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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:47 pm
"I already know chakra infusion and all the medical jutsu I can learn my current rank. I'm also a lightning style user and I don't particularly care for genjutsu." Love paused this didn't seem to be heading in a good direction. "Oh?" The red head realized that he must have thought she was joking when she called herself Ai-sama. "My name is Love Sakumo but you may refer to me as Ai-sama." Looking at the boy she could tell that he was a nice kid and wanted to make friends with the girl. "If you know the higher level of medical ninjutsu I'd be happy for you to teach it to me." She said with a smile to let him know that she would also like to have him as a friend.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Mon Mar 06, 2017 5:17 pm
Ryou was embarrassed thinking what she said was a joke. "I like Love more, is it alright if I call you that?" He found it much it easier, he hoped she would be ok with that. He thought it was a nice name, he wasn't lying about that. Ryou didn't like being called anything that was forced, whatever made the friend comfortable around him. 

Regardless what Love wanted to be called, Ryou processed with his chance to train her. "I can help you get your medical ninjustu to the strongest point, like mine." He tried to think of how he was going to train her with this. "For this, I'll be the ragdoll." He sighed but knew that this would help her. "What I want you to do is strike me with an attack that should break a bone of mine." Ryou didn't mind getting a broken bone. "Then I want you to think of a memory that could help drive you, like I mine what being the savior so that another could go threw what i went threw." Ryou kinda hoped she would ask what happened. "Then with that drive, I want you to use your chakra to heal my broken bone, since you know the basics of healing I trust I don't have to go over that." He then continues. "The difference between a broken bone and a cut when it comes to medical ninjutsu is that you need or patience and more concentration." He smiles. "I'll be ok, I know you can do it."  

WC: 257
TWC: 1645

1146/4000: Wind style: wind rejuvination
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Mon Mar 06, 2017 6:55 pm
"Love sensei sounds weird though..." She said jokingly. "I guess just Love is fine." She added before he began to tell her how to do the more advanced version of medical ninjutsu. Love cracked her knuckles, "Bone breaking is the easy part." She commented but was then confused as to why she would need a memory for motivation. And then the kid said something interesting, "What happened to you?" Love asked and while he would answer Love punch and break the bone in his lower arm. "Hurts less if you don't see it coming." She told him, from then she perform the boar, rat, and snake hand seals since she didn't yet know that the last hand seal would not be needed for this higher level. With the chakra now flowing her hands she would listen to his story while healing him.

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:52 pm
Ryou yells as he was caught off guard, though it did hurt less, it still hurt a lot as she broke his upper arm. After he calm down a bit he told Love, "Before I tell you, remember that you need to find your own memory...Also, you don't need the snake hand sign." Ryou found it pointless to protest. 

Ryou starts the story. "I was six...I lived with my parents. They were the best. They would always play with me, they always had time for me. On that day my uncle came over to our house, my aunt was still at Suna. I was six remember, so I was distaced with chasing a tumbleweed outside. Eveyone was inside the house. The next thing I remember was the house bursting into flames and collapsing." His eyes began to water, "I ran back. Then, being a dumb ass, I started digging threw the burning wood. I gave my hands a nasty scar." Ryou looks down and his fingerless gloves that hid the burn scars. "My aunt came and dragged me away from the fire. The last two things i remember was feeling my aunts warm tears run down my neck as she held me, the next thing was my moms hand poking out where I was digging." He was all choked up. He wipes his eyes with his non broken arm. "I've lived with my aunt here in Suna for 5 years now." He adds. He hoped her would now understand what to look for when healing even if she had no experience like his. He adds before letting her go down her own memories. "You're the only person i have ever told."

TWC: 1926

1426/4000:  Wind style: wind rejuvination
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Tue Mar 07, 2017 2:55 pm
"Noted." Love nodded at the boy. She looked at his arm while he told his story, his words would be the background music that would help her concentrate. Halfway through the story the girl looked up as she could hear Ryou crying and trying to hold back the tears. Too bad she couldn't say anything to comfort him, that wasn't Love's stong suit. She wasn't even sure that anything she could say would even make a difference. Although from his words she could tell that he wanted her to see the pain and mend it even though that would've happened regardless. Medicine had always interested Love and being a Hyuuga she would most likely excel at it. "Thank you for sharing that with me. Luckily I've never had anything tragic happen in my life and for me to tell you something painful from my past would just seem like I was trying to one up you."

"Even in the air of sharing anything I say would be a slap in the face to you. And I feel as though trying to tell you a bad story that turns good due to comedy would just make you envious. Not to say that you and your aunt don't have memories like that after the event, it just wouldn't feel right to me." The fourteen year old said suddenly sounding much wiser than her years. Something that happened on occasion particularly when she was being sincere or proving her point. She just hoped that her words wouldn't confuse the boy or make him think that she was being cold and or un-trusting of him. Looking back down at the male's arm it would appear as though the arm was once again whole, Love would quickly use her byakugan to check. "You're all good to go!" She told him with a smile, that would hide her happiness from completing this jutsu on the first try. She would then stand up, dust herself off, and then extend her right hand to him so that he would have to use his previously broken right arm to pull up with; thus confirming that it had been properly fixed. 

"I think that's all for today." She would wait for him to reply before suggesting that he go to a hospital to have a professional check her work; and she would of course accompany him. It wasn't right to let someone go off on their own after reliving such painful memories, no matter how much he might insist.

WC:419 [Exit]
Claiming: 12 stats, Generic Sealing, Medical Ninjutsu (lvl 2), 1,004 words to Raiton Cape

Last edited by Princess Love <3 on Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:50 pm
Ryou looks at his now healed arm. He smiles at Love, "Good job." He complemented. She checked every thing with her amazing dojutsu. Ryou felt the difference from before to now. He got himself up after hearing that it was time to end their training day. Then she advised him to go to a hosital to check his arm, just in chase. "No, no, I'm good, my bloodline helps." He saw that wasn't going to change her mind, stubborn one she was. Ryou sighs, "I guess." He walks with his new friend off to the hospital. 

TWC: 2022
1522/4000 to Wind style: wind rejuvination
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:18 pm

Hi Love, please state how many words are going to which tech. <3
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:29 pm
I did, my first post I taught myself generic sealing and then Ryou just taught me the second level of medical ninjutsu.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:36 pm

Generic sealing is 500, being taught med level 2 is 750. And you're still claiming 2000+ words for other things. I may be losing my vision/reasoning but please clarify the math. <3
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Shoot for the Stars! - Page 3 Empty Re: Shoot for the Stars!

Wed Mar 08, 2017 3:54 pm
Oh I forgot to subtract the words for Med ninjutsu sorry.
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