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Stat Page : The Tengu
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam) Empty Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam)

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:04 am
Damon hurried along to the ninja academy as they were hosting genin exams today and he believed that he qualified to try for the rankup. He was pumping his arms as he ran with an innocent smile on his face. He was older than his peers but he still possessed the fiery passion of youth. He had grown up meeting all sorts of people from nearly every land in the shinobi world, but he never really had any negative experiences. No moments of great sadness or sorrow. His father was a good Samaritan, meaning that if he happened across any unfortunate soul, he would provide them with a ride to the nearest major village, accompanied by a meal. The boy had had a good life up until this point and would now have a chance to become a shinobi. Step one was becoming a genin. He entered the academy and took his place at his seat as he would wait for the proctor to show up and begin the exams.

WC: 170
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam) Empty Re: Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam)

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:52 am
Shina was the proctor for the exam today, and stood in front of the class in her standard Jounin outfit as she surveyed Hoshi's next batch of shinobi. Assuming they passed that was. Going through the names, Shina would encourage each student as they came forward and attempted the Clone and Transformation jutsu. So far everyone seemed to be doing alright, Shina only had to  tell two students that they wouldn't be graduating just yet.

"Alright Damon, you're up next. Remember, you have to do both the Clone and Transformation jutsu. Want to tell us who you're going to transform into or is it going to be a surprise?" Shina gave the student an encouraging nod as she waited for him to do the requested techniques.

(Do Transformation and clone jutsu in an 800 word post please)
Stat Page : The Tengu
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 44150

Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam) Empty Re: Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam)

Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:56 pm
Here it was. The moment he had been waiting for nearly all of his life. The stepping stone that would further his progress as a shinobi in the City Blessed by the Stars. The genin exam. He had been studying the requirements for quite a while in the academy, so he felt fairly confident in his abilities. Almost like he had done it before or something. He nervously stood from his seat and pushed his chair in before heading to the front of the class, where a higher ranked kunoichi awaited to proctor the exams. Damon could guess, based on what he had heard from living in the village, that she was a jounin, as her outfit seemed to suggest. She seemed nice enough, even encouraging the other students, despite a couple of his classmates before him failing. He walked towards the front of the class as he went over the handseals that he would need to use within his own mind. Okay, come on, buddy, you got this. His mental reassurance aside, he proceeded to stand in front of the class with his arms at his side and feet spread slightly apart. Upon each handseal, he would stop and say it out loud and broadcast it to his classmates. This was a performance after all. “Ram → Snake → Tiger” A foggy puff of smoke appeared next to the nervous boy which revealed a perfect mirror image of himself. He looked proud while basking in the fact that he had not totally screwed up before he turned and began to inform the class, “The Clone Jutsu can be used to, as the name suggests, create a clone of the caster.” He paused for a moment, searching for the right words before resuming his speech, “Clones can be used to distract someone. However, the clones can’t be used for chores or taking your place in a test. because they can’t actually interact with anything. Watch this.” He turned to face the clone before getting into an amateur fighting position. Damon ran towards the clone with his fist raised, but upon reaching the clone, his fist merely passed straight through it. Once on the other side, he released the clone, which vanished in a tuft of smoke.

He was unsure as to whether or not any of his other classmates had already done this, since he was barely paying attention during the other demonstrations as he focused on what he would do for his own. He had not quite figured out what he was going to do for the transformation technique, and the words of his proctor had stalled his thought process for a moment, so he decided to do the clone technique first. Now he had gotten an idea, but he figured that it would be a cliche as far as genin exams go. Oh well. With a more determined look on his face, Damon brought his hands up to the front of his fae. Just like what he had done for the clone technique, he would stop and say the handseals aloud. “Dog → Boar → Ram” His body was consumed by a column of smoke only to dissipate as quickly as it had appeared. In his stead was a duplicate of their very own proctor, whose name Damon was unaware of, as he did not think she had introduced herself. Maybe it was assumed that everyone had known her from the village, but alas, he was not a local resident. Regardless, he decided that he should probably explain the technique to the class, “The Transformation Technique allows for a shinobi to appear to look like another person. Someone could use this jutsu to focus their chakra control, as it takes a lot of concentration to maintain. This skill is particularly difficult to learn because it requires for the caster to always be-”. He became distracted by the look a cute girl in his class was giving him, which caused his face, or rather the proctor’s face he was borrowing, to turn a violent shade of red before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. “Concentrating.” Damon finished, now back in his normal state. He awkwardly took a bow in the direction of his classmates, who he had hoped had not witnessed his embarrassment, and instead thought that he was doing it just for the sake of hilarity. He had never been a class clown beforehand, but then again, he had never been in a class prior to living in Hoshigakure. He then turned towards his instructor and made eye contact with her upon rising, “Thank you for your time.” He would then wait for his results before he went to either sit down, or leave the room if he was allowed to go fetch his new headband upon approval of his rankup.

WC: 803

Requesting: Genin rank, 15 stat points, Substitution Jutsu, Ninjutsu Spec
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam) Empty Re: Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam)

Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:25 pm
Shina nodded and smiled after the boy successfully did the transformation and clone jutsu successfully, "Congratulations on passing the exam, here's your headband." Shina would hand the Hoshigakure headband to the boy who was now a genin and would allow him to depart, she still had a number of other students left.

Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam) Empty Re: Moving Up in the World (Genin Exam)

Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:33 pm
Approved. <3
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