere but towards her face. If she wasn’t mistaken, there was a brief moment when he was eyeing her breasts. As he looked away, his face began to turn red in color as he mustered up the courage to finally speak. The poor girl was to naive to realize that he was forming a sweet little crush on her. She just thought that he was too embarrassed to ask for one of her autograph photos, hell he could barely muster up the courage to ask for an autograph earlier in the day.

The boy finally began to speak, beginning his monologue about how talented Queen was. When Jace mentioned being curious as to why she wasn’t a ninja, flashbacks of all her previous failed attempts flooded through her memory. She wasn’t a ninja because the system wouldn’t allow her to become one. She was just some disabled kid in their eyes, someone who could never be a full fledged shinobi. When the boy finally asked her if she wanted to join his team, Rei’s eyes widened slightly. She was shocked by the proposition, and the nerve that he had to ask her such a question! The boy finally looked towards her and she caught a glimpse of his red eyes infamously known due to the Uchiha clan. She had heard about them before, but never seen them firsthand. They were… creepy. It took away from Jace’s innocent persona and turned him into what seemed like the reincarnate of the exorcist.

The boy looked away again once more before finally finishing his speech. He finished it with a compliment, one that took Queen by utter surprise. Her eyes widened once more, showing off her purple tinted hues rather clearly. His face was redder than that of a ketchup bottle while Queen herself tried to hide the blush that painted her cheeks. Queen fidgeted, bringing up her hand to her face to put her golden locks behind her ear in order to just give herself something to do and buy herself some time. “Uh…” She began, somewhat speechless. She was given compliments rather often, but something was different this time around. For starters, it wasn’t a middle aged man. Secondly, there was just something about Jace that separated him from all the others. He was soft-spoken and kind, yet confident and fierce when he needed to be. His green eyes captivated her, while his red eyes made her want to find the nearest church and pray for her sins. She struggled to find the words momentarily, leaving the suspense hanging in the air before she finally spoke.

“Yes, I’ll join your team.” Queen finally responded, a slight smile appearing on her lips. It was unusual for the girl to show any type of positive emotion, but somehow Jace had managed to bring it out of her. While the girl couldn’t exactly join the boy’s team yet, she was re taking the Genin exam in the morning. She had found a way to twist the system and letting her try out, this time without the need of forming jutsu. Her test would be all based on her physical attributes so she would surely pass. The girl got up slowly from the sofa just as the intercom began to play. “This will be the last match of the day, the rest of the tournament will continue on tomorrow.” And that was her cue to head on home. Her father was probably waiting for her to continue learning about the business anyways. “I’ll see you around.” Queen said confidently, only looking at the boy momentarily before walking odd; she never even addressed the compliment he gave her. It wasn’t until she made it outside of the dojo and the coast was clear that her heart began to race and her face heated up like a microwavable lunch. She was squirming like a typical high school girl momentarily before recomposing herself and continuing her walk on home. Her thoughts filled with doubt of her previous actions. Queen was only human with human emotions, but boy was she damned if she would ever show them to anyone.

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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:46 am
Whoa, this is way too much stats to be claimed at once, do not try it again. You have been warned..., but approved btw lol.
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Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Cus we da champions (Jace/Io/nk)

Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:19 pm
As he glanced back up at the pretty blonde, he noticed a slight blush infusing her cheeks. He watched as she moved her hand to brush her beautiful golden locks behind her ear. It was such a cute, absent minded thing to do, that Jace's own blushing face reddened even further if that was possible. "Uh..." It seemed Jace had left the girl speechless with his words. His mind raced with possible responses from the girl. His anxiety started to act up in that brief moment of silence. Had he said something wrong? Was she upset that he had fought her? Did she not want to join his team? Maybe she didn't like his shy personality, or his eyes. Maybe it was his crooked smile that put her off. Had he come on too strong? What was she thinking about his telling her she was pretty? Why did he have to say that? He was so stupid, being lovestruck like that. But he couldn't help it. 

It wasn't just her beautiful appearance with those captivating purplish eyes. It was something about her personality. See, Jace was normally really good at reading people. In fact, he's making a character development skill for that very thing. So he knew that as much as she presented herself to be arrogant and self confident, she was still a young girl with doubts and fears and flaws just like he was. Well, except that he was a boy and not a girl. He had seen her go from confident and bitchy to respecting of him in the ring. It was as if they had bonded, although minutely, during that little fight of theirs. His body began to fidget almost unnoticably as the seconds ticked by, seeming like an eternity for the young Uchiha.

"Yes, I'll join your team." 

That was it. That was what he wanted to hear. Well, that's what he wanted to hear regarding his invitation anyway. A big grin lit up his face at her words and the blush seemed to disappear from his cheeks in response to her answer. "Great!" he said with new found enthusiasm. Then he realized he didn't want to scare her off and he should probably tone it down a bit, making the blush return to his cheeks once more, though only slightly this time around. Then he heard the intercom and the cute blonde slowly got up from her perch on the couch. She told him this would be the last match of the day and that the tournament would continue tomorrow. Just before she left, she said with all the confidence coming back that she would see him around. She certainly would. Jace got up from the couch as well, and, grabbing his new sword, left the dojo to head home. A big smile covering his face as he did so.
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