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Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Mon May 30, 2016 3:32 pm
Tatsurama entered the training ground and was prepared to learn a few more jutsu today. He had planned to learn three things. The generic sealing technique, the mark seal, and the summoning technique. He had come prepared, gathering his notes from the academy about each jutsu, as well as Takamitsu that would show him how. He was hoping he could finish this up quickly, and move on to some better jutsu he was wanting to learn. This would at least be helpful he figured. He also planned to teach Takamitsu Water style, so they would both gain from this. He set his gear down, then began to wait for his squad-mate to show up so they could begin the training.
This should be a productive day, at least. Hopefully we can both learn what we need today, and then be prepared to learn things later.
He pulled out his water bottle and took a sip while looking at his notes from the academy. Thinking about how he should go about learning the techniques.

WC: 173/173
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 3500

Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Mon May 30, 2016 4:02 pm
Takamitsu calmly entered the training ground, and in a reoccurring theme, was once again several minutes late. He took a deep breath as he began to approach, looking towards Tatsurama.
"So you want to get into Fuinjutsu, huh?"
Takamitsu says, finally walking within a few feet of the Senju.
"You've got a lot of notes there... Can't say it'd work for me, but whatever helps you out."
He shrugs, stretching before glancing back towards Tatsurama.
"I'll demonstrate the jutsu and then you can show me a quick nature change. We should be done in like twenty minutes at most."
Either Takamitsu was really confident, or was underestimating the time it'd take for him to perform a successful chakra nature change. Takamitsu reaches into one of his ninja tool bags and rolls out a single, blank, scroll. He then finds a rock on the ground and casually tosses it towards the scroll. Finally, he walks over and begins to direct his chakra into his hands for the basic sealing technique before looking towards Tatsurama once again. "It's simple really. Just take the chakra and direct it towards your hands and through the rock into the scroll. It's kind of a tricky thing to really describe, so I think you'll probably learn more by doing instead of me explaining every intricacy." He places his hand down on the rock and pushes down slightly, a small cloud of smoke appearing. What's left behind is black ink spread across the paper in the form of a seal. Takamitsu rolls up the scroll and tosses it towards Tatsurama,
"Take a look at it if you need to."
Next, he stretches once again before moving forward and placing his hand onto Tatsurama's arm, marking him with the Mark Seal, which briefly stays visible.
"In a similar fashion, you use your chakra to place a sort of seal on whatever you're going to be marking, and this leads to a perfect gateway to our next technique."
Takamitsu walks back five meters, before performing a set of hand signs.
"Using Space-Time, much like the same method Kanshi had shown us, you can move objects using the space around you." He laughs slightly before continuing, "I guess now isn't the best time to tell you I haven't used this on a human before."
He places his hand down, and attempts to summon Tatsurama. If Tatsurama wanted to, he would be able to attempt to resist this summon for whatever reason. Afterwards, he gives Tatsurama a small smile, a quite out of character action for Takamitsu.
"Now, let's see that Nature Transformation, yeah?"

WC: 433
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Mon May 30, 2016 4:34 pm
Kosurama entered the training grounds briefly after watching Takamitu's demonstration from a distance. He noticed he was last one to arrive which Kosurama just accepted as a simple personality flaw he seemed to have no control of. He watched for a bit from afar, not wanting to intrude on Takamitsu's demonstration/explanation of the sealing and summoning techniques. After taking a few mental notes of the jutsu, Kosurama approached his fellow squad members.
"At this point you really should just expect me to be late for just about everything." he said while scratching the back of his head.
Kosurama stared curiously at the scroll in his brother's hand, assuming that would be the tool used for the generic sealing technique. Kosurama then directed his attention towards Takamitsu.
"If you'd like, I can demonstrate how to use water style once you're done explaining your jutsu." 
Kosurama walked away from the group towards the same large tree he would always rest under whenever he came to train. Before setting his bag down, he took out his notebook and placed it in his back pocket. Kosurama rejoined the group once more and watched as Takamitsu attempted to perform the summoning technique on his brother. 

WC: 201

Last edited by Kosurama Senju on Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Mon May 30, 2016 5:05 pm
Tatsurama saw his squad-mate enter the training grounds as he approached and began to speak and explain the techniques.
"Thanks for teaching me. After the demonstration i'll teach the water release change in chakra nature to you. Or my brother could. Hes normally the one used to water style."
The senju then listened as he explained the uses of the generic sealing technique, and gave a demonstration on a small rock, sealing it into the scroll he had brought. He explained to Tatsurama about directing your chakra into your hands and move it through the rock on the scroll to seal it. Simple enough, he figured as he watched the puff of smoke appear around the rock, leaving nothing but some ink markings on the scroll.
"Wow, that's neat. I guess i'll give it a shot now then."
He caught the scroll that was tossed to him, and opened it up on the ground to being his try at the technique. He looked around, and found a small stick that he placed on the scroll. He began to direct his chakra like instructed towards his hands, and then placed his hand on the stick, pressing down. A poof appeared around the stick, showing nothing but a ink marking in the scroll he was given.
"I did it. That was fairly easy. I guess that's why it is an E-Rank sealing technique then."
He watched as Takamitsu walked up to him and placed a seal on his arm. Since his normal attire at least until he makes his Senju battle armor is long sleeved, he placed it on that and then described that it was to be used in conjunction with the summoning technique which he explained as similar to the space-time he learned earlier on. As well as similar to the summoning jutsu he uses with the Toads of Mt. Myoboku he assumed. Takamitsu then palmed the ground, and a puff of smoke appeared around Tatsurama's torso, as he noticed it wasn't himself that was summoned, it was his shirt. Leaving Tatsurama only with his undershirt on himself.
"Crap. There goes my shirt. Well, i get the picture at least. If it had been on my skin, it would've summoned me."
He then walked over to grab his shirt as his brother arrived.
"Hey Kosu. And yeah, it is probably better if Kosu teaches you water style. He is the one who taught me it, after all. While you guys practice that, i'll work on the summoning technique and mark seal."
He then grabbed his shirt back, placing it with his gear as he didn't feel like putting it back on considering the heat. He might as well cool off in the shade while he practices the jutsu. He walked over under some trees as they would being to talk to eachother explaining water release and perhaps going over the sealing techniques.
Alright i'll do this now. Let's see...i'll just use it on a stick i guess.
Tatsurama then grabbed a small stick near him and attempted to direct his chakra into his hands, and gently palm it, making a deformed seal on it. It wasn't quite right, as the seal Takamitsu used was more symmetrical, and he assumed it mattered so he tried again, gently pressing his palm on a different stick near him, until he finally got it around the same as the one Takamitsu had used.

WC: 569/742
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Mon May 30, 2016 9:56 pm
Kosurama had come onto the scene and Tatsurama had began to practice the jutsu, Takamitsu slowly looked over towards Kosu. "Just do a quick demonstration, words don't help me as much as they should, and I think I learn better by doing anyways." Takamitsu lets out a small laugh, scratching the back of his head. He was a relatively laid back person when he wasn't on a mission or doing some sort of training, and he'd likely give both Tatsurama and Kosurama a bit of 'mood whiplash' because of this sudden change in personality.
"Honestly, I've made a bit of progress on doing the nature change on my own time, so I don't think we'll be here for very long."
Takamitsu didn't doubt that with all the little bits of training that he added on to every training session would help him out, and the boy was hoping that with a demonstration he'd be able to fix anything that he was missing and then be able to go home.
"I feel like I should be giving you more in return for all of this, but I don't think there's much else you can learn from me besides a Lightning Nature transformation, which I doubt you'd want."
Takamitsu shook his head, not wanting to go off track. He'd wait for one of the Senju to do a quick demonstration so he could finally get started on working towards new jutsu.

WC: 239/682
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:57 pm
Kosurama was relieved once Takamitsu had said he preferred a demonstration rather than an explanation. Although Kosurama was a fluent writer and speaker, he wasn't the greatest at explaining his thought process. 
"I'll demonstrate it first and then provide a few tips here and there."
Kosurama formed the dog hand seal and began to collect chakra in the back of his throat. Once the chakra successfully changed to water, he gathered a small pocket of chakra behind the water in his throat. This pocket of chakra would enable the user to expel the water at a greater rate. Once Kosurama gathered a sizable amount of chakra, he opened his mouth and expelled a pressurized stream of water into the ground. The water was strong enough to dig a small one foot crater into the ground. Kosurama withdrew his hand sign and looked at Takamitsu.
"Before you try, I must warn you. While gathering the water chakra in your throat, it's going to feel very reminiscent of the senation of drowning. I'll get out of your way now... If you need me, i'll be just over here practicing the mark seal." He said while walking towards a large shaded area. 
Kosurama sat under a large tree and pulled out a blank scroll from his back pocket, as well as a kunai from a small pouch strapped to his thigh. 
This should do.
Kosurama unravelled the scroll on placed the kunai on the blank sheet. He then placed his hand over the kunai, applying  slight pressure to it as well as a small amount of chakra. The kunai then poofed, leaving a single kanji with a ring around it written in thick black ink. 
Simple enough -- as expected from an E-rank jutsu. Now I just need to summon it.
Kosurama formed a basic hand seal and concentrated his chakra into the scroll. A puff of smoke then emitted from the paper once more, revealing the kunai. Kosurama picked up the scroll and kunai and placed them in their designated pockets.
Now all that's left is the mark seal, which shouldn't be too difficult to perform, and the summoning technique... I wonder how Takamitsu has progressed with his water style training?

Kosurama carefully watched Takamitsu's movements from a distance. He seemed to have the basic idea down, which wasn't surprising given that he already had a little bit of experience with the chakra nature. Kosurama directed his attention over to his brother who seemed to be making substantial progress with his sealing/summoning jutsu. Kosurama was still making his way to the training grounds when Takamitsu had initially explained how the jutsu worked, so he figured he would carefully observe his brother rather than interrupt his fellow squad mate. Once his brother had finished up, Kosu sat back down and began to meditate. 

WC: 470/671

Last edited by Kosurama Senju on Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:27 am; edited 3 times in total
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:52 pm
The mark seal seemed to be complete so far, as he quickly finished his work on learning that technique. He now only had the summoning technique left, so he planned on finishing that up and moving on to another topic of training. Perhaps Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Either way, he planned to learn as many jutsu as he could. To hopefully become Jounin, and perhaps a higher rank one day. As well as the Head of the Senju Clan. Which would be a tough position to attain he figured. But not impossible.

He looked over to see his squad-mates working on jutsu of their own, seeing His brother give a demonstration of water release then moving onto to learning the seals that he had just learned himself. He turned back towards his own work, and began to focus on how he should learn the summoning technique. Perhaps the best way would be to just try it until he got it right. Which was the usual way he learned things. He walked over and gathered a few stones to practice using it on them, and then set them aside as he walked back 5 meters to summon them over to him.
Alright, let's see. I guess it works the same way as the animal summoning jutsu, but just a tad different. So i will need to discover the difference, and then alter what i will do and try it after that. It should be easy enough, but probably time consuming.
He then began to form the necessary hand-seals for the summoning technique, and placed his palm on the ground, making a sealing formula appear as a puff of smoke emerged around one of the rocks that he had placed 5 meters away from him with the seal on it. It seemed to have failed, as it had remained at the same place when the smoke had cleared.
Hmm. I'll try it again, except this time i will alter the sealing formula a little bit, and see where that takes me. I doubt it'll work though.
He then formed the five hand-seals again, and gathered the chakra into his palms as he palmed the ground, altering the summoning formula, to hopefully get some change and get it to work. After a few moments there was a delayed puff of smoke, and a delayed poof next to him as the rock appeared from the smoke. It had presumably worked this time, but the timing was completely off. He had to try again, except this time altering the formula a little bit more in hopes to get the timing right.
I'll try this again. I need to alter the formula a tad more in the way i did it last time, as it had worked but the timing was off. So it should work once altered more in the right way like last time.
Tatsurama then formed the five hand-seals again, gathering more chakra into his hands before palming the ground and altering the formula in the way he had done so before except a little bit further. There was a puff of smoke at the seemingly correct time as another poof appeared next to himself. As the smoke cleared it seemed to have worked finally as the rock had been summoned next to him.
Good, i completed it. Now i just need to memorize the formula, and i will be all set. Now let's go check up on the other two before heading out as i've finished learning all three techniques, and they are learning their techniques as well.

Tatsurama stood up and looked over to his brother and Takamitsu. Seeing they were still working on their jutsu, he decided to get his gear and go home after saying goodbye. He walked over to his gear to pick it up as he waved to them.
"See ya guys, i'm going to head off now as i have completed the techniques and you guys are set on your own. I'll meet you guys again for the next training, and see you at home brother."
He then made his way out of the training grounds and began to head in the direction of his home after stopping by a ramen stand to grab something to eat before spending the rest of his day relaxing at home.
Next training i'll be learning the canopy method formation barrier. After that, probably the Rasengan. It's a decent jutsu so i hear. Plus it'll be good for close range especially since it requires no hand-seals to learn it.

--Exit Thread--

WC: 758/1500
Total WC: 1500

Claims: 7 stats
Generic Sealing Technique250/250(taught for half WC) 

Mark Seal 250/250(taught for half WC)

Summoning Technique 1000/1000(taught for half WC)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 3500

Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:06 pm
Takamitsu stood still as he listened to Kosu's explanation and watched his demonstration, obviously only watching his movements and not paying attention to anything that was said afterwards. It likely wasn't only to be rude, but that Takamitsu had developed a sort of tunnel vision towards this goal, and likely wanted to get it out of the way as soon as he could. The boy almost seemed rush, as if he had other things to do and this was just another small hurdle that he needed to get out of the way. He slammed his hands together and tried to manipulate his chakra, making any sort of progress towards the nature change. He felt that through watching Kosu, he had at least learned a few subtle things, but even then he still needed to experience it himself, which was an entirely different type of situation. It started with a steady stream of his chakra towards his hand, attempting to make the chakra nature change to water, but he was beginning to realize that this maybe wasn't the best way to go about it. Takamitsu had started to shoot several powerful bursts of chakra between his hand, each one attempting to make that change in nature to make the middle of his hands slightly damp if he wasn't able to summon a large amount of water. After once powerful burst, he brought his hands apart with a slight grin, the water nature change that he was managing to do on his own time had finally started to show, as droplets of water ran down his palms and to his wrists. Takamitsu wiped off his hands on his jacket and once again put them together, this time hoping to attempt a slightly different method. This time he was hoping, now that he had warmed up, a steady stream of chakra would allow him to produce some sort of effect, if only like a slightly leaky drain stemming from the genin's palm. After he brought his hands together and attempted to produce the chakra change, he felt slightly discouraged. After several minutes of trying, it didn't seem like anything was really being done, although he was giving it quite a lot of effort. Finally, he felt the initial few droplets begin to slide between his palms, and then it was like a miniature floodgate had been opened in between his pores, as a steady stream of water began to leak from the small openings in the boy's grip. He began to laugh as the stream slowed, realizing that he was on the edge of a breakthrough.

Takamitsu worked for several more minutes, now picking up a few blades of grass and placing them in between his palms. He tried to focus intensely on the chakra change, imagining it as if it was a roaring waterfall as it began to pour out of his palms and onto that blade of grass. His eyes opened, and he decided that he was going to stare intensely at his hands, as if it would make some sort of difference. He didn't quite know a lot about training these transformations, as he had started working on the lightning transformation at a young age. Currently, it felt like, Takamitsu had known less about this now than he ever did back when he had first joined the academy, and that was a slightly discouraging thought. When he began to remember it could take some people years to master another element, he wore a slight grin as he sat down on the soft grass. He had made so much progress over the past few weeks, and shinobi that were in the same position as him had taken months to get to where he was. In a way, he felt grateful about the circumstances he was raised under, and how it had driven him to become better than a lot of his peers through determination alone. Takamitsu figured that in several days he would be employing use of tons of water jutsu, and that alone was enough to satisfy him for this training session.
-Exit Thread-

WC: 682/1364
+6 Skill Points
+Water Release (2000/2000 -50% +Words from here and here)
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:34 pm
Kosurama once more returned to the large tree he rested his gear under after seeing Takamitsu had made much progress with suiton. A small leaf floated down into his lap while he was pondering how exactly the mark seal worked. He often liked to figure out the mechanics of the jutsu and how they worked before he went about learning them.
Seems like a rather simple trick really. You place a seal imbedded with your chakra signature, and then wallah -- you have a nifty little tracking device. 
Kosurama grabbed the leaf from his lap and held it tightly between his thumb and forefinger. 
Well, here goes nothin'
He placed the leaf on the ground and gathered some chakra in his right palm. He lightly applied pressure to the leaf with his right hand and engraved a small dot seal on its surface. It was much easier than he had expected. Kosurama picked up the leaf and held it in the air, releasing it in the wind. He waited a few moments until the leaf was out of sight and then attempted to track it with the intended jutsu. He closed his eyes and held a tiger hand sign, allowing him to sence the presence of the small object. 
Now, onto the real reason I came here today.
The Senju stood up and stretched out his arms and legs. He nonchalantly cracked his knuckles, producing a pronounced cracking sound like those you hear in the movies. While stretching, he bent down to grab a medium sized stone, which would serve as an experimental variable for the summoning technique he would soon perform. Kosurama held the stone with his left hand and placed his right palm on top of it, discharging a small seal onto it. The genin set the stone down and paced several meters forward towards a barren patch of earth. He kneeled down and imprinted a similar formula into the earth as he did on the stone. Kosurama placed both of his hands in front of the seal he had just imbedded, releasing a small burst of chakra. A small puff of smoke poofed where the seal had been placed. Kosurama's eyes lit up in anticipation -- once the small cloud of smoke dispersed, an unamused expression washed over his face. There was nothing. Kosurama walked back over to the stone he had placed the seal on to investigate.
What the hell did I do wrong?
Kosurama carefully examined the seal he initially placed on it. 
Maybe I did it backwards...?
He pressed his right hand over the preexisting seal, and embedded a new seal formuka into it. This time it was the same one he had marked the ground with earlier. Kosurama returned to the small patch of dirt and place the counterpart seal to the one that was on the stone, onto the ground. Kosurama slammed both hands into the ground closely in front of the seal and exerted the same amount of chakra as he did last time. A puff of smoke rose of the ground, revealing the stone.
Well that was careless of me. he said while scratching the back of his head. 
Now perhaps I should try it with a larger item, just to ensure I have the hand of this technique. 
Kosurama surveyed the training field, in search for some sort of object that wasn't too overly-large to summon, and not quite as small as the stone he had previously summoned. His bag seemed like a suitable size, plus it would test whether he would be able to summon the contents within it as well. Kosurama placed the summoning formula on the inside of the bag and returned to the small mound of dirt where the counterpart seal was placed. He clapped his hands together and concentrated a small amount of chakra in each palm. Kosurama then slammed his hands into the earth, exerting his chakra into the seal. A large puff of smoke emerged from where the seal had been placed. Kosurama reached into the cloud of smoke, grabbing a familiar object. He waved his hand to disperse the smoke, revealing his bag. He quickly opened up main pocket and reached inside -- luckily it contained all of  his belongings. 
Looks like I got the hang of this as well. Better catch up with everyone else and see how they're doing.
Kosurama swung his bag around his shoulder and walked over to where Takamitsu had been training. He noticed his brother gathering his gear, then making his way over towards the group. Tatsurama explained he fully understood all the intended jutsu he had hoped to learn and made his way back home. Kosurama looked down at Takamitsu who had been sitting on the ground -- he seemed in his head at the moment, perhaps reflecting his progress with the water element. The young Senju figured he would leave his squad mate to reflect in peace, thus making his way back home to record his findings. 

WC: 830/1,501
TWC: 1,501

Claims: +7 stat points

Generic Sealing Technique250/250(taught for half WC) 

Mark Seal 250/250(taught for half WC)

Summoning Technique 1000/1000(taught for half WC)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu] Empty Re: Another round of training[Private+Takamitsu+Kosu]

Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:42 pm

Approved <3
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