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I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sat May 13, 2017 7:52 am
Salzem hadn't been back in the refreshing crisp, cooling air that was Konohagakure in the longest time... Here where plants were green and the sun didn't spite you, here where the grass was wet and the ground was solid, here were sunburns were the exception and not the rule... OH it was GOOD to be back! He remembered a time when that wasn't the case, when coming back was the last thing he wanted to do... It was funny how things change... it really was. As he contemplated how he grew up, the lycan would wait outside Sunagakure's gates, both eager for some R&R after such a long and unforgiving boat-ride but also to inform the hokage himself of the goings-on in Suna. Konoha's greatest and only ally had fallen to Kumogakure and now with Koroshi gone to gods-know-where, the Leaf stands alone against a threat on all sides...

SO! Salzem waited cheerfully outside the gates, ignoring the dire nature of their situation. He didn't need to ruin this day with such thoughts because he was back home!
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sat May 13, 2017 12:00 pm
Ryou was still looking around the village to memorize the lay out since he was still so new to him. He was close to the gate of the village where he had first entered the beautiful village.  Then a familiar chakra came over him, one that he had sensed so many times before. It was Salzem chakra. Ryou felt so happy that he bolted to the gates where the chakra was coming from. Sure enough, there was the owner of the chakra, standing at the gates. "Sal!" He still was running at him and then once he was close enough he jumped at him, hoping he would catch him. 

OCC: I'm not approving him into the village, just seeing a dear friend. Hope that okay :3

I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sat May 13, 2017 12:22 pm
A familiar scent reached Salzem's nose and his mouth widened into a surprised smile. His friend, Ryou Kenshin came running up to him as excited as could be, yelling the Lycan's name as he jumped up to be caught. Not  to ruin such a... *ahem* beautiful moment, Salzem caught the kid in his arms, holding him tightly against his chest.

"Hey, Ryou!" He exclaimed, ruffling the boy's hair as he held him tight. He was glad that he was the first one to greet him home, moreso that he had gotten here safely in the first place. It seemed his plan had worked, switching the headbands so that the kid appeared Konoha and was able to leave... A risky move to be sure, but it worked nonetheless. The lycan held the child off the ground in a hug for a few more moments before letting him go, beaming down at the kid like he was his younger sibling or something. At this point, he might as well be.

"I'm glad you're okay." He laughed, patting the younger kid on the shoulder. "How've you been doing? How's Konoha?"
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sat May 13, 2017 12:36 pm
The Lycan caught Ryou, which was good for Ryou. He giggled as his hair got ruffled by the older shinobi. Then Sal asked how he's been and how Konoha was for him. "It's great, so many nice and fun people here." Then he added. "I found your house, then I trained with a group of a genin and one chuunin, we spared." Then Ryou thought while he was in Sal's arms and the thought was still in his mind, "Oh also, can i have my headband back, lots of people have been noticing and it's tiring to repeat my story over and over again."

I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sat May 13, 2017 1:23 pm
"I'm glad!" Salzem exclaimed when the kid stated that he was having a good time. When he asked for his headband back, the lycan chuckled lightly before undoing the one around his neck and offering it over to the younger Suna ninja.

"Here you go." He laughed before taking his back and tying it around his neck. Smiling down on the younger kid, Salzem pulled him into another hug, this one lasting for a little while longer. He was worried sick that he somehow didn't make it, that he had gotten hurt or that he hadn't been accepted into Konoha all together... He was so glad to see that his fears had been unfounded.

"I really am glad you're okay..." He murmured before pulling away once more. "Now... Lets head inside, huh?"

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sun May 14, 2017 3:38 pm
Ryou took his head band back and wrapped it around his forehead. "Your headband is that your house." Ryou would say before Sal said that they should enter the village. Ryou followed close behind him.

Aryll Hyuuga
Aryll Hyuuga
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I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic) Empty Re: I'm BACK! (Village entrance topic)

Sun May 14, 2017 3:46 pm
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