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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:52 am
It had been a week since Akihana’s return to Hoshi and thus far, days blurred together all at once. The time she should have spent catching up on the new dynamics of the city had to be shared with already stepping into most of Princess Tehniyat’s duties and getting as much information as she could before making decisions. The two people who had been of immeasurable help in the transition were Den and her own personal guard, Ser Kyousuke Snow. As Princess Tehniyat readied herself for the journey to Bird, requesting the company of one of the Queensguard with her, Akihana in turn found herself buried under chores forwarded both from the royal as well as Denkiteki who had retreated somewhat to scout Shadow Country as far as the medic was aware. There had been a letter about Prince Arthur and his extended mission to the Shadowlands but seeing as no one had heard from him in months, Den thought it wise to investigate. Or at least that was what Akihana believed. Truth be told, it had just been much easier to talk to the Hogokage about work than the giant cloud of grief that hung over her head these days.

Arata was still gone. Any hope the young woman had of her son returning shrank with the passage of time. Each evening the bells for mass would ring through the city and each night, Akihana would wait by the door hoping and praying, wondering if Ser Kyousuke stationed on the other side of the wooden barrier was doing the same but for a completely different reason. She had not dared to enter the palace shrine since her appointment as Regent, it never felt right. But Akihana prayed nonetheless, clutching the shard of Goddess Etro close to her heart as the oil lamp she had lit months ago for Youka twinkled brightly in the room. In hours of darkness when there was just no light inside her, the lamp and the reassurance from her jutsu that the young Kage was safe lulled her into an uneasy sleep in her half crouched position.

It took her a week to realize there never would be time for herself unless she made it, and despite the guilt of stealing a few hours of Hoshigakure’s administration time, the kunoichi also knew her duty was to more than just this country. So leaving a clone to deal with the latest batch of paperwork, the blonde exited the palace, dressed as she used to a lifetime ago, in a servant’s grey gown that hung loose over her slender figure, her form made even more shapeless by the black cape covering the garment. As usual, her hood was up, hiding her gold hair from the common eye. However her makeshift disguise would have fallen part had she been trailed by a decorated knight of the Queensguard so the kunoichi had apologized to Ser Kyousuke before excusing herself from the redhead’s presence. Some things she had to do on her own.

It felt good to lose herself in the crowd, her chakra suppressed and her natural gait unassuming in every way. The only thing noticeable about her the snorting pig tottering beside her, smelling his environment suspiciously as if most disappointed that people were hiding food from him. Out here among the people of the city, she was no one. The feeling had high potential to be addictive, Akihana realized as she took a bend in the road, her small feet carrying her towards The Turning Point with Pig grudgingly in tow.

“Almost there, little guy,” the medic whispered, bending down to pat the creature softly before rising to her feet once more, the ends of her grey dress and black cloak fully caked in dust from the journey. No one noticed their arrival at the bustling inn, just a poor servant and her pig, probably brought to sell for the night’s roast. No one recognized her as she made her way to the bar, golden eyes searching the area for a familiar face, chakra senses at the ready for the familiar aura of a friend.

And a desperate prayer in her heart. Please, don’t leave me too.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:47 pm
Takeo passed through the crowd. It was once again a bustling day in Hoshigakure. Takeo yawned into his hand, moving out of the way of a woman carrying a crate full of apples. Quite a nice gesture, though it went unthanked. Natural of course, if one went around thanking everyone for actions they did in a crowd then nothing would get done. Takeo didn't mind of course. In fact it was better that the woman had ignored him he thought to himself, tossing an apple up and down with his left hand. One could say that being a shinobi had distinct advantages. Petty theft wasn't exactly a common thing in shinobi villages, but in Hoshigakure it was easy to get away with. Not to say that Takeo spent all his time pilfering food from civilians though. This was just a one off, desperate times called for desperate measures.

The young man's stomach called to him. Takeo was more than happy to oblige the request, biting down on the apple almost immediately. His clothing hadn't changed much during his time here. Mostly sticking to the black and white colour scheme he had picked up. A long sleeved white shirt and black trousers were today's outfit of choice. While the weather wasn't particularly cold, given the climate of Haven, Takeo wore a grey and black scarf around his neck. The reason for this was quite simple, it allowed him to hide the scar that ran down his jaw and neck to the collarbone. Takeo wasn't self-conscious about it or anything of that sort of course. It was just that something like that might draw attention to himself. It was bad enough that his long white hair served as a giant neon sign pointing him out in a crowd. Takeo was abruptly brought out of his thoughts when something slammed into his shoulder. His grip on the apple was lost. The object dropped to the floor a sigh escaping Takeo's lips due to this. Crowds were such an annoyance.

A young man, no more than twenty most likely, turned to apologise for so rudely slamming into the stranger. He paused however a frown etching itself onto his youthful appearance. The man could have sworn there was someone there, but where did they go? They looked around, before remembering that they were late for an important meeting. Beginning to sweat in panic the man took off through the crowd again. The sounds of disgruntled shouts and apologies could be heard above the normal noise that the crowd made.

Takeo sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. Balancing on the edge of a rooftop his eyes scanned the crowd. It was much nicer up here. No annoying people running into him. However all pretence of avoiding attention was now gone. The man gave a slight shrug, unravelling the scarf from around his neck and letting it drop from the rooftop. It was never his style anyway. Something flickered in the corner of his right eye. In an instant, the man was gone from the rooftop once more. The scarf landed on the floor with a quiet thud. That was all there was as a sign that someone had previously been in the vicinity.

The Turning Point was busy. Takeo could tell as it came into his view. No surprise really, the owner knew his stuff that was for sure. Takeo himself was a long term resident now it seemed. The owner had offered one of the spare rooms for him sometime ago. Takeo had declined of course. The stables were far better in his mind. The animals were far better company than any humans would have been during his stay. As he drew closer he began to pick up on the sound of loud conversation. Takeo smiled faintly. Seemed Devan the baker was complaining about his missus again. Devan was an alright sort. Takeo had spent several an evening with him drinking the night away. He was one of the regular visitors that Takeo had grown rather fond of over his time here. Speaking of, a booming laughter could be heard right as Takeo reached the building. It could only be one person, the smith. Takeo couldn't quite remember his name, Geraint or something along those lines. A giant of a man, arms the size of tree trunks. It was hard to not spot him out in a crowd. Takeo had spent time with him to, the man did enjoy a wager every now and then. Geraint was the best competitive drinker in the entire land. Self-appointed of course.

Finally arriving at the door, he entered into the building to see the shenanigans that were currently taking place. His eyes moved over towards the far corner of the room. Sure enough there were the regulars. Geraint was currently chugging back what was likely his sixth tonight. Honestly, where did it all go? Devan was sat across from him, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. The others were there, though Mathias the merchant was absent. Likely on another business trip. A shame, the elderly man usually brought a deck of cards with him.

All seemed in good order though. Takeo made his way over towards the bar. He needed something to take his mind off of things. So perhaps a rematch with Geraint was in order. Takeo's eyes wandered over to an odd sight. A servant from the looks of things, standing in the way. Not the odd thing about it of course. What was odd was the short Pig that stood next to them. A strange sight. Must be a new servant, the livestock usually went through the stables. Owner was pretty adamant about that, said it wasn't a good showing to bring the animals you were going to serve to the guests through the public to the slaughter. The white haired man wandered over to the odd pair, stopping behind them. "Take the animal out to the stables. It puts people off their meal to see the animal they're going to be eating later tonight walking around."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:01 am
It was Pig who first noticed Takeo despite Akihana's watchful eyes and chakra sensory. She supposed the bond between a pet and his owner was more sacred than ninja tools at her own disposal for it was only after the animal let out a snort of recognition did the kunoichi realize Takeo had walked through the door, his white hair not earning him as many glances as it should have and revealing the fact that he was a regular here.

As he waked over to her, a blank expression on his face, Akihana did a double take. Was she this unrecognizable in her servant garb? if so she would have to request the servant who lent ti to her to sell it to the blonde instead. Before she could respond to his comment about taking Pig out back, the animal in question let out another snort - mostly of derision if his tone was anything to go by - before burying his snout in the young male's ankles, letting out a series of happy snorts and yips. For the first time since Akihana had known him, his priority was not food.

Well, the second time. The first time had been when Pig had rode with his owner on his back, trying to save the ninja's life. Surely Takeo would remember the animal who had done that for him?

As for the kunoichi, she could only hope that seeing Pig had jogged his memory and reminded him of who she was. if not, he was about to have a rather unpleasant surprise flung his way in the form of the slender bloned turning in her seat, rising to her feet and rushing to close the space between them in a hug, the action jostling the hood from her head and revealing the locks of golden hair underneath. The bar would would fall silent as the scene unraveled, many of the clientele wondering if they should take a knee or look away in respect as the Queen hugged the ninja while Pig tottered happily at their feet.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't come sooner... How are you?" the medic asked, letting go of the young man before puling her hood back up. The damage was done but the action did signal that she wished no attention cast upon them, at least openly.

"When did you arrive here? Have you gotten a room or just been camping out at the barn? Have you been eating well?" Akihana asked, concern clear in her voice., Despite the smile on her lips at seeing her old friend again, the sadness in her golden gaze was evident. They had parted ways in Kumo when he had told her not to marry Youka and she had told him she had no choice.

It was ironic really, she had about as little choice now as she did back then, and she was supposed to b the Queen. A title she would never get used to. Among all this uncertainty, it was at least stabilizing to see a face to whom she would always be the same.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:53 pm
Takeo waited for a reply, his eyes scanning the room. He had already decided where he was going to sit of course. Geraint and Devan had spotted him a few moments ago. The young man grinned as they beckoned him over. Takeo noted how the smith was taking another large chug of beer. No doubt he was about to say something ridiculous soon.

The man's thoughts and attention were diverted quickly however. A familiar sound, followed be some nudging, was present below his knees. Takeo glanced down eyeing the pig assaulting his ankles. It took him a moment to register the odd event. "Was the food here that good?" Takeo questioned to Pig. Surprising that the animal had managed to get here on it's own. Then again, perhaps that peasant was sent from Kumogakure to escort it here. That was a very Akihana thing to do. Though, a more Aki thing would have been to disguise yourself as a peasant and bring Pig to The Turning Point with her. That was ridiculous though. Takeo nearly laughed at the notion. Honestly, what kind of moron would to that. Stupid, dumb, that cloaked person was definitely her wasn't it? Takeo watched as the person rose from the seat. This was going to suck majorly wasn't it?

It was then that Akihana Akari practically leapt into Takeo's arms in slow motion. Kidding of course, the man wasn't entirely sure how to react. So it was more like the woman slammed into a completely rigid human form. The bar went silent, Takeo blinked. His eyes scanned the room quickly. Everyone seemed to be in some state of shock. Even Geraint was speechless, which in itself was an event that warranted this day to be made a holiday after. Was Takeo being hugged by someone that much of a surprise? He felt like he should have been offended. Though it quickly registered, it was probably due to this clingy woman. The one who's hood had fallen down the moment the silence had spread through the room faster than the flu in an office environment.

Takeo felt ill. Though whether due to the unwanted attention this person had drawn upon himself, or the fact that someone was holding onto him he wasn't sure. The first to recover from this odd predicament was not Takeo himself. No, typical enough it was Geraint and Devan. The boisterous man played his part well, drawing attention back to him with a loud exclamation. Takeo looked over to the large man with a half thankful, yet also half pleading expression. Please save me, the young man thought. Geraint gave him a sympathetic look. He two had had problems with women before. Though to a more harmful extent than what was happening right now that was for sure. Alas the man couldn't do anything, so he went back to drinking. Useless friend he was.

"Please stop touching me." While not the first time that a blonde peasant girl had had their arms wrapped around Takeo, a story for another time, this was by far the more awkward of the two experiences. Thankfully the blonde removed herself from Takeo's person. She asked him something. How was he? That was a good question. Takeo himself didn't know the answer. Even if he did, it was unlikely he would be able to express how he was. Not after this surprising turn of events anyway. Pig snorted, nuding at his feet again. Such an attention seeker. Takeo crouched down, patting the animal on the head. "Been better." Was all he replied to the question of how he was. He didn't have time to elaborate further. Not that he was willing to do so anyway. Another flicker of movement off to his right, a shadow of some sorts. Takeo ignored it, pulling his long hair around so that his right eye was covered.

A string of more questions followed. Takeo straightened back up during the course of them. "Breath." He said at the end of it all. The woman was like his mother honestly. Though, he hadn't seen her in awhile. His mother that is, or his sisters. He wondered briefly how they were, but shrugged it off. They were fine. For a moment he was tempted to not even bother answering any of these questions. Such a nosy woman. "Two months ago." Takeo estimated, having not exactly kept track of time all that well. What month was it again? Takeo wasn't sure. Although, he was pretty sure his birthday had passed already. How old was he now? Twenty-one he guessed. "The barns nice." He replied, somewhat defending his decision while also answering the question that was asked. Efficiency at it's finest folks. "And sure, I guess." Came the final reply. Truthfully he hadn't been eating all that much. Being plagued by nightmares and shadows haunting you kind of took away an appetite.

It was his turn now though. "Why are you here?" He asked, moving through the room and over to the bar counter. A bottle was given to him. Another agreement of sorts with the owner. Takeo glanced toward him. Did he seem slightly off? The way he was acting, seemed not quite right. Likely the presence of Akihana though. She was an important person 'round these parts. At least, Takeo gathered that. He would make his way back towards the exit of the building, out toward the barn. He caught Devan and Geraint watching him out of the corner of his left eye. Quite handy having a pure white eye due to a Byakugan. In a place in which shinobi was lacking, it was easy to mistake Takeo for being blind on his left side. Not the case of course, he saw them plain as day.

He picked up the sound of Pig following along at his heels as he exited the building. The animal likely sensed there to be food where Takeo went. Quite true of course, the stables was usually stocked up on food for the animals. Takeo entered the barn, making his way over to hop up onto one of the railings that separated the animals into little pens. Made for easier work and such he was told. Resting his back against a support beam, he brought the opening of the bottle to his lips and took a swig. Decent stuff. "I assumed you were going to be staying in Kumogakure." Takeo questioned. Whether directed at Pig or Akihana was uncertain. Most likely both, whichever one was willing to answer first most likely. Another swig of the bottle followed. The owner really had the best stuff in the city that's for sure.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:08 pm
Uncaring of the male shinobi's non responsiveness, Akihana continued to hug him, the familiarity of his awkwardness bringing to mind better times. It was good to know some things would never change including Takeo at the prospect of receiving affection. The kunoichi had no idea why the white haired ninja thought he didn't deserve affection but she was going to keep showing him that he in fact deserved it every bit as much as anyone else did. A soft dusting of pink appeared on her face as Takeo requested she let go of him, the kunoichi obliged moving to stand a few feet away from her friend as Pig took absolutely no notice, still nuzzling against its owner's leg. At least the Pig could display affection without fear of judgement.

Her volley of questions towards Takeo were simply met with the instruction to breathe, something Akihana hadn't realized she had stopped doing until he pointed it out. Following the instruction, she waited for him to collect his bottle from the bar before following him to the barn where he'd apparently continued his stay. The blonde was honestly starting to consider the possibility that Takeo had a severe allergy to sleeping in an actual bed. Nodding at his short answers, the trio exited the bar, eventually it would return to its noisy self.

It was only when they were safely inside the stables that Akihana replied. "I wanted to see you." It was an honest enough answer. Few people had known what she'd been through this last year and Takeo was one of them. Reaching to cast off her hood now that they were away from prying eyes, Akihana raised her hand, the white gold wedding band glinting brightly from the sunlight slanting in through one of the windows. When Takeo had met her last, she had only been engaged.

"Does Den know you're here..?" she asked cautiously, unsure if he and the Hogokage had resolved their issues. Last she had spoken to Takeo, he had attempted to kill the dark haired doctor. And yet here he was living in Hoshigakure in what appeared to be a semi peaceful fashion. He seemed to have made friends, found work and... looked to be comfortable in the barn. "I'm sure Den would be happy to have you. I just wondered if you had officially registered as a village ninja. Assuming how well you get on with the crowd instead, I'm going to guess no?" While relations between shinobi and civilians were improving, they hadn't reached a point where a ninja would be called to drink and gamble openly with the crowd.

Waiting for a response, Akihana would find herself a bale of hay to sit on, folding her legs neatly underneath her. Pig from his position by Takeo raised its snout in interest before moving towards the pile of hay, clearly in search of hidden food. It seemed the reunion was over and Pig was back to doing what he did best: scavenging for edibles.

"I returned from Kumogakure a week ago," she confessed, not quite meeting his gaze. The blonde instead concentrated on Pig and his purposeful turning over o the hay bed. "The inn keeper came to see me a the palace and told me you were here. But you mustn't get angry with him, he only thought he might need a favor from the crown saved for a rainy day." the unasked question hung in the air between them, louder than Pig's snorting quest for food. She had returned to Hoshi because this was her home, what was Takeo's reason for being here. Akihana could only hope that he would answer in his own time.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:16 pm
Takeo had smirked in amusement at Akihana's reaction to his request. In a way it was similar to a child being told off for something they did wrong. This was far more severe though. Invading one's personal space in such a way should warrant a far worse reaction. Luckily, there were far too many people here. Takeo didn't wish to cause a scene. Well..a larger one than this woman had already caused with her sudden appearance here.

Now, in the barn, the man lounged on a railing as he listened to the answers to his own questions. She wanted to see him? Weird. Few people ever wanted to see him. If they did it was usually for something. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. What did she want? Was it more items, he didn't want to make another run to Kirigakure. Or, perhaps it was something else. Kill Youka perhaps? She was here in Hoshi. It was likely that she had escaped. Would Youka come in search of her? Questions ran through his mind. The glint of an object brought his attention back to the present. Takeo's moved his gaze over towards the offending item. Takeo wasn't entirely sure it's meaning being unfamiliar with the customs. It was fancy though might hold some sort of important meaning. "Well. Here I am.." He motioned to himself with his free hand swigging from the bottle again as he did so. "I didn't take you as one for fancy jewellery. If I had known I would have borrowed some from that store down the road." His words dripped with sarcasm. Takeo would have continued if not for movement out of the corner of his eye. Being on his right, naturally he ignored it.

Akihana continued with her interrogation. "Den? No idea." The man responded with a shrug. "He's not the most observant of fellows. I don't think he was even aware I had usurped him back in Tengakure until at least five months into my reign." His face lit up in amusement at his own words. "I recall meeting someone at the gates and telling them I was here to see him though, I think. Or maybe it was just sight-seeing. I've slept since then." Barely, he thought to himself eyes moving to the ceiling. Again with the questions. How a small woman could talk so much he'd never know.

"I have not registered." Takeo replied after a moment. "I'm retired you know." That was a lie. At least..he thought it was. Looking back on it, one could make the argument for that case. "And I get on with the crowd because I'm an incredibly charming person Akihana." Takeo put in the effort to at least seem offended when he spoke that line. "I'll have you know people love my company. I'm a great person to be around." He watched as Pig trotted off to the other side of the barn. "To the left." He called out after the animal, directing it over towards where edible goods were located. During that time Akihana had also moved, sitting on a bale of hay in the barn. "I'll register eventually most likely." Takeo added after another swig. "For now I'm content to wait here and enjoy good company now and then. Until the ghosts leave anyway." It was added on as an afterthought. The man blinked, realising just what he had said. Odd choice of words. Were they actually ghosts? It was hard to tell. Most likely it was just paranoia messing with his mind.

He listened as Aki told him she got back a week ago. Takeo placed the bottle down next to him, hands moving together. Silently he slowly went through the motions. He had done it a few times during his spare time. Though given his company of ordinary people, it went by un-noticed. Five hand seals were done. Carefully he raised his left hand upwards, feeling the chakra that had built up. Then Akihana mentioned in innkeeper having told her he was here. His concentration slipped, the chakra in his hand firing forward as he glared back towards the woman. An in development technique, the chakra itself wasn't strong enough to do much. It did splinter the beam opposite him though. "What use is a favour from the crown?" Takeo moved into an upright sitting position. Bending over he reached for the bottle on the ground. With another swig he drained the remains of the bottle before placing it back on the floor.

Takeo's visible eye would home in on the woman sat in the barn. Quite an odd look. A milky white eye staring directly at you. Takeo had experienced it before, having met many Hyuugas, but it was still a weird event for sure. She was waiting for something. Even while his mind wasn't entirely focused he could tell that much. An explanation of his own perhaps? Why had Takeo come here. "Surprising you would come back." He decided to stall somewhat, unsure of his answer. "Married life not suiting you? I'm sure we could find someone in the bar that you could spend some time with if you wanted." Takeo prodded at her verbally. He was testing the waters, trying to provoke some sort of reaction. "Maybe he gave you some time off. That's thoughtful of him. If you really missed this place that much maybe you should have him move here? I'm sure he'd love it."

He hopped down from the railing, making his way across the barn. He passed by Akihana and continued stopping next to Pig. The animal paid him no mind, still searching around for food. Takeo loomed over him, examining the animal carefully. "Have you gotten bigger?" The man questioned out loud. Pig snorted causing Takeo to frown. "No need for that language, I was just asking an honest question." Another reply from Pig. Takeo's eye twitched. "You've never met my mother, and you are definitely bigger than her Pig. You need to exercise."

Pig headbutted his shin in response.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:55 pm
Akihana merely shook her head at his declaration of being there. perhaps Takeo would never understand that she worried for him, but he didn't have to. Not really. It made no difference to how she felt about the young ninja who proffered to keep his distance from the world around him. A pity really as he had so much to offer. But that was the thing about self worth, it only manifested if someone believed they had it. For all of the white haired male's boasts and well timed jocularity, it was easy to see him as the same person who had subconsciously harbored a death wish by letting a wound fester as he traveled all the way from Hoshi to Kumo.

Instead of telling him all this however, the blonde focused on his next sentence, the comment on jewelry. Her eyes seem to lose some of their light as he brought up the trinket, making her gaze at the glittering gems thoughtfully. "It's my wedding ring," she admitted, more hesitantly than she would have liked. Until now, the kunoichi had not told anyone other than Den what she feared. Arashi and Kyousuke knew of course but they knew the technicalities. They knew she was about to leave, they knw they had entered at a most inopportune moment and they knew Youka may have concluded that the escape was pre-planned. What they didn't know was how much she wished she could talk to the Raikage and tell him the truth. What no one - not even Den - knew was that she felt physically sick every time she thought of Youka thinking she had betrayed his trust.

"The Raikage had this especially made, he said if I never needed him..." The medic trialed off, grief obvious in her voice. She wondered if he would still come should she activate the summoning seals in the band. Very unlikely, but she could hope that perhaps he would appear simply for answers. If she wasn't in the very place she had worked so hard to conceal from him, Akihana may have even tried it. But the safety of Hoshigakure came before her need to clear the air between the two of them.

Shaking her head at Takeo's jest of getting the Raikage to move here, Akihana finally spoke. "I was all set to leave. He isn't what everyone says. I know no one will believe me but it's alright as long as I believe me. He never did a thing wrong." Pausing to draw breath and keep the tears at bay, she continued after a beat. "He made sure to arrange my journey back, guards, carriages, ryo, an offer of a diplomatic alliance. I was ready to leave and then,, two of our ninja invaded Kumogakure to retrieve me on the princess's orders. They were not in the wrong of course." Another pause as the medic gathered herself, unable to meet Takeo's eyes as she finished off the explanation, afraid not of judgement but of the blankness he usually displayed in emotional situations. Akihana could take a lot but she feared the implication that all her feelings were unjustified might be the final straw.

"He thinks I betrayed him... He thinks I lied and schemed and..." the blonde couldn't continue, reaching out to Pig beside her for comfort. luckily the animal didn't mind a cuddle as long as it didn't interrupt his hunt for food and Akihana found herself needing to hold on to soemthing to give herself the courage to continue.

"Den," she began, taking shallow breaths to steady her tone. "Den is investigating in Shadow Country I believe. One of the royals, Prince Arthur, was off fighting a band of dangerous rogues styling themselves "Jaws of Grima". From what I've seen and heard, he's a very capable fighter but he is one against... a lot." The change of subject helped, it let her focus on the prince rather than her own problems. "I believe Den thinks its time His Grace got some help. We'll also need to dispatch someone to Sunagakure to let his family know that though we haven't heard from him, our search continues and that we have absolutely no reason to believe he is injured or dead." In the shinobi world, no news was always good news or so the kunoichi had learned.

As she spoke, her small form glowed slightly silver from the moment Takeo lost control of his chakra, letting it hit the beams on the ceiling. The damage reduction shield she had learned now always worked on autopilot, making sure to keep the kunoichi safe subconsciously as she made little effort to do it consciously. "You're going to have to fix that," she spoke softly, motioning to both the breaking beam and the way he had offended Pig. Though in truth she doubted it was one sided, Pig could be very verbose when he wanted to be and took full advantage of the fact that most people couldn't understand his different snort variations.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:52 pm
Wedding ring. Takeo had expected the answer of course. was odd. A frown appeared on his features. Though only for a brief moment. Then it was back to the neutral expression he had taken too more recently. He listened as the woman went into more detail. A curious trinket for sure. A summoning device? Or perhaps it was more of a distress beacon thing. Takeo's interest was piqued. Perhaps Youka did care for Akihana some after all. Which begs the question, why was she here? Maybe he had been right with his jest. His encounter with Youka had gone rather well now that he thought about it. Though the man was clearly twisted, so was the majority of shinobi in the world. Thoughts for another time for sure. However it seemed Akihana was not yet done with her talk. So he would ponder it later.

As she went on Takeo was enlightened some more. Stockholm syndrome, had to be. Nothing wrong? Now Takeo was all for finding the redeeming qualities in people. After all, his current set of eyes were from people who had either been killed by him, or died of fright from his mere presence. But to deny that Youka did anything wrong. He decided to voice his opinion of the matter of course. Takeo opened his mouth in preparation of his mocking blasting of Akihana's foolishness. Yet he stopped short, mostly because again she continued to talk. From the way she was acting, and talking, Aki seemed to somewhat upset. Takeo frowned. Then the reasoning slowly became clear.

Although the news that two retards had decided to invade Kumogakure was the most pressing matter, he let it slide for now. Aki seemed distressed. Takeo wasn't really sure why of course. he watched as she grabbed onto Pig, trying to hug him he assumed. To be fair to Pig, the animal seemed take it in his stride. His arms folded, Takeo leant back against a beam. He watched the woman in front of him for several seconds. He was trying to get a read on her. She seemed sad. Takeo didn't like sad people, they were generally quite annoying. "Just tell him that you didn't." Takeo said plainly. Quite blunt, but Takeo had no patience for this kind of thing honestly. "If he doesn't believe you, that's his fault. You should worry more about how an invasion of his village will be taken. The fault is in the two shinobi. If they were mine, I'd have them punished. Demotion, perhaps send them to Youka depending on how badly they messed things up." Takeo paused for a moment, an idea running through his mind. He grinned, moving in such a way that his eyes became shadowed. "Of course, execution is always a viable tactic. Public, it'll help win the non-shinobi back over."

The subject changed soon after. As it went to Den Takeo found himself frowning. How typical that Denkiteki would be out of the village. "You know the last time Den went away for a long period of time to deal with rogues he was usurped." The amusement in his voice was evident, as was his overall expression as he thought back on it. Mention of a royal made him curious. He had not heard of this Arthur, though mention of Sunagakure explained why. Takeo was a world traveller and had visited many places across the land. Sunagakure however, he had not visited. Takeo had not travelled that far southwest. Likely because it was far too hot. He also hated hand, it got into his bitchin' heels and it was literally the worst.

Sounded like a somewhat important task though. From his understanding the ties between the villages remained rather strained. The disappearance of royalty from Sunagakure was disturbing news. It was an easy cause for war. Regardless of the actual situation. From Takeo's own experience, this mission could affect the very future of the shinobi world. "Well. I wouldn't trust anyone in your forces for this." Takeo voiced his opinion, as a former Kage he valued his own insight over anyone else's. Naturally he assumed Akihana would do the same. "If news of your shinobi invasion of Kumogakure spread, it would reflect badly on your standings already. The fact a member of Suna's village came here and is doesn't look good." Takeo continued to list of problems, his hands idly going through the hand seal motions. "You need someone with experience, both in diplomacy and combat should things go south. To be frank, you don't possess anyone like that. Your forces are garbage."

Pig was still upset with him it seemed. A few snorts came from the animal. Takeo waved him off dismissively. "Your face is garbage. Also no, you are not a viable diplomat." The man tried not to laugh at the second part. Honestly this animal was such a pain sometimes. "Go ask the innkeeper for food." Takeo said with a sigh when the animal glanced up at him with another snort. Pig seemed to actually take this seriously, moving to try and trot out of the barn. "I was joking. Get back here." Takeo called after him. "I'll fix it later anyway." Takeo finally answered to Akihana, his eyes watching the Pig as it searched in the corner of the barn. "You've eaten everything Pig. Maybe if you paced yourself you'd have more food." Takeo added after in a mumble, "And maybe if you didn't eat so much.."

Anyway, Pig's antics aside. Takeo glanced over towards Akihana. He stared towards her for several seconds. With Den actually gone, his original reason for arriving here was moot. "I'll go to Sunagakure. After that I'll go to Kumogakure and see Youka." It was simple and to the point. "I'm the best in this city for the job of course. Though that's not saying much. Even if I was blind and in a wheelchair I'd still be capable of dismantling your forces rather easily. I also have far more tact than everyone. Me and Youka are practically besties as well, so shouldn't be a problem." Takeo pushed himself away from the beam, making his way over to where he slept. A small box and a rolled out piece of cloth on the floor. It served it's purpose rather well despite how odd it looked. Takeo flipped the box open, rummaging through it.

Several items were taken out of the box and laid out on the cloth. Tools of the trade, ones that had stuck with him for the majority of his time since becoming a Kage. The multi-weave mask, a fan favourite of course. An item that he had been using from the longest of times, since becoming a Genin in fact. Next to that lay his screamchoker, unfairly nerfed so that it now was a lightning chakra based stun, still useful but not as much anymore. Bararaq Sei, weapons he had developed in Tengakure, another fan favourite. The two shield gauntlets lay next to them. While having never been used in combat, they were always brought with him on the off chance they were needed. His bracelet and wristband, while plain looking accessories were perhaps two of the most valuable items in his possession. Remaining in the box was jounin armour, developed in Tengakure and bought in Kirigakure. Takeo had never used it before, perhaps now would be the best time to. The man sighed, running a hand through his long hair. "I need a haircut..and a shower..and a bath..and a peasant gi-." He paused at the last one and shook his head. "Perhaps not."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:26 pm
His solution was so simple. Just tell Youka. And if he didn't believe her than that would be that. Akihana wondered if Takeo had ever held something so close in his life that the fear of losing it could potentially drive him insane. Akihana had of course. She held her son above all else and now he was gone, and here she was still living. This couldn't mean she hadn't loved Arata enough. In no universe was that ever a possibility. No, if she was here and alive, it meant there was hope for him yet. As for Takeo, now that Akihana had known the white haired ninja for almost a year, seen him through his highs and lows, established his baseline and communication patterns, she feared that not only did he certainly have someone or something that important in his life but that he may have lived to see himself losing it...

And yet she didn't tell him about Arata. As aloof as he pretended to be, Akihana refused to think it was because he wouldn't care. On the contrary, he would offer help. Grudgingly but he would, amid pretentious airs and boasting of his own prowess but underneath all that self puffing would be the unspoken offer to come to her aid. But still, the blonde refused to reveal Arata's situation just yet. If only to simply be with him and pretend she wasn't a failure of both a wife and a mother.

Shaking her head at his amusing suggestion of punishing the ninja, Akihana merely stayed quiet. Of course he didn't mean it. Takeo would never hurt her ninja, nor would he seriously expect her to follow through on his suggestions. "It was he timing that was to blame, nothing else. Well, I suppose I was to blame but I couldn't have told Youka much without giving away Hoshigakure. The Raikage still does not know this is where I hail from. He kept his word and never forced any information out of me. He trusted me... And now..." Once again, the kunoichi shook her head, unable to talk about it anymore.

So it was just as well when Takeo changed the subject to Den, giving her something other than her own grief to focus on. As he spoke of usurping Den in Tengakure, Akihana found her mood lifting slightly. The young man could claim to despise the raven haired doctor all he liked. Akihana got the feeling that those two would at least enjoy amicable terms if not be friends.Though Denkiteki and Takeo were vastly different in both appearance and personality, they both sought the same thing in the end: an escape from the world. Takeo achieved it by honing his personality into faux barbed wires while the Hogokage did it by simply vanishing from time to time. "You know, I think if you got to know Den better, you guys would be friends," she offered when he paused in his contemplation. "He's a lot like you in many ways, especially with the whole talking aspect of things." As usual, waht little she and the doctor had spoken was of business. She hadn't asked how he was because she already knew, and he hadn't asked for the same reason.

And there he was, the ninja who hid behind his prickly personality, offering to help. Despite a severe miscalculation on his part about envoys to Suna needing combat prowess, he understood the gist of the situation. A foreign prince had gotten in trouble in their country, resolving their issues. Suna had no reason to trust that they weren't involved in Prince Arthur's disappearance. And yet Akihana held hope that the Sand village would not be so quick to judge. Her own once home Konoha could draw such conclusions, even Kumo at some point would have. but no war was ever perpetuated by Suna and it was rumored to be a vllage of peaceful shinobi.

"I had no idea you thought so highly of our forces," the kunoichi finally managed a smile as he continued to hurl insults at Hoshi ninja. He was offering to do something nice and heavens forbid he did it without casting insults or being grumpy about it. Still, the blonde had her doubts. Pig seemed to agree as he voiced a cheeky remark, making Akihana almost laugh. To spare Takeo's feelings, she did not say that she agreed with the pig.

"Well I think you're beautiful, Pig," she added after Takeo yet again made a remark on the animal's weight. She really needed to have a talk with him when Pig was elsewhere. Pets had fragile senses of elf esteem and though Pig was a lot like his owner, even it could only put up with so much. "Takeo's just jealous because he doesn't have a hugable body," she added, patting the creature softly as he lumbered back to her, disappointed that he wasn't really to go ask for food from the inn keep.

Considering his offer seriously, she posed a few questions. "Would you prefer to take someone with you? I doubt a need for combat will arise in Sand but a need for diplomacy and tact certainly will... And two heads are always better than one." That and she was worried he might manage to hurt himself on the way again. "Maybe a medic, someone who can treat any wounds you get on the way?" If Akihana herself could not go, she could at least make sure he arrived in Suna in one piece. "Of course you'll need to head down to the academy and register as a Hoshi ninja. Receive your uniform, your headband and accommodations should you choose. All our shinobi are provided for in exchange for their services to the country."

And there it was, the mention of needing haircuts and baths and peasant gifts. "Well, you can come back to the palace with me and we can get you all those things. There are ample areas for baths and showers and I'm not sure what kind of gifts you mean but I'm sure if its a specific food, our kitchen can whip it up in no time." Perhaps he meant souvenirs made by peasants on the streets. If that was the case, those too could be easily arranged.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Overwhelmed (Takeo) Empty Re: Overwhelmed (Takeo)

Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:10 pm
He listened as Akihana tried to make excuses for her shinobi's failings. A shake of his head showed his disagreement. Though he didn't bother to voice it. Youka not knowing about this place was good. It meant that at least for now there would be no repercussions for the idiots actions. It helped lighten his mood somewhat. Defending a village of people he had no interest in was not something he wanted to do. That was mostly the reason he would go on to volunteer to go to Sunagakure. Another being that he was kind of sick of this place already. Having spent so much of his recent time travelling, staying in one place just felt weird now.

The blonde haired woman went on to talk about how he and Den could be friends. The man frowned. Thinking back on it, had they been friends during there time in Tengakure? A memory flashed through his mind, causing a slight smirk to appear on his face. During there first meeting. Takeo had thought him to be a stalker he was fairly sure..

"Are you stalking me?" The question that escaped Takeo's lips was directed at Denkiteki. Despite the seemingly random question Takeo did in fact have a reason for asking. The first reason was that he had what appeared to be files which he had apparently used to find out his name, unless he already knew his name which was even more suspicious. The second reason was that he knew he in fact did not sleep the night before. Takeo came up with two possible answers, one was that this was the person who would be their sensei and two this person was stalking him. Despite the former being the most obvious answer he decided just to make sure he would ask if he was the latter of the two answers. He didn't bother to face him while he asked the question as he was busy looking towards the door of room waiting to see when the supposed third member of the team would arrive.

His mind snapped back to the present. A slight shake of his head to clear his thoughts was followed by his answer to Akihana. "We were sort of friends once. He led my team when I was a Genin. Doesn't matter though, he abandoned the village and that's what matters in the end."

Takeo shrugged off the attempt at humour from Akihana. In truth he did think of them highly. Perhaps far more highly than they deserved. He thought them to be at least semi-competent. But recent developments had really cast a shadow of doubt over that. It made sense, the shinobi system had not been in place for long here. There was no telling what they had been before joining the shinobi forces. Merchants, farmers, pre-schoolers. In a way, Takeo would have preferred if Hoshigakure had kept the normal forces of the knights or whatever they were. At least he knew then they were seasoned veterans. Regardless of the strength they possessed, Takeo would take experience over raw power any day.

And then she tried to comfort Pig. Honestly this woman. Did she not understand that this was for the animal's benefit? If he kept going on the way he was going then soon the animal would have problems. Takeo was definitely not going to be carrying that fat ass around when it got to that stage either. "I have a hug-able body." The man replied plainly. "You seemed to have no trouble when you invaded my personal space not half hour ago." Another frown etched itself back onto his face. He really wasn't a fan of stuff like that.

Finally business talk resumed. Takeo continued to look over his gear. Tidying a few things up and examining the quality of his items he answered back to the questions. "I don't require anyone to go with me." Takeo began picking up his items, placing them in the travelling bag he had come to possess during his travels. "I work better on my own." Next she went on about registering as a shinobi. Takeo frowned. "Just grab me a headband before I head out. I'll only register if I am kept anonymous. Giving the public even more reason to suspect me won't do any good."

Having placed all his items into the bag he straightened up. He slung the bag over his shoulder, glancing to look at Akihana. "The palace? Sure, let's just be quick about it. Honestly, it'd be better if I left as soon as possible. Depending on how long the man's been missing for, if we delay any longer it'll reflect badly on this place." There was no actual hint of urgency in his voice or actions. It had been awhile since he had undertaken a mission, over two years perhaps. Still, already he felt his instincts kicking in. "Pig isn't coming with me either by the way." Takeo said this after a moment, turning and heading toward the barn exit. There was no need to inform the owner he was going away. They had a mutual understanding. Not like he'd object to having one less mouth to feed anyway.
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