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Kamina Uzamaki
Kamina Uzamaki
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Dragon Contract Empty Dragon Contract

Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:58 pm
Kamina had heard stories about tube Dragon Ravine his whole life it being this mysterious place. What he didn't realize is one day his journey for revenge would take him there or was it destiny. These things couldn't be known at this time but for the present it was for power. Kamina had always thought about going there just to see what it was like. But he always managed to talk himself out of it always saying it was all a hoax and baloney. That is until one fateful day with his sensei Ryden after a training session. Kamina had brought up the Dragon Ravine and it's mystery but for fear of being laughed at quickly dismissed the stories about it. “Yeah but they're all a bunch of made up stories no one actually believes it”. Suddenly Ryden turned deathly serious any jokes and lightheartedness disappeared “The Dragon Ravine is nothing to laugh at” he exclaimed harshly. Kamina was shocked by this sudden outburst from his teacher and recoiled in surprise. Ryden just as quickly as he got angry calmed down “ it's just that place has bad memories with me”. Kamina still surprised was now intrigued wanting to hear his teacher's explanation. “Some of the stories and rumors surrounding the Dragon Ravine might be exaggerated but there is a lot of truth in some of them”. “One of my comrades traveled there once to seek out answers to his long unfulfilled questions regarding that place”. Kamina was now on the edge of his seat listening intently hanging on every last word. “After he returned the first time he was noticeably stronger he and I were equals in combat but afterwards he defeated me easily”. Kamina now decided he needed to visit this place. “But he didn't stop there he kept at visiting the Dragon Ravine time and time again and he slowly started to change personality and physically he was now gore violent and destructive and once”. Ryden had broke off trying to say it he looked away Kamina felt bad “its okay if it's too traumatic you don't have to tell me” Ryden had started shaking Kamina concerned tried to help him only to realize Ryden was laughing. And laughing hard at that “oh man you actually believed me hahahahahaha” Kamina upset cursed at him and left. He could still hear Rydens boisterous laughter from the distance. The next day Ryden apologized for his cruel joke and Kamina accepted “so you don't know anything about the Dragon Ravine” Ryden shook his head “sorry kid but if it makes you feel any better i'm pretty sure all the stories are fake”. This didn't make Kamina feel any better and defeated him maybe he was thinking too much about this. Maybe they were just stories and he was thinking too much about this he thought about this for a while pondering about for a few days. When finally he had come to a decision he would seek out those answers for himself he was going to visit the Dragon Ravine.

Kamina at first realize he didn't actually know where the Dragon Ravine was located so he got on that first. After asking anyone he could find they all came to the same conclusion. It was located on the outskirts of the village. That didn't seem so bad Kamina thought I could travel there pretty easily but the trip isn't what bothered him it was the destination. He got his stuff together water, some food,a map first aid kit and any other essentials for a long trip. But then it dawned on him he couldn't just leave out of the blue Ryden might get worried so he thought of an idea. He grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a letter explaining the fact that had decided to go on a mission. Kamina figured that this was a lousy lie but it might work. So he went to their usual spot at the training field and left it on a tree. So now he had nothing holding him back but at the same time he began to get hesitant he had heard all the stories surrounding the place could he really go through with it. Yes Kamina responded to himself he needed to get stronger and he felt that the Dragon Ravine could do just that. So he set off towards the mountains he had gotten used to walking on foot but this time wished he had any other means of transportation. Kamina started off excited and happy but with each step that excitement slowly dwindled. He had gotten tired and sweat before we during where he was he looked at a map and still couldn't decipher his surroundings. But he decided to keep on walking anyway after a few more hours he checked his map again only to realize he was off the correct path by a few miles. It was at this point in which he collapsed tired and frustrated why does this have to be so hard he thought. He got up angrily and grumbled “this stupid cave better make me immortal or something because there's no way I'm going all the way there for nothing”. Now realizing his mistake he follows the map to a tee checking it every time he felt lost which was a lot he soon had a stab of fear hit him what if he gets lost out here he soon started to worry. Maybe I should just turn back he thought I can probably still make it back home in time he thought no one would know I was even gone. But Kamina Uzumaki would not give up that was his ninja way. So he trudged on finally reaching the mountains it was nightfall but the time he got there and he knew better than to try and climb mountains in the dark so he decided to make camel near the mountain. He started a fire to keep himself warm and laid down in an attempt to sleep part of him was worried though what if he traveled all the way here for nothing. What if it was just an empty cave with nothing to see all that effort traveled here for nothing he thought. But he kept himself awake with his constant worries and woes until finally drifting off to sleep .

When Kamina awoke this morning he was groggy and tired and as he looked up he saw the day's challenge above him. The Mountain towered above him as far as the eye can see almost in an attempt to pierce the sky itself Kamina got up stretched and got himself ready to climb. His first attempt was not so successful. And ended with him falling down but he gained his chakra and attempted to walk up its surface. He felt like an idiot why didn't I do this the first time he thought Kamina was glad none was around to see that failure of a climb. But the more he climbed the harder he realized it was he had to maintain his Chakra all the way which he realized was something he couldn't do. Eventually he had to climb it the old fashioned way so he brought out a regular knife he had on him and stabbed at the mountain. Using that as a tool to climb until he could regain more of his chakra so he did it manually until his hands ached he reached a base and was overjoyed…. until he realized there was more to go. He collapse on the ground and dragged himself forward it was mid afternoon now and he was too tired to move. He closed his eyes for a bit and when he awoke again it was nearly sundown he jumped up he was not wasting another day he ran up as fast as he could using his chakra which he tried to use to its full extent. He soon reached what he believed to be the top he was disappointed where could it be. When all of a sudden it popped out a gigantic cave shaped like a dragon with it's mouth open. Kamina was dumbfounded there's no way he actually made it. He stood there for a while before realizing all that was left was to go inside. So he cautiously walked in and the instant he stepped foot inside his hairs on his arm stood up and his neck tingled. He didn't understand what this place was only that it reeked of power. He felt scared but continued to walk in until he heard a moan. This stopped Kamina dead in his tracks he was terrified but the sound continued. He slowly creeped over to the source of the noise even though his kind was screaming at him not to. He peeked over the side and instead of a his worst nightmare being there he has a small dragon about a foot in length whose wing was trapped under a heavy rock. Kamina stared at the dragon in awe never seeing one before it moaned again in pain before his instincts kicked in and he tried to help it. After seeing Kamina it lashed out in anger and tried to keep him at bay. “Whoa whoa take it easy man i'm here to help you” Kamina moved slowly removing the rock with both hands. There he said “feeling better now” but looking at the thing it was clearly still hurt. Kamina moves even slower “i'm just going to help bandage it” he said he moved slowly using his first aid kit on the dragon. Trying to bandage its broken wing it clawed at him and tried to bit him when the pain got to it but Kamina was determined to help it. After he finished bandaging its wing he tried picking it up but it refused. Well have it your way he said are you able to move suddenly the dragon pooled at him and said “thank you” Kinda jumped back he had never seen a dragon talk or any animal for that matter. “You can talk” he asked dumbfounded the dragon looked curiously at him “of course I can”. “Human speech isn't as difficult as you humans think” Kamina sat down in amazement he began to bombard him with questions before the dragon got upset he apologized. “Sorry if im being annoying is just that all this is a first for me”. “It is of no problem” he responded “so what brings you here human do you wish for a contract”. Kamina looked confused “a contract”? “Surely you come here to sign a contract with our race to summon us in your times of need”. “Uh yeah Kamina responded well right this way the dragon said. He tried to move but his injury was too much and nearly fell. Hey here Kamina picked him up and held him gently. Thank you said the dragon if you wish a contract with our race you must speak to the elder one. Kamina nodded and went where he was told until they entered a huge opening with a statue of a dragon. Or so he thought becuase that so called statue opened his eyes and Kamina for the second time jumped back. The Dragon opened his enormous mouth and said what is your name. The booming voice caused echoes throughout the cave and Kamina meekly responded with “my name is Kamina Uzumaki”. It was like a mouse responding to a lion. What is it you seek he asked this time Kamina didn't hesitate “Revenge” he felt no shame in it and didn't want to lie. The Dragon was silent for a moment and do you seek a contract. “Yes” Kamina said more confidently than his first answer. What makes you worthy of contracting our race. Kamina was stumped he couldn't think of anything to say and was silent. When all of a sudden the dragon he held spoke up “my lord if I may”. “This human saved me from peril out of the kindness of his heart and I am forever indebted to him”. The Dragon was silent for a moment and then said “then it that case bring the contract “ another Dragon bigger than the injured one yet smaller than the elder one flew in with a paper and let it roll. It landed at his feet and Kamina knew what to do he but himself with the knife and his blood dripped on the paper sealing it. From this day forward Kinda Uzumaki is now contracted with the Dragons he boomed Kamina felt good about his choice.

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Kamina Uzamaki
Kamina Uzamaki
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Dragon Contract Empty Re: Dragon Contract

Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:04 am
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:46 am

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