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Trafficking Empty Trafficking

Wed May 17, 2017 11:35 am

Vaken rolled his shoulders as he walked the streets of his home village. The wondrous Hoshigakure No Sato. He has awakened that morning to perform his usual daily ritual of showering and getting a decent breakfast into him before donning his shinobi gear and leaving just a bit after the sun rose. He moved passed shops, restaurants, churches and incredibly visually appealing statues, parks, and fountains as he moved through the city toward the mission center. He was going to make a bit of scratch today to put into his savings. He had been training a little too much and decided it would be good to get out of the training field for once and do a mission that was kept in the city. He smiled softly at the serene city around him as he moved. His crimson eyes taking in all of the sites as he moved toward the building. Of course the mission center was open twenty four hours for shinobi to go get a mission at anytime. After all real life didn’t stop for anything, and that meant missions were always coming in and being catalogued. The thoughts crossed his mind as well as many more as he stepped into the building and took a scroll from the E rank bin. He nodded his head as he read through the instructions and handed it to the receptionist who took his shinobi ID to attach to the scroll before he left. Then he proceeded to step outside of the center and body flicker toward the palace gates where he’d been stationed for the mission.

After arriving at the gates he’d crack his neck and turn to learn on the wall next to the information booth. He’d stand here until he saw people looking confused or walking up to the city map that was set on the information booth. Then he’d figure out where they were going and then give them the directions. A simple mission that allowed him to meet other people and get paid. It was a win-win. As he thought this he would look up and see the sun finally reaching a decent point in the sky, his eyes being unaffected by the brightness of the sun. He’d wager it to be around ten at this point and to prove his point a great amount of people, both civilian and shinobi alike began to take to the streets to make up what would commonly be referred to as the ‘Hustle and Bustle’ of the city. As this happened a tourist would walk up to the map and begin perusing it which is when Valen would step over. “Can I help you find something?” He would ask with a small smile. His eyes taking in the appearance of the visitor. She was an attractive brunette with green eyes and she’d seem to be a bit lost. “Yes, I’m looking for a certain restaurant. My family is meeting me there to treat me and it seems I’ve gotten lost. It’s called the Starlit Rose.” Valen would nod his head in recognition of the restaurant. How could he not? It was probably one of the most recognized names in the city as it was one of the most high class restaurants. He was confused though as it was open for dinner only. This told him she had either been misinformed or was just looking for it for later. “Well ma’am the Starlit Rose is about two miles down the main road.” He’d begin with a point of his finger. “It’s on the right hand side and it’ll be difficult to miss as the name is on the roof and the Tittle in ‘Starlit’ is designed to look like a star. But that restaurant doesn’t open for another eight hours at six for dinner fare.” He would explain as he turned back to her with a smile. “Thank you so much!” She’d say as he walked down the road, presumably to get a look at the restaurant for later when she had dinner with her family.

As she walked away another tourist would walk up to get a look at the map. This was was a tall man, at least 6’5, and had a worn brown cloak over his features, preventing Valen from getting a good look at his face. Still, our crimson wearing hero still had a job to do so he moved over to the man. “Can I help you?” He would ask as he moved over. The man would turn toward him and Valen could just barely make out an annoyed frown on the man’s face before he smirked and pointed at the map. “I’m looking for a certain church.” The man would begin simply as he pointed at the map. “The Church of Eternal Flame” He would say as he looked to Valen with what the teen could easily see as a smirk. Valen would nod at the man and point toward one of the largest churches in the city, the spires and a large cross prominently displayed for the world to see. “It’s about three smiled down this road and a left on 'Sunway Avenue'” He would say as he turned toward the building. The church was one of the most beloved churches in the city for the religious and it had a huge following of mostly shinobi hating people. The man would nod his head and begin moving toward the church, his hooded cloak billowing in the wind. Valen would choose this moment to call it quits, heading back to the mission center. The man had given him a bad vibe and he desperately wanted to track him down and keep an eye on him. He returned to the mission center and the receptionist marked the scroll as completed and gave him the payment before Valen went on his way. He began to move toward The Church of Eternal Flame to try to find that man and watch him.

He never did him though.


[Exit] Claiming mission completion and rewards of 500 ryo and 1 AP
Aryll Hyuuga
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Trafficking Empty Re: Trafficking

Wed May 17, 2017 11:47 am
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