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Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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wandering through the wind [t,p] Empty wandering through the wind [t,p]

Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:30 pm
xuba felt the wind flow around him. soothing him as he studied the torn landscape around him. he was confident with the land overall. the ruins provided shelter for himself and the ones in which he was traveling with. A boy young and seeking safety. A girl madness surrounding her, A young man built off interesting characteristics. they all were strong in each of their own way, but xuba took heart in protecting them all.
time will only tell when they will grow. i have been out in the world long enough to see that they can survive. i can see it. but i want them to rule this world to their own pleasure... i want them to grasp life by the shirt and spit in the face of fear. shall they be unlike the eternal elements i wonder... perhaps faith lies in me to the extent of none other. because i lack faith in myself.
xuba thought as he paced around the now cleaned up ruins of this once magnificent village. the derbies was took days to move even by himself. He found that he needed to break most of the rocks multiple times to even make most of it movable.
Now rested and relaxed xuba looked out towards the dark meadows. He felt the fluxing of wind pushing and pulling him in many directions. He knew why the people and travelers once called this land a place of tornadoes. His grey eyes studied the ravine known as tornado alley. It was a place rifted and earth scorned of ever fluxing wind. Like a natural storm on the earth that would never stop. Until forced by a force much greater then itself.
I wonder. Do the gods there command such a wonderful phenomenon? It sings of the wind and its call. Grace but destruction should one get too close? Perhaps I should go and study this phenomenon myself to give a feel for its force and power.  Or try to approach it. The dancing heavens show their fury and beauty on the earth. The land alone shows of torn sorrows scattered throughout the land… still its treasures are never fully shown.
Xuba thought as he took off from the ruins. Leaving a quick note for the others that he would return soon. It was a challenge controlling his movements. The winds despite his running knocked xuba off balance the closer he got towards the windy ravine. This however, was a start of xubas trek towards the ravine. The winds suddenly picked up as he kept moving forward. Xuba shielded his eyes as he felt the wind rip at his clothing. It felt like one step was 10 steps after a mile. And 10 steps were a hundred. Xuba gazed ahead at one point and realized that the rock ahead only seemed as if it was not moving. The wind had xuba completely stopped in fact he was walking in place. Xuba laughed at this point and found it amazing that this was even possible. But he smiled taking a stance he took a deep breath as he had to recollect himself. The heavy winds provided a perfect training opportunity.
Lets do this.. first.
Xuba thought as he attempted to throw a strike. His hand being blocked and equal force. Xuba stared with disbelief and wonder as he struggled to move his hand it was unbelievable, but he was determined to complete at least three punches through this. Relaxing xuba let his body get used to the wind as he felt the challenge of breathing in such a forceful wind, his bones began to ache as his muscles shook from the strain of holding stance mid a heavy barrage of winds. It felt like hours of training yet xuba was only in stance for a few minutes.
You have gotta be kidding me?
Xuba thought as he kept trying to strike. His arms felt like lead at this point exhaustion was apparent as stared at the rock ahead of him. “I cannot surrender like this.” xuba shouted his voice drowned out by the wind as he was blown backwards his feet skidding in the wind. Xuba was sent back by at least 50 meters. A drop of sweat from fierceness of the wind made xuba fearful for an instant.
This cannot be! The wind itself pressing me back like I am a child. How much force is behind this? What causes this to happen? And what will happen if I managed to even get past that point? Would I be torn asunder? No I cannot let this stop me but it rattles me like I’m a child.
A single tear of desire fell from the young man’s face as he braced himself. Yet even these winds were exhausting and for a good reason too. Xuba’s march was halted as he finally realized the wind took more energy out of him from approaching than it did several hours of traveling. Xuba turned away from the wind storm soaked raiven and called it a day. The wind truly being frightening yet enticing.
Back at the ruins xuba exhausted and drained from his training studied the ravine once more. Perhaps there was an easy way to approach the ravine, but he needed to get a lot strong. That wall of wind was in fact out of the question. He would overcome the wind and be its leader as one he would have to learn the ways of the wind first. This was the desire of xuba to train and be one with the wind at it’s fullest.
I would succeed. If I do not then I will keep going till I do. Learn from each mistake and I will complete a punch in the wind by the end of tomorrow. I will then keep each building block up and try to complete every motion I can.
Xuba thought as he relaxed for the remainder of the day his mind still buzzing on how his body merely ran out of strength from merely holding up his stance and merely striking. Still xuba remained relaxed as he knew it was a work in progress to improve the body and soul. He was pressing himself that was what truly counted.
The following day xuba felt the humidity in the air. Thunder sounded towards the ravine as he rushed over to the ravine as fast as he could. The slippery ground forced xuba to focus on his stance as he shielded himself from both fierce rain and wind. The young man found that the stormy weather would be a challenge along with the wind, but going through the full ordeal would get him through the ordeal would prove a challenge. Now Xubas goal would be to simply reach the spot he was originally. This proved even more of a challenge as every step he took the slipping and sliding meant that he went back at least five paces. It was a slow but unyielding battle between man versus the powers of heaven and hindered by the earth.
To think that we can only defy either of the earth and heavens and yet we bother to yield their bearings and gains. How people so easily forget between the two we are but specs in the picture. So many things we must travel between in the two. The distance between man and the two forces are millions of seas apart. I cannot give up however, this is increasingly becoming more exhausting.
Xuba thought as it was true. It was like running on a treadmill. Just at varying paces. He would get a foot hold and he did not want to use chakra to save it up in case of dangerous situations. So xuba kept at it. The wind powerful and much stronger due to the rushing of hot and cold air was much stronger. So xuba would feel as if his goal was getting further and further away. Which was true. The mud combined with wind made it so that he had no other choice but to press forward, or to succumb to mud and enjoy the slide back many meters backwards. Xuba was stubborn as his legs grew exhausted as rain and wind stung his skin, his knees ached and slowed till he tripped and fell face first in the mud. Xuba was exhausted and worn out from even trying to make it back to the point he was before.
Xuba’s first hit the mud causing some of it to rise and fly into his face. Disappointment filled xuba with a zeal for success. His hopes, and dreams to succeed slowly consuming him tears of desire slowly fell from his cheeks. The day before he was close. Yet he couldn’t even reach a single rock that was a step towards the ravine. Xuba got to his knees composing himself as to felt the wind. Turning towards the way the wind was blowing his mind in dispair as he swayed with the wind. He subconsciously kept the motions in mind as simply moved with the wind. It was a jumbled mess but as he moved against it he felt the resistance. It was unusual. His own strength against the wind was like a flea to a storm. Sure if strong enough xuba knew he could make it.
Then it struck him. Sitting in the wind how much of a challenge he had if he could utilize that with the fighting style he is working with. Like the wind he could become a challenge to overcome and pose a challenge. He needed to see like the artist of old what they learned from. Not explosive but continuous in assault and flowing. Xuba closed his eyes and let the wind guide him.
Left, right, up, down, always curving, always moving continuously moving around. Weaving a way through the opponent, seeking a way through the person. The source keeps moving not stopping. Even if calm a breeze continuously shifts through. From all angles, and will continue unprovoked but in its own world without limits. However I am a man with limits. I strike a certain distance, but in that distance I will keep them locked on the end. I will be that wind that shall press them back. Small hits that over time will keep at reducing the opponent down bit by bit. In straining order. Even weak they shall fly like a insect in the storm. If durable they can last. They can endure, but I will never allow it.
Xuba thought as he took a breath and with his thoughts and body physically mimicked the wind. Registering each movement with and learning to identify each movement without taking in consideration of control and power. Freedom and swift moving like a moving storm on the horizon xuba continued each movement adding in kicks and the likes while the wind died down.
The night was dark when xuba stopped training. Wet cold and exhausted xuba took a seat shielding himself from the cold wind by huddling behind the rocks. To warm up he practiced his traditional movements and the movements mimicked from being the wind. An exhausted xuba stared up at the sun and took in a deep breath as he stared at the horizon. The day beginning anew and xuba had a choice. He could return home and rest. Or he could keep trying to practice and learn more from what the world had to offer. Through such exhaustion xuba felt his spirit unwaiver yet his body screamed at xuba as he turned back towards the wind. His legs dragged and he was cold and wet. Still the flame in his eyes were grey with a fire for success. He was desired like the masters of old to keep at the art till they could not stand. And even then they would crawl for what they dedicated themselves on.
Xuba arrived at where the wind picked up and swayed in the wind. Even then the wind was relentless as if testing xuba’s might. However xuba was not going to have it the ground dried where he had fallen and skid backwards. The wind pressed back fiercely against the young man as his tired exhausted body persisted through the wind. That was till he hardly made it within 50 feet of when he last fell. The wind flat out stopped the exhausted xuba.
Then I was fresh, now I’m exhausted and no sleep. This may be the limit for each time one trains with no rest movements get worse and health gets worse. But I’m used to this. I’ve done it for 15 years. I know I need to keep myself strong, but I believe here is where I would get it. Like many techniques I have trained and trained on end. Still that is no excuse for results.
Xuba thought as he once more turned towards the direction of the ruins. And surrendered to the ruins how the wind moved and flowed around him. Xuba now moved in tune to the wind taking the risk of adding kicks and other movements. The first thing he learned was not to let down his guard for no reason. So he shifted his guard with the use of his stance and strikes and kicks. Keeping sure to always remain on the offensive side. Without this xuba knew he would not only not get the purpose, but also leave too many openings.
Keep steady and attacking…remain focused and unyielding even in question of an assault I must overwhelm it and remain the one as the top. If I do not do this I cannot allow myself nor them to fall. Ill defend them all.
Xuba thought as he now shifted without aid of the wind in a consistent but various forms of movements attacking and assuring he was defensive as well as he slid and struck with as much might as he could. The flowing movements were becoming more and more familiar as he was working out every detail he could about it. It looked as a distinct style of offense one he was greatly eager to form techniques for besides basic punches and strikes of simple use. Still he was happy for all of the work he was done completing for the art overall. With a final strike and a shout the grass shifted slightly underneath him and he smiled.
“This looks like it will be fun. Now I’m hoping I can complete this with relative ease. It is definitely going to be an interesting development. A style for the wind in its fullest fury. Stopping man along with earth. I wonder how far I can go with this now that it feels like it’s a glove. To strike continuously to put pressure like the wind. To keep prying the foe till they kneel and submit. It shall never be easy nor be unstoppable. But it is a starting the direction. The motions are down and now it is time to refine the art like a pebble to be polished.”
Xuba spoke as he headed back to the ruins and smiled as he approached from his day long absence. The welcome may not be a stove and a chair, nor hot meal. But it was shelter some meat from hunting and a small fire pit ready to be lit and set. The young man was famished from his training as he took to setting up a warm fire as a means to dry off his clothing and prepare meat to be cooked. A meal that while not meant for kings. It was welcomed and appreciated.
Night slowly came to xuba as his limbs screamed at him in exhaustion after taking a brief nap. Still groggy and worn out from training he listened to the wind flow through the ruins slowly like a low dirges of sorrow and loneliness. The cleaning of the ruins took a lot of the dismal feel and left it with an empty feel. But far better than the horrifying feel of looking at broken down buildings for the most part and long since lost pottery and toys from children.
How long has it been since I looked at a village. The small village that we all went through seems like all this place has. It’s sad how far one so mighty can fall. But we cannot beat time in the end… we can only accept time for that which it is.  An eternal flowing force that propels us to the future. Despite what actions we do, and how we do things. Everything is predetermined. Just not known to us. Perhaps not even the gods know the fate that lasts us.
Xuba took up a rock from the ground in thought at that. It was a interesting point. He would’ve simply looked not at fate and kept running from his life and ran past here without Aeizith and the girl, and that boy. Would he have trained so hard for a style? In which he came up with out of despair? Perhaps. Yet xuba was confident that there was a measure to which things could be determined. Perhaps his life would be different if he did not take his mother’s life? It was a question that xuba asked himself every day he woke up in the depths of his mind. What would his fate be as a murderer in defense of his life?
“maybe. Just maybe the clock is ticking for my like.. or it has not begun. If only I knew then what I know now. I could’ve stopped this all from happening. Still there is no way to go back. I can only step forward each second and minute that goes by. It I could then I would’ve properly died. Let bygones be bygones. My actions sung true and my eyes are fixed to the path at the end. Even if oblivion takes me I will persist and exist as a survivor.”
Xuba muttered to himself as he stared up at the moon before going to sleep.

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wandering through the wind [t,p] Empty Re: wandering through the wind [t,p]

Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:02 am

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