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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Wed May 17, 2017 5:24 pm
The lycan's rage came out to be in vain, as Sal easily took control of the situation. First, both attack were caught by the white lycan, even his second attack with his claws. The sudden strength and grip of attack made him yelp. Then the pack leader slammed his head and kneed his stomach. All the wind got knocked out of Ryou, on top of that his ears rang and his head hurt. He looked dazed as tired looking at Sal, but all he saw was double. He shook his head weakly to try getting the ringing out of his ears, but to no avail. Although he was injured and barely there mentally he still growled out of the unknown rage. The lycan tired to bite Sal now that their arms were locked together. Of course he attacked the wrong Sal. Ryou use the last of his mental energy to try doing that so he was spent. This brought the real Ryou back, he was still a lycan. "H-huh?" He still looked at Sal with dazed eyes, but he could still tell it was Sal. "S-Sal?" Ryou said as he looked at himself, noticing all the tramatic changes. "I'm...a werewolf?" Ryou also thought this could be his mind playing tricks on him, like how he could see two white Lycans. He felt all his body arms enlarged, along his is hand and his feet, well more of paws. He also felt his legs in different position then they would be if he was human. But the thing he noticed before all this was the fact that his head and chest hurt like crazy. Then Ryou realized what he could of done, "Did...we fight?" he was almost worried to know the truth.

TWC: 1879

1879/2000 for lycan transformation

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Wed May 17, 2017 6:09 pm
Salzem's attacks seemed to easily knock out Ryou's fighting spirit, leaving him dazed and limp in the pack-leader's grip as he feebly growled and nipped at an enemy his exhausted mind created. The kid was heavy in his arms with how limp his body went... he could feel the magnification of gravity around his limbs as the earth attempted to tear the massive, concussed wolf from his arms... Salzem stared with large sanguine eyes at the beast that was once Ryou, looking for any sign of humanity.... But humanity wasn't seen apparently... It was heard...

"R-Ryou...?" The lycan asked as he stared down at the warped child in his arms, his enhanced ears picking up the twisted, soft speech of the kid. When he asked whether or not he was a werewolf, Salzem had a hard time deciding whether or not to smile or to cry... In on sense, he finally had someone like him, someone who would understand and be able to talk to him, wolf to wolf... On the other hand, this poor child SOMEHOW was infected with the same curse that took Salzem's normality and routine away from him... and that he seemed he was aware of it...

"You're like me now..." He whispered, gently stroking the kid's hairy, wolven cheek with his twisted, gnarled claws, small tears running down his wolven face. "I don't know how or why... but you ARE a werewolf..."
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Wed May 17, 2017 8:34 pm
"You're like me ARE a werewolf..." Were the words Ryou heard that really mattered. Then he saw Sal start to cry. Ryou's "brotherly" instinct was to hug him, and so he did. He wrapped his arms around the white lycan."Don't big baby..." He hoped by saying that, he could make him laugh, which was much better than tears. "B-being a werewolf isn't a bad fact, we are more like brothers than ever before." Ryou envisioned them famous as werewolves, known across the nation. Of course that was just a thought, he was too far from being well know across the nation. Ryou hugged tighter, "Now that I'm like this, how do I change back?"
He liked being a werewolf but he knew that he didn't want to be looking like one forever, he's seen Sal do it before. Then a chilling thought came up his spine, what if he could change back like Sal. Then, a question that he should of asked himself earlier was how he was able to change into a werewolf even though he wasn't born with the bloodline. Ryou did his research on kekki genki and found out that Sal's kekki genki was a bodily one, but it never mentioned it was contagious.  

TWC: 2089

2000/2000 for lycan transformation
89/3000 for bone armor

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Thu May 18, 2017 6:05 am
The lycan smirked as Ryou called him a baby and demanded he stopped smiling, commenting how him being a werewolf made them more like brothers than ever before. Yes... he knew... It was something be both praised and feared... He'd lost so many people in such a short time for the dumbest of reasons, the most recent (apparent) casualties being both Koroshi, Ashie and who knows who else. It seemed as if this world was out to get him, determined to break his will. On some level, he didn't want a brother because if he had one, then he'd lose him... And if he lost him... The packleader shook his head and merely held the bigger lycan tighter to him, managing a laugh though his twisted form. When Ryou asked how exactly he was supposed to change back, Salzem smiled down at him as best he could, reverting back to his human shape and, as he shrunk in size, set Ryou down beside him sitting up. With their size-difference, it would only be awkward and difficult to hold up the wolf.

"You have to remember what you looked like... Who you are... Your past." Salzem explained, gently rubbing his back. He knew how PAINFUL it could be. "The wolf will fight you at every turn, wanting to be in control... Your instincts will not want to be bottled, but you must be dominant... Okay?"

Salzem looked into Ryou's (now) sanguine eyes, encouraging him with a strained but serious smile. "I'll be here to help you if you need it... That's what brother's are for, right?"
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Thu May 18, 2017 5:48 pm
The Lycan seemed to get a bit metaphoric with his answer. I have to see who I am and my past in order to change back? Ryou thought. Then Sal said something that kinda scared the eleven-year-old, "The wolf will fight you at every turn, wanting to be in control... Your instincts will not want to be bottled, but you must be dominant..." Ryou was mostly scared because of the fact that Sal made it seem like it made a mind of its own. But he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. So, who am I? Ryou thought to himself to see if he could change back. Well, I'm Ryou Kenshin, a descendant of the Kaygua clan and friend to many. He answered himself. Then he imagined his looks like the pack leader instructed. He has seen himself in the mirror much time before so it wasn't hard to think of his blonde hair, hazel eyes and dark clothing.  

Ryou quickly opened his eyes to feel and see his body going back to its original state. It was painful once again, all his body parts ached from transforming. He whined like a dog would as his form started to go back. Tears were also present and he then knelt down while the rest of the transformation was taking place. Soon, there was just a naked boy knelt down, in tears. "S-sal...I...need clothes." All his former clothes were destroyed during the first transformation. Also, Ryou's body was numb now, he couldn't feel the grass upon where in which he knelt on. His head still throbbed from a big migraine. Only his eyes seem to have gotten better from the blurry vision from before, it was good cause he was about to see Sal normally.   


2000/2000 for lycan transformation 
385/3000 for bone armor

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Thu May 18, 2017 6:20 pm
Salzem smiled lightly as Ryou valiantly pushed the beast back down within, forcing it back under his skin and, in the process, leaving his clothes in tatters. Yeah... he had to get some special ones that covered him up when he needed to transform... He'd see if there was a tailor here in Konoha that specializes in... elastic clothing. As the kid took on his human shape once more, Salzem stripped off his heavy black jacket and threw it over the kid's shoulders, blocking sight of his body from his mid-thighs up. Without his jacket, Salzem was revealed to be wearing his Chuunin flak jacket over a white t-shirt with a Konoha symbol across his chest... Ah... What a patriot he was...

"There..." The lycan muttered, looking over the kid as he was covered in his jacket. "That should do for clothes in the meantime..." Salzem found himself surprised he wasn't feeling even a little offput about the... exposed nature of the younger kid before him. He preferred to think that he was so focused on Ryou's well-being rather than other things because IF it were anything else then he might as well drop dead right there.

"Lets get you home..." Salzem scooped up the child in his arms cradling him gently as if he were nothing but a baby as he carried him back to Konohagakure. "You need some rest..."


Claim nothing.
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Thu May 18, 2017 6:32 pm
Ryou couldn't feel the jacket on his skin, but he saw it draped over him. Then the white Lycan picked him up like he was a baby. As Sal talked about getting some rest back at Kono, Ryou passed out in his arms. he was peacefully resting in the arms of his "older brother." 

TWC: 2439

Lycan transformation (2000/2000)
Bone armor (439/3000)
12 stats
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Fri May 19, 2017 5:14 pm
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Wolf and his boy (Sal) (P)

Fri May 19, 2017 6:23 pm
Approved at both, go forth and spread the Lycan disease please
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