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Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished) Empty Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished)

Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:28 pm
Mission: Guard the Deads
Type: Patrol
Rank: D
Reward: 1, 000
Character Requirements:  Genin or Higher.
Mission Location: Sunagakure
Word Count Requirements: 2, 000
Repetable: Yes
Npc: Yes
Task: This time you must guard the cemetary in Suna,a place where many of our great shinobi are resting.In the past there was used a forbbiden technique Edo Tensei,which controled the deads.You must guard the cemetary so that no one will try to steal personal identification material from any of our deceased shinobi.If someone tries to steal personal identification material from any of them,kill that person or capture him,so that we will interogate the respective person.
Hiro had recently spent all his hard earned money on a sweet new katana, so he had to do another mission to restore his cash supply. He did have a certain issue in this respect however, and that was that all of these missions required some amount of work, which he didn't really want to do today. As he turned to walk away, luck decided he would get money with no work, as someone pinned a new mission to the board outside of the Hokage building. He turned around to read it, noting that it said D-Rank, meaning he can do it alone, and still make a good amount of money. There seemed to be no problem with it, except for the location. The mission was to take place in a graveyard, which he was supposed guard, against grave robbers. Apparently, that was an actual issue, which he found strange. He understood people being able to like, bring back the dead wanting to break into graves, but other than that, anything you can get from a grave would be mostly useless to them. He was perfectly fine with guarding an empty place however, as long as there weren't any ghosts or things like that. He was pretty sure ghosts didn't exist, but you could never be sure in a world full of magical animals, ressurection, and giant demons. So, he took the mission paper and headed to the cemetery to start his mission. He really didn't like it there, especially because sometimes he did see things moving among the gravestones, and he could never tell if it was an animal, a person, or one of the people buried here. Deciding he should at least do something while he was there, he layed down behind one of the graves, using it to shield himself from the entrance, and started to focus on his own chakra. Not only his own though, he also tried to sense the chakra's around him. At first, he couldn't feel anything, then he started getting a little trace, spread throughout the village. It wasn't clear, and he couldn't make out individual signatures, but he could feel the chakra, using what he knew his felt like to find it. It was massive, but he could barely feel its presence, as he had never tried this before. He tried to focus in on the signatures, but still couldn't lock in on them, only their general area. He did notice that one of the chakra masses was moving towards him, like someone was coming towards the graveyard. He quickly stopped focusing on that, and snuck a peek at the person entering the graveyard. There seemed to be no one there, but he knew he felt a signature coming from the entrance. Moving back behind the grave stone, he would return to his focusing, finding that they were definitely in the graveyard, but he couldn't find where, only knowing they had gotten in here, and he couldn't see any part of them other than their chakra. Suddenly, he would feel a solid hit to the face, being knocked over but barely recovering in time to stand up without being hit again. Jumping back, away from where the hit came from, he would draw his katana, ready to test it out on a live enemy. The only problem with this however, was that there was no one there to test it on. This was going to be a bit of an issue.

Realizing that the enemies chakra signature would be the only way to find them, Hiro would quickly substitute with some flowers on a grave, withered from the desert heat, so he would appear behind it, crouched so the invisible attacker would be unable to see him. Then he would start focusing again, getting the location slightly more accurate, knowing that it was moving towards the back of the graveyard, towards the older graves. Hiro then started dashing from grave to grave, doing his best to keep hidden from the enemy, making his way to the back as well, until he saw what the enemy was most likely after. There was a large grave behind the rest, apparently holding an old ninja, stronger than most alive today. Hiro didn't know who the ninja was, or what the enemy planned to do, but he was sure about one thing: He couldn't let him get to that grave. Jumping out from hiding, Hiro would shout, HEY! YOU THERE! COME FIGHT ME! He knew it was a bad idea to take on an enemy he couldn't see, but this would give him enough time to figure out how he would win. He had had enough time to focus his chakra sensory down to within ten feet, which was more than the distance the invisible enemy was, based on the fist Hiro felt hit his stomach, hard. While it caused him to skid back a bit, it didn't cause much damage, which allowed Hiro to once again draw his katana. This sword hasn't seen any combat yet, and I thank you for allowing me a chance to use it. With that, Hiro would charge forward, making large, arcing swings with his sword, hitting nothing but driving the enemy back a good distance. This wasn't going to work for much longer, and he need to come up with a new strategy. Transformation wouldn't do anything to help him, in such an empty place, so he settled for his other go to basic jutsu. Clone jutsu. He did the hand seals, quickly, making 2 clones appear on either side of him, each running towards him, in a pincer maneuver. Each of them drew the katana they held, only the one in the middle holding a real weapon, and only the one in the middle being able to do any damage. As they got to the area where they knew the invisible man to be, they started swinging the swords, one of them quickly dissipating as he found that it was a clone when its sword hit him. Hiro had gotten to the point where he was actually worried. So, he and the final clone stood in front of the door to the large grave. They held their swords to the side away from the other, ready to swing. If anyone were to look, they would be unable to tell which was the real one, as the grave cast a shadow, preventing the lack of the clones shadow to be noticed, and there was no grass to stick up through the clones feet as a give that it was not pressing down on the ground beneath it. Hiro stood, focusing on his surroundings, watching the ground, keeping the chakra sensory up to keep some track of where the person was. He knew they were at least 5 feet away, directly in front of him. If he went straight forward, he would surely be seen, so he waited for the enemy to charge him. Suddenly, the chakra signature moved, and he saw the sand in front of him getting kicked up. Due to his invisibility, the enemy was quickly impaled, believing Hiro wouldn't know where he was if he was invisible. His focus broken, the enemy appeared, Hiro's katana through his chest. As he bled out, he reached weakly towards Hiro, sliding slightly further down his sword, but unable to reach him. As he took his last breath, he would be pushed off the sword by the young Genin. Hiro simply sat frozen. He had just killed someone. He had never killed anyone before, and he had simply took the mans life in a matter of seconds. As the body sat, as did Hiro, their eyes meeting for hours, or at least thats what it felt like. In reality, Hiro collapsed against the grave within seconds, suddenly exhausted, both mentally and physically, feeling as if he had just fought for hours. He would slowly rise, moving the body to a place where it wouldn't be found, to wait for him to turn in when his mission was finished.

He sat on top of the grave where he had killed the man for another few minutes, before realizing that he still needed to finish his training with chakra sensory. His fight had stressed him out, and pressured him to work harder on it so he could win. This had also helped him to increase his ability to sense others chakra. Although he had gotten better at it, he still wasn't as good as he needed to be. Focusing on chakra signatures again, he saw a more focused version of what he had seen before, with small clouds rather than a single giant one. Each jounin, chuunin, and genin had their own cloud. He couldn't see the whole village, but he knew there were more farther away. He looked to the sun and realized that it was almost time for him to turn in the mission, including the body that was left. He looked over to it now. It still had faint traces of chakra when he used the sensory, but it was quickly fading, another reminder that Hiro had killed him. He jumped down off of the grave, picking up his katana from where he had left it next to the body. He sheathed his sword and thought about how he was going to transport the body. First he ran off to the store, where he could buy a large bag, bought it, and returned to the graveyard. He froze when he returned. He didn't want to touch the body again. It was dead now, no life or energy whatsoever. He put his hand on it, dragging it into a better position to get it into the bag. Eventually, he got it into the bag. Something strange was inside of him now. He felt like he was stronger than he had been, and he had proven that strength by killing this ninja. The headband was scratched to the point where it was impossible to discern his original village, but it showed he had at least been genin. That meant that Hiro was able to beat someone of his rank. He was strong. Tying the bag shut, he slung it over his shoulder. He felt the dead weight of the body on his shoulder, his feet pressing into his shoulder blades. Continuing to train his chakra sensory on the way to the Kazekage building, Hiro began to find where ninja lived, where they hung out, and where they were right now. Of course, he couldn't tell who he was sensing the chakra of, or there exact location, or even the number of ninja there. He was getting more information though, and thats whats important here. Pretty soon he had arrived at the door of the building with a body in a bag. He wasn't actually sure of what he was supposed to do in this situation, so he just walked inside, his chakra sensory still in use, and noticed the secretary wasn't a ninja. There were however a number of powerful signatures upstairs, at least jounin level. Approaching the secretary, he quietly asked, Where do we turn in enemy ninjas? The secretary seemed somewhat confused, then realized that he was referring to the bag on his back. I'm not entirely sure, but you can leave it here and we'll take care of it, thank you. Hiro quickly deposited the bag behind the desk, out of the way of visitors, and left through the doors he had come in from. His chakra sensory technique seemed to be almost done, but he could use the training on the way home. So, on the way home, he used it to look for where different ninja were, now able to close in on their exact location, and guess their chakra power accurately enough. There weren't very many Jounin or Chuunin, but he saw a number of genin, all of which he ignored before going into his house and going to sleep. He had dreams of killing the invisible man, seen only in random frames. Strangely enough, it wasn't a nightmare.

WC 2033
Claiming Chakra Sensory
1000 Ryo
3 bonus AP

Last edited by Hiro Raijin on Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
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Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished) Empty Re: Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished)

Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:06 am

You also get 3 AP for a D rank mission <3
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Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished) Empty Re: Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished)

Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:20 am
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished) Empty Re: Guard the Grave! (Mission: Finished)

Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:30 am

Approved <3
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