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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Honours (Talia) Empty Honours (Talia)

Sat Dec 24, 2016 5:54 pm
It had been a week since Princess Kanzaki's safe return to the palace and today was the first day Tenhiyat had properly left the young ninja's side. The older princess had insisted on remaining by her cousin as she went through treatments, most of which involved sleeping. Due to the grace of the Gods, the young princess was not physically hurt. She was however traumatized and medical ninja were called in to keep Kanzaki resting when she began to scream in the night or tear at an invisible hand trying to attack her. Every time the nineteen year old watched Kanzaki in this state, Tehniyat knew it was all her fault.

She had failed to protect her cousin, how could she protect an entire country?

That morning found the royal heiress in her library office once more, awaiting her first appointment of the day. it was clear that because of her position and her shinobi nature, little Kanzaki would always be a target. Another bitter truth was that Tehniyat, no matter how much she wanted to, was completely ill equipped to protect the little princess. But she knew someone was more than capable, someone whose entire life purpose was to protect the royalty of Haven.

Someone Tehniyat could trust with this very important task and honour.

"Your Grace, Lady Talia Rose is here."

"Send her in, Ser Atem," the princess ordered, her face shifting into its usual look of polite interest as she readied herself for the first female Queensguard to enter.
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:57 am
The girl had been testing out her new uniform, commissioned recently. She found that she could move swiftly, and it wasn’t too tough to move or turn. None of her jutsu caused any tears either, though her lack of truly offensive technique probably attested to that. Since becoming a Queensguard her responsibilities seemed endless, Talia always being sent somewhere for some task or another. She hadn’t quite gotten the chance to work alongside any of the other Queensguard just yet, though she looked forward to the chance. She smiled as she adjusted the blue garment, when she felt a presence land behind her. A Hoshi jonin bowed respectfully, handing her a small note before leaving as fast as he had arrived. The brunette glanced at the note in her hand, seeing an immediate summons from the Princess. The order was simple enough, though the Princess likely had more work for her to do.

The ninja leapt across the rooftops of the city, making almost no sound as she approached the library of the castle, skidding to a stop by the doors. She straightened out her uniform, steadying herself as she prepared to meet Tenhiyat. She nodded in greeting at Ser Atem as he showed her in. He must have spotted her a ways off, she mused. She entered the Princess’s office, giving her a polite bow and a friendly smile. Standing upright, she cocked her head slightly, a clear sign of wondering why she had been called.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:36 am
As Lady Talia entered, Tehniyat rose to her feet, affording the Queensguard the courtesy she required for her station. A small curtsy later, the princess was seated again. Gesturing for the mute ninja to take a seat, Tehiyat began.

"I hope I find you well today," the royal heiress spoke, her features arranged in polite interest as was the norm. Things were slowly returning to normal after the traumatic events of a week ago and Princess Tehniyat, in accordance, would have to do the same. And that started with pretending her world was not crumbling before her eyes.

"How have you found your training so far? I imagine it must be a singularly unique experience to be the first ever female Queensguard in Haven's long and illustrious history. No doubt you've found quite a few differences made to accommodate your position already." The blonde's green eyes lingered on Talia's uniform as if to emphasize the point. Of course the ninja couldn't wear the same bulky white Armour the rest of the guard were expected to sport.
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:25 am
Talia smiled, nodding as she took her seat offered to her by Tehniyat. Getting comfortable, she gave a nod of affirmation of being well. Her new station had made things a bit more hectic of course, which caused plenty of stresses in the young ninja’s life, but it was nothing the Princess needed to hear about. She realized the Princess had much more on her plate then Talia could even dream of. She just wished she could help Tehniyat with some of it.

The brunette didn’t have much to convey about her training, other than she had been working doubly as hard. The silent girl would give another polite nod, turning to her notebook for a second to write something.  Holding it up, Talia looked a bit concerned. The note itself held a simple message, as was what made up most of her communication.

“Are you okay?”

The ninja knew Tehniyat had no obligation to answer honestly, but she wanted to make sure that at least someone worried about more than just her physical safety. Talia had little ways of consoling the girl, she wasn’t one for speeches, but at least she could be here if her help was required.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:43 am
Perhaps it was the sense of security that resulted from the ninja's mutism, perhaps not. All the princess really knew was that she had come to view Talia as a confidante of sorts, albeit one who had to be kept at a distance because royal decorum demanded so. But every time the blonde met Talia, she could appreciate the kunoichi's kind mannerisms and complete attention to whatever was being discussed. Now though, as seh asked her of her training, the Queensguard in return asked if Tehniyat was alright, catching the princess by surprise.

"I.. must admit I'm not entirely certain of the answer," the heiress replied, a small line of concern marring her otherwise smooth forehead. It bothered her more that she didn't have a proper answer than the fact that he was clealry not "okay". "But I suppose it matters little when there's work to be done," she concluded, trying to steer the conversation back to where she was in control. Enough was going on outside these palace walls to make the Princess feel lost and helpful, she would at least try to control what happened within.

"You may have heard that Her Grace, Princess Kanzaki has been resting this past week. Given the situation, I felt it best to use a sickness as an excuse but the truth is, Her Grace was abducted - by no other than the former Captain of the Quensgaurd, Ser Meryn." Tehniyat would wait a moment for Talia to digest all this before continuing.

"It is unclear if he abducted the princess to cause her harm or simply to blame it on me. He took her while she was out playing in the courtyard, killing a ninja companion of her's in the process. Darkness Yuki saw them escape and hastened to report the incident to me. I dispatched a shinobi in the night and by sunrise, Her Grace was home but the experience has left her severely traumatized. She has regular nightly terrors and sometimes has to be subdued with milk of the poppy."
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:21 am
Talia could understand that the work needing to be done was important, but the Princess’s health was always going to be something of a concern to the quiet Queensguard. There simply wasn’t a lot Talia could do for her, though. All she could do was her duty for now, and hope to give Tehniyat a break someday. Letting the Princess shift the conversation to more important matters, Talia decided that she would let the subject go for the moment. Talia had been brought here for a reason, and she supposed it was time to find out whatever that might be.

Hearing about Kanzaki, she nodded. She had heard the Princess had been resting but… an abduction? She could scarcely believe that something like that could have happened, as well as Talia hadn’t heard about it. Her brow furrowed in thought, trying to consider a reason for such heinous actions. Though she couldn’t say she knew Ser Meryn well it was still a shocking revelation. There was no time to dwell on it though, as the Princess clearly had more to say and Talia felt that she would soon be involved in something.

Talia clearly seemed uncomfortable someone had been killed, especially that someone had been killed by a queensguard. She had been taking so long becoming accustomed to her post..she wondered if there was anything she could have done to stop such a thing from happening. Hearing of the Princess’s problems, Talia became more worried still. This was not something a girl like her should have to go through. Genjutsu could perhaps be used to alleviate some of the symptoms but...locking away memories always led to consequences. Kanzaki would have to get over this from within, but there was no reason she couldn’t have help with it. Making her next note for the Princess, she turned her journal around for the Princess to see.
"How can I help?"
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:45 pm
As always, Lady Talia was direct in her approach. Never one to waste words, the quiet kunoichi at once asked what was required of her, an attitude Tehniyat personally found both refreshing and time saving. "The princess was only taken from us for a night but I fear the experience will leave her scarred for years to come. She is a shinobi by birth, just like her lord father was and yet she is royalty. She is the future of Hoshigakure, a Hoshigakure united under one banner of ninja and civilian, and it was that future Ser Meryn tried to rob us off that night."

He had come close too, would have succeeded even if it hadn't been for the brave antics of Ser Lucian Nazar but that was besides the point. "Her Grace Kanzaki is a child still, not fit to lead for many years to come. She needs a positive influence in her life, a... sensei of sorts. She needs to interact with other ninja alongside maintaining her royal duties and she needs to be kept safe while doing all of it."

the next words came our more heavily, as if worn out from the times she'd pondered them before saying them out loud. "I may not always be around to oversee Princess Kanzaki's progress, nor am i the most qualified to do so. In light of that, I would humbly request you to perform a job below your honorable station as Queensguard, Lady Talia. I would ask you to take on the role of Her Grace Kanzaki's Jounin sensei. Teach her to be a good ninja, and teach her to be a better person. Teach her of our people and their needs, and be patient with her as she struggles to understand the challenges that lie ahead."

With that, the blonde would lapse into silence, giving her Queensguard a chance to write a response.
Talia Rose
Talia Rose
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Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:03 am
Talia grimaced at the thought of loosing Kanzaki, and knew the Princess was right. She was the future and would need to be protected. The quiet shinobi just wasn't sure she was the best choice. At this point though, Talia wasn't sure she had a choice. Her morals wouldn't let her ignore a friend in need and she would just have to train this girl the best that she could. Talia really didn't consider it below her station, either.

Nodding to Tehniyat with a smile, she wrote quickly to avoid leaving her waiting. "I would love to. I will teach her to the absolute best of my abilities."
Having a student would definently be new. It wasn't that long ago she had been learning skills from Denkiteki as his short term student. This task would be very new, but not something she felt was inn-achievable. She would do Tehniyat proud the best that she could.

(Sorry this is so short! I got sick and busy and life just sucked for a while!)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Honours (Talia) Empty Re: Honours (Talia)

Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:03 am
A true sense of relief washed over the blonde as Talia agreed. Princess Tehniyat had no doubt that the silent shinobi would prove a good teacher. After all, who better to teach the young Kanzaki to observe than a woman who spent a large part of her life doing that very thing.

"Please accept my gratitude," the nineteen year old spoke softly. "I have every confidence in you, and I now must have confidence in Her Grace Kanzaki. My Aunt trusted shinobi and now it is time i follow the path she forged for us as a country. Trust is not just in words but emphasized by actions."

Pausing slightly, she continued. "I never had a Lady Sister, Princess Kanzaki is the closest I have right now. I trust the remainder of my family to you."

Once the ninja had the opportunity to digest the statement, they would move on to the more technical aspects of her task such as the young princess's training routine, the extent of her current knowledge and what she needed to learn to further enhance her shinobi arts. Once all pertinent matters were discussed, Tehniyat would bid the Queensguard farewell.

Checking yet another thing off the list before she had to leave this country forever.

(Exit Tehniyat)
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