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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:49 am
Komon had taken the day to train with his former sensei Gorami, he was on training field 4 in his usual spot practicing his taijutsu in order to get in shape, Gorami was a fast shinobi and capable of keeping up with Komons 64 palms technique so the two of them often found each other sparring. Gorami was deflecting his blows, but with every block the seasoned jounin lost a chakra point, and exhaustion was beginning to set in. “32 PALMS” Komon shouted at the jounin halfway done with his attack, on the 15th strike he broke past the man's seemingly ironclad defense and sent the jounin flying backwards. Gorami was certainly a stronger shinobi than him, but the hyuuga clan's technique was designed to wear down opponents over a period of time. Komon had caught his sensei off guard and broken through his defense. “Uuuuuh Komon, I think i'm done for the day” Gorami muttered in exhaustion.

Komon quickly helped his sensei to his feet and thanked him for sparring with him before saying his goodbyes. Komon couldn’t help but feel disappointed however as he had been planning to get a lot more training in today. But then something caught the corner of his eye. The gennin he had helped learn substitution was out on the training field looking around the field as if he needed someone to train with, Komon decided to step in and wave at the boy. He didn’t remember the kids name so he just yelled “Hey you!”

WC: 253
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:56 am
Yūgure woke up in a panic, he had meant to spend the entire day training but he had drastically overslept. He jumped out of bed and threw his clothes on as fast as he could before rushing out of the house and heading to the training field. Yūgure had made it halfway to the training field before he realized that he’d left his headband at home, he quickly dashed back for the headband before continuing to the training field. Once he finally arrived at the training field he was surprised to see a nearby sparring match in progress. As he looked closer Yūgure realized that one of them was a Jounin and the other was the Gennin that had helped to teach him the Substitution jutsu, but Yūgure’s mind could hardly register the thought— he was too immersed in watching the two of them fight. He was filled with awe as he watched the two spar with one another. Komon was sending out attacks that were almost too quick to see, and the Jounin was somehow managing to deflect all of them. Yūgure was just realizing how impressive Komon was as he watched the young Gennin spar against the jounin when Komon suddenly broke through the man’s defenses and sent him flying backwards and onto the ground! Yūgure could hardly believe that a gennin could do that to a jounin. Yū found himself wishing that he could perform jutsu on that level, and found himself filled with confidence and determination as he shifted his focus away from the now-over sparring match and to his own training. Just as he was about to practice a new jutsu he heard a someone yelling “Hey you!” Yūgure turned around to face the voice and saw Komon waving him down. The gennin looked surprisingly energetic despite the fact that he'd been sparring less than a moment ago, Yūgure shouted a welcome back at him “Hey Komon! That spar was amazing!”

WC: 326

Last edited by ComicChaos on Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:57 am
Komon still didn’t remember the kids name, which lead to a slightly awkward pause before Komon decided to just waltz around it. “Oh that, Gorami Sensei was just helping me with my taijutsu techniques for the chuunin exams.” Komon said aloud to the mystery name gennin before him. One thing komon did remember however was that the gennin possessed the byakugan same as him. Komons byakugan was still active from his spar with Gorami and by looking at the kids chakra system he could tell his chakra hadn’t grown much. He clearly hadn’t been training at the rate that Komon had. And his chakra system was a testament to it.

However judging by the brightness of the chakra it seemed to be just enough to be able to learn some of the Hyuuga techniques that the Gennin had just laid witness too. Komon had nothing better to do and frankly he remembered the pride he had felt when he had taught the gennin something as simple as the substitution jutsu, and with that an idea began to form in his head. “I am pretty talented with the 64 palms technique, and I don't think I’ve ever seen another hyuuga in the village maybe I should teach him 64 palms… It could be fun” Komon thought to himself as he began to voice the opinion aloud. “You, know the technique I was just using Is unique to the hyuuga clan… It’s been passed down for generations. I’d be happy to teach it to you if you have the time.”

WC: 511
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:58 am
As Komon walked over Yūgure could tell that Komon was analyzing him, this became even more apparent when Komon activated his byakugan. Yūgure knew that he hadn't grown much since they last met and was slightly ashamed of his current state in comparison to Komon’s. Komon had made idle conversation at first, before abruptly offering to teach Yū a new jutsu, the one that Komon had just used against the Jounin. Yūgure honestly couldn't believe that Komon was so eager to give up the secrets to a jutsu like that and initially wondered if there were some ulterior motive in the offer, but quickly dismissed that thought. He could tell that Komon was sincere in his offer, and Yūgure gave the obvious answer “That’d be awesome! I can't believe that you'd be willing to do that for someone like me!” Yūgure eagerly awaited a response from the gennin.

WC: 474
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:59 am
Komon was delighted to see that the gennin was willing to learn from him, He had never really thought of himself as much of a teacher, a shinobi sure, a teacher however seemed much harder to him. But there was no time to waste with thoughts like that, “Alright listen closely, as a hyuuga you have a very unique ability that helps you to learn, the byakugan can see chakra that is invisible to the naked eye, as i'm sure you saw it looked like I was just punching that jounin earlier, but in all reality with every punch I was blasting his internal organs with wave after wave of chakra, wearing his chakra system down and causing exhaustion, this is a technique the Hyuuga clan calls 8 Trigrams: 64 Palms” Komon informed the gennin who seemed to be paying relatively close attention.

Confident that the gennin understood he then issued him a challenge. “Alright I want you to activate your byakugan and watch what happens to my hand” He waited for the gennin to follow his instructions before continuing. “Now watch as I surround my hand with chakra and form a needle in my palm, this is the most essential part of the technique, it is completely invisible to anyone without visual dojutsu. I want you to practice manipulating the chakra in your hand before we begin testing out the taijutsu technique.” He instructed the gennin and waited eagerly to see if he would rise to the challenge.

WC: 760
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:01 am
Yūgure listened closely as Komon instructed him on the basics and watched intently with his byakugan while Komon demonstrated the first step of the Hyuga Clan’s 8 Trigrams: 64 Palms technique. Komon had gathered his chakra in his palm and shaped it into the shape of a needle, he then instructed Yūgure to practice what he had shown him. Yū quickly attempted to oblige, and hastily molded his chakra. It initially came out looking less like a needle and more like a small, blunt, misshapen, and deformed pole before it quickly lost form and dissipated. Yūgure didn't want to disappoint Komon and got back to focusing the chakra in his palm without missing a single beat. He tried to remember everything that Komon had just said and showed to him, Yū focused on what Komon’s chakra system had looked like when he had made the needle and immediately tried to imitate it. The chakra started forming in his hand again, much better than before. But it still wasn't perfect– the needle came out small and blunt this time, but at least it was straight. Yūgure continued practicing for what felt like an hour to him, but it could’ve been minutes, seconds, days, or weeks for Yū really cared. He was focused on perfecting this first step. Yūgure took a quick breather to restabilize his chakra flow and think about what he wasn't getting, but came up with nothing. Yū was suddenly struck by the fact that Komon was also a gennin and had mastered this all on his own, without any other Hyuuga assistance. This filled Yūgure with a newfound sense of determination, and he quickly got back into it going again and again until he finally managed to focus his chakra into the shape that he'd been aiming for this whole time. In his palm he'd finally formed a (somewhat shaky) needle. After a few more tries Yūgure had finally got it to maintain its shape. Yūgure beamed with pride as he called over to his fellow Hyuuga, “Komon sensei! I finally completed the first step!” and awaited his next instruction.

WC: 826
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:03 am
Komon was surprised to see that he had mastered It so fast, from what the kid had shown, he really had never manipulated chakra on any scale before, the fact that the gennin could manipulate chakra that well so fast was almost unbelievable. Komon also wasn’t sure how he felt about the kid calling him sensei, The gennin was only slightly younger than him, and they were the same rank… But he decided to ignore it and let it slide. “Great job, now I want you to look at me with your byakugan, as a hyuuga you can see my chakra system. The goal of the 64 palms technique is to disrupt that chakra system, that needle you just formed in your hand is what you will use to do so, the needle can either stick out through your palms or fingers but it will deliver the same effect with each blow, with repeated blasts you can significantly weaken your opponent's chakra system and wear them down into exhaustion.” Komon informed the gennin before continuing his sentence he took a pause, the words had run a bit longer than expected and left him needing a refreshing breath. “I want you to attack my chakra system, I will only be defending myself not attacking, your goal in this training will be to break my defense by depleting my chakra, remember you start with two hits, then move forward with another 2 to make 4, then another 4 to make 8 and you keep multiplying by two until you hit 64 Palms” Komon informed the gennin and waited for a response.

WC: 992
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:03 am
Yūgure listened in shock as Komon explained the next bit, it started simple enough. Just forming the needle and performing quick attacks with your palms, doubling the amount of attacks with each barrage. It was Komon saying that he wanted Yūgure to test the technique on him was what filled Yū with the sense of shock he felt. However, Yū acknowledged that this is what was needed for him to actually learn how to use this Hyuuga technique in a functional way. Yū told Komon to get ready and then he positioned himself in the same way that he’d seen Komon position himself earlier. He waited until Komon had raised his guard before activating his own Byakugan and starting his assault. He started his barrage as he shouted “Eight Trigrams: Two palms!”

WC: 958
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:04 am
Komon’s speed training had vastly paid off and as such he could see the gennin coming from a mile away, he also knew how the hyuuga technique worked, if the kid landed a hit even if komon blocked it with his forearm he would take significant damage. He could easily dodge his opponents hit but he wasn’t here to show the kid that he was more skilled or powerful than him. He was here to teach him, so he simply intercepted the two strikes with his forearm, Komon had never been hit by the technique before, only delivered and as such was surprised by the loss of energy he almost instantly felt, it was nothing major but he could tell something had left him. Knowing 4 palms was coming back komon hopped backwards putting some distance between him and the gennin, Komon activated his byakugan in order to give himself a 360 degree view of the battlefield, and squared up, ready to face the next onslaught of chakra amped strikes.

WC: 1162
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Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only] Empty Re: Komon/Yugure Hyuuga Training [Invite Only]

Wed Dec 21, 2016 4:07 am
Yūgure wasn’t surprised that Komon had blocked his initial attack with ease, but he had noticed that Komon wasn’t fully prepared for the effects of getting hit with this technique. Upon looking at Komon’s chakra system, Yū also realized that the two attacks that Komon had blocked w/ his forearm had slightly disrupted his Chakra system. After his quick analysis Yūgure leaped at Komon and began to prepare the next part of his Gentle Fist barrage, eager to practice the next part of his clan’s signature technique. He positioned himself the same way he was at the start and shouted “8 Trigrams: 4 Palms!” as he unleashed the second phase of the Hyuuga technique.

WC: 1072
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