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Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Thu Dec 22, 2016 5:08 pm
Kuro basically knew that the Snake Mouth would miss, it was never really meant to hit anything but the slowest of fighters. What he didn't expect though, was that Nobunaga's body was so strong that the water needles accomplished... basically nothing. They just shattered against his side. He flinched slightly at the sight, caught off guard by the new development. Then there was a wall blocking him from his clones. That... definitely made things a little more difficult. Plans of attack needed to be remade.

Not to mention the large, physically intimidating man was now charging towards him. His smile starts to fade a bit as he starts focusing more on the fight, his clones using Surface Walk to go over the new wall though their arrival would definitely be delayed. With Nobunaga rushing at him like this, he needed to defend himself until they arrived. So, Kuro decided to try blocking the attack with his shield, after all, it made snese to do so. Crouching down, Kuro lifted his shield to catch the brunt of the attack in the shield's center. Tis was a poor idea. Kuro had never fought someone with as much raw strength as this man before and while his shield blocked the connection of the attack, the force and momentum kept pushing, sending the Hozuki flying backwards several meters where he rolled several times after landing before stopping in a sitting position, his shield still in front of him, muddy sand all over his back and hair. "...OWWWW! God you hit hard! That, really hurts!"
Kuro's clones would arrive after clearing the wall, landing on either side of him as he stands up and moves quickly performs three hand seals which leaves chakra flames on the fingers of his off hand. He then plunges the flaming fingers into himself, not going very deep as he pours Chakra Anesthetic into his system. "Phew. Now it doesn't. Lot easier to keep going."

Kuro's clones would dash to the sides, attempting to circle Nobunaga while Kuro charged forward head on. Now that he knew to not try and take Nobunaga's attacks, he had a new idea. Kuro timed his clones to start running at Nobunaga shortly after he did, making sure he would be the first to arrive with about a second between each of them. His smile returns as he gets in close, getting ready to counter Nobunaga's next physical attack.
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:05 pm
Nobunaga slowly rose to his full height as he turned to watch Kuro let out a roar in pain. Nobunaga slightly frowned for a moment having been caught off guard. He wasnt expecting the kick to hurt Kuro at all, it was the Jounin's assumption that since Kuro was made out of water hand to hand and weapon combat wouldnt work on him. At worse, Nobunaga was expecting Kuro's leg or shield to simply explode and then reform but that fact that he could physically be harmed actually caught the Hiyu off guard. With this new discovery he would have to hold back his strength. Nobunaga remained motionless, watching Kuro perform on sealing jutsu on himself while his clone now made it over the earth wall he had created. "Good." Nobunaga thought to himself as he watched Kuro get back onto his feet and ready himself for round 2. At least he could take a hit. 

Nobunaga's eyes shifted to the side, calmly watching the clone of Kuro circle around him. Unmoving, Nobunaga's gaze would fall back onto the real Hozuki, watching them resume their assault. Looks like they were keeping it a close quarters fight. Perhaps their plan was to get in close to Nobunaga in an attempt to soak him in water from close range since their ninjutsu had not worked on their previous attempt. Whatever it was, the Hiyu had no objection to close range combat. "He's fast." Nobunaga though to himself while watching Kuro swiftly approach. Thanks to his experience as a fighter, Nobunaga was able to tell that the real Kuro was in fact slightly closer to him than the clone and therefore would reach him first. Channelling a heavy dose of chakra into the right palm of his hand, Nobunaga's hand would begin to glow blue with tiny sparks of lightning bouncing around his palm.

Once the real Kuro was within range of Nobunaga's long reach, the towering shinobi would spin around and attempt a spin kick. Nobunaga would fully extend his left leg with his foot parallel to the ground, aiming to plant the sole of his sandal into Kuro's gut, this time with significantly less strength than his previous attack. At the exact same time that Nobunaga thrusted his foot forward, he would twist his torso in the other direction which he spun in and look at the approaching clone from behind. Swinging his right arm sideways, out from his glowing hand would explode a fast moving lighting hound. The glowing blue lighting hound was about the size of an average adult man, and with its blood thirsty crimson eyes it cut through the air heading straight for the Kuro clone.

Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Sat Jan 07, 2017 6:29 pm
Kuro was ready this time, not planning to take this next attack head on after the last hit. This time as Kuro rushed at Nobunaga, he waited for his attack before dropping to his back while leaving his shield up to take the hit and serve as a mild distraction so he could feel like he hit something. Kuro's momentum would cause him to slide a bit closer while he began forming hand seals, his hands free to move as fast as he could without his shield getting in his way.

Kuro's clone would freeze up when it saw the lightning hound coming at him, unable to avoid the attack and bursting into normal water as a result. That was fine though, now below Nobunaga with his nine seals complete, Kuro claps his hands and reaches his right arm at the higher ranking shinobi. The water from his earlier Snake Mouth was then pulled around his hand as a Water Prison rapidly formed where Nobunaga was provided he hadn't seen such an attack coming. Once the Water prison was formed, Whether Nobunaga was trapped in it or not, Kuro would fire a Water Gun at the large man with his free left hand. The jutsu uses would drain the hozuki and leave him panting, knowing pain would be heading his way again as his anesthetic would wear off soon.
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:13 pm
Nobunaga's kick made contact but he knew it didnt hit Kuro directly for two reasons. One, he herd the Genin begin performing hand seals and two he felt his foot hit the same shield he had kicked previously. It appeared his hypothesis was correct. Kuro was coming in close range in attempt to use the water all around him for his ninjutsu, and Nobunaga fell right into his trap by succesffuly destroying the water clone with his lighting hound. Watching the lighting clone explode, Nobunaga would turn his torso around to face the real Kuro who was now beneath him. The kid's movements were too fast for Nobunaga to avoid, especially since the Hozuki was right under him. All Nobunaga could do was look down and watch as Kuro reached out for him and trapped him within a bubble of water the swiftly formed around him. 

Now suspended in this bubble of water, Nobunaga quickly held his breath as he looked all around him, analysing the jutsu. The first thing he noticed was that it was restricting, making it more difficult for him to move around but he was not completely immobile. Perhaps this was a jutsu meant to rob someone of their movements, however Nobunaga was a very strong individual. The next thing he noticed was that Kuro was making contact with the water bubble which automatically told the Jounin that Kuro needed to keep in contact with the jutsu to keep him trapped. 

Unexpectedly, Nobunaga's left arm would dart forward and out of the water bubble, grabbing onto the hand that Kuro kept in contact with the surface of the jutsu. Hopefully catching him off guard since he presumed this jutsu would restrict the Jounin's movements, Nobunaga would tighten his iron clad grip so Kuro could not pull himself free. Stepping forward, Nobunaga would being to move out of the bubble, simultaneously pulling Kuro towards him. With half his body out of the water bubble, Nobunaga would plant the sole of his right foot right into Kuro's chest. Pushing forward with the foot he pulled Kuro into, Nobunaga would then let go, thrusting Kuro backwards and breaking his contact with the water bubble. 

Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:55 pm
(sorry for the delay, my freaking wifi tower fell over in a storm)

Kuro was pretty surprised when he managed to catch Nobunaga in a water prison. That... almost never actually worked! Kuro started to relax slightly and try to catch his breath, but that didn't last long as Nobunaga suddenly grabbed his arm. Could NOTHING stop this man!? He felt the grip tighten and realized he was about to get away without liquefying and moving his hand away from the water prison. Unless, THAT would work. No time like the present.

As Nobunaga pulled him forward, Kuro decided to give up his arm. Starting at the shoulder, kuro's arm would liquefy, disconnecting from his body and essientally appearing to be ripped off to the untrained eye before it completely liquified and merged with the Water Prison in an attempt to sustain it. Without being pulled close, Nobunaga's kick would have less impact, but still succeeded in pushing Kuro back, his shoulder rapidly dripping and pouring water instead of blood as Kuro puts his hand over it and tries to focus on maintaining the water prison with his liquefied limb, hoping to keep Nobunga trapped with nothing to grab onto. It was clear this wasn't easy however as the rest of Kuro's body soon began dripping as well, wanting to liquefy and comeback together with the arm. Not to mention his anesthetic had completely worn off and the small holes in Kuro's chest were staring to hurt... oh right, he forgot to close those huh? yup, that was some blood running down his chest. he'd been losing some blood for a little while huh? Downsides to not feeling pain. Right.

Taking a deep breath, Kuro moves his hand away from his shoulder, forming a finger gun and aiming at Nobunaga, ready to pour as much power as he could into the jutsu. Building up a water bullet in his arm, Kuro focused and let out a shout as he fired, using his chakra to boost the small ball of water to speeds fast enough to pierce through most things with a power and speed of 84. With his focus on the Water Gun jutsu, Kuro's water prison would release Nobunaga just as it was fired, the Hozuki aiming to catch the large man in the upper chest or right shoulder as he falls back to the ground... if this worked anyways.  Kuro was starting to wear himself down at this point.
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:55 pm
"Smart kid." Nobunaga thought to himself as his arm jolted backwards in response to Kuro removing his own arm from his shoulder. His kick still managed to emerge from the water bubble and make contact with the genin however the water bubble did not disperse. With his right leg out of the bubble, Nobunaga's attention turned to the ripped arm still in contact with the bubble. Realising the bubble was being held together with the detached arm, Nobunaga simply floated there for a moment as he admired the Hozuki's abilities. Still being able to control the detached arm and hold the justsu together was quite admirable. Still holding his breath, Nobunaga would turn his attention towards Kuro, who appeared to be quite drained. His body was slowly becoming more liquefied much like his torn right shoulder.

"Looks like this is nearing its end." Nobunaga noted to himself upon seeing Kuro raise his hand with his fingers in the shape of a gun. It didnt take a genius to figure out what someone made out of water who could create weapons from his body was going to do with his hand placed like that. Still trapped in the water bubble restricting his movements, Nobunaga wouldnt be able to move out in time therefore he swiftly clapped his hands together into a ram seal. Almost instantaneously the jutsu took effect. Nobunaga's muscles would slightly grow larger, expanding the overall size of the already massive man and the color of his entire body would warp into a grey tinge as he manipulated the molecular composition of his body by activating his Basic Enhancement technique. 

Upon the water bubble exploding the water bullet collided with the floating Jounin right in the soft of where his shoulder turned into his upper chest. Even with the enhanced armor of his clan jutsu the impact of the water bullet forced a grunt out of the jounin, grinding his teeth together in pain while he heavily fell onto his back. With water from the exploding bubble splashing around him, Nobunaha would roll onto his right side, pushing himself up onto his feet with the help of his left arm. Once standing tall at his now increased height, Nobunaga would look down at his right shoulder while he tried rotating it to see what the damage was. He was still able to move it but not without jolts of pain being sent up his neck.

"Whats with my shoulders?" He thought to himself, last time having injured his left shoulder against Nobu. The grey colored jounin would turn his attention over to Kuro who appeared to be on the verge of melting. Deactivating his jutsu, Nobunaga would slightly reduce back to his normal size along with his skin returning to his normal pigmentation. "Cant have him melting on me." 

"Well done Kuro." Nobunaga said with a nod as he slowly began approaching the Genin. "I'm impressed." Now standing tall before the Hozuki, the Hiyu would continue "Im looking to put together a Genin team under my tutelage. Interested?" Nobunaga's purpose for coming to the training grounds in the first place was to scout out Genin and Kuro had far surpassed his expectations. 

ooc: dont worry about any delays, shit happens.
Kuro Hozuki
Kuro Hozuki
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:53 pm
Kuro gives a sigh of relief when Nobunaga shrinks back down and seems to be finished fighting. He lowers his shooting arm and falls back onto his butt, a portion of the water moving back to him and reforming his arm. Once he had both hands again, he quickly activated his basic medical jutsu and slapped his chakra covered hand on his chest to close up the small holes he'd made earlier. "Heh, I probably could have done better. Trying to block your attack was a bad idea. I thought my arm was going to break. I've never met anyone that hit that hard before. Definitely being a lot more careful from now on."

Hearing Nobunaga's offer, Kuro would look to the ground as he thought about it, putting a hand to his chin. It would be nice to be part of a team... but on the other hand... Standing up again, Kuro would relax slightly, no longer dripping like a melting snowman. "Well, that doesn't sound bad at all. But I am aiming to be a chunin as soon as I can. I don't know when an exam will pop up again, but I would be open to join your team until then. So I might not be part of your team for long, but it sounds like a fun time to me!"
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Warming up [open,NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Warming up [open,NK]

Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:13 pm
Nobunaga nodded his head, approving of Kuro realising that he should be more careful from now on when facing opponents. "This was only a spar but you are correct. In a real fight never underestimate an opponent. I did not under estimate you and rightly so. You are fast and adept in ninjutsu. Being made out of water offers a unique advantage as well, it was quite fascinating fighting with you." Nobunaga had to admit, it was the first time he ever fought someone made out of water and he had to say it was pretty fun. It offered new challenges that simply werent possible with other people. 

Crossing his arms, with his hoarse voice Nobunaga would respond "You have the skill to be a Chuunin but it takes more than just fighting prowess to be a Suna Chuunin." Glad to see Kuro was still in good shape thanks to the help of his healing jutsu, the Jounin would continue "However I have another student in mind who is also nearly ready to move on to the next step of his career. The purpose of the team I'm looking to put together is solely to get them to the Chuunin level. However we will have to wait till after the up coming Jounin exams have ended."

The student Nobunaga had in mind was the Genin named Nobu ironically, but he had signed up in the Jounin exam for he too felt that he should have already been a Chuunin and therefore felt he could attempt at becoming a Jounin. "If an opportunity for you to become a Chuunin presents itself before the Jounin exams come to an end then by all means take it. However if you are still interested I will contact you when the team is ready to be put together. Until then if you wish to train again I am always more than willing." With a simple nod and a grunt Nobunaga said farewell and turned around to begin making his usual rounds of the village, all in a days work. 



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Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:09 pm
Approved for Hiyu's claims
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