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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Shichiro Hashimoto
Reizo Shōyu
Saya Kirihara
Arashi Tekiatsu
Sakana Meijin
Duncan Crawford
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:30 pm
(Please note I have permission from a Maku to Run this in his absence, it will, eventually, include the announcements of promotions for several characters)

Senshi stood at the head table as they, the civilians, they had brought finished setting up for the celebratory and promotion party. He had been surprised when he had received the message for Maku that there would be promotions in the works for several Kumo shinobi who had distinguished themselves during the war. Despite his surprise he was incredibly proud of he shinobi of Kumo, not only for surviving the war but at all Their successes. Tomorrow morning, before they left they would have a small Memorial for the fallen. But then they would be on their way, back to their wonderfully cold and rot smelling village. With their civilians who were I finitely better than these chakra hating fools.

Senshi looked out over the dozens of tables that had just been set up. Each table was he dark gray of a storm cloud, and the chakra were a matching color, with the cushions on them being a dark stormy gray blue. The plates, civil wear, and napkins were all the same dark stormy gray bluish color and it brought a smile to senshi's face to see it. He was on the raised platform where a single table was set, it had place marks for Maku, Akihana, Kyosuke, Arashi, Kyson, and Senshi himself since he had found himself running this shindig. He didn't know if Akihana, Arashi, or Kyosuke would choose to make an appearance, since it was a Kumo celebration and all. Never the less Senshi had ensured that they had places st the head table.

There was a small podium with a Mike to the far left of the raised platform, that Senshi would use to speak from once everyone had arrived. He was drsssed for the event. He wore solid deep black dress pants and shoes, his long sleeved button up shirt was the dark stormy bluish gray as the rest of the tables with the sleeves partially rolled up his forearms showing the burn scars and tattoo he sported. He wore a dress suit vest that was the deep charcoal gray of the storm clouds and his tie, tied in a double Windsor, was the same color. His ear shone with the dark red of his helix piercing and he openly wore his two tantos on his hips. The rest of his gear was in his stoarage displacement technique, but he refused to go anywhere unarmed.

He looked up as one of the civilians approached him, asking about the menu and he nodded before making a quick notation on her notepads and sending her off. As he did so he noted that several people had started arriving, including his current favorite civilian, the baby girl named after a Reizo and Saya. He ignored the rest of the people and civilians as they moved to find their places. The night sky showed over them, twinkling stars showing how it was a clear night with no threat of rain. Senshi offered a small smile as the couple approached him, they looked slightly apologetic. "Do you think you could watch her for a bit, so we can assist in the final set up?" Senshi just smiled nodding and giving his assent in his normally gruff voiced before accepting the baby. He rested her on his forarm bouncing her lightly and smiling as she gurgled at him.

He wondered when the true strength of his comrades would arrive, having arranged it so that all those tied into his telepahybseal could sit together.
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:24 am
In his room reading his saxophone book, studying each note carefully and learning to play basic notes. He had started getting the hang of playing the instrument. Understanding the tuning of the instrument and learning the keys of each note. He was learning music for the first time in his life. Every day he begin to learn little by little. Giving it one last play before he head out. What came out was the sound of peacefulness. Could be a little better, but he was finally catching on to the notes. Satisfied with his results so far, it was just about time to head out. His black dress pants and shoes. White dress shirt with a red tie and a black trench coat over it that went down to his thighs. He decided to leave his saxophone here, no use of bringing it. 

Well, today was the day. As he was walking though the slums, he saw the same gang members he once saw when he first arrived. Each and everyone one of them looking at him in a more respectful manner. Kyson would just give off a friendly nod to them. And as he did, they would nod back. He heard the party was in the same place where he was causing a lot of commotion, he thought it was a bit ironic. Well at least he wouldn't have no trouble getting there. The closer he got to the place the louder it was getting. Since this celebration was clearly about shinobi, he decided to change it up and not suppress his chakra. Since he was going to meet some of the Kumo shinobi.

As he finally reached, he saw all the tables there. Taking a stroll through the place and just observing. He looked at every table until he noticed a particular table that was marked. Looking at all of the names on the table, he had noticed there was a seat there for him. The only name he recognized was Maku and the Akihana. The others, he just assumed they were other Kumo shinobi. As he looked over towards the others that were present. He had noticed the Jounin he saw the other day. He seemed pretty miserable when they first met. So to annoy him, Kyson would look at him and wave with a smirk on his face. And then he would proceed to take a seat in the chair that labeled his name. Waiting to see who else might arrive.
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:57 am
It was finally time for the celebration and Max was excited. He was wearing his nicest white shirt and baggy, black pants. He wasn’t sure that he needed to be in formal attire, and to be honest he didn’t have a whole lot of nicer outfits so he hoped that this would be enough. The boy wouldn’t likely need any things to defend himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave his puppet pals back in his room. If something did happen, he would much rather have them on him and prepared to protect those he cared about. Without them he was a bit of a sitting duck.
The table was pretty huge, and this was much more of a party than Max had expected. There was a whole table dedicated to snacks and a whole separate one for various types of drinks. The boy wasnn’t familiar with all of the various beverages, so he just poured some punch into a simple plastic cup and sipped on it occasionally. Senshi seemed to be in charge of the event, and it looked amazing so far. Almost a bit too orderly for Max, but that was just how big brother Senshi was.
There didn’t appear to be any assigned seats, so Max would look around for a free seat near the table Senshi and Akihana were sitting at. Max hadn’t seen Lady Akihana for most of the time he was in Hoshi so far. Being the queen must be much harder and more time consuming than he could have ever imagined.

Max would notice a well-dressed man come over to the upper table, finding a seat that had a name card on it. If the name card was correct, his name was Kyson. Max hadn’t seen him before, and so he would wave at the man. “Hi!” He would say before going back to watching all of the people set the party up. Senshi seemed to have a baby and Max absolutely adored babies. His face would light up and he would wonder if he had a nephew now. They weren’t in Hoshi long enough for all of that, but Max was young and wasn’t super well-read in how long it took for babies and such. 
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:33 pm
Loud. Raging. Exploding. None of these words that could describe the party when Sakana entered the room. It was really just beginning so many people weren’t there yet. The Meijin had never been to a formal event before but he didn’t expect it to be like this. Actually he didn’t know what to expect. The genin himself seeming like an insignificant spec of dust among the people already there, he couldn’t imagine what it would be like when everyone was there. But he wasn’t insignificant, he was a jinchuriki, soon to be weapon of the village hidden in the clouds. His place wasn’t at the top yet but he would be there soon if he kept up his training.
He was wearing a black tux due to Senshi telling him to bring formal wear before they left the village. But he did feel a bit out of place, some people were in semi formal clothes, other just in their ninja gear. He just wanted to find a seat before getting food and drinks so he started walking around. He didn’t really see anyone he recognized except for some people in the front, those people being the chef, Max and Senshi standing at a raised table.
As he headed towards them he noticed there was a table at the front with more nametags. His name was there along with all names he recognized. On one side of the table was Komon, Komori, Max, and Reizo, on the other was Renji, Sakana, Saya and Satoru on the other. It didn’t really matter if people sat in that order but it was an easy way to tell who was supposed to sit at this table. He would wonder why Max was standing near Senshi and the cook but it was probably that he just wanted to talk to his friend.
He would take in his surroundings, looking at all the different people around, and looking for the people who were to sit at his table.

Last edited by Sakana Meijin on Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:41 am; edited 3 times in total
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:09 am
Arashi had no idea what it was that pulled him.  Why he cared, why he stood in front of a large window overlooking Hoshi, and still clutching the old headband from years ago.  He didn't spend as much time with the Kumo nin as he partly wanted to; there was just too much for him to do.  But still, the chances he did get, the spying he did; it was for a good cause.

These people weren't who he expected, and a small part of him was slightly disappointed that they would be returning.  He had questions, but more about the past.  There were some exceptions, of course, but Arashi paid them no mind.  Instead, he took a deep breath and sighed, turning towards his desk and picking up the invitation.  A Kumo event held in the city.  Whether by coincidence, the night they had chosen was clear, and Arashi had no concern about needing to keep it that way.  He debated going, but ultimately, he decided to go.  It was good for Hoshi, but also.... also he wanted to.  He may be a Hoshi ninja, but in his heart, he was Kumo.  If it hadn't been for Youka, he would have grown to be a Kumo ninja.

Arashi smiled as he wondered if it would have been him in Senshi's place, being the leader liaison from Kumo.  The truth was no, mostly because without him, without Aki and Den, Hoshi would just be a royal village under siege by rogues.  The young man went to his wardrobe pulling out formal garments with his family's crest, and put on the scarf that Akihana had found in Kumo.  He was going to go, and he was going to look his best.  The Tekiatsus were once one of Kumo's greatest clans, and he was the last one left.

Strolling out of the Palace, it was a very brisk walk to the venue, and he debated turning around once he reached the doors.  Tsuji was unavailable, so he couldn't take her on a date... no, this was just a thing for him.  Him, and Kumo.  Taking a deep breath, he pocketed his Hoshi headband, and wrapped his Kumo band around his forehead, letting his bangs naturally cover the dark blue band.  With that, he took a step in.

The place was already active, and looking at all the decorations, he felt like a kid again.  He had to stop a tear welling in his eyes, and recomposed himself before going to the main table, and to where the host was.

"I apologize for my lateness.  Thank you for the invitation." he said, addressing Senshi directly.
Saya Kirihara
Saya Kirihara
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:56 am
Shadows coated her figure, hiding her away in an obscure and secluded part of the established party. She was nervous. Rightfully so. Saya had never attended or dressed up so formally in her entire life. Prior to this event the only thing she could claim was her mother’s promotion in the hospital ranks, and even then that had been a semi-formal event. This, right here, had the young girl all dolled up in a newly bought dress and heels, which she had an extremely hard time walking in.

She silently cursed the red haired woman who had roped the poor genin into shopping with her. Kira was her name if she remembered correctly. The pretty lady in that bar. While Saya had quite the stamina from all her shinobi training, the kunoichi had the energy sucked right out of her as the pair went from dress shop to dress shop, trying to find that perfect outfit. Fortunately or unfortunately, Saya found hers near the end of their journey - a periwinkle blue formal gown. The shoes were absolutely fitting as well. It was almost fate that it matched with the dress.

The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) K2W30Nn

Spotting Senshi at the head table with Max and Sakana already occupying in different tables, Saya took a deep breath and steeled herself. This was going to be an arduous trek from one end of the room to the other, having to possibly use the chairs as accessories to help stabilize herself. One step. Two steps. So far, so good. Saya wobbled. A few paces of staggering in her friends’ general direction before the girl managed to right herself again. She must look like a fool.

How could anyone walk in these?! Saya had to wonder before finally reaching the sparse table, housing only Sakana. She eyed Max just a few meters away, but the girl didn’t think she could walk a few more steps. ”Hey Sakana,” her tone was a little weird. It didn’t have that usual “oomph” to it that indicated her confidence and apathy. Perhaps it sounded a bit meek. She quickly drew back a chair and took a seat, letting out a sigh of relief. Damned heels were painful.

Now that she wasn’t being tortured, Saya shifted in her seat so that she could really take a look around. There weren’t many people around. It was still sort of empty. There were two men that did catch her eye, however. One of them sat casually at the head table, his name card boldly in front. The lettering was a bit small, but she thought it said, “Kyton.” What a weird name. The other one simply entered and went straight to Senshi, giving him his greetings.
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:54 am
Reizo was dressed in a well fitted sleek black designer suit with black slacks and dress shoes. Underneath his suit jacket he wore a white button down dress shirt and a solid black tie which was unfortunately undone. It would’ve been a classic and conservative look had he been able to tie his tie, but he had no idea how. His hair was also cut quite a bit shorter for the event; it was barely past his ears in length, and his bangs had been shortened considerably and were swept to the side and a little up. The dapper Chuunin looked clean.
He arrived a little later than the invitation had directed, and there were people milling about, catching up with old acquaintances and conversing with one another. Most were dressed in fancy clothing, much like himself, while some shinobi who were on duty were clad in their uniforms. Lots of older civilians shared pre-event cocktails while the kids sat in groups of 4 or 5, eating bread and talking or playing games. There weren’t too many people around his age at the event, Reizo noticed. Most of the attendees were much older and brought their children and grandchildren along. Very few teenagers could be found, aside from a handful of young Chuunin who were on guard duty. The blonde had little trouble navigating the crowd to find the important people and his friends; he didn’t need his sensory abilities to know where they would congregate. He quickly located the main table where all of the VIPs would be seated: Maku, Akihana, Senshi, and some others. From there he saw a table where he, Max, the twins, and some others would be sitting. Saya was already seated there, with another kid around her age whom he may or may not have already known. The Chuunin noticed Max was socializing with the VIPs and Reizo couldn’t help but smile. There goes Max, always trying to get a step ahead. Whether he means to or not, that’s something that will get him far, Reizo thought to himself.
He also saw Senshi and another well-dressed man (Kyson) by the VIP table, with their ties seemingly professionally tied. The blonde lingered for a moment, hesitant to just walk up and ask how to tie his tie, but seeing Max mingling with them eased his concerns. Reizo approached the table and directed his attention to the unfamiliar seated man with the red tie, since he seemed relatively free. Reading the nameplate, Reizo addressed him. ”Um… ah… Pardon me, Kyson-san? This is a little embarrassing, but I don’t know how to tie my tie, and you’ve… done an excellent job on yours. Do you think you could show me how?” Reizo blushed. He had no idea how important this man was or if the honorific was even appropriate. He hoped he wouldn’t be chastised for his ignorance and ineptitude. He was 15 and had never learned how to tie a knot. Hopefully Kyson would be kind and either show Reizo how to tie it or tie it for him. Reizo stood patiently, waiting for his superior’s response.
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:11 am
Ah, t’was was time for a formal event. Was this going to be there gathering of the season? The one wives would talk about for weeks to come as they talk of the finger foods, and the dresses, and all the possible made up drama in between. Kira loved a good party, but formal ones were the worst. Why you may ask? Well she couldn’t get plastered. I mean she could, but it’d be looked down upon compared to if she was at the club making every person with a peter pecker between their legs buy her a drink. Thus was her life now though. Attending fancy events with people who she had to pretend to like. Well not everyone. 

 She had come to enjoy the company of the young girl who she had forced to go shopping with her earlier in the day. Considering it was a complete sausage party in terms of those who came from Suna, it was nice to be around some estrogen for a change. And considering how young the Kumo female was, her femininity wasn’t threatened. Maybe her feelings would chance once the child started to become a woman, but for now she would turn her into Kira’s Mini-me and lead her to the path of righteousness. She wasn’t sure why this sudden instinct to care for the young’un had come from but she hoped it’s go away. It felt Icky.

The duo had spent most of the afternoon searching through the shopping district for the perfect gown. Kira had tried on about 2,345 dresses before finding the perfect dress for the occasion. It was no surprise that the young beauty made it her own personal mission to catch the eyes of every single gent who was attending this ceremony. Saya on the other hand... Well, she was one and done. Although, she had some taste. It was a little too proper for the Uzumaki’s tastes, but she gave the young girl some props. 

And thus, here we are at this marvellous event. Patrons were quickly filling the large room. Kira had arrived somewhere in the middle of the influx of people. She didn’t want to arrive to early nor too late to avoid any unwanted attention. She sort of wanted to lay low and observe, still keeping her chakra suppressed just as she had done before at the bar. After all, the very people in this room contributed to her home being brought down to close to nothing. They weren’t bad people, that she knew from her experiences with them so far, but she still had her reservations. The girl was quick to find the bar located in the back of the room. She had fixed herself quite nice for an event that she didn’t care much about. She wore a sleek red backless dress that hugged every inch of her body. A slit went down the right side up to the lower thigh, leaving her right leg exposed as she walked. With it, black stilettos that gave her an extra six inches in height so she didn’t flat out look like a midget. Her 
ruby hair curled down over her right shoulder, leaving her perfect back exposed. Red lips perfected her look as well as a little mascara to make up heterochromatic eyes pop. Too long, didn’t read; She was looking F-I-N-E.

“Appletini please, two olives.” The girl asked the bartender at the bar. While most were finding their seats, Kira was finding herself a drink. “It’s an open bar right?” The Uzumaki couldn’t help but ask as she made love with her eyes to the muscular bartender preparing her concoction. “mhm.” The man’s husky voice let out, almost making Kira swoon. It was too bad she was taken or she would have rode him like a rodeo clown rides a bull on a Friday night in the middle of February.

 With her drink in hand, she turned over her shoulder to observe the crowd. Among them, she spotted a few familiar faces. She spotted Kyson at the elevated table with an attire similar to the one she saw him in last. He looked.. well, she couldn’t put her finger on it. She hadn’t seen him since they arrived at Hoshi. She wasn’t sure if he was faking it, but he looked a little too comfortable. The Uzumaki wasn’t sure was exactly to make of it so she let her eyes wander to the next individual and hunka hunka. Her Kumo Boy Toy was looking mighty find in his suit. She let her eyes scan every detail of his body before moving on to the next individual. Hey eyes fell on the wobbling Saya who made her way to the stud muffin. The girl looked cute in her dress, but she had to work on that walk. She was looking like a penguin on roller skates.

Kira continued her people watching, casually sipping her drink as she scanned all the faces, civilians and Kumo ninja alike. Before she knew it, she was already ordering another drink. Hey eyes wandered back towards Kyson as a boy had approached him. The Uzumaki took quick interest in this interaction. She couldn’t make out the words from where she was, but his timid expressions sure smelled of something great.
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:16 am

The streets of hoshikagure were filled with a bit more life than usual as the twins made their way to the party, following a herd of kumogakure shinobi. Hundreds of them where flooding to the building that the even was to be held in, and the hyuuzuki twins were no exception, a slight difference could be seen in their walk however as the two staggered around leaning against each other for support.

You see… In addition to the party it was also family game night. And game night was not to be skipped, so naturally the two decided that the best way to prepare for the party was obviously to have a heated match of beer pong, the two had mostly sobered down from the match that had happened like an hour ago, but still had enough in them to give them a bit of liquid courage.

As they entered the building with a swarm of other kumogakure shinobi Komon could be seen tugging on his black jacket as if to free it from its many wrinkles. Afterwards He’d straighten his posture to a ridiculous degree as he tried to appear sober, the crowd seemed to be much better dressed than Komon had thought they would be.

The twins had arrived in pretty casual clothing, Komon was dressed in a black jacket and a red undershirt… Nothing fancy.

Komon’s Clothing:

A fashion decision which seemed to make him stick out from the see of tuxes and formal attire, still trying his best to appear sober Komon would let out a smile as a server passed with a tray of finger food. Excited and the opposite of sober Komon would swipe a few of the edible arrangements while staggering forward all the while exclaiming “Don’t mind if I do” and popping them into his mouth one by one.

Komon would arrive at the table with a notice-able wobble in his walk and a bundle of food tucked between his arm and his chest, carefully ensuring that they wouldn’t fall to the ground. “What’s up guys” He’d say as he plopped down into his seat directly across from Sakana and Saya. Unsprawling his arms he’d let the various finger foods scatter and fall across the table. “Want some?” He’d ask as he took off his jacket and placed it on the back of the chair, now clothed only in his black pants and the rolled up to his elbows red button up.
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The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration) Empty Re: The Event Of The Year (Open, Kumo Celebration)

Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:37 am
Too many faces, both familiar and new, that the Hozuki did not care enough about to notice. He had sadly lost the match of beer pong, meaning that he was much worse for wear than his less attractive twin brother. Komori was wearing a Chick Wizard t-shirt that had been given as a gag gift by Komon and a simple hoodie. Why? No valid reason, just because. The chuunin was growing bored and apathetic towards his 'adventures' as a shinobi and just decided to relax. Komori would follow Komon's lead, grabbing too much food for one person and stumbling over to where Sakana and a girl that he had not yet met were. He opened his mouth as if to hit on her; however, he then realized she seemed much younger than was okay to do, so instead he said nothing. He set his mountain of food down on the table before reaching for his seat...and missing. He fell on the floor to his side before picking himself back up, brushing off his tee, and then sitting down in the chair. He hiccuped as he picked up some finger food and plopped it into his mouth. "Fey Ghuysh," he would say with his mouth full.
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