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Luther Shinkou
Luther Shinkou
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Vision in the darkness [P][NK] Empty Vision in the darkness [P][NK]

Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:39 pm
Luther was walking about his house, carelessly dragging his wooden practice sword along the carpet floor. Luckily, it didn’t damage the carpet much as he slid down the stairs and swung with his hand on one of the support poles into the kitchen. “Hey mom,” he flew in halting before crashing into the sink. “I’m gonna head out for a bit to train.” Luther said, moving around his mother who was preparing some sort of meal while doing bills in another hand. –“Man, training is gonna be a pain without a real sword. Too bad I couldn’t take the one they let me practice with at the academy hmm.”- His mom looked up from her bills to her son. “Sure thing, be safe and don’t stay out too long.” She said. “Will do,” Luther walked down the hall and opened the front door, “Later!” He said.

Yes, there was much to practice today. Luther turned left after leaving his house and began walking directly up the wall of his house, proceeding to his roof. From the roof, he could feel the chilling air of Kiri, and the relaxing heat of the sun directly above him. “Time to get going.” He said, leaping from roof top to roof top. It would take a while to reach the position that he was looking for in order to do some proper training, however he was positive that by using even a wooden sword, he could get something done to some degree. On top of that, he needed to begin his practice with using his Meigan, as his parents often called it. They too had never mastered it, so they didn’t know too much about it and Luther tried many times before to activate his Meigan, but these attempts were all to no avail as expected. His father explained to him that the best way to go about activating his Meigan would be to focus via meditation and try to visualize only darkness without his mind (as dark as that sounded).

Luther arrived in a sort of flat area that didn’t have much to it. In fact, it was a roof top that allowed for a decently sized training area granted that it happened to be the roof top of a building. Wielding his wooden sword in his right hand, Luther walked about in the center slightly, thinking of what he would begin with learning. “Heck….” He muttered softly, “I guess I’ll give the Meigan another try.” He thought, placing the wooden blade down on the concrete beside him.

Luther was well aware that in Kiri, he would die if he weren’t strong enough. This is why his parents always wanted him to train, constantly, as weakness was a sin in the village. And for this reason, when it came time to begin the Bloodgames again, he would need to be at his peak of powerful. As of now, he has a plan for how he’ll go about his fighting. It requires doing a few things, but he planned to get them all finished hopefully even today. You must activate the first level of his Meigan. His parents only reached the first 2 levels. However, they do know there is a third, but they never knew how to learn / activate it sadly. “I’m tired of them worrying all the time, I gotta get stronger so that they can finally relax…. Mom already has so much to do with the bills and Dad’s helping out in the village.” Luther clenched his fist in front of his chest. “I will.”

Luther crossed his legs and placed his hands onto his knees. Easily, he straightened his back and closed his eyes to focus. However, before doing this, he looked around to make sure no one was nearby that could be of any dangerous, less his cause be reduced to nothing. Luther began to repeat his mantra. “Om…… Om…… Om……” He hummed. Then, he found himself fighting off thoughts that didn’t concern his training, like how his friends were doing, and what he’d be eating for dinner. “Focus on the darkness, focus on the darkness.” Luther repeated in his head.

In a short period of time, he found himself wandering on top of a mountain. Below the summit of the mountain were dark gray clouds and above were the stars. “What is this place?” He said, putting his hands in front of his face to examine them. They were normal and he was wearing the clothes he was wearing just moments ago. A strange feeling came over Luther. It felt like invisible hands were tugging slightly at his legs and arms, dragging him into…. He glanced over…. Into a large forest where the light seemed to fade into nothing more than an inevitable darkness, enveloping all the leaves and fruits of the forsaken trees. “This must be the path to the darkness.” Luther turned around and began walking along the rigid path of the mountain until he was just a few steps away from the entrance to the large forest. Each step seemed to brew a cold fire within him, he was drawn like a moth to a flame. As he entered, the darkness destroyed his mere concept of vision and all was but a shadow.

“Where the hell am I?” Luther asked. He didn’t feel the chilling mountain air that he had imagined before, nor could he feel that dragging feeling anymore either. But something else…. Something else seemed to have presented itself in the moment. A far away light shined through what now looked like the walls of a cave. He started to follow it and it seemed to distance itself farther and farther with each step he took. “Something being infinitely far away huh? Sounds like an illusion to me.” Luther said, stopping in his tracks as doing the same thing would have likely proved him no benefit.
Luther closed his eyes, only being able to tell that it he did due to the physical contact of eyelids. “Don’t act as if the darkness is some sort of hindrance. Your eyes can see through the darkness, and even more so, they can understand it. Meigan, grant me strength!” Luther spoke aloud. The darkness became a bridge of tendrils that seemed to be floating within space. Below and all around him were masses of darkness filled with stars. The tendrils glowed a bright white.
Luther nearly broke his meditation due to excitement. He had never seen such an insane world whenever he’d try to achieve his Meigan. Was this the power of meditation? Luther started walking across the various tendrils. Out of the ten, there would always be one that ascended one level higher. Luther continuously took the one that would take him higher and each time he arrived at a new level, he would observe the area carefully and go up only that tendril. Eventually, he found the last tendril and it seemed that nothing much after it was around. “So then… what now?” Luther wondered, he turned back and could see down the long trail of white tendrils within the pool of star-filled space.
“That’s odd. It seems the darkness of this realm has just embodied itself into a physical entity. Perhaps I’ll have to go to bouts with it in order to claim my control over the Meigan? If so, then so be it.”

A shadowy man appeared at the very bottom tendril and it ran up the tendrils. Luther scanned it trying to observe some sort of pattern. It didn’t seem to display any high level of intelligence as its navigation was minimal. At times, it would fall off the white tendrils but seemingly unravel itself in a rolling pool of darkness that floated back up and then reformed on another tendril.
“Well then, my clan was never a fear of the darkness. We embrace it.” He said. Luther dived from the top tendril and flew toward the shadowy figure. The shadowy figure seemed to gain more sentience the closer Luther reached it. Could it have been that the shadow needed Luther’s power to take root within the physical world? What had his parents called that form before? Yuumei… some form of dark energy. Yes. Luther dashed towards the humanoid figure that towered over him, and jammed his fist directly into the core of its body. “Yuumei, reveal yourself. My eyes do not fear you.” Luther explained. The humanoid figure glanced down at Luther, and the shadows of its body seemed to flow into Luther’s arm and turn his skin a dim gray. Luther saw a red tint over his vision that only stayed momentarily before fading into non-existence. The Meigan eyes were certainly red, so could that have been it. Cracks like chipping glass paned across everything in Luther’s view, as if the fabric of reality was being torn from right beneath him. In a flash, he opened his eyes and found himself still on the roof top in Kiri, his home village. But something felt different. “Those blue masses far in the distance…” He could finally see it. “I can see chakra. Yes!” Luther then looked at his hands, they weren’t gray thankfully, else his mother would’ve freaked out. His arms glowed a dark purple aura around them. “Yuumei.”

WC: 1550 
[Meigan: 1st level]
[Claiming 7 Stat Points] 
Madrigal Kaguya
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Vision in the darkness [P][NK] Empty Re: Vision in the darkness [P][NK]

Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:24 pm
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