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Fine Tuning (p, nk, io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fine Tuning (p, nk, io)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:10 am
As Kyson woke up out of bed. He was getting ready for another day of training. He's been a little bust lately. All he had been focusing on is getting stronger and stronger. Every little thing he needs to work on will be trained and worked out. He has done a lot of conditioning and getting his stamina up. His stamina and endurance has grown quite a bit. He can tell he is able to last a lit longer in battle then he could a few weeks ago. But he still has ways to go before he is satisfied. As Kyson got out of bed and began to walk over to the bath room. He began to brush his teeth and take a shower. As he finished up in the bathroom, he put his normal attire on. He made sure he had all of his equipment and anything that would be helpful in his training. As he left his room, he wondered if Royalty woke up yet or if he is still even home. But he continued walking and didn't bother to wake him if he was. As Kyson headed downstairs, he headed out the front door and began to head out towards the training grounds. As Kyson was walking through the village, he noticed a voice call him out.

"Hey Kyson, what's up," The voice said towards Kyson. He looked back to see who the person was. As he looked back, he saw little Amari waving his hand towards Kyson. Kyson began to walk towards the young academy student. He wondered where his sister was, guess she wasn't around at the moment.

"What are you doing here Amari? Your up a little early." Kyson said to the kid as he was walking towards him. 

"I'm on my way to school. I should be asking what are you doing here. But then again, your probably training and getting ready for the Jounin exams. Am i right." Amari said to Kyson. Of course the boy was right because that's all he ever see Kyson do when he approaches him. But the kid was right on, everything he said was true.

"Yeah, you guessed right. I'm on my way towards the training grounds right now. To train hard and nearly kill myself." Kyson would say in a jokingly way. He always ends up over doing it even though he keeps telling himself not to. But things happen and he never listens to himself since he is always into his training. Eventually he will learn to take care of his body more instead of over woeking it all time. But then again.. maybe not.

"Ha I knew it. Your always training and training and training. Can I ask you something, is there a reason your training so hard? Becasue it can't be because of the exams. You were always pushing yourself even before then. So why is it that you always push yourself everyday when there is no threat happening." Amari would say to Kyson. As Kyson was listening to him speak. He asked a very good question. Why was Kyson trying to get stronger. Its a question that's been asked to him a good amount of time in his life. But to be honest.. he doesn't even have the answer to that question.

"Well, to tell you the truth. I don't have the full answer to that yet. I'm still trying to figure that out myself. But one thing I do know is, I'm want to be able to protect the village. It be too late to start training if a threat was happening in the village. So if something were to happen to the village, I'll make sure I'll be more than ready to stop it. Hopefully, no huge threat will approach the village and everything will be the same though." Kyson would say to Amari. He wasn't trying to talk or scare the kid in any way possible. He was just telling him, his purpose of getting stronger was to protect the village. At least that all he had for now. There is more to it, but he will have to figure that out later on.

"Well in that case, keep getting stronger and stronger ha ha. And don't even think about slacking off because of you do, I'll surpass you before your know it. But anyway, I'm heading off now. See ya Kyson." Amari said to Kyson was he was walking away. Kyson smiled a little when Amari mentioned surpassing him. He has a long way before he surpasses Kyson. Especially when Kyson us trying to take the Jounin exams and he's getting ready for the genin exams. But he can't wait to see how much Amari will grow in the mere future. 

"Surpass me huh? Heh, you better become a genin and pass the exams  before you do something like that." Kyson would say with a slight chuckle. He admired Amari's sense of humor. Kyson would wave back slightly as he continued to head towards the training grounds. Now it was time for him to get to the real thing. As he was heading for the training grounds, he would take a quick jog there. That will be his little warm up before he started his actual training. But today for Kyson's training, he will focus on learning the little thing before and a basic jutsu. Something that's small but also useful. As he approaches the training grounds and heads towards the middle. He would begin to do a light stretch on his arms and legs before he gets started. Kyson wondered what he was going to learn next. He began to think but nothing came to mind. But then he had a crazy idea, what if there as some type of way to control gravity of some sort. But how would he do it? Maybe he can use his chakra to make like some type of energy that can control gravity of some sort. Kyson knows he wouldn't be ale to do something big since he has no knowledge of how to do it. But maybe he could figure it out on his own. But then Kyson figured out what he could do for a quick practice. Maybe create some sort of chakra that can pull someone using gravity. It sounded so cool to Kyson and he wanted to keep his idea going so bad, so that is exactly what he did. He began to focus his chakra on the area around him. But he still was unaware of what he was trying to do. As he sat down on the soft sand and began to meditate a bit. Kyson began to try and use his chakra to feel the air and force around him. Maybe that is the way to control it.

As he continued to sit down and feel the energy around him with his chakra. He can't tell if he is doing anything right or not. But he can definitely feel his chakra link to things around him. But he wasn't sure if that was in the right direction or not. As he continued to meditate and feel around with his chakra. He began to feel vibrations on the sand. He could hear it moving a little as his chakra was beginning to flow around it. Kyson is not sure if this is the right direction. But whatever direction he is in right now, he is going to continue to follow it. He remained still as he focused his chakra. But what he tried to do, was to imagine his chakra was like some sort of glue. And he basically was planning on using his chakra to stick to any forces near him and trying to bring it towards him. Or any direction he wanted for that matter. As he continued to control his chakra, he tried moving it to see if the he could move the sand without touching. Though he could already move the sand with his chakra. But he wants to be able to control it however he pleased. And see what he could do with this chakra.

He first started off by letting the sand come towards him. That will be his first objective before he does anything else. He focused the chakra on the sand around him and gently tried to move it towards him. He didn't want to do it too fast nor too slow. He figured it had to be just right. but due to his chakra control and high amounts of it. That part should not be hard to do. As he uses this force to bring that sand around him closer to him. He can feel it coming towards him slowly. But Kyson had a different idea, why not make some sort of projectile that can be used as a magnet and bring things closer to it. That would be possibly a lot more easier. But then suddenly Kyson had lost control over the area around him and the sand began to stop moving. It seemed Kyson lost a bit of control over it and had to start all over again. Ksy on began to do the same steps again and focus his chakra on the forces around him. He felt the sand slowly coming towards him as he used his chakra to accomplish the task. He tried to pick pick up the paste a bit but he could feel his chakra going out of control. Its not that he has not control over his chakra but the fact he has never used his chakra like this. So its a bit new to him and might take a while to figure out. But he knows it shouldn't be long until he figures this out.

He continues to keep trying and trying until he can get a better control over it. As he focused more and more chakra around him. He made sure it wasn't rushed or too slow but just right. He would then be able to control it a but more easier now. The sand was coming towards Kyson at a pretty descent rate and began to slowly pile up around him. But he would stop the sand before it would pile up too high. But now that he had got that part figured out. He now wants to create some sort of projectile to make that can bring things towards it using gravity. He thought about what projectile would be good for the technique. What would be a good idea to pull things in all directions. A disk would make more sense since its round in all directions. So that would make the most sense to use. So Kyson would have to create some type of chakra disk that can pull things in a certain direction.

As he made the tiger hand seal nad tried to create a small disk to use as a projectile for the technique. He saw the disk forming in front of him and being as high as eye level. The disk started off about a few inches but started growing bigger and bigger each second. What started off as being about 5 inches, turned into 2 feet. As he added more and more chakra to it, the 2 foot disk became 4 feet long. So he got that part down, now it was time for him to use that disk and add that same chakra he used to pull the sand towards him. And focus it on the disk. It would be a blueish disk floating in front of him that was 4 feet long. As he transferred the same chakra to it, he looked to see if it was working. Look to see if any of the sand was going towars the disk. Kyson wasn't seeing anything happening at the moment. So it was time to add more chakra to it and see what happens. But again, he can't add too much or it will go out of control. So he added little by little to see what would happen. As he was adding little by little to the chakra disk. He could see the sand beginning to go towards the disk. It was a really unique technique. It was like Kyson had some sort of control of gravity of some sort. But it wasn't that simple, but he didn't know how to explain it. But he decided to just leave it off right there. He has other things to focus on now. As he dispelled that technique, it was time to think of another technique discover. 

That is what he dedicated this entire training session to. Discover easy techniques that can be useful. He has a lot of strong techniques already. But learning easy simple ones can create a foundation of finding new ones and so on. So even though it doesn't take long to learn. It can still be useful to combine lower techniques to create new ones. Since Kyson basiclaly got the first one down packed. He decides to work on a weapon style technique. He thought about a wind technique to use with a weapon. So he slash his weapon and create a force that travels. Similar to his blade of wind but different. This time, it'll come from his weapon instead of his hands. As Kyson began to pull out a kunai. It was the only weapon that was really capable of slashing that he had on him. He thought about getting a sword but maybe he'll buy himself one if he passes the jounin exams. As Kyson reached inside his weapon pouch and pulled out a kunai. he began to hold it with his left hand as he took a couple practice slashes. Kyson never really uses his chakra infusion. He doesn't know why. He is just not really a weapon style person. He's more of a person who specializes in chakra based attacks.

As Kyson began to infuse his chakra inside of his kunai. He saw a blue aura coming from the tip of the kunai as he was holding it. Making the kunai have a bit more reach and more sharpness to it. As he was holding it, he thought about adding wind chakra to it to make it a long distance attack. Or maybe a mid range distance. But then Kyson began to think. Instead of making a slash attack that can hit an opponent. Why not use his wind element to make a smaller projectile bigger. For example, he could throw a Kunai and make the range of its sharpness bigger. So it could cover a bigger range. So Kyson put his kunai back in his weapon pouch and began to take out a shuriken. As he was taking out one shuriken, he began to walk over to a wooden dummy to practice on. He stood about 5 meters away from the wooden dummy, he didn't want to stand too far away from it. His main focus was trying to see how the shuriken could react to a wind element added to it. Kyson's guess was that it should leave a bigger and deeper cut inside the wooden dummy. But then Kyson began to think, why not use this wind element and add it to not just weapons, but his body too. So many idea were coming to Kyson, he wanted to do everything at once. But there was definitely a way for him to do that. As he made the shadow clone hand seal, he summoned two shadow clones that appeared right next to him. 

"Alright guys, we are each going to work on the same technique but at the same time we will be working on the same technique but using different methods." Kyson would say to the clone. He doesn't know why he tells his clones this when they are technically him and knew what he wanted to do before he summoned them. But whatever, he still went on with it.

"Got it, so which methods are each of us doing." Clone number one said to Kyson. Kyson already had it figured it out. He would work on the kunai. Clone number one is going to work on a shuriken. And the last clone is going to work on his hands and adding wind to his body. So each them will be learning different methods and at the end of the day. Kyson should know how to do each of them easily. Since his clones are apart of him and they share the same informatiom.

"Its going to go like this. I'm going to practice on infusing wind chakra in a kunai. Clone number one is going to focus on infusing wind chakra in a shuriken. And the last clone is going to work on infusing wind chakra into his fingers or something... doesn't really matter. The point is we are all working on different methods." Kyson would say to the clones as he tells them what they will be doing for todays training session. He walks over towards a wooden dummy as the other two should be oing what they are told.

Kyson is now standing 5 meters from the wooden dummy. He begins to hold his kunai and infuses chakra into it. He can feel the kunai getting stronger as he see's the blue aura form. As he holds the kunai and is getting prepard to throw it. He tries to add a little more chakra to it to make it more powerful. He is now ready to throw it. He cocks his left hand back and throws his kunai at the chest of the wooden dummy. The kunai pierced the wooden the dummy deep. But it wasn't as deep as he wanted it to be. He walks over to the dummy and pick back up his kunai as he is ready to give it another try. He now wants to add more chakra to it. As he begins to infuse more chakra into it and more of his wind chakra. He is now ready to give it another go. It shouldn't take him this long to get this technique down packed, sincei it is a really simple technique. But he wants to perfect it and on top of that he is a perfectionist. So he can't help but do it right and make sure its perfect and nothing else. As he is getting ready to cock back his arm and prepare for the throw. He takes his time and begins to do the throw. He throws the kunai at the wooden dummy as hard as he can. The kunai was traveling at a high speed and picered almost through the chest of the wooden dummy. It was a really strong attack from the weapon as the kunai hit the dummy. It can definitelty be the foundation of stronger attacks. Now it was time to see what the other clones were doing.

Clone number one began to begin his training for his next method. Which was macking sure his shuriken would increase its range as he threw it. Not really the range but sort of making the blades increase its size and increasing the blades range. As he begins to infuse chakra and the wind element inside of the shuriken. He takes his time and builds it up until it is just right. He then cocks back his arm as he is getting ready for the throw on his wooden dummy. As he is now ready to throw the shuriken, he flicks it with his left arm and throws it towards the wooden dummy's stomach. As the shuriken was traveling at high speeds towards the wooden dummy. Wind blades were beginning to form around the shuriken. There is a second delay after the clone throws the shuriken because he wouldn't want the blades to cut him as begins to throw the shuriken at the dummy. So what he does is make sure they form a second after it is thrown. As the shuriken is coming towards the wooden clone, it leaves a deep cut that could be fatal to most enemies. It seemed that part of the training excercise was complete sooner than expected. But it was not really any surprise. The technique they are trying to learn is a pretty simple technique, so it shouldn't take someone like Kyson to learn it. Now as for the last clone, he was focusing on using the wind chakra to flow through his hands. But not like the jutsu blade of wind. Its not going to be used as a projectile but like a melee weapon.

As the clone was standing directly in front of another wooden dummy. He reached his hands out and began to flow chakra through his hands. Trying to add sharp wind blades to his hand and making them capabale of cutting someone fairly deep. They aren't too deep at first but Kyson can double its chakra to make the blades more sharp and durable. This definitely wouldn't take a long time because Kyson already has techniques simple to this one. So it didn't take long for him to catch on to this one. It seemed everyone has completed their task and was now down their share of training. As Kyson and the clones all started to walk towards each other after completing their own training session. As the yall met in the center of the training grounds, Kyson would speak.

"So you guys finished your part?" Kyson would ask the clones to see what their response would be. If they were to finish, they would dispel and give all the informtaion they learned about the technique and transfer it to Kyson.

"Yup, it was fairly easy to do. Didn't really take long." Clone number two said in response to Kyson. Kyson would nod to acknowledge the clone and telling him good job. As they were all completed their task, they would dispel immediately. Kyson now had all the information that they had gathered on the new technique. Kyson could have easily done it all on his own, but he thought it would be more easy if they just did it seperately. And it would save more time. As he was done his training session for the day, he was now ready to go home and take a little rest. Every day, little by little he is trying to learn something new that could be useful. 

Kyson would begin to leave the training grounds. His job here was just about done and he would be right back at it tomorrow. Kyson has learned two techniques today. And he wanted to learn more but it was no point of rushing it and pushing himself before the exams. So he just did it little by little so he could not do anything risky or life threatening to his body. He is now ready to head back home to get a little rest. He might end up training again later on in the night. 

Kyson has noticded that he has had a lot of free time lately. He has not been called for any missions lately. They must be avoiding to call him in since he is in the exams. Knowing Koroshi, they wouldn't want anything happen to people participating in the exams. As Kyson finally reached his home, he was beginning to head upstairs into his room. As he entered his room, he would lay on his bed and just think about his training. He is usually used to doing hardcore training and trying to get his stamina up. But he thinks this method would be a little efficient since he is actually learning and at the same time, he is increasing his endurance while doing so. So its more of a win win, instead of a single win. So he most likely will be doing this type of training for now on, or at least until the exams are finished up.

As Kyson wakes for his next day of training, he is always trying to get a lot stronger. He has been training endlessly ever since these exams have started. He was so used training a bunch of difficult jutsu. But he doesn't feel the need for that anymore. Well not anymore but not for a while. He learned two easy techniques yesterday. He even met little Amari on his way there. He probably won't see him again today, since last time was more of a coincidence. Kyson began to think about his days back in Kumo.. the gold ole days. Which weren't really good ole days but they had a few good times. Where he first met Royalty and his family. Back then, Kyson was just learning how to become a shinobi. Well, he was still learning how to be a shinobi. On top of that, he was getting help from Royalty's father. And he always pushed Kyson and make sure he was always giving it his all. Back then he always had a reason to train everyday and was pushed to get stronger. While Royalty's father was pushing him to get stronger, Royalty was getting help from his uncle, which was his fathers brother of course. Yesterday, was teaching himself a technique that allowed him to control gravity in some sort. And another one that allowed him to make weapons stronger and more deadly by adding his wind element to it. Some of the jutsu he learned yesterday were similar to ones he already had. But they were slight different to ones he already knew. And because they were quite similar, it didn't take him too long for him to learn how to do them. 

As Kyson finally got out of bed, he was now ready for another day of training. He's trying to learn different things everyday instead of the same thing. He wants to make his fighting styles more diverse do he can use them in different situations. He headed towards his bathroom and began to do his daily routine. Brushing his teeth and taking a shower. after that, he would make sure he has all of his equipment. Because he never knows if he will be using them like yesterday. He was not planning on using them yesterday but it just happened. So that's why he would be bringing them again today. He would put on his normal attire and begin to leave his room. As he went down stairs, he would leave through the front door and be on his way to the training grounds.

As Kyson began to leave the house, it keeps coming to his mind that he should go speak to Royalty. They live with each other and still never have the time to see each other. He usually his busy with Aori and doing things with her. Maybe getting his own little training session done. But who knows, he barely see's the guy and his room his right next to his room. Maybe one of these days they could do something together in this village or maybe train each other.  Just like the good old times. Its been a while since the two of them began to train together. They only trained each other a few times in Suna. But they have gone on a lot of missions together. He still remembers when Kyson taught Royalty the water element and he taught Kyson the earth element. That was still around the time they first met. That was a good day for the two of them, that made them a lot closer and they were always growing with each other since then.

 As Kyson was heading towards the training grounds, he began to think what he was going to do today for training. Should he get his clones involved this time like he did yesterday? Should he focus on non elemental or elemental techniques. Or maybe split them like he did yesterday. Kyson did not know what he wanted to do but of course he will figure out something. He really wants to learn more about that gravitational chakra that he discovered, he wants to build off of that but he has other things to worry about. Kyson is tired of doing the same ole ninjutsu stuff all the time. So he tries to make it more fun on himself by branching out to other specialties. He begins to wonder what specialty and element technique should he learn this time. The only bad thing about learning a specialty is that he would have to start with the basics before he can improve to learn other powerful techniques. And he doesn't have the time for that. Kyson thinks he might learn a wind another wind technique but then he begins to think. Not too long ago he learned how to use medical ninjutsu. Maybe he could make another creative way to use that specialty. He has seen how Royalty was able to use his medical and how he can effect ones body. being around Royalty has gave Kyson a lot of ideas and seeing what he could do with that specialty.

Kyson is now beginning  to approach the training grounds once again. As the sand is blowing in his face and on his clothes. He begins to wipe down the sand off his body as he walks through the hot weather. He does not see any people at the training grounds. Maybe people don't like coming out on early mornings. Some people are busy during this time of day. Or maybe all the missions have been giving to squads instead of the people in the exams. Kyson is in a squad, but now he is focused on the exams for now while they can train together by themsleves for a while. they've all known each other so it shouldn't  be hard to do.

 As he enters the training grounds, he now begins to stretch out his arms and legs as he gets ready for his routine training. Since he decided he was going to learn a medical ninjutsu technique, he had to think about what it was going to be like and what will it be. A long distance technique, a mid range, or a short range? He thought about using medical to heal someone. But he thought that was too boring. He wanted something a bit more creative than that. Then he thought.. what  about trying to absorb chakra from someone using medical ninjutsu. Just like his hands can glow teal to heal someone. He can use that same chakra to absorb someone else chakra and transfer it to himself. That would be very useful and something that should be easy to do. So now that he knows what he is going to do. It is now time to execute the job. So Kyson begins to take a seat on the soft sand and reaches his hand out as he uses medical ninjnutsu. His hands begin to turn teal. But that was used for healing wounds and this chakra needs to be used to absorb. As he continues to build up the medical ninjutsu chakra in his hands, he tries to add a more absorption energy to it. Something similar to his five element seal technique, but it is not really used to seal up chakra, but absorb it. So it shouldn't be that hard since he has done something some what similar to what he is trying to do.

As Kyson is training, ge begins to make the clone hand seal and summon a shadow clone in front of him. He wants to have a testing subject to see if his new technique can work the way it is now. He has a feeling that it is not going to work, but it he thinks it will put him in the right direction to learn it. As the clone formed right in front of him, Kyson was ready to give him directions. 

"Alright, I just want to test a jutsu on you. I'm basically using the medical chakra to see if I can absorb your chakra and make it my own." Kyson would say to the clone. But then the clone looked a bit confused. How would that even work.

"Uhh, how would that work if we share the same chakra." The clone said to Kyson. Kyson was not even thinking about that, but it made perfect sense. Why the hell didn't he think of that before. How dumb could he be to try and steal chakra from himself. Well how else was he going to try this technique out. As Kyson dispelled the clone, he was a shinobi walking past the training grounds. Kyson decided that he should ask him if he can test it out. This jutsu isn't really painful, it just absorbs a small amount of chakra. Nothing to make him pass out or anything. 

"Hey, can you help me out real quick." Kyson would say to the shinobi walking by the training grounds. The person would acknowledge Kyson and begin to head towards the entrance of the training grounds. he would then proceed to head towards Kyson. 

"What do you need help with?" The shinobi would say to Kyson.

"I am testing out a jutsu and I need someone to test it on. Don't worry it is not painful. It is just used to absorb a small amount of chakra. I just want to see if I am in the right direction." Kyson would say to the shinobi. He was hoping the guy would say yes because he really want to finish training this jutsu so he can get it out the way.

"That's fine, as long as it is not anything painful. Then I assume it shouldn't take long." The shinobi would say to Kyson. This shouldn't take a long time since Kyson had amazing chakra control. And he wasn't adding a lot of chakra into the technique, so it shouldn't take long at all.

"Alright, thank you. And I promise it will not take that long." Kyson would say as he is now prepared to test out a technique on the guy. As Kyson reaches hs hands out and begins to build up chakra in his hands. His hands begin to turn a tealish blue as he control chakra with his two hands. Kyson would then attempt to touch the shinobi to see if it worked. As Kyson put his hands on the shinobi's shoulder, he looked to see if he feels anything different about his chakra.

"You feel anything?" Kyson would ask the shinobi. the guy would pause for a moment and look a bit undecided.

"Ehh, I Kind of do. But nothing to really make a huge difference. Well how can i put it... I probably lost barely one percent of my chakra." The shinobi said to Kyson. Kyson knew he was telling the truth since he barely absorbed any chakra. He barely felt any chakra being transferred to him. Kyson would now nod his head and be ready to give it another go. But this time, he is going to add more chakra and see if that would work. As he begins to build up even more chakra so he could use it to absorb this shinobi's chakra. He begins to try and touch the shinobi in his shoulders again. As he has his left hand on his should. Kyson would look at him to see if there was any difference. But then he started to feel a lot more chakra being absorbed.

"Okay... hold up.. no I feel it. Woah, that is a good amount of chakra you are taking away." The shinobi would say as he steps back from Kyson so he is not touching him anymore. Kyson could definitely feel it working this time. it seemed the jutsu was a success on the second try. And he was grateful someone was willing to help him with his training.

"My bad, but that will be it. Thank you for letting me test the jutsu on you." Kyson would say to the shinobi. The other shinobi would begin to smile back and walk away slowly and do whatever he needed to do for the day.

"No problem." The shinobi would say to kyson as he walked away from the training grounds. In the past two days Kyson has learned three useful techniques. But he is not done yet. he still wants to learn a lot more. So he can have more options on the battlefield. Kyson was very pleased with these results. He like that it turned out the way he wanted it to turn out. But Kyson figued that he would call it a day for right now. That will be all for today. And tomorrow he will work on another easy technique that will be useful for him. As he looks around and makes sure he doesn't leave anything in the training grounds. He see's that he has everything and begins to head towards the exit of the training grounds. As he is now ready to head back home, he see's a real familiar face walking near the training grounds. It was Amari's big sister Amari. She notices him and begins to smile at Kyson as he leaves the training grounds.

"Kyson, hey how is it going." Kamari said with a smile. She seemed to be in a good mood. Kyson knows the Academy hasn't released yet, so he wonders why she is around these parts at this sort of time. She had on a white T shirt and some black seat pants. Almost similar to what Kyson was wearing.

"Hey how is it going, what are you doing here?" Kyson asked Kamari in curiosity. He as still wondering what her reason was. But it shouldn't be a really important reason.

"Oh I just like going for walks around the village. Ya know, just getting in a little exercise." Kamari would say to Kyson. "Oh yeah, I heard you passed the first part of the Jounin exams! And you even got the highest score on it. That's.. really coole." Amari said with a smile and a slight blush. She seemed really happy for Kyson.

"Ha thanks, all the hard work is paying off huh? I'm one step closer to fighting along side Lord Kazekage and protecting the village." Kamari would say to Kyson. She was really happy to hear his goals and what he was trying to accomplish. She would give another smile as she began to walk off.

"I hope you reach your goal. And hit me up some time, maybe we can.. I don't know. Hang out or something." Kamari said as she was beginning to walk off. Kyson began to blush a little himself as he began scratching his cheek. He didn't know what to say at the time. It kind of came out of no where and was not expecting that answer.
"Me too, maybe I'll come by one of these days after my training." Kyson would say to her. 

"Cool, se you around Kyson." Kamari said as she began to walk away from the Kyson and go on through her day. Kyson began to walk off as well. As he was heading back home. Talking to her kind of brighten his day a little . And put him in a good mood. It was a pretty good way to satrt off his day after training. After Kyson approached his house. he entered it and began to head upstairs to his room. As he entered and began to lay down on his bad, he gave a slight smile after everything that has happened to him today. Maybe he'll go and see Kamari tomorrow. If he has enough time after training. Maybe but maybe not. He wants to get where he wants in his training before he does anything else. So until then, that is what he will do and then have fun afterwards.

Kyson is now beginning to wake up by his alarm again. Getting ready for is next day of training. He then turns it off as it is starting to get on his nerves. As much as Kyson loves to train and get stronger. There are a lot of days that he wishes he could just sleep all day instead. But he knows if he does that then a lot of people will be ahead of him. And he can not have that. So the motivation that keeps him going is trying to surpass others. Sometimes Kyson just questions if he needs an alram anymore. There would not be anything wrong with training in the afternoon, but he likes getting things done early and having the rest of the day to himself. 

He could always train anytime he wants but Kyson feels like he should not change his daily schedule. Even when he was living in Kumo he was always gettig up early and training. So it would only makes sense that he would do the same exact thing when he is in Suna. As Kyson lays in his bed, he should probably get up before he gets any later than it actually is. He wants to train with Royalty but he thinks he might be busy so he will ask him another day. It would be a lot more fun having the two of them train together like old time sake. But now Kyson has to worry about what the next jutsu that he is going to work on this time. As he thinks about what he will do today for training. He might make another wind techinque and something that is easy to learn. This last couple days of training have been about quantity instead of quality. Since he feels he has enough quality technique. Lets just make a couple easy ones that require less chakra but at the same time they are still useful.  He he was glad to learn two types of techniques that are different from what he usually learns. This allows him to branch out more and become more versatile. 

He has finally decided to get up out of bed after reminiscing about his past and what type of training he plans on doing today. After Kyson is up from bed, he heads towards his bathroom and begins to take a shower and brush his teeth. After all of that, he makes sue he has all of his equipment he needs for training. He then leaves his room and begins to head downstairs. He goes in the kitchen and begins to eat breakfast which consists of something simple; toast and a glass of water. After eating breakfast, he takes one last check to make sure he has everything he needs. Kyson used to carry a water bottle everywhere around Suna, but because of his Hydration skill there is no need ofr that anymore. So there was no more adapting to Suna's weather.
He finally leaves the house and begins to head towards the training grounds. Kyson went on an A-Rank mission about a week ago. It was a really fun experience going on a mission with a team. It was weird seeing him give orders to others and they have to carry the orders that are given. On top of that, he was responsible for their lives as well. Kyson isn't really the leader type but he might have to get used to it if he wants to succeed. 

As Kyson is approaching the training grounds once again, he begins to stretch out as he heads towards the center. He still hasn't decided what type of technique he is going to learn today. he knows its a wind technique but he is unsure what he will do with it. Maybe it should be a dumbed down version of blade of win. Something simple and uses less chakra. He's learned a lot of techniques in past few days and improving his combat skills quickly.  But Kyson comes up with an idea on what to exactly to do today. Its not really that creative but it will do for today.  He begins to focus his chakra into his arms and make a small wind current come out of his arms. Learning this technique shouldn't be long since its a dumbed down version of something he has already learned. Kyson begins to channel more and more chakra through his hands as he lets out small blades of wind. This technique isn't as strong as blade of wind. But it will definitely let him conserve more chakra. But he wants to do something a little more different this time. He wants to combine the mini blades and make one big blade of wind. 

As he thinks he already has the hang of it, he begins to head towards a wooden dummy to test out this technique. But the first few attempts are goint to be just a little test run. And then he will finish it off with a stronger version. As Kyson approaches a wooden dummy. He reaches his arms out and sents mini wind blades towards the chest of the dummy. As the blades are traveling at a good amount of speed. they leave little scratches on the dummy's chest. Kyson is not surprised from these results since he didn't out a large amount of chakra into this jutsu. just something easy and simple. Its always good to learn something everyday amd expanding your ability. As he Kyson begins to build up chakra again for a second time. This time heis going to use those same small blades of wind to fuse and create a larger blade of wind. So instead of three small ones, it will be one big one. Kyson is now building up chakra and sends three blades of wind towards the chest of the wooden dummy. But this time the blades of wind fuse with each other before they hit the dummy to create one large blade of wind. As the blade hits the dummys chest, it leaves a way bigger slash mark in it that the other tiny blades. 

Now that Kyson has done that part, its time to add more chakra to it. And power it up even more. So this time he builds up a large amount of chakra into the jutsu making it twice as fast and powerful as he did before. As he releases the blade of wind towards the wooden dummy. A larger and even faster blades is heading towards the stomach of the dummy. As the wind is traveling at higher speeds. It rips right through the wooden dummy and cutting it in half. That is what Kyson is looking for and on top of all of that. It used a lot more less chakra than his normal technique, blade of wind. Well, not really much of a training session today since this techique wasn't that hard to do and didn't really take a lot of effort to learn. But sometime it be like. You get the job done quicker than expected. Over these last few days. Kyson can really feel his endurance and stamina increasing after all of this training. Which was his main focus in all of this. He just learned new jutsu just to have something to do while he increases his endurance. So he will really be able to last longer in battle without getting exhausted too easily. Kyson now calls it a day and begins to head out the training grounds. He will most likely come back again during the day since that one did not take as long. So he'll probably get something to eat and come right back after wards. Or maybe go for a walk and then head back to train some more. Kyson begins to go for a quick job around the village before he gets something to eat. As soon as he exited the training grounds, he started a light job through the hot and harsh Suna weather. And just run for about ten to twenty minutes.

(TWC since last approval: 8018)

- 2000 words towards Mass Pull 
- 2000 words towards Wind Release: Chakra blade 
- 2000 words towards Chakra Absorption 
- 2000 words towards Wind Release Slash 
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Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:24 pm

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