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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:04 pm
The Senju woke up, and within the next hour, Kanzaki was cleaned by her maid, having her hair shampoo'd, conditioned, and then combed and fancied up for her meeting with her distant cousin, the only other living representative of the royal family of Hoshigakure. The citrus fruit-scented little girl was adorned with a pretty little pink and white dress that went down to her ankles. The edges of the dress were lined with gold, and studded with diamonds. She had on white, translucent gloves that just barely went past her elbows, lined with small diamond studs at the ends.

Her hair was formally done, a ponytail hanging past the back of the top of her head, where a glittery silver tiara with a ruby jewel. The bags under her eyes covered up and her cute, but serious face accentuated with makeup that lightened it up and gave her cheeks a blush. The Senju stepped out of her corridor with two guards that guided her to Tehniyat, where-ever they were planned to meet. Once she arrived at the designated location, the guards stayed at the doorway while Kanzaki tranced across the floor, wearing fancy, strappy sandals while holding part of the dress so it didn't drag against the floor.

Upon seeing Tehniyat, she addressed her distant cousin with a subtle nod and a displeased frown. She wondered why it took so long for the female to finally bother meeting her, but she would not admit it to her. The Senju wanted to get a decent first impression of Tehniyat.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:09 am
Princess Tehniyat's morning routine hadn't been much different than her cousin's, her handmaidens having bathed and dressed her appropriately to face the day ahead. Today however there was one exception, the older princess would finally call the newer one to pay her a visit in her customary place at the royal libraries. The princes had found the library to her liking enough to set up her work station among the books and there was no reason Princess Kanzaki couldn't find her way to Tehniyat.

She had last seen the golden haired child at her mother's funeral, a solemn affair that had left everyone subdued. Least because Queen Shiera had been too sick to attend and uncle Mervyn, the prime candidate to perform last rites, was now locked in chains in the Hoshi dungeons. It wasn't fair to the late princess but as Tehniyat and Kanzaki would both have to soon realize, things were about to get a lot more unfair in the City Blessed by the Stars.

Dressed in a muted royal purple gown with few trimmings as she hadn't planned on any visits today, Tehniyat awaited her cousin, the combination of grief and guilt sitting uncomfortably with the older princess. She didn't have siblings, and Kanzaki had never shown interest in wanting to be hers so this situation had high potential to turn awkward.

Kanzaki would be greeted by Tehniyat's personal guard at the door where she would leave her own guard behind before entering the library dappled in bright sunlight and cooled by a fresh, rare breeze streaming in through the open windows. As the child entered, Tehniyat did her best to produce a welcoming smile, the expression coming to her unnaturally and uncomfortably.

"God morrow, sweet cousin. How lovely to see you," she began, attempting a friendlier tone than she usually did considering who it was in her company. After all was said and done, Princess Kanzaki was still a child who had just lost her mother and Tehniyat could appreciate that at least.
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:21 pm
The Senju had not even bothered to look at her surroundings. Her reddish-brown, narrowed gaze was on her distant cousin, someone who she had forsakened meeting for a long time coming. She had finally worked up the courage, and despite not feeling confident about this encounter, her body was not shaking for the first time since her mother's early demise. There was an aura of determination about her, that aura itself being enriched into her veins as an honorable Senju and a proper candidate for representing the royal family of Hoshigakure.

Her hard gaze softened just a little bit, since for the first time she felt that she was not alone in this family feud. It was stressful on the girl, and she decided to shut herself out instead of bother talking to anyone about just how much the entire situation disturbed and scared her. Even when her maids offered, the women that her mother hand-picked, she did not bother to throw her feelings out at once. Had she been older, or had she understood the word at her age, she would have felt like a burden. For now, she did not know how to explain how she felt, she just knew that she was afraid someone would get mad at her if she tried to tell them how she felt.

The blonde pushed a bundle of braided locks behind her ear and continued peering at Tehniyat. She just wanted to break down right there and sob at the stranger that she just met.. whom she had been staring at for about a span of twenty seconds without a word because she was reminiscing. But she wanted to be strong, be strong for her father who she could somehow tell was suffering, and her dead mother. Plus, she felt that she had to uphold the honor and pride of her half-royalty.

"I-I.. u-um---good t-to.. see---..." She was having a really hard time.

The girl balled her hands into tight fists, her shoulders shaking subconsciously as she pressed her lips firmly together, cheeks inflating a little bit as her brows creased. 'G-get a hold of yourself, 'Zaki!' The little girl told herself. The shaking stopped and she lightened up, her brows still arched and her lips still pressed together into a flat line. She would nod subtly, making it very evident to the Princess before her that she was not very charismatic with her current state of mind. Though she showed determination, she still emanated with inexperience and trauma from the events that've been going on.

"It's.. ples---pleas... ant.. to see you, too." She stated, having to pause momentarily to properly pronounce the word.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:57 am
It was obvious from the way the royal child took position in front of Tehniyat that she was not holding up as well as any of them liked to believe. The older princess could acknowledge that she was in part to blame for that. This meeting should have happened a lot sooner, preferably right after the funeral of Her Grace Kanzaki's lady mother. But Princess Tehniyat herself had not known what to do. Comforting words never came naturally to her and she had assumed someone would take care of the young princess.

Now she knew that the task couldn't be pushed on to someone, it was just her and Kanzaki now.

"May i please offer you an embrace?" the green eyed princess asked, the awkwardness clear in her voice as she held open her arms for her little cousin. It probably wasn't right but at least she would trying. Should Kanzaki accept and move to hug the older princess, Tehniyat would envelope the little girls in her arms, squeezing her comfortingly as she listened to whatever the young ninja had to say.

"I apologize... I should have come to you right after the funeral but... I'm afraid I don't have any younger siblings, or any siblings. And my own Lady Mother was far too preoccupied with court life to take an interest in me. So i neer learned what one does in such situations..." The admission was embarrassing but it was the truth.

"But that's no excuse. I've done you a great injustice and for that I can only hope you'll forgive me, dear cousin."
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:17 pm
The young girl felt a sigh of relief pass through her mind, eased that Tehniyat did not seem to find anything wrong with her greeting. Kanzaki herself felt plenty wrong about it, but many of the reasons why were in ways which her seven year old mind could not explain. The Senju Princess was still trying to fight against her conflicted heart. She did not know what she wanted to do, but she knew that of the choices she could make could or could not possibly ease her mental fortitude.

She would look at Tehniyat with a questioning gaze with the female offered a hug. She'd felt in debted to her maids if she sullied the dress they picked out for her, or made the small bit of makeup they put on her face look ugly from her crying. The little girl would approach, awkwardly lifting her initially idle arms and lacing the brittle limbs around Tehniyat, a few sharp sniffles and whimpers coming from the girl why her face was dug away, whether into the female's shoulder or against her chest. The girl felt so obligated at the moment.. to apologize for the one thing she lacked in her own and only family left---since her father's constant absence practically omit him.

"I-I'm.. so.. so sorry.. for n-not... b-b-be-believing... in you.." Kanzaki murmured, tears draiining from her eyes quickly and starting to ruin the makeup that lightened up her face. She had her hand up in front of her face, pressed to it so she could not mess up Tehniyat's clothing. The blonde-haired Senju listened to the words, knowing that no matter how much at least half of her wanted to deny them, that they were true and genuine. It only made her feel worse, and feel more bad that she rejected seeing the other Princess in the first place.

Kanzaki was crying at htis point, bawling even. She sobbed relentlessly, spekaing semi-coherently. "I-I fel-felt so alone.. I-I didn't know what to do.. I-I w-wanted help.. b-but I was afraid I-I'd make so-someone mad for asking... p-pla-please help me.... c-cousin.. T-teh-tehniyat.." Her body was shaking.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:22 am
"There there," Tehniyat consoled her cousin, keeping her arms around the young princess as she sobbed out all her troubles. Still maintaining the embrace, the older Star guided the younger one to a seat, siting down herself and then gathering Kanzaki close to her. Tehniyat had never thought she would experience feelings of maternal protection yet as her cousin cried against her, the odd feeling manifesting in the royal treasurer was at least close to what Tehniyat imagined a mother or sister would feel.

Perhaps she could do this after all.

"We all need help," she murmured as the child cried. "Mayhaps the shortcoming in our upbringing is that we were never taught how to ask for it." Her words were true. Were she in Kanzaki's position, she too would have seen seeking help as a sign of weakness, an alien condition she wouldn't have known what to do with. But lately the older princess had learned that she needed help. She needed her personal guard, she needed Denkiteki and she now needed her cousin o be on the same side as her if they were to keep the oncoming chaos at bay.

"But I need you to be brave now, sweet child," she continued, releasing the young girl and reaching up to wipe the tears from the small princess's face. "I'm afraid we stand at the beginning of hard times, my dear. And I don't know if I should reveal to you the extent of our troubles but I feel I would be insulting you i I didn't. Do you think you could harden your heart to more bad news right now?"

All this as said as she still held on to Kanzaki's small hand, offering her what little comfort she could. Never had the princess missed her aunt Shiera more than she did now. The Queen had always known what to do. Tehiyat however was uncertain, so instead of making assumptions, she simply asked Kanzaki if she wanted to know the whole truth.
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:42 pm
The girl failed to feel embarassed about sobbing to someone about her problems, even though she met them on day one. They were family, and that was all that mattered to her for now. Kanzaki could feel her head begin to hurt, her amber eyes practically burning from the salt content in her consistently flowing tears as she continued to bawl. The blonde Senju practically clung to Tehniyat desperately, feeling like the first time in a long time that she could comfortably hug in the way that she used to hug her mother. It was that sort of feeling that was beginning to calm and recollect her broken spirit and will.

She started to calm down quickly, soon going silent and listening as Tehniyat started to whisperto her. Kanzaki hid her face, her eyes squinted closed as the older female started to wipe her tears away. The Senju slowly opened up her glossy eyes, looking up at the female with a relatively composed look, still looking somewhat depressed because she was obviously trying her best to suppress it for the time being. She looked down at her own lap as the question was asked, silently asking herself that.

'C-can I really handle it at this point..?' Slowly, she looked back up at her distant cousin, holding onto Tehniyat's hand somewhat tightly as a means for emotional support. She would bow her head then raise it, nodding slowly then looking up at her. "I-I.. think I could.. bear it." The little princess murmured, thinking in the back of her mind and hoping that she had not made her cousin angry by relying on her for her emotional distress.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:27 pm
As the little princess admitted she could bear it, Tehniyat didn’t’ think to second guess at her cousin’s assurance, a feat she would learn later with experience and growing care for the younger Star. If Kanzaki said she could bear it, she probably could. Why state otherwise, after all? What Tehniyat did not realize however that Kanzaki was far younger than her, raised perhaps better than her and now frightened more than her too.

Though perhaps that would be hard to judge as the royal treasurer was also frightened. She just preferred to express it by retreating into her account scrolls. After all, there was little point in wasting nervous energy, or at least Tehniyat had previously thought so. Meeting Kanzaki was proving more enlightening than she had anticipated.

“The Queen, our beloved Aunt Shiera, is no more,” she stated as carefully as she could. “May her light shine eternally in the heavens,” She added, the traditional phrase spoken for any member of the royal family departed from this world. “She left us a few weeks before your Lady mother did but her passing was kept secret from us by the Queensguard.” A frown appeared on her face, the anger still evient though she could understand why the guards had done it.

I only found out two days ago and have been struggling with the decision to divulge this to you or not. In the end, I decided to ask you,” she stated honestly, simply. The princess wished though, that she could have stopped there, could have given Kanzaki time to mourn the death of their Queen. But these were hard times, and they were about to get harder still.

“Am I right in assuming I needn’t tell you what this means for… us?”
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The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:28 pm
The female keeps holding onto Tehniyat's hand tightly, her other hand at her side. The blonde was extremely scared, as this was among one of the many experiences that she never had to face in the spoiled life of a royal child such as herself. All of her pampering had left her without the street smarts that she would need with this rapidly changing life of hers. Her wave of anticipation was deceased as those nine words left Tehniyat's mouth, causing the girl to widen her eyes. Her hold on Tehniyat's hand loosened as her eyes widened, practically bulging with her irises noticeably reducing in size.

Her mouth went agape, her quivering gaze left on the female as she threw her free hand up over her mouth, gasping in awe. What followed that awe was the feeling of overwhelming sadness washed over her again, in mind, body and spirit. All of this change... she couldn't take it. It was happening way too quickly with way too little explanation or time for her adjust. She had just barely made progress with accepting her mother's death, but now the Queen was dead too? Her mouth fell to a frown, the grief at this point enriched deeper into her than her lineage as a Senju was.

Her lips quivered beneath her free hand, her eyes sinking to a narrow as she found her lively, amber gaze dulling to a less enthusiastic form and wandering into her lap again. Part of her was absolutely livid with the Queensguard for keeping this secret from her. Part of her wondered if her mother's death and her aunt's death was purposeful and unnatural. She didn't want to believe it.. that the supposedbly most loyal could be traitorous to such an unspoken extent---that was prepostrous. Deep down even the seven year old could acknowledge that that was not it.

Kanzaki's anger was short-lived, because it was quickly quelled when her cousin made her aware of the more important part of this situation. If her mother died, in addition to the Queen herself then that meant... oh no. A few weeks prior to this she would've been happy to be what she was now.. but at this moment in time that was not viable. She looked up at Tehniyat, her hand falling from over her mouth to her lap, a surprised and worried look expressing itself on her face.

"That means we're... !" Her widened eyes focused on Tehniyat. She couldn't say the four words no matter how hard she tried. But it was evident what she was talking about. They weren't just princesses anymore. Through the misfortune going on they were now..

Heirs to the throne.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

The Two Tiaras (P/NK) Empty Re: The Two Tiaras (P/NK)

Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:58 am
Tehniyat could see the understanding downing on her young cousin's face. The shock at the passing of their aunt, the anger at their guards, the grief finally settling in. And then the profound realization of what this meant for the two of them. Through it all, the older blonde held on to her cousin, offering what little comfort she could in the only way she knew how.

"It does indeed," she confirmed Kanzaki's unfinished thought. the older Star didn't need to know what the young one was about to say. They were trained to understand hierarchy and family history, lineage was in their blood. No matter where they were and what official title they held, each female of the royal family was a Princess, undisputed and regal, with her claim to the throne.

"I was told Lady Akihana did her best to save the Queen. She has a rather unique ability I've been informed, to bring people back from the dead. And yet this ability failed her when it came to our dear Aunt. The Queensguard rightly guessed that news of Her Grace's death would result in chaos across all of Haven... though i wished they had at least informed the family..." It was still an add feeling, this familial instinct inside her, but as she spoke more of it, Tehniyat found it growing stronger.

But the secret couldn't have been kept forever, and even if the people believe Her Grace to be alive, they know her time is neigh... And as a result, a disturbing trend of factions has made itself apparent in the city's tapestry. My informants tell me that there are people who endorse your right to the throne just as there are those who endorse mine... And it is only a matter of time before these factions get violent."
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