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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:20 pm
Kyson woke up to another peaceful day. He has been training really hard lately and overdoing it. Today will be his first day that doesn’t involve training. He wonders what he will do on this free day. He looks up to the ceiling as he lays there bored. He’s not used to having nothing to do. Maybe he will come up with something after he gets out of bed. Kyson get up from bed and heads to the kitchen. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower. After that, he gets dressed and just about ready to head out. But he placed a mark seal on all of his equipment because even though he doesn’t plan on training, something can always happen. Kyson begins to walk downstairs as he heads towards the door. He only has on come black sweats and a black tee. He even put a mark seal on his trench coat that he left home. Kyson can’t fight without his trench, that’s how much he loves looking good while fucking shit up. Kyson decides he might swing by the academy. But he’s not going in, he’s just wanted to see all the young future shinobi train. He likes seeing future potential grow. Kyson began to head over to the academy.
As he was taking his time over there, he looked around as he saw all the civilians live their normal lives. Kyson enjoyed seeing others live peacefully. Watching kids being around their parents; made him think about his own. He started to think about his dad after he spoke to him on that day. But Kyson didn’t want to get all emotional right now so he continued to walk.
A few minutes later, Kyson finally approached the academy. He saw that they had just released the students. Kyson saw all the kids run to their parents with smiles on their faces. As Kyson looks at all the kids, he sees a familiar face. Its Amari, he forgot he was in the academy. Kyson begins to walk towards his old friend. Amari is just standing there waiting, where is his father. Is that who he is waiting for, either way Kyson still approaches him.
“Long time no see kid.” Kyson says to Amari as he stands in front of him. Amari began to look up and he smiled. He was happy to see Kyson.
“Kyson! What’s up.” Amari said with an innocent smile.
“Nothing much, just enjoying my day off. Why aren’t you heading home?” Kyson said in curiosity. All the other kids were starting to go home but Amari was still here.

“I’m waiting for someone.” Amari said in a plain voice.
“Your father?” Kyson said since that was the only person that came to his mind at the moment. That’s the only person he met that knew or was related to Amari.
“My big sis.” Amari says in reply to Kyson. Kyson was surprised, he didn’t know Amari had a sister. His father never mentioned him having relatives. Kyson was a bit curious to who she was.
“I didn’t know you had a sister.” Kyson said to Amari.
“Yeah, she’s around your age too. All the shinobi are always trying to talk to her. It makes me mad sometimes because 99% of them are all lame and not cool. But I wouldn’t mind if she talked to you. Maybe you should try and make a move on her Kyson. I know you be kinda lonely.” Amari said to Kyson. Kyson was surprised to hear his response. Amari started hitting his elbow against Kyson’s hip as he was finishing his sentence. Kyson began to smirk a little bit. She couldn’t be that good looking, Kyson said to himself. When he heard Amari call him lonely, Kyson got a little attitude after saying that.
“I’m not lonely you little brat.” Kyson said as he puts his fist on top of Amari’s head and pushes down. Almost as if he was giving him a noogie.
“Owww, come one stop it!” Amari yells as Kyson has his fist on his head. “Here she comes!”
Kyson looked up and saw a really cute girl with long blue hair. She was wearing some tight black pants and a white top. Her hair was really long, she tied it with a red bow at the end of it so it wouldn’t be all over the place. This was the first time Kyson had fell for a girl like this. Usually all of the other girls were temporary, but this one was different.

“Hey Amari sorry I’m late. Who’s this?” The girl said with a polite voice. Kyson was getting ready to introduce himself but Amari beat him to it.
“This is my friend Kyson, we met a while back. He’s even met dad on his way to training. He’s one of the strongest ninja in the village.” Amari said with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. He was eager to tell his sister about him as If he was trying to hook them up.
“Oh so this is the person you were saying you wanted to be like. Hey I’m Kamari.” She said with a cute smile as she waved to Kyson. Kyson thought that wasn’t really such a good idea to have siblings have basically the same name but just one letter off.
“Kamari and Amari… pretty lame don’t you think?” Kyson said with a straight face as he looked her straight in the eye. Her cute smile went from cute to furious in a split second. With no hesitation she punched Kyson in the head. Kyson didn’t bother to use his bloodline since it wasn’t necessary.
“Ow, I was just kidding… damn.” Kyson says as he rubs the spot he was hit at. After Kyson was hit by her punch. She noticed that it didn’t hurt him like she punched the other boys. It was obvious that Kyson could take a hit. She sort of liked guy’s that could take a hit. But for a girl who isn’t a ninja, she hit pretty damn hard.
“You deserved that…” Amari said to Kyson after his rude comment.
“I know, I know.. I’m sorry okay.” Kyson said to Kamari after he got punched in the head.
“I forgot something inside, be right back.” Amari said to them. As Amari was running away, Kyson noticed he had a smirk on his face. Kyson assumed he was trying to get the two of them alone together. Amari must’ve planned this from the start.
“This is why ninjas irritate me. You guys are so full of yourselves. And okay bro.” Kamari said to Kyson after Amari left. Kyson heard the comment she said about ninjas. Kyson agreed to what she said a little. A lot of ninjas are full of themselves just because they have a headband. But having a headband doesn’t make you a real ninja.
“And this is why girls irritate me, they can nev….” Kyson said but he was hit by some object she pulled from her pocket. Kyson didn't even know what it was, that's how fast she pulled it out. Kyson was hit before he could finish his sentence. Kyson was hit so hard, he levitated a couple feet off the ground. This hit hurts a lot more since she hit him with an object this time. But he still didn't want to use his bloodline. It was like he didn't want to show any sign of being weak.
“Wow, you’ve took two of my hits and you’re not even close to being knocked out.” Kamari said to Kyson as she was impressed by the way he took more of her punches. As Kamari looks Kyson up and down, she noticed a necklace he on around his neck. She begins to get closer to Kyson.
“Where did you get this necklace from?” Kamari said with curiosity. Kyson’s mother made that necklace. He doesn’t like to talk about it much but he decided to tell her.
“My mother gave it to me a few days before she passed away.” When Kyson said that, Kamari began to feel sorry for Kyson. Her mother had passed away as well a couple years ago.

“Oh, I’m sorry. My mother passed away as well, a few years ago.” She said as she was still holding down to Kyson’s necklace. Kyson looked her in the eye and saw the sorrow deep within her eye’s. They both had the eyes of someone who lose something precious in their lives. Amari began to leave out the academy and saw Kyson and Kamari standing really close to each other. He began to smile a smirk al little.

“You two are standing pretty close to each other for people who just met.” Amari says to the two of them. Kamari begins to turn red a little as she steps away 3 steps from Kyson. Kyson begins to scratch his head a chuckles a little bit.

“Hahahahah, I don’t know what you are talking about. Welp its time to go.” Kamari said as walks over to Amari and pulls him towards herself. The laugh was clearly a fake laugh as she was trying to cover up her true feelings. Her and Amari began to walk off.
“See you some other time Kyson, you should come by later and help me train or something.” Amari said to Kyson as the two of them were walking off.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Kyson said as he watches the two of them walk off. As they were walking away, Kamari looked back and waved gently with a smile. Kyson acknowledged her actions and waved back with a slight smirk. As he saw Kamari and Amari walk back towards the house Kyson would head back home for the day and catch some rest.

*Ring ring ring ring*

As the loud alarm quickly awakens Kyson from a good night sleep. Kyson quickly turns the alarm off after the annoying ring sound woke him up. As he gets up from his bed and gets ready for another day of training. Kyson goes to his bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower. Then he eats some toast and drinks a glass of water. And he leaves the house immediately to head out to the training grounds. He wonders if Royalty is preparing for the jounin exams. This is Kyson's chance to show everyone what he can do. He doesn't know if he passed the test but he believes he did a good job.. hopefully.  Kyson is excited for this day of training just like any other day. But this day he was going to learn about another specialty, genjutsu. Kyson's main specialty is ninjutsu, he is usually focused on learning useful ninjutsu to use in battle. It is important for you to master what your specialty is before you try to master something else. Learning about genjutsu along with Kyson's ninjutsu specialty is a good combination to use in battle. While enemies might be trapped in his genjutsu, he can also use his powerful ninjutsu to finish them off. There are endless possibilities he could use if he learns a good amount of genjutsu techniques. As Kyson approaches the training grounds, he see's his sensei standing there waiting for him to start his training. But he doesn't really expect genjutsu to be something he wants to really specialize in. Just something to have a basic knowledge of for the mere future. He even may fight someone during the exams. 

Kyson begins to head to the training grounds to tune up a little for the training grounds. He knows one genjutsu technbique. But he wants to tune it a little and gain a little more knowledge about it. As he arrives at the training grounds, he begins to do a little slight stretching to relax his joints and muscles. Kyson notices that someone else is in the training grounds. Its only one person, so its Kyson and another shinobi. He looks like an older shinobi, Kyson assumed he is a jounin. The guy looked over at Kyson as if he recognized him. The guy began to walk over to him with a slight smirk on his face. And he approached Kyson.

"Hey, can I help you?" Kyson said while walking towards the training ground and getting excited for another good day of training. He wasn't sure what this man wanted, but he would wait to see his response.

"Hey there kid, how is it going? You getting ready for the upcoming jounin exams? " The guy said to Kyson. He must have heard about Kyson since he knew he was taking part in the jounin exams.

"Nothing much and... yeah. Just working on some things. Like genjutsu and understanding how it works and to break out of it more. And different ways it can be used." Kyson said to the shinobi that walked towards him.

"Alright, I will teach you a better understanding of genjutsu. And before I teach you how to use it. You must first understand what it is and in more detail." The shinobi said explaining to Kyson what objective he will be attempting to complete today.

"That's fine, but before we start. What's your name?" Kyson said with a face of curiosity. He at least would like to know the name of the person that is training him. It would make this a lot less awkward.

"My name is Alex and I'm a jounin." Alex said to Kyson. At least he made this entire learning process a little less awkward. Its been a while since Kyson was being taught by someone else, other than lord Kazekage himself. But since this one is a special occassion and the person who is teaching him happens to have some knowledge on genjutsu. Kyson is willing to use his help for this training.

"Genjutsu is the illusion arts. It is use to gain control of one's senses, such as the mind anything related to that sort of stuff. It can be casted through different ways. Touch, sounds, feel, some times you can just be instantly put in one. Other ways genjutsu can be broken after being caught in one is by fully mastering a junchuriki and having the sharingan eye. Which you have neither. We can work on breaking out of a genjutsu after I put one on you. After today, and you learned how to use genjutsu. I will go straight to teaching you high rank genjutsu such as B and A-Rank genjutsu's." Alex said while explaining to Kyson how genjutsu works and ways it can be broken by the victim. 

"Well, see the thing is. I'm only trying to learn more about genjutsu. I don't relly want it to be my specailty or anything. Just have more knowledge about it when I face an opponent who specailizes in it." Kyson said to Alex. Even though much about what he said, Kyson kind of already knew. It doesn't hurt to refreshing up on the basics a little. When it comes to training and getting better, you always have to go back to the basics.

"Oh, no probelm. The reason I'm teaching you how to use genjutsu is because its kind of a different way of understanding. I feel like if you learn how something works you will have a better understanding of it. But anyway, lets get started. When performing genjutsu, you have to control the chakra flow of a targets nervous system and affecting their five senses. And what this does is allows you to create false images to fool your opponent or making their body feel like they are experiencing pain. Genjutsu can also be used to manipulate other people, such as brainwashing. By giving the victim illusive suggestions or commands. Most genjutsu are triggered by your opponent making eye contact with you or while you are executing the jutsu." Alex says while explaining to Kyson how genjutsu works and how to put your opponent in one.

"Now, I want you to focus your chakra on my nervous system and try to make me create false images. Use your imagination." Alex said to Kyson while getting ready to begin the training. Kyson only knows one genjutsu. The false surroundings technique, used to change the appearance on a specific place of object. But as soon as someone learns the changes, the genjutsu is broken

Kyson begins to concentrate on his chakra and tries to focus it on Alex nervous system. As he tries to focus on his nervous system, Kyson is completely unaware if he is doing it right or not.

"Am I doing it right? I do not know if you can feel anything." Kyson said out of curiosity and wondering if he is performing the jutsu correctly.

"That is not how it works kid. It is not just about if I can feel anything, when the jutsu is done correct you are suppose to feel connected to my nervous system just as you feel connected with any of your elements. When you you are performing a water style jutsu, you do not ask your water element if it can feel anything so you can perform the jutsu, you just feel know and feel connected." Alex said while explaining to Kyson how to put a genjutsu on someone. He wasn't trying to be harsh or anything. But with him taking the jounin exams, he needs to be prepared and ready to be up against anything.

Kyson is still confused on how this genjutsu works all together, but he kind of knows what Alex means when he says it is the same feel you get when you are connected with his water element. So Kyson uses that same tactic, except this time he has to connect and focus his chakra on someone's nervous system. So he begins to attempt to use genjutsu again and tries to fuse his chakra with Alex's nervous system. He feels something a little strange with his chakra, it is as if its trying to get a hold of something. Kyson assumes that the chakra is waiting to be connected with his sensei's nervous system. As Kyson feels a bit of connectivity with his chakra and Alex's nervous system. He quickly connects to it, completing the first step in genjutsu.

"Okay, I feel it. I am finally connected. Alright what's next." Kyson says being relieved, because he was not sure if he was going to be able to perform correctly so far. He didn't know performing genjutsu took this much concentration. But he shouldn't be surprised, everything he did took a lot of concentration. That's why he has so much chakra and a good control over it.

"Okay, so far so good kid. Now, I want you to use your chakra and imagination. And try to create false images within my nervous system and make me think they are there." Alex said to Kyson. He can tell Kyson has some type of knowledge of genjutsu. But he knows that he has a long time before he can understand it. He may not even understand half of it after this training lesson.

"Alright that should be easy because I have good imagination." Kyson said. He has used the false surrounding technique one on a mission to find a theft. It was pretty easy and simple since the theft wasn't a shinobi and just a normal civilian.

Now that Kyson is connected with Alex's nervous system. He beings to concentrate on his chakra and try to create false images in his sensei's mind. Now that Kyson knows what he will create first for a false image. Kyson created a floating bright red apple going towards his Alex. 

"Is this your apple Kyson?" Alex asked after Kyson successfully created a false image. But he still seemed a bit confused as to hwere it came from. But of course his first guess was Kyson completed the tech.

"What apple?" Kyson said in response to his question. He was playing with Alex just to see how he would react. 

"KYSON STOP JOKING AROUND!" Alex yelled because he knows he is not going crazy. Kyson can tell he was serious and joking at the same time. 

"Alright alright ha ha, yeah it is me." Kyson confessed to his teacher while laughing. If he's going to start training, he might as well make a good and fun experience. Kyson wasn't always the type to joke around. But being around Royalty really changed that side of him.

"Your a clown kid. Now, try to make something better, I know you have a bigger imagination than that." His sensei said after yelling at Kyson. It was now time to get serious and try to perform something bigger.

"Alright I got it" Kyson says while he tries to step it up a notch. As Kyson begins to use his chakra to create false images. Suddenly a random voice appears coming from outside the training grounds.

"HEY KYSON!" The unknown voice shouted. As Kyson looks back to see who it is. He can not believe who it is. It's Royalty, what are the chances of the two of them meeting at the training grounds. that's never really happened before.

"HEY ROYALTY! What are you doing here. I have not seen you in a while." Kyson said, even though he has seen him a few days ago. Considering they live together, you would think they see each other everyday. But they are both most likely busy preparing for the exams.

"Yeah, same for you." Royalty said with a nice and innocent smile. Maybe the two of them can train together and learn a better understanding of genjutsu. It would really be useful for the two of them in the exams.

"Didn't think I would see the two of you together. If your wondering how I noticed you Kyson. I heard about the two of you when you first entered the village. Hearing about two Kumogakure shinobi coming to the village was sure to cause a stir with the people here." Alex said to the two chunin.

"Yeah, we can tell by the way everyone was looking at us the day we entered the village. But Kyson got it the worst since he was born and raised in Kumo." Royalty said after responding to his father's question.

"Yeah it was a bit tough seeing how people stared at me and being in a completely new environment. Especially for a Hozuki, someone who needs to be always cool and Hydrated. But I learned to work around that." Kyson said to the two of them and how his experience to Suna as.

"So what are you guy's doing here? Getting some type of training done?" Royalty asked.

"I wanted to get a better understanding on how to use genjutsu. Well not really use it.. but a better understanding about how it works." Kyson said in response to Royalty's question.

"Yeah, since you both are entering the jounin exams. Maybe you can join this training session too Royalty. It would be good for the two of you. I don't know if you two train together on a daily. if not, this would be a perfect time." Alex said.

"Why would I waste my time with the two of you? I think I can handle myself, I don't need help from someone I am already stronger than." Royalty's said to Alex. Royalty was being a little disrespectful. He must be really irritated by something.

"Uhhh... well... if you say so I guess..." Kyson said to Royalty. Alex looked kind of shocked becasue he wasn't expecting a response like that.

"So you think because you were promoted to chunin as soon as you came here, that you can beat anybody? Why not show me what you got you little brat?" Alex said with a somewhat angry look on his face. He definitely doesn't take arrogance good.

"Nah I'm good, I would get fun at for fighting and old man. I have a reputation to keep and I don't want ot ruin it by crushing you." Royalty said as he began to walk away.

"Excuse me!? WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TOO!?" Alex yelled with a lot of anger and a furious tone.

As Alex began to get heated from Royalty's comment. Royalty began to disappear into thin air and started vanishing in plain sight. Alex was confused, what the hell kind of jutsu could this be for him to vanish in thin air. But after Royalty vanished, Kyson began to bust out laughing very hard.

"What the hell is going on, Kyson why are you laughing?" Alex said after being angry at Royalty and being curious to why Kyson is laughing. Was this some kind of trick and were the two of them planning this all along.

"Ha ha ha , because this was all part of my genjutsu, ha ha ha." Kyson says while laughing real hard and not being able to stop. He can't believe how serious Alex got from this. Kyson didn't think it would have gone that far but he was really curious to see.

Alex felt a bit of embarrassment because he raised his temper at a fake image of Royalty in front of Kyson. Not knowing it was part of all Kyson's plan all along. Kyson could not stop laughing and was trying hard to hold it in before he ruined the joke. But it was clear that Kyson has learned to efficiently activate a genjutsu on someone's nervous system and create false images just like what he did to Alex.

"Yeah very funny kid, I can not believe you tricked me like that. But I am going to be honest with you. You got me good ha ha. I can see you finally know how to execute genjutsu. And hopefully you have a better understanding of it." Alex said with a serious to jokingly face and being proud of Kyson at the same time.

"Sorry, but I just could not help myself ha ha, you should have saw the look on your face ha ha. WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TOO! Ha ha." Kyson said while laughing and imitating Alex's expression.

"Okay okay.. whatever. But anyway, good luck in the exams. And always give it your best. It was a little tough for me but I manage to get through it. It wasn't about how powerful you were, but how smart and how you planned every attack. So hopefully this training helped you form a better understanding about genjutsu. See ya around kid." Alex said while leaving the training grounds.

As Kyson starts to walk off himself. He goes for his daily stroll around the village and getting something to eat at the dumpling shop. Today's training, Kyson was able to learn about genjutsu and have a better understanding of it. Even though he doesn't plan on specializing it. He still wants the knowledge about it. Some times knowledge can be more powerful than strength.
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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:02 am
*Ring ring ring ring*

Kyson begins to wake up from his loud alarm once again. As he turns off his alarm, Kyson gets out of bed and he begins to brush his teeth then takes a shower. After he takes a shower, he gets some breakfast and drinks a cup of water. He rushes out the house immediately and walks to the training grounds. Yesterday training, Kyson learned and understand how genjutsu worked. Now he is able to perform and can now be taught how to do genjutsu. Kyson has been really excited about how hard he has been training, he has learn so much jutsu's and techniques over the past week. Hoping he is able to become a strong ninja with these technique he is being taught. It is not natural for a chunin like Kyson to know the number of jutsu's he has learned at his age. But Alex saw he had what it takes to learn from him. As Kyson walks towards the training grounds, he see's Alex standing against the gate waiting for him as usual.

"Hey kid, you ready?" Alex said with a smooth and innocent tone in his voice.

"Hey, and of course I am always ready." Kyson said with a lot of confidence and determination.

"Alright good, because your going to have to work your but off again. This next jutsu I am teaching you, is a genjutsu and its a A-Rank level jutsu. I know you said you didn't want to learn any real genjutsu and you just wanted the knowledge about it. But I think this one technique would really benefit you and help you control your chakra even more." Alex said with a calm and collective voice.

When Kyson heard him say A-Rank level jutsu. Kyson was shocked, he just learned how to do genjutsu for this first time yesterday. He was feeling intimidated and anxious at the same time. He could not wait to get started knowing how hard he would have to work in order to complete this jutsu. But Kyson has learned two jutsu's in the same rank as this one, so it should not be too hard to learn. But then again, Kyson knew how to do ninjutsu for some years now. He just learned genjutsu yesterday. Either way, Kyson was up for the challenge and prepared for anything that will be thrown at him. It wasn't something that he really wanted to master, but why not give it a shot.

"Wow Alex, you going all out even though I just learned how genjutsu works for the first time yesterday." Kyson said with a smirk and a curious tone as to what made Alex want to teach him a justu of this caliber.

"I told you kid, when I train people I make sure they are pushed to their very limit. If I am going to get you stronger, I will make sure you get strong right. Of course you will go through hell, but trust and believe all of it will be worth it." Alex said after explaining to Kyson why he is teaching him a jutsu like this right away.

"And plus, I would not teach you something I know you could not handle. I've heard a lot about you and your skills. Lord Kazekage has his full trust in you for a reason. So I know you can handle it." Alex said with a smirk.

"I like the sound of that." Kyson said with a light laugh.

"Now lets begin shall we? Today I will be teaching you a technique called the "Bringer of Darkness." This jutsu cause your opponent to hallucinate upon his eyesight, causing him to see a world of pure darkness and basically blinding your opponent. This will allow you to attack unseen and the enemy will find it hard to detect your exact location. But just because the jutsu takes away eyesight, they can still use their other five sense such as smell, hear, taste, and touch. This jutsu will be perfect to use with your "Hiding in the Rain" technique. You will be able to move undetected through the water causing your opponent to not hear your footsteps and you can also take away their eyesight so they would not physically see you coming. Your best bet in this situation, is to use the Water Gun jutsu while sneaking up behind them, and aiming at a fatal spot to eliminate your enemy." Alex said while explaining to Kyson how the jutsu works and the numbers of possibilities he has combining this jutsu with the other jutsu's he has already learned.

"Wow this jutsu is really effective, it can really ruins someones concentration and screw up their strategy." Kyson said as he thought about the effectiveness of the jutsu he about to be taught.

"Exactly, this technique is meant to turn your opponent off, especially if there vision is important to their fighting style. Trust me kid, after I am done with you, you gone be one of the strongest on this village in no time soon." Alex said to Kyson with motivation and high hopes for him. 

"I like the sound of that,your a pretty good mentor." Kyson said with a smirk and being appreciative to having a teacher like Alex.

"Thanks kid. Now lets get started. I am going to do a demonstration of this jutsu on you. Be prepared because you will see nothing but darkness." Alex said with a honest tone.

Alex began to focus his chakra on Kyson's nervous system. After he connected to Kyson's nervous system, he began to execute the genjutsu on his student. Trapping him in a world full of pure darkness and taking away his eyesight.

"Woah, all I see is pure darkness. I can't see anything right now. I can not even see my hand right in front of me. This jutsu is sort of almost cheating, I do not know how anyone could lose using this jutsu." Kyson implied after being caught in his genjutsu. He has never seen anything like this. Of course it would be obvious to figure out you are in a genjutsu.

"Well there are some shinobi out there who do not even need eyesight to fight. Some shinobi are skilled enough to where they can just sense your chakra and know your exact location. So sometimes your eyesight is not always mandatory for a shinobi. But you will learn there are all types of different shinobi in this world when you begin to travel to other villages and encounter other ninja." Alex said after responding to Kyson's response after being caught in the genjutsu. But that wouldn't be a problem for Kyson because he learned how to sense others chakra signatures.

"Oh yeah, I had almost forgot, This jutsu can only be performed when you are ten meters within your target. So its not a long range jutsu, remember that." Alex implied.

"Okay, I got it." Kyson replied back to Alex. So this was obviously going to be a close range genjutsu. But if Kyson is able to learn this technique, he will be ale to use it in numerous ways.

"Now I want you to give it a try. Remember, connect to my nervous system with your chakra. After that try to use your chakra and put an hallucination in my head and imagine me being in a world full of darkness. But you will need a lot of chakra to do so because you will have to make every where full of chakra." Alex said while explaining to Kyson the details to perform the jutsu.

"Alright, here I go." Kyson said with a serious look of determination. now its time to see if he can learn this technique with ease like he does anything else. Even though he's not really interested in genjutsu, he can maybe learn a tech or two.

Kyson begins to focus and concentrate his chakra towards his Alex's nervous system. As he connects to his nervous system, he begins to try and put a hallucination in his head to allow him to hallucinate a world full of darkness. As Kyson tries to perform the jutsu, Alex begins to see tiny black spots forming all around him, but it is clear that it is not enough to block the victims image.

"Good job, but your far from completing the jutsu kid. You have a long way to go before you cover my entire vision with pure darkness. I know you are just learning how to do genjutsu, but like I said. If I did not think you could do it, we would not be here right now." Alex said as he tried to give Kyson motivation to perform the jutsu.

Kyson is having real difficulty trying to perform this new jutsu because of his lack of experience he has had with genjutsu. But that will never stop Kyson. It does not matter if it takes him forty hours straight to perform this jutsu. Kyson will be up for forty hours straight trying to complete it. He got this far without quitting so why on earth would he start now he thought. He knew from the start this jutsu was not going to be a walk in the park for him. But he is always determined to get stronger and refuses to remain weak. But he is always going to try his best.

"Alright let me try again." Kyson says as he tries to attempt to increase the darkness level of the jutsu to cover up Alex's vision.

Kyson begins to add more chakra to his connection with Alex's nervous system in order to create more dark areas in his mind.His sense begins to see the dark spots his hallucinates, being to increase a little. But it is still not nearly enough for Kyson to complete the jutsu and completely taking away his vision. Kyson begins to try to push harder as he adds more chakra to he genjutsu. Kyson begin to sweat due to the difficulty of this training and jutsu. But he still proceeds to do numerous attempts. 

"Damn! This is really really harder than I thought." Kyson says while a good amount of fatigue starts to kick in during his training for this new jutsu. Who would have thought that genjutsu would be this hard to perform. When Kyson was learning fuinjutsu and ninjutsu, it wasn't nearly as hard as this. Maybe Kyson just had a natural gift with those two specialties.

"I know kid, this is a real difficult jutsu to learn. But I have faith in your abilities and I just know you will come out on top just like you did all those other times were training hard jutsu's. Now lets kid you can do it." Alex said while giving Kyson the determination he needs to try and complete the jutsu.

Kyson see's this jutsu similar to painting. It like you have a bucket of black paint and you have to paint everything black on the opponents vision so he can not see anything, leaving him blind. Kyson begins to keep trying to push his chakra to spread out the dark visions in Alex's mind. As he keeps adding more and more chakra to the genjutsu, It is slowly increasing the black spots in Alex's mind.

"A little better kid you are getting there. But you still have ways to go unfortunately. I can not stress enough how hard it will take you to learn this jutsu, but you will figure it out in the mean time. Just keep pushing yourself kid, I got faith in you." Alex said while he continues to keep motivating Kyson on trying to complete this technique.

Kyson continues to attempt to form the jutsu, but he chooses to try again and start from scratch. As he stands tall and gives himself a twenty second breather. He attempts to try and connect his chakra to Alex's nervous system once again. As he watches Kyson keep trying to perform this jutsu. He can not help but be proud to see a student like his son that is never willing to give up and is always trying to get better. People like that, he considers to be strong shinobi and he has a lot of faith in Kyson being a strong shinobi just like himself if not better. He thought it was a good idea that Kyson stopped the jutsu to take a deep breathe and to give himself a chance to think. He has been overdoing it a lot, so it was wise for him to catch himself and notice he needs to cool down a little bit. That is a sense of maturity and patience beginning to grow in Kyson. Now that Kyson has his chakra connected to Alex nervous system again, Kyson begins to try and add more dark hallucinations in his mind to distort his vision. But it seems like Kyson is only thirty five percent of blocking his Alex's vision.

"Hey Kyson lets take a quick break, not too long though. Just take a ten minute break to recover some chakra and catch your breathe. There is no use of straining yourself for no reason. Gather your thoughts first, then come back to the jutsu. Never waste your chakra for no reason until you know exactly how you are going to perform the jutsu being executed." He said with a serious tone and telling Kyson to take a quick break.

"Okay teach, I think I could use one of those." Kyson says while breathing hard from using a lot of chakra at once.

As Kyson takes a ten minute break, he begins to meditate he relax his mind before he goes back and attempts the jutsu. His teacher was right, it is pointless to keep wasting chakra without a plan on how he is going to execute this jutsu. So it is better for him to gather his thoughts together so he can think about how he will complete the jutsu. Kyson thinks he is not using his imagination enough to cover the entire area in his mind with darkness. As Kyson begins to feel a little dehydrated, he needs some water to keep himself from dehydrating from working too hard and increasing his body temperature. So he begins to summon rain around him to keep his body cool. 

"Ahhh, that really hit the spot, I feel much better now." Kyson says as he sits down in the rain keeping his body cool and hydrated. In this hot sand and climate. Its easy to become dehydrated. Even with his hydration skill, he can still get exhausted.

"Ha ha, you should see how you look right now kid. You are a clown." Alex says while laughing and watching Kyson sitting in his summoned rain cooling himself down.

"Alright that is enough. Time to get back to training." Kyson says before he begins to stop the rain he has summoned. He is about to give it another try. Hopefully this time it will work out a lot better.

The rain began to stop around Kyson, which was on a five meter radius around him so the rain would not pour on Alex. Now that the rain has stopped, Kyson begins to give the jutsu another try. He takes his time and stands tall, taking a couple deep breathes before he attempts the jutsu again. He focuses his chakra on Alex's nervous system once more. After he successfully connects to his nervous system. Kyson begins to use his chakra and creating the black spots in Alex's mind. This time Kyson did the jutsu, he was able to produce almost twice as much black area he was able to do last time he performed the jutsu. It is obvious that Kyson is getting the hang of the jutsu. Having about fifty percent of his vision tempered with, Kyson is half way done from completing the jutsu. 

"Hey that was a big jump from last time kid, keep it up." Alex said while informing Kyson how close he is getting to successfully completing this jutsu.

"I think I am starting to understand this jutsu now and how genjutsu works. It a lot of imagination that deals with it while you are trying to make your opponent hallucinate something with you chakra." Kyson said after thinking that he got the hang of the jutsu and hoping he is in the right direction to completing it.

"Good job kid, you are finally getting it. You are half way there kid keep pushing. My eyesight is half way out, come one block out my whole vision. You can do it." Alex says while he continues to motivate Kyson to completing this high level jutsu.

Kyson still begins to add more chakra and darkness into the jutsu. But the black areas that are meant to block the victims vision, begins to be increasing over the time Kyson has been adding chakra since his last attempt. He has reached fifty five percent of darkness in his Alex's mind. Alex is highly impressed with the way Kyson has been performing the jutsu. He likes how he is using his brain to figure how genjutsu works. One other thing he noticed about Kyson. Every time he explains how to do something to Kyson, he never asks him to repeat what he said again. Even when he sometimes talk for like five minutes straight. And nine times out of ten Kyson does what he ask him to do. That tells him that Kyson is a good listener and you do not need to keep constantly repeating something to him for him to understand. That takes a lot of skill to do something like that, not everybody can process that much information at once.

"Ahhh come on I almost got it, I almost got it. Keep going.. why are you stopping? Ahhhh.." Kyson yells as he is getting frustrated the jutsu is not expanding to blind Alex with darkness. This is very new to Kyson, he never spent this much effort on a jutsu. But its only because he just learned how genjutsu works. So its going to take a lot for him to pull this off.

"Stay calm kid, the more you get frustrated the more you lose control and lose focus. You have to stay calm and collective in order for this jutsu to work. That is why genjutsu requires a lot of concentration when playing tricks on ones mind and thoughts. So calm down and take another deep breather and start again. No need to rush yourself kid, you got this." Alex said as he gives Kyson advice to stay calm and collective while he performs this jutsu because he needs all the concentration he can get when learning this technique.

"Alright.... I am going to try again, but from scratch again." Kyson says as he takes several deep breathes. This is really taking a lot out of him. But this is what is going to seperate himself from everyone else in the exams. So he needs to kep pushing his limits. This training is also increasing his stamina and pushing his chakra control.

"Good idea." Alex replies. He likes that Kyson is taking one step at a time and not rushing. There is no need to rush in training like this.

Kyson once again begins to end his attempt at doing the jutsu and relaxes himself for a couple minutes. After he is done resting for a couple minutes, he immediately begins to try to do the jutsu again. For some odd reason, Kyson just feels that he has the energy to perform the jutsu this time. What could this feeling be? Is it pure determination boiling in his blood. Whatever it is, will it be enough for Kyson to perform the jutsu? Kyson begins to concentrate his chakra once more. He connects it with Alex's nervous system trying to manipulate hallucinations through his mind. As he successfully connects to his mind, he sends a great amount of chakra to his nervous system and spreading dark areas around his mind making him eighty percent blind. Kyson was almost there to completing the jutsu.

"Oh my gosh.. kid, you are almost there. Come on! Keep pushing, you have to keep pushing yourself if you want to become stronger!" Alex yells while sending a huge message of motivation to Kyson being to close to successfully performing the jutsu.

"Ahhhhhhh almost there!" Kyson yells as he is trying to expand the dark areas in Alex's vision.

Kyson is really putting a huge strain on himself when performing this jutsu. But he will put everything he has into this jutsu in order to successfully perform it. He begins to do just that. he puts a huge strain on his body in order to exceed his limits and then suddenly... The jutsu stopped and everything went back to normal. Kyson failed the technique once again. He was so close but he was not able to pull through this time. But Kyson didn't really feel down or anything. he understands that nobody can do eveyrthing. There are some things people are gifted in and there are some things that will need much more than knowledge to complete. But this training was not a waste. Kyson's stamina definitely increased after these few attempts.

"DAMN KID YOU Almost DID IT! Well done though Kyson. Ha ha, your like a prodigy man. Even though you didn't complete this jutsu, you were still able to make a great amount of progress in about an hour." Alex says as Kyson was almost successful in his last attempt at performing the jutsu. He was still impressed of how far Kyson was able to go.

"Damn ha ha, I almost did it. But.. I feel exhausted. That really took a lot out of me. But I feel like, my stamina increased a bit in this training session. So at least it wasn't all for nothing." Kyson said as he tilts left and right feeling like he is about to fall over.

"I am not surprised. Honestly I am surprised you have not passed out. That is what I personally find Surprising. But this will be my last time helping you out with your training. I have a mission I have to get ready for soon, So I'll be bust for the next week or so. Just keep training hard and I promise you, everything that you are doing will be worth it in the future. You will seeAlex says with a honest and noble look in his. He is real proud of Kyson and how far he is willing to go through training to get stronger.

"But this jutsu right here Kyson, is a crucial jutsu and could probably save your life one day. If you are ever backed up into a corner, this genjutsu could be used as an escape route if executed correctly. It can also be used to sneak up on your opponent too, once you take your enemies sight away. Use a jutsu to summon rain, and that will allow you to be undetected by the enemy. But as a young shinobi, it is only natural that you will learn to use you jutsu's appropriately and in a clever way to defeat your opponent. It is almost like a shinobi's natural instinct. So if you ever wanna learn genjutsu and learn to master it. Just hit me up whenever and i'll teach you some." Alex said as he tells Kyson the importance of learning these techniques and jutsu's. It is indeed that these jutsu's Kyson is learning can not only make him stronger, but could also save his life one day. But with Royalty at his side, these two young shinobi in the future would be almost impossible to beat if they play their cards right.

"Thanks teach, it is always good to learn from the wise one's ha ha. But I understand what you are saying on how these techniques can not only be used as an offensive attack, but also as an escape route to escape from stronger shinobi. But just know, any shinobi I find stronger than. I will make sure I will train and surpass them. After each stronger shinobi I come across, I will keep surpassing them until there is no one left." Kyson said with a serious tone of determination. You can tell from the tone of his voice that Kyson was not playing around with what he said and that he meant every word that was said without a doubt. Confidence like this can lead to a shinobi's downfall or lead them to their up rise. Lets just hope Kyson's confidence leads him to his up rise and not his downfall.

"Ha ha, like always kid, I love your confidence and enthusiasm. Keep training hard Kyson, it is amazing to see how much you train to get stronger.. You do not understand how much that makes us proud, that's why Suna loves your work ethic and the help you bring to us. Alex said as he tells Kyson his training with him will soon come to an end. Alex walks away while he was talking and he exits the training grounds.

When Kyson heard those words, he saw them as a huge light of inspiration. He could not have asked for a better person to help teach him about genjutsu. Even though Kyson didn't learn the genjutsu, the knowledge he got from it was still useful. And this also helps him out with his stamina. Kyson now begins to exit the training grounds. Before Kyson heads home, he decides to go on his daily walk around Sunagakure. After that, he will head home after a job well done of training. Maybe Royalty would get some training in as well if he is not already busy.
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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:03 am
As he woke up to another day at Suna. It was now time for more training and getting prepared for the jounin exams. Kyson tried to learn a genjutsu yesterday but failed to complete the technique. Kyson was never to fond about genjutsu, it was not really something that he was crazy about to learn. But he is not really sure what other specialty he wants to learn next. He was naturally gifted in ninjutsu and caught on to fuinjutsu really quick. Hopefully he passed the first part of the exams, but he is already prepared for any combat situation. But he still want to work on his stamina so he can last longer in battle and wear his opponents down. If he can almost double his stamina, that would be a huge help. He doubts most people would be able to keep up with him but he isn't going to assume. He will just have to find out himself. 

Kyson finally gets up out of bed as he stretches both of his arms outwards and arches his back slightly. Loosening all of his back mushles and joints. He walks over to the bathroom and looks into the mirror. Seeing his hair all messed up, he does a quick fix with both of his hands. He then does his daily routine, brushes his teeth and takes a shower. After that he puts on his normal attire. His trench coat with a white undershirt. His black sweats and his sandles. He won't be bringing his ninja equipment since he is not planning on doing that type of training. He plans to work on his physical body, so there will be no need for all of the fancy stuff. As he heads out of his room, he notices Royalty's door is closed. He continues to walk since he might either be still sleep or out somewhere. But they are full fledged shinobi, they don't need to leave a note to tell where each other is at. As he left the house and locked the door behind him, it was now time for his training. He decides to go on a quick jog around the sandy village. He begins to start jogging and makes a left turn from his house. As he begins to jog, he activates his hydration skill. In weather like this, it will not take long for someone to pass out from dehydration. Especially for a Hozuki, a skill like that will be very useful. As he goes for a quick jog, he decides to run past the academy to see if amari had just gotten out. 

As he takes a jog though Suna, he see's the civilians glancing at him and going on through their day. This makes Kyson a bit more calm as he is running though the village. As he continues to jog past multiple stores and other buildings. He begins to approach the academy. As he is getting closer to the building. He heard a voice yell out.

"KYSON!!" The voice said. Kyson looked towrds the voice and saw it was Amari and his sister Kamari. Kyson made a quick turn towards them as he begins to jog over towards them. As he gets to about a meter away from them, he begins to slow down.

"What's Amari and Kamari?" Kyson said to the two. He was barely sweating since he hasn't really been running for that long but the weather in Suna is no joke. 

"Nothing, what are you doing?" Amari said to Kyson. 

"I was going for a jog around the village, trying to get my stamina up for the jounin exams." Kyson said gto young Amari. When Kyson spoke about the jounin exams Amari's eyes lit up. He looked more excited more than Kyson.

"WOW really!? I got an exams to prepare for soon in about a month or so. I take the genin exams. And I could finally go on missions with you and you can see how strong I got." Amari said with an excited expression on his face. 

"Well, you have to pass the exams first before you start saying stuff like that Amari." Kamari said in response to Amari's statement. It was true but its nothing wrong for a kid to dream. Kyson remebers the first time he took the genin exams and he didn't even really know Royalty at that point but he was there. 

"I know, I know. But I will pass it. Just you wait and watch." Amari says to the two of them. Kyson likes his enthusiasm, he wasn't really the same way since he had been in a place like Kumo.

"Keep up that enthusiasm. And if you do become genin, maybe I'll take you on a few missions. Maybe even a dangerous one if you are really ready." Kyson says to Amari.

"Ummm there will be no dangerous missions for him until he gains a lot more experience and becomes a lot stronger." Kamari said directly at Kyson. Kyson just stared at her with a straight face and spoke.

"And what are you gonna do about it..." Kyson says to Kamari. He likes joking with her and making her mad just to see how she would react. After he said that he can see a furious look in her face but at the same time it was calm and she had a smoewhat smirk on her face.

"You want me to heat you again?" She said with a innocent smile. From an average person, it would look like she wasn't serious. But from Kyson's experience, he knew how hard she hit so he wasn't going to test her. Plus he needed to get back to his training. 

"Heh, I think I'll get back to my training. I'll see you two around." Kyson says while he begins to scratch his head and begins to jog away. He doesn't want to feel another blow from Kamari, she has some weird motion that throws you off and catches you off guard. Kyson continues to jog around the village as he leaves the academy. He is now going to take a jog to the training grounds. Even though he said he wasn't going to the training grounds. Maybe he can finish off the rest of his training there. As he begins to run towards the training grounds. He feels little tiny particle pieces of sand touch his face. But for living in this village for so long, he has easily gotten used to it. 

He begins to approach the training grounds. As soon as he reaches the entrance. He decides to do something different. He is going to practice his balance. He decides to walk on a hand stand and do a few laps around the area. So he begins to do a handstand and walks around the training grounds on his two hands. He takes it really slow and takes his time around the training grounds. He begins to grow really really tired easily because he is not used to doing hand stands. After a few more steps on a hand stand, he falls forward on his stomach. But as soon as he hits the ground. He gets right back up on a hand stand and begins to give it another go. He won't stop trying until he does at least 3 laps around the training grounds. After he finished his first lap after a lot of falls. He finally is starting to learn how to do a hand stand without falling as much. He is going to makes sure this next lap is going to be less falls. So after he did his first lap, he is now doing his second lap around. Already beginning to sweat heavily, but his problem this time isn't his falling. It will be exhaustion. But thankfully, he was able to finish the second lap quickly but at the same time. It took a lot out of him.  But he won't stop until he finishes this last lap. As he continues to do a handstand, he begins to feel the strain in both of his arms. But he will still push himself. As he gets half way on completing the third lap. Kyson feels as if he is about to pass out and fall on his back again. But he refuses, so he forces his body to go on. He has now reached three-fourths around the training grounds for his last lap. 

He continues to feel the heavy strain on his body but he is about 10 feet away form completing the third lap. He still pushes his body to do these laps 10 feet to finish his training. He takes one step with is hands at a time. Slowly and slowly moving forwards. His body begins to feel its about to give up. But he still moves forward. Eventually, he completes the third lap. The moment he finshed the lap, he fell over on his stomach and laid there for a few minutes from exhaustion. After the few minutes of resting, he finally gets up slowly and calls it a day of training. He begins to exit the training grounds as he walks really slow. His body feels heavy and sweaty. He has increased his stamina greatly these few past days. He begins to head back home and take a quick nap. He might head back out for more training after or he might call it a day.

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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:23 am

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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:20 pm
As Kyson was heading back home from a hard day of training. his body was feeling severely fatigue and felt like he was about to pass out. But Kyson could feel inside that this was not enough. Even though it probably was, He always felt like he wasn't strong enough. Especially if he wants to take back Kumo one day. He knows he isn't strong enough to take down a Kage by himself. Even if he did have Royalty by his side. It was still be as if the two of them were walking towards their grave. But Kyson couldn't bare to let something like that happen. He wasn't always the type to overthink everything, but these exams felt as if this was Kyson's last chance to prove himself. To see if all of this training was for a reason or just a waste of time. He feels if he can't even pass the jounin exams. Then what chance would he ever have to take down a kage or any other shinobi with much more experience. And so he was not going to let that happen. Kyson was approaching his house, as he moved towards the crib with a sluggish walk. He decided to do one more test before he took a quick little rest.

He would unlock the door and open it slowly. And he would prepare to do another hand stand all the way up to his room. He would begin to bend down and immediately begin the hand stand. Still feeling a great amount of fatigue. But he still pushes himself to get this done. He begins to move towards the staircase at a very slow and strained speed. But after a few seconds he manages to get there. He takes the first step slowly, but this will be a lot more tougher. Even though its a greatly shorter distance than the training grounds, he is going up a ascending surface. It took him a minute or two to get up another four stairs but he built up the strength to still pull through. He is now ready to get up the remaining steps that are left. His arms feeling really stiff and tight. He doesn't know if he will be able to get pass these last few steps but what the hell. He goes up one step with his left arm and couple seconds after he brings his right arm up as well. Also keeping his body balanced so he won't fall over while he was going up. But after a few minutes of straining his arms, he finally made up to the top of the staircase.

Now it was time to make across the hallway into his room. As he was took another three steps with his hands. He felt his arms shaking faster and faster. As he was getting real closer to his room, he had just passed Royalty's room. Once he passed that, he was now on his way to his room. But after taking two more steps passed Royalty's door. Kyson instantly drops to the ground and passes out on the floor. His body was being overworked and his body just gave up. As he laid there on the floor and his arms feeling like rubber. He just lays there with his eyes closed until he falls asleep. As he laid there on the floor, he would wake up again a few hours later. When Kyson first began his training, it was early in the morning. And he trained for about three hours and passed out for about three hours. So there was still more than enough time left for some more training. 

As he finally woke up, he rolled over on his back and looked up towards the ceiling. He put both his hands on his face and began to slowly rub his eyes. When he did that, his hands felt really heavy and tight. He had already forgotten how strained they were. So it would be obvious that the next training exercise he does will not involve any training with his arms. At least nothing that would heavily focus on his arms. Kyson begins to sit up and slowly gets up from off the ground. It took a while for him to stand up but he eventually got himself to stand up. As he was standing up, he walked over towards a window to see how bright it was outside. It wasn't sunset yet but it would be very soon. He decides to head back out to do some more training. He walks back downstairs and heads out the door once again. his arms feel really heavy right now. He begins to take a walk around the village while thinking of some other training excerise he could do. As he walks through the village and seeing villagers starting to wrap things up and get off work. Kyson just continues to walk. He walks towards the training ground to see if he really feels like training there again or go somewhere else. As he approaches the training grounds, he see's someone there training alone. As he takes a closer look, he see's that it is Amari training. He must be preparing for the genin exams that are in about  a month or so. 

"Yo, Amari what's up?" Kyson said as he enters the training grounds and walks over towards Amari. Maybe he could help him with some training or something. 

"Hey Kyson. And nothing, I'm just practicing the clone technique and transformation technique." Amari said to Kyson as he was doing the three hand seals to perform the clone technique. As he sensed Amari building up his chakra he noticed that his chakra was a bit off and unbalanced. But Kyson will mention it after he does his attempt. As he see's Amari begin to perform the clone technique. He makes a clone right next to him but it came out a bit weird. It was half his size and the clone looked really tired. It was an epic fail.

"Ugh, why does it keep messing up." Amari said as he is starting to get a bit frustrated. 

"Your chakra is unbalanced right now. You have to relaxed, your too uptight. Let me give you a demonstration." Kyson says as he begins to make the ram hand seal. His arms are still heavy from the handstands but he doesn't want to make it obvious that his arms are feeling a huge amount of fatigue. He made hand seals that went from ram to snake to tiger. And he flawlessly made a clone next to him. Of course it wasn't like a shadow clone. It was more like a hologram. When Kyson performed the technique, he saw the look on Amari face and he was amazed. it wasn't the fact that Kyson performed the technique, it was more of the fact that he did it effortlessly. 

"Wow, you made it look so easy. So my only problem was that I wasn't relaxed. How do I make my chakra more balanced?" Amari asked Kyson. He was really concerned on how to learn this technique effortlessly and perform it the same way Kyson did.

"Yeah well that's the difference between a chunin and a academy student. But yeah, just relax and calm down. Take a deep breathe and stay relaxed." Kyson said to Amari. just telling him what he was doing wrong and he has to be relaxed when performing jutsu such as this one. With techniques easy as these, it can sometime be the mental part that can really mess you up. 

"Alright, I'm going to give it another go. Okay... relax and stay calm.. relax.. and stay calm." Amari said to himself. He was definietly a lot more relaxed this time. And he didn't seem nearly as uptight as before. Maybe he could perform it this time. Amari begins to make the ram hand seal and starts to build up his chakra. Then he slowly makes the snake hand seal and then the tiger hand seal. He then made a clone that formed right next to him. He still messed up somewhere along the way but he made great progess. It was definitely a way better clone than the first one he made. thsi clone wasn't an exac replica of Amari

"Aghhhh, I almost had it. What was wrong that time?" Amari said with a sign of frustration in his voice and tone. He was definitely relaxed and a lot more calm this time. But He focused so much on trying to stay calm and relax. He forgot to build up the amount of chakra needed to complete the technique. 

"You were so focused on trying to stay calm and relaxed you forgot to build up the chakra needed to finish the jutsu. Give it another try, but this time relax and build up the chakra needed to complete the technique." Kyson says as he explains to him how he messed up this technique. Now, Kyson awaits for him to give it another try. 

"Alright, I'll definitely get it this time." Amari says as he begins to give it another try.  He makes the the ram hand seal followed by the snake and then tiger. As he remained relaxed just like last time. He was now building up chakra needed to knock this jutsu out. Alright, now he had the amount of chakra needed to perform the jutsu. As he formed the clone. Kyson eyebrows perked up a bit as the clone was made effortlessly. It was an exact replica of Amari, it seems he finally did it perfect for the first time. This should definitely put him ahead of most of his classmates. 

"Good work, it seems you got it down packed now. Now it should be easy for you to do the transformation technique. Its somewhat the same process, stay relax and calm. Build the amount of chakra needed and you should be good." Kyson said to Amari. Telling him that he needs do the same thing he did with the last jutsu. It should be a piece of cake since he kind of got the hang of it now. 

"Alright, here it goes." Amari said as he made dog hand seal to boar and finally to ram. Amari was still calm and relaxed like he was before. Only thing left to do now is to do now is to build up the amount of chakra needed to complete the transformation. Kyson could sense he used the right amount of chakra needed to complete the jutsu. Now lets see if he can knock this jutsu out as well. Amari poofed into a cloud of smoke and transformed. As the smoke began to clear up, Kyson looked at what he transformed into. And he saw that he transformed into Kyson. He looked exactly how Kyson looked like. He had completed the transformation technique and did it on his first try. 

"HA! I did it on my first try!" Amari said with great excitement. Kyson was proud to see him do it on his first try. Maybe after he passes the exams, Kyson can take him on a low rank mission. It would be great practice and also a great experience for him. 

"Good job Amari, looks like the genin exams should be a piece of cake for you now. But you still need to practice. Performing it once isn't enough. You need to be able to perform the jutsu any time effortlessly." Kyson said to Amari. He needs to know this technique and be able to perform it like its nothing. He shouldn't aim to just pass the exams. But to ace it.

"I know. And thanks for helping me out. I'm getting ready to head back home though. Oh yeah... good luck on the jounin exams." Amari said to Kyson as he was running out of the training grounds. Kyson would put one arm in the air and wave back to Amari. He would then turn back around and head back home. He didn't get the exact training he wanted to do today. But he probably wouldn't be able to do much with his strained arms. But at least he got a little training in while helping out Amari with his jutsu. Kyson is always willing to help out a fellow ninja even though Amari isn't technically a shinobi yet.
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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:42 am
Another day, after long days of training. Getting ready for exams but at the same time, waiting for his results from the test. Still hasn't got his results back yet from Lord Kazekage but he thinks he did fairly well. Hopefully Royalty did well too. Kyson wakes up to the same alarm. His arms aren't that sore anymore from the training. So now he won't strain himself while he is doing hand seals or anything that has to do with his hands. Kyson thought about changing his daily training schedule to afternoons where the Suna is a lot cooler. He was always used to waking up early in Kumo for training, so he was already used to his early training schedule. Kyson stays in his bed for while, he still feels a slight strain in his arms. He has never really done training that physical. Someone like Royalty would most likely be able to do that training flawlessly. He was always a physically stronger than Kyson. He really should meet up with Royalty on of these days, maybe get some training in today. With his mind on the exams, the only thing that's been on his mind is training. He feels that he needs a lot more work to do even though he is known to be stronger than most chunin. 

He finally gets up out of bed after reminiscing about things he does or should have done. After he gets up out of bed, he goes into the bathroom and begins to brush his teeth. After he brushes his teeth, he takes a shower. After the shower, he begins to go eat breakfast which consists of toast and a glass of water. After breakfast, he goes to his bag and makes sure he has everything for his training today. He is about to head back for the training grounds. He decided today that he will summon some clones and work on some techniques he already knows just to freshin' up a bit. And get back into the swing of things. there are a lot of techniques he hasn't used in a while. He can't get rusty, at least not in a time like this.
Kyson finally leaves out of the house and begins to head towards the training grounds. Kyson went on an A-Rank mission a couple days ago with his squad. He wonders what they are up to now. It was different being in charge of a squad. It felt as if he had a huge responsibility while he was on that mission. Someone definitely could've died and it would have been on Kyson's hand. But luckily his squad has a lot of talent and knows how to work as a team. He would like to go on another one if there is one available. But with these exams, it has been his main focus for the last couple of day. But being leader of a squad changes the way one thinks. You start to learn how to look out for others and plan things differently. He feels that would be the best way for him to become a successful shinobi. But with him and Royalty fighting together, nothing could stop them. The chemistry between them is perfect and in sync. They always fought together and fought with the same mindset. 
Kyson is now approaching the training grounds and prepared for his training. He wondered what jutsu he was going to work on today. He hasn't learn much techniques lately, but he is just focusing on stamina at this point and some fine tuning. Kyson decided to work on his rasengan technique first. But he wants to summon clones to help him with it.  He made the clone hand seal and summoned two clones. But Kyson thought of a better idea. Each clone will be practicing something different. Kyson will focus on his rasengan while the other two focus on something different. But the real Kyson will be focusing on rasengan.

Kyson put one arm out with his palm open focused his chakra on the palm of his hand. Kyson is concentrating he focuses his on the palm of his hand. He felt his chakra building up really fast. He can feel it growing within his hand as the power of the jutsu is getting stronger and stronger. 

Meanwhile... The first clone was going to work on swamp of the underworld. He made the boar and ram hand seal. And made 10 meters of the ground turn into mud in front of him. The swamp would begin to form 3 meters wide. It seems the rust was beginning to show. The clone had to make this technique 25 meters just like the first time Kyson first learned it.  Its ironic Kyson doesn't have much earth style jutsu. But his most powerful jutsu happens to be a earth technique. You would think it be a water jutsu. Especially since he is a Hozuki. The swamp began to grow faster and faster every second. And it was now 10 meters wide. It shouldn't take him long to perform this technique. Kyson is still continuing to concentrate on his chakra to form the rasengan. He has it formed in his palm already but he wants to make it stronger and more powerful. He can feel his fatigue really starting to kick in a little. As Kyson's chakra was building up more and more, he was adding more chakra to the rasengan. Same goes for the Clone adding more and more chakra to the swamp. Trying to reach the same goal as last time. A few moments later he finally reached the 25 meter goal. But the clone wasn't going to stop there either. He was going to surpass the 25 meter mark. The clone continued to add more chakra, the swamp began to get deeper and wider. The clone felt the swamp rapidly growing as he added a boat load of chakra to it. Finally reaching 30 meters with the swamp becoming deeper and deeper. The clone got where he wanted and was satisfied with the results of the jutsu that was formed. Hasn't been too long since Kyson had a work out like this. But it sure feels good to get back in the roll of things.

The third clone was going to work on a jutsu. But the clone decided to do some physical training instead. The clone was preparing himself for some more difficult physical training. Even more physical than his last one. While Kyson and his other clone were controlling each others chakra, this clone was going to work on some taijutsu type training. But not really a taijutsu type technique just some hand to hand training. The clone began to approach a cement wall. The clone headed over towards the rock as the sun was blazing hard onto him. There was a wall with multiple rocks next to it. Kyson were going to use those rocks and that wall for a little harsh training. He was going to punch and kick the wall a numerous number of times And then throw some rocks to increase his strength up a bit. Trying to improve his muscles and abs a bit. Its a good idea for his stamina training. To strengthen his punches and stamina. After he finish punching the wall. He will begin throwing the rocks over and over again. He would then have to choose a rock that was larger than the last one that he had previously thrown.  This was going to be some harsh training. not only that, but suna's weather makes things very intense and more exhausting. Which help the training and making it hard as hell.

As the clone was ready to begin this intense physical training. He balled up his face in front of his face and was now ready to punch the concrete wall. He would begin to punch them hard and quick. And he would put some chakra behind his punches to make them a little more powerful. One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, five punches, six punches, seven punches, eight punches, nine punches, ten punches. The clone punched at the concrete wall as it was slowly making a slight dent. He was throwing his punches with a lot of force while alternating his fists. He was not focusing on taking it easy on the first round. He went all out straight from the jump. This was him preparing to be a jounin. Which would allow him to be a lot more involved with the village. But he had no time to think about the future, now he has to think about the present and that was his training. Now it was time for the clone to start kicking the rock ten times right after he finished punching it. He started immediately after punching the wall. And it begun... One kick, two kicks, three kicks, four kicks, five kicks, six kicks, seven kicks, eight kicks, nine kicks, ten kicks. After delivering ten kicks,  the clone went to go find a good sized rock as fast as he could, So he could throw it as fast and hard as he could. Sweat began to drip heavily on the clones arms. But he refuses to let that stop him. Right after the clone threw the rock, it was time for him to repeat the same steps except this time, he has to find a bigger rock. Now it was time to repeat the same thing. One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, five punches, six punches, seven punches, eight punches, nine punches, ten punches. The clone was starting to feel some pain and fatigue after punching the cement wall. The wall had a lot of dents in it after the excessive punching. He now moves on to the kicks. One kick, two kicks, three kicks, four kicks, five kicks, six kicks, seven kicks, eight kicks, nine kicks, ten kicks. And then picks up the heaviest rock he see's and throws that one as far as he can. The rock was thrown about 5 meters. After the rock was thrown, the clone thought that was enough.

"Hey guys, I think I'm done for now." The thrid clone said asw he finished some real intense training. He begins to walk over to Kyson and the second clone as he moves throw the sand. When he finally reached the other two he dispelled immediately. Kyson looked over at the second clone and nodded. Giving it the go ahead to dispel as well. But Kyson was not going to stop his training there. He was going to continue it. Without using any hand seals Kyson begins to use his shirkueji technique. Which is one of his most useful techniques. He was just making sure he knew how to perform it correctly since its been a while since he used it. Kyson begins to get on one knee and then lays on his back in the sand. And activates his hydration technique so he can cool his body down tremendously. He lays down in the middle of the training grounds. resting up a bit for another go of training. But he still is trying to think of something else to do. He can feel his endurance and stamina increasing after these couple days of intense training.

He wants to do more physcial training since he feels his chakra based jutsu's are still fine as always. But he still wants to get some more intense training in. As he sits there laying in the sand. He begins to just clear his mind for a bit and start thinking on his next tasks. he might just go on another jog around the village to see if he can think of something else. He begins to sit up and heads towards the exit of the training grounds. He starts wiping the sand from his clothing. As he keeps a consistent pace, he starts jogging out of the training grounds.
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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:11 pm
As Kyson continues to jog around Suna. He can feel his fatigue starting to kick in again. But not as bad as usual, since he has been doing some harsh training the past few days. Right now he feels great, he can really feel his stamina building up. This would allow him to be able to use a lot of high ranking jutsu without getting tired so easily. He hasn't even done any physical training like this even back at Kumo. Especially since Kumo had way better weather than Suna. But Suna's weather makes training physically more intense and difficult. As Kyson was still jogging, he looked around at all of the civilians as they were all doing their daily chores and jobs. 

Kyson decides to head back to the training grounds and work on his chakra control again. But this time, he'll do it by himself instead of with clones. He doesn't have an idea of what to do this time, but like always he will figure out something. As he was heading back towards the training grounds he decided to pick up the pace a bit. He went from jogging that quickly turned into running. Because he was running, he reached back to the training grounds in no time. As he approached the training grounds, he took off his trench coat as his body temperature was beginning to increase from this training and harsh weather. Throwing it on top of a bench while he was just wearing a plan ole white tee. He began to stretch his arms and legs out before he did anything else. He wouldn't want to pull anything in the process of his training.

But Kyson had forgotten about that technique he was working on. That one fuinjutsu that focuses on an enemy's five senses. Kyson hasn't really finished the technique, but maybe this would be the best time for him to get back on that. He took a deep breathe as he made the clone hand seal to summon a shadow clone. He did say he wasn't going to train with shadow clones. But things changed. He summoned a shadow clone to the right of him to use as a test dummy for his fuinjutsu seal. Kyson made the necessary hand seals for the seal and placed it on the clone. He would then wait to see if the clone was feeling anything wrong with his body.

"You feel anything strange going on?" Kyson would ask his clone. Hopefully he would feel a disturbance with at least one of his senses. But the technique is suppose to disturb all five senses. But not all at once, just one at a time. Kyson would wait to hear the clone's answer about him feeling any changes to any of his senses.

"Well, not really. I think I feel a little something. Been its not really strong enough for me to notice it." the clone informed Kyson. Kyson sighed a bit. But he wasn't too surprised. he knew that he wasn't going to get it on the first try. Its a really difficult technique to do when you don't know anything about medical ninjutsu and how to affect ones senses. Maybe if Royalty knew fuinjutsu, he would have no problem learning this technique because of his knowledge with how the body works. Plus he has worked in hospitals with his mom and even in Suna. So he definitely has a good amount of knowledge about how it works. Maybe Kyson could ask him for help but he is probably busy. And might be getting prepared for the exams himself. So Kyson is going to have to do this on his own.

Kyson begins to think of a way to perform this jutsu even though he is lacking medical knowledge. Kyson doesn't know how he is going to do this, he is in a bit of a jam right now. Then he starts to think. The same exact way he used shirukeji. Should be the same exact way this jutsu should be performed. But its going to be a lot difficult because this will take a lot more chakra and concentration. So he begins to try it again. He makes the five hand seals that are needed to complete this jutsu. As he made the last hand seal, he waited for a moment as he began to concentrate and build up more chakra. But also build up the same energy he uses on shirukeji. An energy that can disturb ones chakra. But he will have to use this seal to disturb ones senses instead of chakra. As he built up a large amount of chakra and that same energy, he place another seal on the clone to see if it works this time. the jutsu would most likely not be successful but it should be a better attempt than his last one. As Kyson placed the seal and activated it, he waited to see how the clone would react.

"How about that?" Kyson said to the clone. The clone looked at Kyson weird as if he didn't hear what Kyson had said. The clone looked clueless.

"Hey, do you feel anything?" Kyson said once again to his clone. Then the clone began to grab his hears as if they felt really weird. Kyson was curious as to what was going on.

"I-I, I can't hear anything." the clone said while feeling a bit of pain in his ears. Then the clone suddenly dispelled. It seemed that Kyson was getting somewhere. Though he had a long  way to go before he disturbs the other four senses. 

"I guess I got the first part done." Kyson said as he sat on one knee. Even though that first part was completed. That still took a lot out of him. This technique is going to take a lot of time to learn. And even much more time to perfect. Though Kyson doesn't plan on using this technique in the exams. It would still be a useful technique to capture someone and bring them back to the village. It wouldn't really restrain them. But they would be definitely a lot weaker and handicapped.

(TWC since last approved: 5104 words)

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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Sat Jun 18, 2016 12:36 am
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Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:25 pm
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Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:01 am

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