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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:09 pm
Holding the young child who’d been injured by her genjutsu in a bridal carry, Rakka felt a strange sense of deja vu. Xyxer was the only person who came to mind when she’d sought out someone to help this kid, though she didn’t know just how helpful he’d be. Still, it was better than just leaving the kid helpless in the woods. By now, it seemed that he’d gone comatose, for he wasn’t really saying or doing much of anything. As Rakka reached the door, she’d knock on it with her foot, sighing and yelling through the door.
”Hey, boss, help me with the door. I’ve got my hands full.” She said to the door, waiting patiently. Her voice was probably instantly recognizable to Xyxer if her chakra wasn’t, especially with Kirigakure’s sparse Kunoichi population.
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:15 pm
As the woman made her way up towards his office, he noted her familiar chakra signature quite easily. Yet, there was another signature of chakra with her, far less noticable, yet.. it carried something more primal within it. Something the beast inside of him felt itself. Curious as to what this would be, he waited for her to make her way to his office properly, and once she was outside requesting help, one of the two ANBU would simply open the door up for her so that she could enter with the sandbagged male. He stared plainly at the comatose kid for a few seconds before he recognised him through his ninja files.. this was one of the Jinchuriki inside of his village, and boy, did he look bad. "What happened to him?" There was little warmth in his voice, yet some form of concern would perhaps he noticeable if someone understood how Xyxer worked, his eyes flickering over the male who was being carried much like a bride.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:26 pm
Xyxer’s words were cold, but Rakka hardly noticed. She was quite concerned about the child, and the fact that he’d inquired at all was good enough for her.
”He caught sight of one of my genjutsu while I was practicing.” She explained, practically cradling the kid, afraid of making the situation worse. ”At first it didn’t seem like a big deal, but it didn’t seem to affect him the normal way. He talked a little, then just kinda stood there, not speaking. I tried to free him from the genjutsu in the usual way, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong with him. I don’t think he’s still under the effects, yet he’s acting like he is.” She explained to Xyxer. ”I thought you might be able to help. I’m sure you can sense the strange chakra he has.” She added, sighing deeply. She didn’t want this kid’s death on her conscience, whether or not she actually did it.
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:03 pm
Nodding his head to the girl's words, he nodded towards one of his ANBU who shifted in front of the girl, attempting to transfer the boy's care into Wraith's arms, all the while Xyxer asked one more, likely final question, "What was the rank of the technique you used?" He requested, with Wraith taking the male towards Xyxer so that he could examine him with the crimson eye sheening into existence from behind the cold glare of his grey iris. Once the girl had finished her explanation, he would nod his head towards the door unless she had any further questions, "You may take your leave. Thank you for your time."
Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:26 pm
Rakka wanted to go into absolute detail about the many complex facets of her technique, but she knew that it wouldn't be of much help. She kept it short and sweet. 
"S-Ranked, Xyxer. The same one that I-" She began, realizing mid sentence that she was about to say something Xyxer might not have wanted his ANBU to hear. Not pausing her speech at all, she continued to speak. "-Showed you on the day we met." She ad libbed, quite impressively given her usual complete lack of tact. "Take care of him." She'd say simply, before nodding and turning to the door. With that, she'd take her life... I mean leave. Jeez, what a typo.

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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:01 pm
[Topic Closed]

Claiming the death of Rakka as she took her life in her exit post

Taking good care of Kenshi
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK) Empty Re: It wasn't me, I swear! (P, NK)

Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:55 am
Exits approved
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