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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Wanderer Empty Wanderer

Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:13 pm
The world was... big. Annoyingly big.

If Arata had been taller at least he would get to see more. As it was, the eight year old reached just above four feet and couldn't see as much, as far or as clearly as he liked. Nor could his little legs carry him as fast as he would have preferred and all of this put him in a sour mood. The happiness that had temporarily seeped into him at finally being away from Hoshi was now fully replaced with annoyance both at the child and fox he had run into and at the lack of progress.

Somehow, Arata had imagined that simply being out here would give him a purpose but the world at large had not been kind enough to provide him with one. Sure he had stolen where he could to get by, the remains of a few ryo still in his pocket and the last of the kunai stolen from his brother still in his bag but other than that, the dark haired boy wasn't sure where to go.

Or what to do.

He knew he wanted to get strongrt. Why he needed to be strong didn't need an answer right away. He needed to be strong just to be unlike her, he needed to be different to finally be free to her shadow, he needed to be his own person.

He just didn't know how. There were no academies for wanderers, at least not that he'd heard of. There were no ranks out here either.The boy had heard talk of a contract center but anything that sounded like it required documentation was not for him.

Perhaps he'd walk on, closer to the sea. The scent of brine he'd been following for a ling time now had yielded little result. No large body of water had introduced itself to Arata yet but now and then he did hear word of ships which at least meant he was headed in the right direction. Perhaps reaching the sea would finally reveal what his destiny was?

Shaking his head, Arata ducked into what appeared to be a seedy looking eatery. The place made up with hospitality what is lacked in cleanliness, jars of a frothing liquid making rounds by girls who mustn't have had mothers because they wore dresses that didn't fit them anymore. Covered in his own cloak and his entrance masked by silent footsteps, the boy snagged a table in the corner, settling quite comfortably in the dark.

As one of the ill dressed women who must have been very cold came to him, asking what he'd like, the boy confidently replied. "A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And a glass of milk." The waitress looked at him oddly before jotting his order down.

"Anything else, love?"

"Leave the crusts on.. and no straw," Arata replied, sending her scurrying away in fright.
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:58 pm
The traveler in many forms had a scent about them. It was beyond doubt or reason that even if someone was unusual they had a very distinct way of hiding it. In xubas case he was an artist of con work, and working double lives as both the criminal  and a nobody.

Xuba walked into the  "kinder" areas of the black alleys. More acceptable to an extent and also still humane. The fact that people were not attempting to pick pocket made this area acceptable. 

The bits of crowded areas were not as ambundant as the shady parts of town. Still it was decently packed. The sight of a child made xuba double take on the kid.


Xuba thought as the boy slipped away into an common eatery. Xuba followed curiously and noted that after a moment of studying  the boy he wasnt aeizith. Still big brother instincts kicked in as the child looked lost.

"Bit far from the home i see."

Xuba would state as he pulled up a stool and waved for water, and a simple boiled fish.

"The world truely left you in its jaws. You look like a fish with no school"
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:21 pm
As astute as Arata believed himself to be, he was merely an eight year old and out of his depth in the big bad world. Not that he would ever admit that. So while he didn't notice the Missing Ninja enter, he did look up form his sandwich when the other male slid into the booth across from him. Dark eyes hidden by the cowl of his cloak, Arata merely listened to the other one, not daring to respond yet in case he sounded afraid or worse, childish.

"Not at all," the eight year old finally replied, nodding sagely as if that was the thing to do when meeting strange men in stranger places. "I live in town," he lied in what he hoped was an expert fashion. "Just thought I'd take a walk and get some food, you know how it is." Arata didn't, but that mattered little.

At the mention of a school, the little boy's ears perked up, before he realized this was not a real school but the pretend school grown ups talked about. Grown ups sure did a lot of pretending. He still remembered his tutor going "If one were to throw a shuriken, one should expect a shuriken thrown their way". Why did there need to be a hypothetical "one"? Why could he just have said "if you throw a shuriken at someone, someone will throw it at you too? That would be so much easier.

"I like fishing," he opted for saying instead, reaching for his glass of milk, then putting it down. Arata hadn't mastered the art of drinking milk without the offending beverage tainted mustache which would only make him look more childish. "Is there a sea place nearby? I heard there were ships coming in."
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:45 pm
Xubas grey eyes stared at the child. The water he ordered came soon enough as the fresh smell of cooking fish was soon to fill the area. The cookery was always appreciative  in times of rewarding. Yet the sight of this boy  was mystifying to xuba. 

He was sounding older, but if was effort. The boy  was trying yet to awnser a child was the meaning to become a child and see through the simple world of a child. Something that was not easy for xuba. The child looked as if he was well off from whence he came from. Despite his carefulness his eyes remained hidden. That was a mistake in the world. 

Speaking is merely voice, but eyes show the truth that words do not speak. To hide only means one is lost and alone, or is hiding something, even both. He is young but lacks the world of the eyes.

Xuba thought as he reached for a pear and  skinned it with a simple shruiken while speaking.

"The sea. Is far off young one.  However, it will be farther than you belive, because eyes do not meet. You speak of fishing. Than what fish would you be in the ocean? Myself. I would be a small catfish. I lay low and eat what i can when i can"

Xuba awnsered honestly. He was not a shark  but one that knew to remain quiet for what he knew that as long as he could remain low. He could feast off of the world l even in plain sight.

"If i was a fruit i would be a pear. Sweet and tart. Nothing mean but kind. What do you belive you would be?"

Xuba spoke as he offered the boy half of the pear. Not releasing his grip of the pear till the boy made eye contact.

"Sometimes we forget how big the world is. Even myself after being out here longer than yourself. I was younger than you are when i wandered down the road. Marvelous in sight the world, but freedom comes at a price. Eventually you look for a place out of the wind, snow, and rain."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:32 pm
The way this man was looking at Arata, the boy felt a small shiver creep up his spine. It was as if he could tell Arata was hiding something though the boy wasn't sure how this stranger would know that. He did not look to be from Haven and even if he was, he looked even less likely to be Camoens who would recognize the prince. Finally, Arata had the majority of his face hidden so he wouldn't even be that recognizable to those who actually knew him.

And yet this man sounded like he knew Arata...

"I'd be a great shark," the boy spoke up, trying to mask his uncertainty with bold words. "I'm going to hunt other fish and become ruler of the sea," the boy added, confidence seeping into his voice as he spoke. It was just how Arata worked, any doubt or uncertainty was fielded off in four of believing he was meant to be great, just like his teacher.

The offer of the fruit made the boy glance at him suspiciously. Was it a kind gesture or a discreet poisoning. "I don't lik sweet things," the boy responded, not removing the hood from his face. He was not ready to reveal his features just yet. "I'd be a pineapple, and cut everyone who dared touch me." It would have sounded like a thread if Arata's voice was more mature, more broken in. As it was, he was eight, still slightly chubby and his tone carried a distinct immaturity.

The mention of this stranger wandering the world from a younger age did pique the raven haired boy's curiosity. "Why did you decide to... err.. wander down the road." So interested was he in the answer that he even forgot to attempt a more mature octave, sounding just like a child at the prospect of an interesting bedtime story.
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:53 pm
the boy's responses were admireable yet it takes little to grant a childs attention. xuba nodded as he learned the boy's question to him. in many ways xuba himself was a child still. running and fleeing away from his deeds and crimes. yet he had to. it was whom he was and shall always be. to flee away was simple when one does it. and even if exhausting escape was better than being cornered.

"well my story is a long one. i went on the road for the world. it was a simple choice. when young if you choose to you can always grow up. avoid the milk. and sleep to the dirt. learn to fish for survival and learn to look for what it is. but sometimes you wonder back. i do every night, but i had no one in the end so it was fine. but. if there is fmaily family holds perhaps the greatest gift of all. undying trust. when you run they are behind you to accept you despite your choices. and the consequences that occur. in time you will learn this, however i found my purpose out here. some people wander about sometimes they believe they are higher, however they are no different from the person who milks the cow, or tends to the fields. we are human, bleed the same, and in the end die the same. but it's about how you live and accept your life. you however are lost as i see. seeking the sea, but then you must ask yourself the next question young one."

xuba took a sip from his water and smiled at the boy.

"what do you do after you go to the sea? what do you do after you go to the mountains? what do you do when you see the swamps? theres always a "then what?" not an obligation. do you swim? do you cry? alone? out of comfort from family and freinds? or do you run home? the questions that a child despite the age asks. "which way is home?" do you remember your way home from the darkest alley?"

xuba asked with a smile it was kind but also he was throwing the childs strings. seeing how he ticks under the hidden face. for the child learns to see these things. but also xuba learns the natue of the child. he was well mannered still he had a long way to go.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:42 am
Arata listened, captivated despite the very real sense that he was talking to a stranger, one who hadn't declared ill intent yet but one who's complacency shouldn't be taken for granted. If he was anything like his brother, he would offer this new acquaintance a kind word, a hand in friendship, a feeling of warmth. Arata was not Arashi tough, and he did no such thing, only listening to the older man quietly.

"I don't have a family," he finally managed when the other diner tried to tell him of family. It was both a lie and the truth. Arata had never felt at home with that woman, she would never be his family. "Don't know who my dad was, never cared for the other half. I guess I'm just like you." At least that much was truie, they were both out on the road and in this diner, eating their food and making conversation.

Upon the question of what came after, Arata stopped halfway through his sandwich, wondering the same thing. "I don't know," he admitted, being completely truthful for the first time. "I've never seen the sea but I heard people say its alive... That is exudes strength." Arata wasn't entirely sure what that even meant but he'd read it in one of his comics and it sounded like a place where brave men belonged. He wondered his teacher had liked the sea. "I want to see it,the living water."

Another silence which this stranger wasn't going to fill, prompting Arata to grow uncomfortable enough to offer a respite. "My name's Koi, like the fish. What's yours?"
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:32 pm
The child had a mind. Although sayings go with the heart. And deception does not mix well with wisdom. Xuba sipped his water as the child spoke.

The sea is lively. Yet where life lies. The darkness and depths do the same. Time as a whole helps a child grow. But like sunlight you do not grow. With out it. You wither. Or make the light shine on you.  Trancend the very depths of the mind and soul. Yet even here sits here maintaining dedication to his goal and vision... admireable.

Xuba nodded as he simply smiled and approved of the boy's name.

"So the fish wishes to go to the sea eh? The wonderousness of the fisherman and the wives long lost. Of tales of villiany and storys of myths. I see you disire to take an adventure as well. Take on the adventure with all at your hands? Indeed. You look like a boy capeable of workong the ship. And your  hands will grow strong and powerful. The sea turns a boy into the man he disires. What man do you wish to become koi? A man that leads? The man in the shadows? Or the man in the middle?"

The drifting scent of xubas fish grew closer as the lady brought a lightly coated fish. With a simple batter one would take a double look and  see that it was similar to fish and chips. A nice moist  bowl of rice melted over with butter and lightly salted. The tap of a single chopstick cut into the golden brown coating and released the delicious story of well cooked and white trout. Xuba proceeded on the rice with small bites and smiled at the child.

 I am known as by many names. But they call me by my true name tatsumura. I hailed from a tiny village near the sea. As for many did not enjoy the company of the ninjas that were there. I did enjoy the growth boating with my old man. That was the good ol days koi. Except it was 10 years ago. He never returned and mi mother perished from a stray kunai. It was hard living off the land. I had to hunt, kill, and build shelter. However, my spirit and body grew as well. I kept on living and existing you see. Saw many places. Now i enjoy my time here nowadays. Traversing the lands for many awnsers. And to help young ins like you."

Xuba lied of course but his demenor enabled him to keep his facad up. He was a con artist. Children did not need to know his life any way. 

"So if you want to go to the sea. I am curious koi. What kind of fish do you wish to see?"
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 223500

Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:34 am
Arata canted his head to one side, much in the same way his teacher used to do when pondering a question. He wanted to be a leader, yes. He wanted to be strong , yes. But most importantly he wanted to be brave."I want to be the man that doesn't hide away behind diplomacy and useless words." He finally responded, shaking his head and in the process, shaking off the hood of his cloak. For the first time, his coal dark eyes were freed from the shadows for his companion to see.

As Tatsumura explained his own upbringing on deck, the opportunistic child's eyes lit up further. it seemed fate had pushed him just in the right direction to go to the sea. It somehow made even more sense to the eight year old that leaving his home and seeking the salty waters was the right decision. A decision that would help him grow strong.

"Where did you grow up?" he asked, his meal all but forgotten even as Tatsumura ate his own fish. "Do you think if I go there, I'll be able to get a boat? I don't mind hard work, I want to learn. I have two good hands and two good legs." As if to prove his point, the child raised his chubby arms in front of the stranger, to show the strength they would one day possess.

At the question of what kind of fish he would like to see, Arata was taken aback. He hadn't seen many fishes, he wasn't even well versed in them. He only knew of the Koi because they were used decoratively in ponds afforded by rich people. the palace pools housed the finest Koi in the land. But he had read of one fish. With a wicked glint in his eye, the boy grinned.

"I want to see a sword fish."
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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Wanderer Empty Re: Wanderer

Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:13 pm
Xuba thought as the boy asked his question taking a napkain to wipe his lips and  smiled. The child had an active imagination and heart. As all children do. They live a free life  as xuba noted.

Seems he is game for the sea.... but no sea is safe without identification nor the proper works.

Xuba thought as he noted the childs face. It was nothing special, nor did he care for liniage or such, but even rumors whisper of a child gone missing from hoshi. The very land he fled from as a child. 

"My home. The southern most tip of the land. A little penensula right in whats known as the tea country.... but judging our location you have quiet a journey to go through. As long as you can stay to the roads untravled, your journey will be unheeded. But you are young. Growth in you is to be seen. You will learn in time that words of diplomacey have an even greater value. But you will be a young man of action young one."

Xuba stated kindly his eyes went towards the doors and the area sorrounding them. As he spoke.

"But i suggest that you never leave home without a simple motion. Some call these life savers. For thats whst they are. You want to see a sword fish? I will assure you it is easier to find one with this."

Xuba pulled out from his bag a blank document. Easy to read, that simply would leave a nice official leniage. On it too. The magical document known as the fake papers. Nigh impossible to tell from real documents. But for the boy's sake it was a safe move.

"Sign your desired name and it is your identity. But if you cannot pay up. Than i will request a simple request. Change your look and discard your full past. As you will be safer that way."

Xuba stated with a smile. He knew it was crule way to turn a country into turmoil  but it was a blow nontheless despite small and decisive.
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