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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:20 am
Ren nodded his head in acknowledgement, "Your right of course my lord, the only trouble is that I spend all my time sparing with my students, so I find little time to spar with anyone of a greater skill than me" Ren said with a slight sigh; "I must ask, how do you find the time to maintain your skills when you spend the majority of your time organising the village?" Ren asked hoping for some advice or an offer of help from the man
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:14 pm
"It's simple, really. My mind never leaves the battlefield. Throughout my life, my mind has functioned on the duality of combat. Philosophy, morals, camaraderie.. these were all sacrificed by a younger version of myself. In class, I only thought about sparring regardless of the topic. With friends, I only wanted to roughhouse and work on my foot movement and torque, and now.. even when writing documents and carrying out meetings.." Xyxer paused for a moment with his mouth slightly agape, snickering once at what he was about to confess to Ren, "My mind still wanders to combat. While we talk about the infrastructure of Kirigakure and it's neighboring islands.. all I can remember is my death. Despite dedicating my whole life to combat, it still was not enough. Perhaps, it is for that reason, you'll find the way of combat laid out easier before you. Perhaps.." Xyxer paused once more, scratching the side of his neck as he appeared to have simply gone on a random tangent, "You'll fight stronger than I, if it's about something you care for. All you need to do Ren is find a reason to fight, and your style. The rest will come naturally." Of course, this was all rather hypocritical of Xyxer, but he did not consider himself to be very much like Ren. He seemed to genuinely care about his students and himself, it was almost inspiring to see such a figure inside the walls of Kirigakure.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:14 pm
Ren shivered a little at the man's words, there was wisdom there, but also madness... and yet the man knew the value of having something to fight for, internally Ren questioned how much he really knew about this man... perhaps, at his heart he did have whats best for the village in mind. No, even if the man did have the villages best interests at heart. "Perhaps your right, perhaps fighting to protect what we have here is enough, that and training all the more for it." Ren said with a nod. "This village after all is something special, although I fear that some of the graduates from before my time may not feel that way; I've noticed that many of them neither train, nor contribute to the village. If only I could find a way to make them realise they need to contribute to the village Ren mused, more to himself than to the kage.
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:40 am
It was around about this point that Xyxer would find no point to mince his words with the male before him, believing that enough of a rapport had been established for a question of this magnitude to be asked. "So tell me, Ren. Why are you so feminine?" The male inquired towards the boy who could easily be mistaken for a girl, truly bewildered by his sense of style. Even the way that Ren spoke was soft and quiet, only furthering the illusion that he could potentially be a girl. It just bewildered the simple Mizukage. Not that he was sexist or anything, of course.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sun Mar 05, 2017 4:40 am
Ren's back stiffened at the Mizukage's words, he felt his blood begin to boil; the mere thought that the man would insinuate that he looked like a girl. Ren clenched a fist in anger before he caught himself, no trying to kill the Mizukage was a easy way to end up as dog food; instead Ren forced himself to grit his teeth and provide a basic response. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean... Sir." Ren said coldly the last word barely making it past his teeth as he ground them together in frustration.
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sun Mar 05, 2017 6:47 am
Just like a shark that had smelt the blood of injured life in it's terrain, so too did Xyxer catch on to the distinct weakness of Ren.. He didn't enjoy being called a girl, which was understandable if he truly was a boy, but now the sleuth of a Mizukage had it, and it was only natural for Xyxer to probe relentlessly. "Your hair is long, your body lithe, you have a choker, you carry yourself very delicately.. must I continue as to why you appear so feminine? I mean, it's fine if you swing with the men, Ren, I just need to sate my curiosity while I have you here." Xyxer's head cocked to one side at this point, wondering how the boy would handle the barrage.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:42 am
Ren stood up, rather abruptly, his fist still trembling at the man's words. 'What a fool I am to think that he's anything more than a monster that takes pleasure in other's torments' Ren thought to himself. To any outside onlooker such a thought pattern seems absurd, that such a seemingly innocent question would trigger such a response seemed illogical, and it was; however much like all those who counted themselves amongst the ranks of Kirigakure no sato, Ren had his quirks, and the most prominent of those was how utterly illogical he was when it came to someone implying that he looked like a girl. Tuning his back to the man Ren would speak curtly, not quite impolitely, but it was clear he no longer had any interest in continuing this conversation. "I'm afraid I really have no Idea what your talking about My lord, Now I'm afraid It's getting late and I have to be up early to teach the early classes tomorrow." Ren said, forming a single hand seal and disappearing in a flicker of speed, his mind still actively keeping track of the chakra signature of the demon behind him in his minds eye and taking note of any fluctuations that might indicate he intended to follow Ren.

[Claiming 1888 towards Minds Eye] ,18 AP, Memorising Xyxer's chakra (other 200 from previous threads)

Last edited by Ren Tsubasa <3 on Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:45 am
Approved. Next time try to make it a bit more obvious that you're training something please ^.^
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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:42 am
A smile formed upon the features of Xyxer as soon as Ren revealed one of his weaknesses.. He didn't seem to enjoy how feminine he truly was. Perhaps he was insecure, perhaps he didn't like being noticed by Senpai.. but who cares? The more Xyxer learned about people, the more he enjoyed them. The way they think, the way they operate.. the entire conversation, Xyxer had been garnering more information about the way Ren operated, the way his mind ticked.. It would serve him well come the following days, as the more Xyxer learned about people, the more he could do to use it against them.. to use this information he was storing in a way that would impact all of them at once. He could show these people something beautiful.. something that would terrify them.. Ren had hinted at his love for the academy, and the destruction of that would bring him much sorrow.. and just as he shared that sentiment for the village, other people would naturally care for their village a whole lot.. and so if that was to be destroyed.. a whole lot of delightful suffering would be warming Xyxer's heart.


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The shadow in the light - Page 2 Empty Re: The shadow in the light

Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:49 am

Approved <3
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