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Takamitsu's Genin Exam Empty Takamitsu's Genin Exam

Mon May 09, 2016 12:31 pm
Takamitsu pushed through the Academy's doors, heading to take his exam. Despite a small amount of nerves, he was confident in his ability and training, and felt fully prepared to take the exam. He made his way into the exam room, taking a seat and waiting until his name was called.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Takamitsu's Genin Exam Empty Re: Takamitsu's Genin Exam

Mon May 09, 2016 12:38 pm
She had been sitting in the very corner of the classroom when the student arrived. The pen in her grasp fell with a soft click as the proctor's entire frame jolted from her seat, her fourth scare in the last hour. She had found the red rose on her desk that morning and against her better judgement, picked it up, only to realize that it wasn't red, merely sticky. The young woman had nearly fainted as the smell of fresh blood mingled with the scent of a white rose had permeated her senses and even now, the queasy feeling was everpresent.

Loking at her register, she noted that there was only one student attempting the genin exam today. Maybe she could take the rest of the day off after this candidate? Go home, take a sleeping pill and some tea.

Try and forget that there was a psycho out there who dipped roses in blood and used the same blood as his ink to send cryptic messages.

Her vision swam for a moment as she tried to keep the tears and the horror at bay. After a moment however, the redhead composed herself and called out in a semi steady voice from her corner, clearing her throat to get the young man's attention.

"Good afternoon, please stand at the center of the room and perform the two primary jutsu you've learned. Take your time."

(800 words and you're good to go <3)
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Takamitsu's Genin Exam Empty Re: Takamitsu's Genin Exam

Mon May 09, 2016 1:43 pm
"Good afternoon." He said quietly, running a hand through his brown hair. Despite hearing the unsteadiness in her voice, he wouldn't press on it right now as it wasn't any of his business. Takamitsu approached the center of the room, thinking. This wasn't Takamitsu's first exam during his lifetime, but it would be the first time he bothered to apply himself. This was the first time he truly wanted to become a genin. "I'm going to pass, this time, I'll even do better than my brother." Even though he said it out loud, it seemed more like he was talking to himself than to the proctor. Finally after a couple seconds of steadying himself and focusing on the moment, he began to form the hand signs for the Clone Technique. He lazily looked over to his side, where a clone of him appeared. Takamitsu gave a slight smile, pleased that his exam was going well thus far. For a few seconds, he seemed to freeze, standing still while staring at the clone. It wasn't that he forgot his next jutsu, or even that he was suddenly nervous, he just became so distracted by his thoughts that the exam seemed to fade away around him. Why...? Why did they leave the village after going through all of this? What was so enticing about abandoning our family and betraying us? It wasn't very unknown that his brother and father, Kurushimi and Yasuragi, had abandoned the village, claiming to a Jonin that tracked them down that they were headed for the Land of Lightning. To say that these thoughts would crop up commonly would be an understatement as these few questions would plague nearly every waking moment of the boy's life.

He dispelled the unwanted thoughts from his mind and tried to bring his focus to the exams. To regain the momentum that he had just lost, he created another clone, which, like the first clone, seemed like mirror images of the boy. "Sorry about the delay." He said, looking over at his proctor. He formed a series of hand signs, preparing to cast the transformation jutsu. Despite his quickness to prepare the jutsu, he still hadn't thought of a subject to transform into. Wanting to act quickly, he transformed into the figure that he had been fixated on for the majority of the exam. Takamitsu and his clones stood several inches taller, and their hair was a deep red and fell past their shoulders. Their smooth faces were delicate, and their bright, almost sad, green eyes were framed by the deep red. Their clothing consisted of a deep red robe, covering a white undershirt and light blue short. Their sandals were raised and a dark blue. Finally, a damaged leaf headband was tied over their right arm, bearing a large, diagonal scratch that stretched from the top right corner of the headband to the bottom left. This was the appearance of his former Jonin brother several days before he left the village. Takamitsu almost immediately dispelled the transformation, his face extremely pale. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his face, which he slowly wiped off as he dispelled his clones. "I...I'll do my jutsu now."

Takamitsu shakily repeated the hand signs and turned into his school instructor. He stood a few inches taller and had a darker skin tone than the boy. His hair was short, and a leaf headband was almost too tightly tied around his head, which covered a scarred forehead. He wore a dark green flak jacket over a black long sleeved shirt, and dark brown pants. He moved to scratch the back of his head, not dispelling his form like he did with the one he too prior. He even did a slow 360-degree turn to demonstrate that he had fully completed the transformation. Even through this disguise, it was obvious that the boy was still a bit shocked over what happened. "I learned some more jutsu too." His voice slightly wavered as he ended his sentence, and he was slightly disgusted at the amount of nervousness he was showing. Takamitsu secretly hoped that showing other abilities he learned would make up for his transformation incident, so needed to calm down and focus. He dispelled the transformation and formed the Tiger hand sign, "Like Genjutsu Release." Takamitsu took a deep breath to compose himself, and it had a slight effect. "Forcing my chakra to move through my body, I can break out of a lot of genjutsu." He was well aware that there were very few genjutsu that he was strong enough to overcome, but he was hoping that the confidence in his voice would make the instructor believe him.

"And I learned Wind Release: Wind Arrow!" Despite only learning the jutsu a few hours ago, he was hoping that he would be able to create at least one arrow to demonstrate his ability. Takamitsu performed the hand signs and grabbed the arrow that formed in front of him. "I don't want to throw this and damage anything, but you get the idea..." He let go of the arrow, and it was dispelled. "I must have done enough, right? Even with my... Incident, I demonstrated a lot of the things I've learned." Takamitsu looked at his proctor, fully prepared to fail.

WC: 887
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Takamitsu's Genin Exam Empty Re: Takamitsu's Genin Exam

Mon May 09, 2016 2:09 pm
The boy was certainly accomplished, he had even prepared extra jutsu. She had to give him that.

"Well done, young ninja," the redhead praised, managing to find a congratulatory smile for the candidate despite her current situation. "You are now a shinobi of the Leaf. Go forth and protect your village... make the people safe," she added, giving him the well deserved headband.

(Genin status approved, you get 15 stats and a free spec)
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